
more than friend

The person that knows all of my secrets is you my friend and now I want to tell you one more secret and that is, I love you…. When we became friends I don't know when your presence became important to me, it was the best feeling when my heart tells me that you're the angel I was looking for and you're right next to me..... * My name is Peter Wright.. This quote wasn't exactly written by me, They're quotes from different Quoters so I merged them into one.. This is the story I'm about to tell you is about my love life and how it turned out to be in the end.. I can't exactly tell you, who my soul mate is.. You'll just have to wait and find out… Love is a very beautiful thing and also a curse, but when you find the right person to love, everything is going to be all right.. No relationship is perfect, there's always some kind of fight between the couple, but only the patience and tolerant ones make it work.. Love doesn't never any reason, just love for the sake of love, and love must be built, on trust, bond, tolerance, and understanding.. Without these, Love can never work and it will never last.. Some say Money can buy love.. Yeah fake love but not true love. Cause once the money is gone, so is the love and then trouble starts..So here's the story of my through the bumpy road of love and how I reached my destination...

Lawal_Dasola · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs

chapter 29



Charlene ➡ Oh my God! Angelina cousin! Look at you.


Angelina ➡ Oh my Goodness! Charlene?


Peter ➡ Oh no…. 😒


Don't be surprised to see my reaction, there is a very good reason why I reacted that way… Charlene is the cousin of Angelina, and they're both of the same age, People sometimes refer to Charlene as Angelina's b©dy double cause they almost look alike and I have to say Charlene was as h0t as her cousin, but there's a hvge difference between them. Unlike Angelina who was sweet, funny and full of love and friendliness, Charlene was the exact opposite of Angelina when it comes to all this characteristics…. She was mean, self-centered, and an arrogant b-tch, her very pres£nce irritates me. Back when we were kids, she and I would always fight whenever she c@m£ for a visit, In fact she was hated seeing me with Angelina, she would always find way or pl@ymean tricks to sabotage my relationsh!pwith Angelina… Even when we were teenagers, We would always quarrel.. On my 15th birthday, this pompous b-tch dared to sabotage an expensive chocolate 🍫 box Angelina gave me as my birthday gift, when nob©dy was looking, she sprinkled some h0t pepper 🌶 in it, Before the p@rty ended I decided to taste it cause the chocolate looked so tempting.. I nearly choked to death and drank nearly half bag of pure water when I tasted on of the chocolate.. Charlene as usual laughed at my expense, My 15th birthday p@rty ended up in disaster cause Charlene and I ended up having a food fight. Even as we began to adolescent age, Charlene made it her life's work to torment me as long as I was together with Angelina and I've despised her since then, and now that's she's here, I bet she's going to do whatever she can to separate me from Angelina when she realizes that we're now together.

Seeing her that evening made my b©dy tremble, I wonder why she was here and I hope she doesn't stay long, After she was done exchanging plea-santries with Angelina, she turned to my direction and gave me a mean stare and eventually let out a long annoying hiss.


I glared back at her without saying anything, all I did was give her the middle f!nger 🖕.


Angelina ➡ Hey Charlene! Didn't you see Peter?


Charlene ➡ Unfortunately, I did.. Hello loser. It's been a while.. I see you've quite improved.


Peter ➡ 😒😒😒😒😒


Angelina ➡ Peter!?


Peter ➡ Hey Charlene… I wasn't expecting to see you.. What cursed wind brings you here?


Charlene ➡ Well, as you can see.. I'm here to visit my cousin.. And celebr@te her fortune..


Peter ➡ What fortune?


Charlene ➡ Oh.. So you don't know? Well, it's a good thing she didn't tell you.. Angelina I see you're finally getting some s-en-se, it's high time you st©pped mingling with this… this.. Thing..


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Peter ➡ What'd you just call me??


Angelina ➡ Easy guys.. plea-se don't fight.. Charlene. Apologize now!


Charlene ➡ Why should I?


Angelina ➡ Apologize to my b©yfri£ndnow!


Charlene ➡ As if I'll do… Wait.. WHAT!? b©yfri£nd?


Peter ➡ Yes.. b©yfri£nd😏.


Charlene ➡ Is this a joke?


Angelina ➡ No it isn't… Peter and I are in love.


Peter ➡ L-O-V-E.


Charlene ➡ I don't believe this..


Peter ➡ Oh yeah. Watch this.


I pu-ll-ed Angelina close to me and plastered a k!ss💋 on her sweet redl-ips, Charlene looked as if she was going to have a heart attack.. (Which I hope she'll get).. After that, Charlene's face changed into a scary mean looking one.


Charlene ➡ This is revolting.. So Angel, you've stooped so low to be d@t!ngthis loser.. Honestly.. I'm disappointed.


Angelina ➡ Look Charlene! It's high you and Peter settle this biff between the two of you.. Come on.. Don't you think it's high time you guys st©pped fighting. Why don't you both apologize and shake hands?


