
more than friend

The person that knows all of my secrets is you my friend and now I want to tell you one more secret and that is, I love you…. When we became friends I don't know when your presence became important to me, it was the best feeling when my heart tells me that you're the angel I was looking for and you're right next to me..... * My name is Peter Wright.. This quote wasn't exactly written by me, They're quotes from different Quoters so I merged them into one.. This is the story I'm about to tell you is about my love life and how it turned out to be in the end.. I can't exactly tell you, who my soul mate is.. You'll just have to wait and find out… Love is a very beautiful thing and also a curse, but when you find the right person to love, everything is going to be all right.. No relationship is perfect, there's always some kind of fight between the couple, but only the patience and tolerant ones make it work.. Love doesn't never any reason, just love for the sake of love, and love must be built, on trust, bond, tolerance, and understanding.. Without these, Love can never work and it will never last.. Some say Money can buy love.. Yeah fake love but not true love. Cause once the money is gone, so is the love and then trouble starts..So here's the story of my through the bumpy road of love and how I reached my destination...

Lawal_Dasola · Urban
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23 Chs

chapter 27_28


There's nothing more better blessing than being a parent, but also being a parent is a very tough and back aching job…. Luckily for my husband and I, raising Peter wasn't that hard for us, in fact I'd say we were lucky to be blessed with a son like Peter.. Though he's our only child, we didn't spoil him like most parents used to do but in any case, the boy wasn't much of a trouble.

Peter has always been a shy and nervous one, He always sticks to himself and hardly socialized with anyone, Even though we're his parents, we too were having a hard time trying to communicate with him..

My husband and I were worried about Peter's nervousness and was afraid that he might grow up to be a lonely person, cause being alone in this life is a terrible mistake.. But then Everything changed when we relocated to Abuja and met with our neighbors, especially their daughter Angelina.

She sure played a big role is Peter's social life.. Unlike Peter, she was energetic, bold, lively.. She was the exact opposite of Peter and as it is said, Everything in life has its opposite and neither can do without the other.. If there's light, then there's dark, if there's life, then there's death.. That opposite attraction worked perfectly well on both of them.. Thanks to her, Peter was now a shadow of his former self but there are times where he reverts to his old self especially when he's alone with Angelina.

There's nothing more beautiful and rom-ntic like young love or love at first sight, Through out these years, I've been watching the two of them and I knew they were crazy about each other… Peter was shy as usual and Angelina was showing the fool all signs and signals.. I wonder if he doesn't notice or he chose not to notice, because everything step the girl took was quite obvious.

As it turns out I wasn't the only one who saw this development… Angelina's parents too were in support of their relationship.. We even met and discussed about the issue but the fun thing about those two wasn't their love life.. It was their disagreement and quarrels… Peter's father and I always have a good laugh whenever those two fight.. Both of them would quarrel and swore never to talk to each other again and before you know it.. They settle things and forget everything that happened.. Even as they grew up to become adults they sometimes act like kids but that's how life is and that's what keeps them together.

But recently, Something was different about those two… They don't talk to each other, they each glare at each other as if they were enemies… Peter who was always asking about Angelina, suddenly stopped, There was no more frequent visits from Angelina and each of them took separate roads when ever they went to school.

I wasn't worried at first but then I realized something awful must have happened between them… I always asked Peter if there was any quarrel with Angelina, he wouldn't give me a straight reply.. Even Angelina's parents noticed something was amiss and came one afternoon to discuss about the matter.


Alice ➡ Jessica… What's going on? Has Peter told you anything yet?


Jessica ➡ No… He hasn't.. I've been asking him but he never gives me a straight answer.


Alice ➡ Even Angelina too.. She's been acting weird.. I asked her if she had some kind of disagreement with Peter, she said no..


Wright ➡ And they're acting as if they're enemies?… I think they're putting us on.


Felix ➡ I agree with you… This isn't the first time you've seen something like this. Peter is a quiet young man.. Its hard for him to get into any kind of trouble.


