
Moonlight Sorcerer of Petulando

Concealed from the eyes of the plebians, the land of Triogle, lived long years of peaceful magical life, deep down the southern pacific ocean. Severing themselves into three powerful lands as per their status, the ancestors of Triogle shielded their habitats from the so-called plebs. Edmund Wren Zelano, a bright teen of petulando, adores his life to be born with magic on the tip of his fingers. He falls onto the path of grieve, when his father starts to restrict him from practicing Sorcery. Reality hits him hard, when people starts to look at him with pity and derisive eyes, since the people of Petulando can't resist to live without magic. Edmund takes a huge leap in life, when life without magic turns as a torture to him. In his attempt to live the life he yearned, Edmund takes a huge decision, that completely flips his life apart, making him meld with the land of the Originals. In his attempt to become the best among Petulans, Fate forces him to unfold all the darkest secret of the Ogle, that no man could ever unfold. Tune in with the magical venture of Wren, the boy who can't use MAGIC! ---------------------- P. S ( Tag: Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, adventure, weaktostrong) This is my second entry to WSA, hope you give your strong support to MSOP. I'm sure you'll this fantasy and the adventures of Wren. Hope you'll guys support my work! Enjoy!

Shamira_Farhath · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Secrets aren't always helpful

The air which was pleasant all day turned completely spooky and chill upon the encounter of someone, which they both never dared to expect.

There are times people annoy us having no intention to do so, which make us turn our face to them, even though we sort of have fear for them.

But, you can't complain the people for that, since they don't know your urgency, until you tell them.

So, it's not wise for a person to act rude towards people in tense situation, cause harsh actions some times would make you end up losing those good people from your life- while those actions can never be erased too.

Inspite of acting in a rush, Evelyn was always appreciated for such good manners, which saved frustrated Vernon that day.

"Good morning, Mr. Zyke! Do you have anything to tell us?", Elbowing her friend before he could spill some nonsence, Evelyn hurried and asked her Professor politely.

" Seems like you're in a rush somewhere? Can't you lend a moment to your professor", asked Mr. Zyke in his deep tone, which sounded merely like a threatening but not so.

Evelyn was surprisingly too brave that day, a girl who can't even take an angry stare from someone even just for fun.

" Yeah, we're on our way to pick the snack we ordered minutes ago. Its already time to pick up", Evelyn pretented to be cool, while her eyes tried to sneak through the roughish appearance.

It was all punctuality and order at Mendus Jade, where people need to wait patiently for anything they request for and get those back on time inreturn.

The six foot tall man, who had a slight smile in the tip of his mouth, looked too easy going that day, looking at them both in a happy way.

Evelyn looked at him with confused eyes, whether he accepted to let go of them or not.

" Well, I've been wanting to meet you both since last week. Just wanted to ask something I'm curious about!", said he, the hard-looking father, with a chortle.

His words made them both feel a sudden heat in their stomach, which travelled all the way to their face.

Zyke never said he was about to ask something bad nor he said it was something good.

WHAT IS HE GONNA ASK - Evelyn whispered to Vernon biting her teeth, pretending to smile infront of her Professor.

" Yes, Mr.Zyke! what is it?", Vernon then showed his valor, by asking back a question with a straight face, in a very humble manner as well.

While Mr. Zyke was blocking their way, they got a peek of students behind his back, rushing to the camp in numbers upon the alarm of the reviving bell, that literally denoted the end of time.

Their legs danced in urgency, getting caught in an uneasy situation, not able to save a spot for them at the test, inspite of having pleasing ability to run.

" MMHHMMM!!!!..."

The thunderous groan of Zyke made them comeback to where they left, he wanting to ask them something he was curious about.

Right that moment, Evelyn and Vernon made a decision to listen to his words like the Night's friend, so that they could to run off to the camp as soon as possible.

So, with all their hearts and minds, they both listened to him like an owl, which could sit at a trees branch all day long, practicing the most formidable habit of patient observer.

YES MR. ZYKE! WHAT IS IT YOU'RE CURIOUS ABOUT ? - asked the devotee of mannerliness in her sweer tone with a pretty dimpled smile.

Covering his hand inside the right pocket of the mantle, Mr. Zyke continued to the teens in confused tone, " Well, I'm pretty sure about your parents guidelines and preferences ever since you were kids. Even, there are instances I noticed how both your parents behave to the people if things didn't go as per their preferences. It puzzled me up to spot you both in such a place, which might be the far most controversies next to the Quesec's"...

While he said, the eyes of both widened to the greatest diameters, pouting their mouths engrossed in what he was about to say next.

Feeling not okay with any of Zyke's words, Vernon interrupted him with a frustrated smirk," Quesec's... What is it about? Why do you compare us with them...?".

With what he said, Mr. Zyke gave a perplexing laugh, that eventually made them both sense a sign of danger.

" Teens these days aren't aware of what's happenening around and it's a worry y'all take decisions of your own in age where a stars look like moon. What's your business there at the Grieve's woods and what made you stay there all night?...".



" Well...!"

The secret they both promised to keep up inbetween them which couldn't last even for a week, was brought to the knowledge of someone more dangerous than the people they protected the secret from.

Zyke demanded them to spill out the truth to him, while he made them clear about his main intention to approach them.

" While there is only one day left for Wren to return, there are things I want to know from you both, since I don't totally trust orders of Bleakville as well as the Ministry. Let me first betold of the woods first, then I'll move onto Wren".