
Moving On from the past " CEO husband Behave yourself "

Afamous young celebrity whongrew up with fame and fake friends is betrayed by her boyfriend when he sleeps with her best friend ....She looses her first love to her best friend during There senior year of Highschool .No one knows what lies in the future .No one knows what lies ahead she decides to go in hiding in a state far from home were she meet a domineering CEO that Dotts on her and gives her every thing she needs but the ex now comes back into the picture will she move on or !!!!.they meet again bt this time around she is the girlfriend of awell known CEO of the Tang Family Wealth and there is no sweet momeries but hatred for him .

Iami_Musoke_Salwa · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 :"**First encounter with the CEO*****

I arrived at the airport at a half passed 5 ,we reached a bit earlier so i wanted to surprise my brother . i thought i needed to have trouble finding a cab but to my own surprise i found just one at the Airport which obviously i thought maybe it was mine to use.

I boarded the taxi of which there was a man in the back'  didn't take it so serious since shared taxi's are so common lately . but to my dismay i realised that the direction the taxi was taking ..was most probably not mine  Caz it went to the famous villa  of the Legendary Rich family in R.country so i asked the middle aged driver why he had led to this route , he didn't reply so i shouted at him and told him if i went missing my brother would not stop at anything to find me . but the passenger next to me just kept aloof . I could feel the dangerous aura coming out of him giving me goosebumps .I had only talked to driver and i didn't think it necessary fro me to talk to the passenger next to me otherwise that's how people get kidnapped and trafficked lately.

Human trafficking is a big deal lately ,some time i was watching news and they said a persons kidney is worth 3million$ that's a lot of money for a kidney that is not even yours and u don't have to have documents its illegal anyways so who cares abt right documents . well i kept quiet and kept drinking the cucumber water i had bought when the plane landed .

About 30mins had passed since i asked the driver why he drove to this part of the neighbourhood ,he kept driving and i didn't ask anymore

But i began to feel dizzy ,i felt like i could not breathe like i was suffocating PS I am allergic to garlic and i forgot to check the ingredients added in the cucumber water .

The car stopped, the passenger next to me got out of the car and came to open the door for me .i needed fresh air i was suffocating so i didn't reject moving out of the taxi  but before i could grab the door of the taxi to stand firm i felt my self black out .....every thing went dark and i could hear the hoarse voice of  the passenger next to me asking if i was okay  bt my throat was dry and i could not even reply to his question .i could not move even a finger .

When i was young most of the time i had eaten Garlic accidentally would be healed with a medically induced coma PS there's nothing doctors could do about it so they would give me an allergic injection that would stop the reaction and then the doctor would put me in a

medically induced coma so i don't suffer so much for at least 3-7 days .

So since then i was so conscious about everything i ate i just didn't think the 3mins of reluctance would lead me to one week coma in a strangers villa. It was around Monday midnight  that i woke up and thought i was dreaming .

I looked around it didn't seem like i was in a hospital ,it looked like a home but the furnishings of the home were luxury and a bit British style .i wanted so i moved around observing the house .heard foot steps behind me so i stopped and turned my back only to see the a man who looked like his early 30's

Very handsome ,tall around 1.75 meters tall his hair was flowing on his back but it didn't seem so long he was wearing a black  suit without a tie .i kept looking at him ,i wanted to stop looking at him so much but i lost the will it was more strong than the domineering Aura around him .so i closed my eyes and told my self to wake up'  i slapped my face continuously shouting " you came to drink water this man your seeing isn't real okay , it should be a dream so u wake up get a glass of water and drink " then i opened my eyes to my surprise the figure of the man was gone with no tress or sign that he was here. So i laughed and said u see he was not there obviously you were dreaming Shao wei  i smiled and turned to look for some water  only to be settled by a man holding a glass of water to my face teasing ,are you done dreaming?? i held my lips so tightly and said my bad and took the glass of water from his hands and drank all of it . i asked hey ain't you the passenger from the the taxi !! I mean the one who boarded the same taxi  with me from the airport? Hihii he laughed and then  held my hand and said I am Tang Roshen,CEO of  Tang Companies and you !!? Raising his hands for ahand check.

I heard about Tang companies is one of the biggest Companies in R.Country .I even heard that he was never seen with any one before so many people thought he was Gay ...