Jessica ➡ Well, let's just see what's going to happen…


Alice ➡ Hmm… Oh.. I almost forgot.. Angelina will be going to a international competition after her convocation 🎓.. Looks like she's landed a job already.. Her lecturer gave her the offer.


Jessica ➡ Really? Well.. Peter too has a job waiting for him.. He was acquainted with one of nollywood's directors and the man promised him a spot in the movie industry..


Alice ➡ That's nice.. But it's a shame the two of them would be seeing each other.


Wright ➡ Don't worry.. As long as Social media is around.. They'll definitely communicate. So who's taking her to abroad?


Alice ➡ Oh… Her cousin Charlene will come and take her there.. She works over there as a makeup artist.


Jessica ➡ Wait o… Charlene?? The notorious and arch nemesis of Peter?.. She's coming here.


Alice ➡ Yes…


Wright ➡ Hmm, I smell trouble. Is that a good idea to let her come?


Alice ➡ Hmm, she insisted and besides.. She's the only one available.


Felix ➡ Don't worry Wright. I'm sure she won't cause any trouble.


Jessica ➡ Felix.. You're a dreamer.. Don't forget.. Peter and Charlene don't see eye to eye.. Their rivalry is eternal..


Alice ➡ Don't worry.. I'll make sure they get along.. Just fine.


Jessica ➡ I hope so.. I really do hope so.



Ha, ha, ha, ha..... 😂😂😂😂

Here in the residence of Maitama, David and his accomplice celebrate 🥂 their final paper which they're going to write tomorrow.. Amidst the jubilation, David stands up and shouts 🥂 in glee.


David ➡ Hip, Hip!


Everyone ➡ Hooray 🙌!!


David ➡ Finally… We're at the end of our road… By the end of tomorrow.. We'll be done with out final papers and we'll leave campus life behind us.


Cindy ➡ That's right.


David ➡ I'm also going to take this time and celebrate the breakup of Angelina and that loser.


Aisha ➡ L-O-S-E-R….


Jane ➡ Of course… Poor fool (laughs)


David ➡ Not only have they been separated but now! I'm back with my baby… Angelina and by tomorrow evening… I'll going to finally eat my slice of her national cake.


Salim ➡ Hold on… Eat what? If anyone is going to eat that cake.. It's me… Step aside.


Akambi ➡ Guys, guys, guys… There's no need to quarrel… Why don't you take turns in eating the cake? Besides.. Sharing isn't bad at all.


David ➡ I agree… Oboi… I can't wait.. After the exams.. The fun will start.


Zainab ➡ Is that all you guys think of?.. Besides David, what makes you sure that Angelina will f-ck you?


David ➡ Oh she will… I bought a sleeping pill.. I'll drug her drink, she'll think she's drunk and once she's half conscious.. It's kerewa time.


Zainab ➡ So what about Peter? Don't you think you should give him something to remember?.. Like a painful unforgettable memory or experience?


David ➡ Yes… You're right.. Don't worry.. I see the way he's been reacting towards Mrs. Nkechi… I'll write a letter about some nasty naughty stuff using Peter's name and I'll send it to her…


Salim ➡ Good idea… I'll drop it at her husband's house.. That should cause some real commotion.


Cindy ➡ Yes o… Wait… Did you say she's married?


Salim ➡ Of course.


Jane ➡ So that olosho is married??? Unbelievable..


Aisha ➡ Here I thought she was still single.. How did you know she's married?


Salim ➡ Oh.. I have my source… So once you've written the letter.. Just give it to me and I'll handle the rest.


David ➡ Good… I have some plain paper sheets… Who's got a biro?



Early in the morning… The entire student body gets busy doing their last minute reading before getting into the exam hall… Peter strolls around quietly while Angelina sways her body as she listens to some music in her headphones 🎧.. Meanwhile, David and his accomplice stare at Peter, laughing quietly and making scornful remarks about him..


David ➡ See the b-stard…. So alone..


Aisha ➡ He doesn't look alone.. He has his books to confide in.. (Laughs).