Charlene ➡ Me? A whole me? Shake hands with this loser!? God forbid.


Peter ➡ You just re-ad my mind.


Charlene ➡ I'm going back inside.. Once you're done with this loser, meet me inside.


Felix➡ Hold on young lady!


Charlene ➡ Uncle Felix..


Angelina ➡ Evening dad.


Peter ➡ Evening sir.


Felix ➡ Evening youngsters.. I see you're all getting along nicely..


Alice ➡ Hmm, dear have they started alre-ady?


Felix ➡ They're about too.. But they're calmer than usual.


Alice ➡ Alright kids… Let's go to Peter's house.. They've invited us all to dinner.


Felix ➡ And one more thing… Charlene, Peter.. You two should behave yourself, okay?


Peter ➡ Alright sir.


Charlene ➡ Sure.


After that, we all went over to our house, My Parents were inside the house, they had alre-ady fixed everything, Dinner had alre-ady been set on the table.


Jessica ➡ Evening everyb©dy… Take a seat… Charlene.. Nice to meet you.


Charlene ➡ Evening ma..


Jessica ➡ So how's your flight? I hope it wasn't tiring?


Charlene ➡ It was fine.. Thank you.


As soon as we all sat down, the food was served or rather everyone served themselves…


Jessica ➡ Peter!


Peter ➡ Yes mom!?


Jessica ➡Why don't you lead us in a prayer?


Peter ➡ (sighs) Fine.


After that, everyone closed their eyes and clasped their hands, and I began to pray..


Peter ➡ Father lord, thank you for bringing us all together and thank you for providing for us…???


In that moment, I saw Charlene staring at my direction, she made threatening gestures with her f!nger trying to intimid@t£ me.. She even gave me a middle f!nger🖕, I didn't hesitate to give her an Uwaka 🖐 to settle the score!


Peter ➡ (silently) Your father!


Charlene ➡ (silently) F-ck you impotent b-stard.


Jessica ➡ Uh.. Peter!? We're waiting.


Peter ➡ Oh sorry… Father lord thank you for bringing all our loved ones together un-der this roof and thun-der 🌩 strike those who wish us evil… Father lord strike them dead with heavy black thun-der 🌩.. Let them burn where they stand or sit.


All except Charlene ➡ AMEN!


Peter ➡ Thank you father, thank you Jesus.


After that everyone began to eat, Charlene eyed me murderously, she was obviously mad from the prayers I just did.. After a while, Charlene purposely dropped her fork un-derneath the table, she bent down to pick it up.. Before I knew what was happening, I felt a sharp b!ow on my left foot.


Peter ➡ JESUS!


Jessica ➡ What is it?.


Peter ➡ I think there's a rat 🐀 un-der the table.


After I said that, I kicked Charlene who was right un-der the table , I felt my leg kick something squishy and bouncy, Charlene squealed as she felt my kick.


Charlene ➡ Ouch!


Felix ➡ Charlene.. What are you doing un-der the table?


Charlene ➡ Sorry uncle.. I'm looking for my fork.. I've found it.


Afterwards, Charlene c@m£ out from un-derneath the table tou-ching her one of her bre-sts. I smiled as I realized where my kick had landed.. Everyone remained silent after that and continued eating.

Minutes later, everyone cleared their plates, Angelina and I together with Charlene packed the dishes and took them to the kitchen.

After we took the plates to kitchen, Angelina and I went outside the house leaving our parents inside to discuss, We found a nice sp©t where we sat down together to chat.


.Angelina ➡ Hmm.. You mom sure knows how to cook.. It's nice for her to invite us to dinner.


Peter ➡ Yeah.. Everything would have been perfectly if Charlene wasn't pres£nt.


Angelina ➡ Hey! Don't let her get to you.. Besides she's not bad once you get to know her.


Peter ➡ Oh plea-se.. I've known her since we were kids.. She's as rotten as ever.. Did you know she stabbe-d her fork on my foot?


Angelina ➡ Seriously? No winder you shouted. I'm sorry.. Besides I wonder what's ma-king you guys to quarrel!


Peter ➡ She doesn't want me around you.. It pains her.


Angelina ➡ Don't mind her.. Just forget about her and let's talk about us.. After tonight.. No more being university students..


Peter ➡ Yeah.. By God's grace, we'll be graduates.


Angelina ➡ Yes.. Besides.. We should be celebr@ting.. You haven't signed on me yet.


Peter ➡ What are you talking about? I've signed on your shi-t..


Angelina ➡ Forget the shi-t.. I'm talking about me..


Peter ➡ Oh.. I get it.. Alright then.. Come here.


I pu-ll-ed Angelina closer to me and gave her a k!ss💋, we k!$$£d lvstfully un-der the moon light without a care in the world, in that moment , I remembered something that I was planning to discuss with Angelina.


Angelina ➡ Babe.. Why did you st©p? Is something wrong?