Oahu saw is he gay??? That's why he is speaking with me so casually like his known me for along time 

I just met this guy in a shared taxi he cant be Mr. Tang of the Tang associate ...this must be some kind of fraud .

I held out my hand and replied as natural i could .I am Shao weiwei Just finished school in CalU so i came to stay with my brother in R.Country  but i plan to get ajob maybe and rent out soon or later  .You can call me Mrs Wei or Mrs shao please  Mr. Tang its a pleasure to meet you .

Then i laughed so hardly and he kept looking at me like what was funny !!! So i told him so u expect me to believe your The Mr. Tang 

I kept on laughing and said okay wanna be Mr. Tang ...hahahha  let me grab another glass of water  wanna be Mr. Tang .

I turned back and asked him  would Mr.Tang mind having lunch with me !!! He looked at me still smiling and said sure after you Mrs.Shao

We moved to the dinning area  and food was already served .i looked at him with my eyes wide open and said I am allergic to Garlic hope non of the food include garlic .Mr. Tang said sure i know the doctor that checked your health said  u seemed to have eaten something your allergic to you need to be careful with the things you eat .So how long do you plan to stay in R.country !!

Well if life time seems okay then sure its life time i needed achange in environment  .things didnt go so well after graduation its along story.

But i will sure look for ajob after settling in my new apartment which i haven't checked out yet . speaking of my brother  can i borrow your phone after dinner i give him acall he must be worried sick .

After dinner Mr.Tang gave me his phone and i called my brother ,To my suprise Mr.Tang ahad already informed him about my accident and asked him not to worry about me .He praised him and said Mr.Tang was a gentleman and he actually informed me that he acame to visit me but i was in coma .He said mr. Tang had Got him a plane ticket to R.Country to come and see me and he was a gentleman to lend him his private jet to take him back home .He was very pleased when talking about Mr.Tang then he asked me when i was planning to look for job and what kind of job did i want to get . i just  didn't think about it yet but since he has spoken about it now i was thinking about going back to the entertainment industry .I began modeling back then was i was 5 ,i modeled for many famous brands and heard aTV and online show about me so i was thinking of getting my self an agent and rekindling my show bizz business because thats what i knew more anyways. there is alot of ups and down with enemies and all in the kind of business but thats all i cud get for now .

At least I am good with that . I Informed my brother about my plans which he agreed to and said he wished me the best of luck i promised to go visit the kids over weekends because i missed them dearly . I asked him to switch to video so i could speak to my niece and nephew  which he did and i heard them Calling me out And playing around in the backyard Zion is the eldest of my brothers kids and Zoewy is the second born .it was now that i realised that my brother's wife was already carrying another baby in her arms ...i asked ,surprised whose that baby ..he a laughed and said  his wife just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy "prince" woowh i was so happy i asked him to put him on the screen and its like prince sensed my voice all over sudden he began looking towards the voice on the laptop .holding out its tiny hands i felt like crying .(" FYI "  My brother just had prince 1month back his so cute .i love him so much and haven't seen him in person .but congratulations to my sister in-law and brother on having such acute baby .)

i ended the call after saying goodbye to My brothers kids .i was so happy i really love them so much. I was all smiles and i noticed  mr.Tang was no where to be found so i went to look for him .

About 30mins had passed since i asked the driver why he drove to this part of the neighbourhood ,he kept driving and i didn't ask anymore

But i began to feel dizzy ,i felt like i could not breathe like i was suffocating PS I am allergic to garlic and i forgot to check the ingredients added in the cucumber water .

The car stopped, the passenger next to me got out of the car and came to open the door for me .i needed fresh air i was suffocating so i didnt reject moving out of the taxi bt before i could grab the door of the taxi to stand firm i felt my self black out .....every thing went dark and i could hear the hoarse voice of the passenger next to me asking if i was okay but my throat was dry and i could not even reply to his question .i could not move even a finger .

When i was young most of the time i had eaten Garlic accidentally would be healed with a medically induced coma PS there's nothing doctors could do about it so they would give me an allergic injection that would stop the reaction and then the doctor would put me in a

medically induced coma so i don't suffer so much for at least 3-


It has taken me 3years to update been so busy after I left States and joined anew state settling in and redoing what i like most but now I am going to be updating everyday I am sorry to my readers for being late