Cindy ➡ Let's go wish the b-stard some luck… I just can't wait to see what Nkechi would do to him… It will be a riot.


David ➡ Yeah… I just hope Salim has done his part.. Let's go see the loser.


After that, David and his accomplice approached Peter,.. Peter who was surprised by their presence, only stared at them to see what they would do next. After a brief moment of silence, David begins to talk trash to Peter.


David ➡ Okay Peter… I know you must be wondering why we're all here and we're here to wish you luck… Since this is be our last day together as course mates,… We'd like you to know that.. For what's it worth… You'll always be a loser… No offense.. You're a good guy but good guys never win.. They always lose and they'll always remain losers… Even here and now.. You're still a loser… You've practically failed in everything except in academic performance but we all know that's just for show.. It won't help you out there.. Losers like you will never win in this life.. Your future will be built on nothing but a mountain of failure.. I'm sure glad I'm not in your shoes right now.. And also.. I'd like to you know that Angelina and I will be having a good time tonight in my house… But since she's your friend.. You're invited even though you don't have any girlfriend or babe to keep you busy.. I'm sure the food and wine will… So if you like.. You can come.. It doesn't really matter anyway.


After that, David was expecting Peter to react and get angry but instead Peter smiles at his face and accept his invitation.


Peter ➡ Sure.. I'll be there.. But don't worry.. I won't be alone..


David ➡ Is that so?


Peter ➡ Yes.. She'll be present in your party.. In fact, I think she'll be the most attractive babe of all and I can't wait to see your face, as I have the best time of my life…


David get annoyed as he listens to Peter but then he restraints himself.. Before he could say anything, Peter excuses himself and walks away from them. As soon as Peter goes away, Salim shows up at the place.


Salim ➡ Hey. What's going on?


David ➡ Is it true that Peter has a girlfriend?


Salim ➡ Girlfriend?? Who told you that lie?.. He doesn't have any girlfriends..


Aisha ➡ I knew it… He's just trying to make himself look good… I can't wait to see him show at the party.


Salim ➡ Uh yeah… Okay now.. Let's go the exams is about to start.


David ➡ Salim… Have you done what we planned?


Salim ➡ Of course.. Come on let's go.



...... #EXAM_HALL 📝

Here inside the exam hall, The final year student of theater Arts give it their all as they write their exams, Some are writing the exams with smiles on their faces while the others write it mumbling and complaining… David who's having quite a difficult time, begins to look around hoping to find a way out of his mess, as he looks to his left, He sees Angelina who is above Peter staring into his work, She does it professionally and expertly making sure nobody sees her… Without thinking 💭 twice, David signals her and asks her for answers.


David ➡ (silently) Psst! Babe.. Angelina!?


Angelina ➡ (silently) What?


David ➡ What's the answer to question number two?


Angelina ➡ Number 2?


David ➡ Yes..


Angelina ➡ I'm working on it..


David ➡ Read out the answers to me..


Angelina sighs annoyingly and tells David the answer, The fool quickly copies it down without wasting any time, Unfortunately for him, Mrs. Nkechi who is the invigilator spots him and asks him to submit… David apologizes but Nkechi barks at him humiliating publicly.


Nkechi ➡ My friend, better respect yourself and come and submit… Dummy… Asking for answers from a lady.. You should be ashamed of yourself… I've been watching you since the exams started and you've been looking around like a goat trying to find an opportunity to steal answers… Don't make me tear your paper and make you carry over this course.. Come and submit.


David stands up feeling embarrassed.. He tries to compose himself but He was restless seeing the way Peter was staring at him mockingly.. Peter pulls out a tongue 😝 at him and then gives him the middle finger 🖕 as he goes to submit.. As soon as he submits his paper, Mrs. Nkechi asks him to go and stay at her office.

About an hour later, Nkechi meets David in her office, She sits on her chair staring at him coldly, David who tries to figure out what is going on, avoids her cold stare.. After a while, Nkechi brings out a piece of paper and drops it on her table, as soon as David sees the papers, he begins to shake with immense fear.