Peter ➡ I just remembered something! What fortune was Charlene talking about?


Angelina ➡ Fortune?


Peter ➡ Yes.. She said something about celebr@ting your fortune.


Angelina ➡ Oh… Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I was waiting until we finished our exams… Mrs. Aline offered me a chance to compete in a dance competition in Europe, if I win the contest, I get a prize money and also a job from one of the best dance schools there… I hope you're not mad?


Peter ➡ What? No! I'm happy for you.. This is great.. Congratulations.. This is a chance for the world to see your potential.. Go for it.


Angelina ➡ I don't know.. I'm not really thri-lled about it.


Peter ➡ Why? You love dancing! This is a chance for you to achieve your dreamer.. This is going to be great for you.


Angelina ➡ You don't un-derstand.. I don't want to be separated from you. If I go abroad, I don't know when I'll be back and you know long distant relationsh!ps don't work out.


Honestly.. I too wasn't thri-lled about her going overseas.. We had just started our r0m@nç£and it's too soon for us to split.. But I can't tell her to give up something she's p@ssionate about… That would be selfish and cruel.. It's better for her to go and do what she loves doing.. I would really miss though.


Peter ➡ Don't be silly! This is what you've always dreamed of, to be the best dancer you can be, and this is a chance for you to shine. I too I'm not happy about your dep@rture but it's for the best.. I bet your parents are happy about it.. Go for it.. You'll never know when you'll get another chance.. You've been given an opportunity, so don't waste it… Besides.. It's not like it's the end for both of us.. I'll be here waiting for you.. Thanks to modern technology, we can communicate online.


Angelina smiled, tears welled up in her eyes but she didn't let the tears fall, instead she hvgged me warmly and k!$$£d me warmly.


Angelina ➡ Thank you buddy.. I'm sure glad to have an un-derstanding and caring b©yfri£nd.. Like you.. Promise you'll keep in t©uçh.


Peter ➡ I promise..


Angelina ➡ Okay.. If things go my way, I'll even s£nd you flight ticket to come see me there.


Peter ➡ Sure.


After that, Angelina and I stayed closed together k!ss!ngun-der the moonlight, after a while, she left me outside and went back into their house with her parents.. I stayed outside for a while thinking about what to do if Angelina was gone.. We've always been together for so long and now that she's going abroad.. Things aren't going to be the same.. I'm sure going to miss her a lot…

After staying outside for almost an hour, I decided to go back inside the house, but before that would happen, I was intercepted by Charlene.


Charlene ➡ Hmm, looks who's out on the street.. Have your parents finally decided to kick you out of the house.? Good for them.


Peter ➡ Enough of the jokes Charlene.. What do you want?


Charlene ➡ Nothing… I was just imagining how you'd react when Angelina told you about her competition.. It looks like you aren't bothered.


Peter ➡ Look! Don't rub that in my face okay? This competition is a great opportunity for her, I can't stay in her way.. This is a chance for her to shine.


Charlene ➡ Wow! I must admit.. I'm surprised by your reply.. I never expected you cared for her this much.. Looks like your love for her wasn't just a scam.. It looks like you've finally gotten some s-en-se.. Well done.


Peter ➡ Are you done?


Charlene ➡ No.. Not yet.. I just want to let you know that, you should forget about Angelina cause once she gets to Europe… You'll be ancient history… I'm going to show her the best that life has to offer.. She doesn't need losers like you in her life.. She's destined for greatness and you on the other hand… Your fate is with the c0ckroaches.


Peter ➡ Oh yeah!? Angelina isn't like you.. She'll never be a vain and empty as you.


Charlene ➡ (angry) Vain? Empty? Who do you think you are Peter!? I'm a well made person, with lots of influential connections.. I could go to places you could never imagine.. And as for you.. You're nothing more than a guy with a degree.. You're the one who's empty ! I'm a winner.. I always win. And just wait and see.. Angelina will never even think about you once she gets the taste of success.. She'll be a star, a celebrity and you.. You'll be nothing more than a nob©dy.. Your life will be worthless.


Peter ➡ You know.. I was thinking maybe we could work things out but.. I see now that won't work.. You're crazy and you need help. The best thing about Angelina is that she doesn't ignore or forget about people.. No matter what level she's in.. She'll never forget about those she's had good times with.. So now if you'll excuse me.. I'd like to go back to my room and sleep..


Charlene ➡ Keep on talking loser.. There's a storm coming and once the dust is clear.. I'll be the one getting the last laugh… enjoy your last moments with my cousin while you can because it will be your last..


Peter ➡ Yeah whatever.. My advice for you is that, you should go see a doctor.. You're getting out of control. (B-tch).


After that, I walked away from Charlene and went back into the house… I began to get worried about her threats because she never fails to do what she promises to deliver.. But whatever it is.. I just hope it doesn't work out.. As soon as I arrived at my room, I la-id down on my be-d and went off to sleep.