Nkechi ➡ From the look in your eyes.. I bet you know all about this paper.


David ➡ It wasn't… It wasn't me.. I had no hand in this.


Nkechi ➡ Don't lie to me b-stard.. Here in this paper.. Your name is written on it.. It says from your sweet lovable lover.. David.. You even had the balls to write down your phone number and registration number… You're lucky my husband trusts me… He was the one that saw it and gave it to me.. He even laughed at what was written.. It was funny but insulting… Tell me.. When did we ever have s-x?..


David ➡ (shaking) Ma… Ma.. Ma.. I swear… I was framed!


Nkechi ➡ Framed? By who?


David ➡ Salim…


Nkechi ➡ That womanizer… I know Salim.. But he's not stupid to come to my house and drop this paper… Your reputation of playing tricks or ruining people's name is known not only by the student but by also the faculty as well.. My intention was to get your expelled but that would be to cruel and I'm not that wicked… So how's here is going to be… I've already reported this to the disciplinary board and they've given me to authority to spell out the punishment best suited for you… Unfortunately for you.. You were caught cheating in an exam, so as your punishment.. You're going to carry over this last course so that means you won't graduate this year.


David ➡(agitated) Please ma.. Don't do this. I was framed honestly.


Nkechi ➡ Get out of my office.. Count yourself lucky you weren't expelled..


David ➡ But ma..


Nkechi ➡ Get out before I change my mind.. Fool! OUT!! NOW!.


Feeling the taste of his own medicine and feeling the shock of his plan backfiring at him.. David walks out of the office slowly dragging himself.

As soon as he gets out.. He rushes to the exam hall hoping to find Salim but as he gets there.. Everyone had already left the hall… David then rushes outside to see if he could find him…

Here inside the campus, Final year students of different faculties dress in their departmental attire, posing and taking pictures.. Some sign out on their course mates shirts while others leave the campus to celebrate elsewhere… Amidst the lively crowd, David desperately scouts for Salim but couldn't find him, as he roams out, He gasps in shock as he sees the unexpected… Just a few meters away from him, Peter and Angelina stand under a tree sharing a rom-ntic k-ss 💋 and a selfie… Unable to control himself, David barks out in rage. His sudden roar attracts attention to himself.


David ➡ What is the meaning of THIS??? Angelina… What's going on?


Angelina ➡ Sorry baby… I guess you got played.


David ➡ What??? I thought…


Angelina ➡ You thought what?.. That I was going to be with you.. So that you can eat my national cake…. No.. I don't think so.


Peter ➡ Guess who gets the last laugh now? Who's the loser now? Me or you?


David ➡ You're going to pay for this..


Peter ➡ Pay for what?… You did this to yourself… You caused all of this… I bet you didn't think I would know of your wicked plan.. Of course.. Angelina and I know all of it… Thanks to happiness and of course.. Salim..


David flinches as he hears Salim's name.. He glares murderously at Peter, who smiles triumphantly at his face..


Peter ➡ We knew of your rotten plan in the nick of time.. That little display of argument and insult was all a play.. Let me tell you how you the flaw in your plan.



Angelina ➡ You heard me.. What are you going to do about it?


Peter ➡ Better watch your mou..??? Wait… What did you say the guy's name was?


Angelina ➡ Akambi.


Peter ➡ That's strange…


Angelina ➡ What's strange?


Peter ➡ Zainab told me his name was Adam.. She said that he was her ex.. He was a s-x an-l maniac that's why they separated.


Angelina ➡ Ha, ha, ha, 😂.


Peter ➡ What's funny?


Angelina ➡ I can't believe you believed her.. She's lying to you… That B-tch can lie..


Peter ➡ What's going on?


Angelina ➡ Look.. I've known Zainab longer than you.. After the devil, she's second biggest liar, also she's also a smooth talker, she can easily convince people to believe her lies… I've seen the guys Zainab go out with and if they don't have luxury cars and iPhones.. She doesn't go out with them… God! I can't believe you believed her story. (Laughs)


Peter ➡ Okay, okay.. So she's lying.. So this means this photo and rumor is nothing but fabrication..


Angelina ➡ I'm starting to suspect that Akambi as well.. I bet he has connections with you know who.


Happiness ➡ You're right.


Angelina ➡ Happiness.? When did you get here?


Happiness ➡ I was passing by when I heard your loud voices.. I was afraid you were going to fight.


Peter ➡ So you know about this issue?


Happiness ➡ Not really but I do know this.. That Akambi guy or whatever his name is.. He's in cahoots with David and the rest.. I used to see them in one suya spot in Maitama resident.. When I heard about the rumor and saw the picture.. I knew this was David's plan.


Peter ➡ That b-stard… God! If I get my hands on him..


Angelina ➡ Don't bother.. Besides we're in our final year and if you fight.. Those 5 years you spent will be gone and wasted…


Happiness ➡ Hmm.. Someone's phone is ringing.


Peter ➡ It's mine…. Excuse me let me answer this call, it's from Salim…. Hello kwarto how far?


Salim ➡ Guy… I'm here outside the students lounge.. It looks like David and his b-tches are behind the rumor and the photos going around.


Peter ➡ Yeah.. We just found out now..


Salim ➡ What are you going to do?


Peter ➡ We're going to play along and you should also play along as well and listen to their schemes.. Angelina and I are going to turn the tables around..


Salim ➡ Okay.. I hope this works out.




David listens attentively as Peter tells him everything… Peter also tells him about the letter which he used to against David.. David grunts angrily as Peter unravels and uses his own rotten plan against him.


Peter ➡ You think you're smart? Your evil schemes weren't enough so you tried to get me into trouble with Mrs. Nkechi… When Salim told me about your phoney letter.. All we had to do was put your name, phone number and reg no… Here's an advice for you.. Never play dirty with someone who has more brains than you.. This should teach you a lesson from now on.. And also.. I hope you wrote something meaningful cause the answers Angelina gave you was wrong.. What you copied was rubbish.. So now if you'll excuse us.. I would like to have a private moment with my lady here. Looks like I'll be the one having the fun tonight (wink) 😉.


David who was speechless and humiliated beyond words, quickly leaves the place but not before he was laughed at by the people around the place as they see a paper hanging on his back which says "L-O-S-E-R ".



After the exams, Everyone had fun celebrating their final days in campus and most of the people had a good time especially Peter and I… After David was publicly humiliated.. We went around the school in taking pictures and signing on each other's shirt.. After that, We went to left the campus and went to restaurants to celebrate our final exams.. We were accompanied by Happiness, Salim and the rest of Peter's friends.. We talked, laughed and joked about what happened to David and his accomplice.. After the exams I cut ties with the rest of my fake friends.. I deleted their numbers and forgot all about them.. I later found out that Akambi was cindy's cousin.. The Idiot tried to call me but blocked his number but not before I sent him a text filled with insults and unpleasant names.

After spending almost all of the entire day going around Abuja, Peter and I finally went home to relax… That evening we walked back home holding hands,.. I even had Peter carry me on his back as we were about to reach home..


Angelina ➡ Ah finally… Your back is comfortable and your grip is tight.


Peter ➡ Don't get used to it, buddy.. Cause once we get home.. I'm dropping you off.


Angelina ➡ Well, I'm not getting off this back..


Peter and I finally reached home minutes later, as soon as we reached my door step, he dropped me off and held my wa-ist.


Angelina ➡ What?


Peter ➡ Don't I get a k-ss?


Angelina ➡ What happened to shy Peter? 😏


Peter ➡ He's not here at the moment.. So do I get a k-ss?


Angelina ➡ You don't have to ask.. Pucker up babe.


Peter pulled me closer holding me tighter, I was surprised he was starting to get a little bit confident.. But I preferred the old him though.. As just we were about to k-ss, The door opened and we were rudely interrupted.


Charlene ➡ Oh my God! Angelina!! Cousin.. Look at you..


Angelina ➡ My Goodness! Charlene???


Peter ➡ Oh no…