
Moonlight Sorcerer of Petulando

Concealed from the eyes of the plebians, the land of Triogle, lived long years of peaceful magical life, deep down the southern pacific ocean. Severing themselves into three powerful lands as per their status, the ancestors of Triogle shielded their habitats from the so-called plebs. Edmund Wren Zelano, a bright teen of petulando, adores his life to be born with magic on the tip of his fingers. He falls onto the path of grieve, when his father starts to restrict him from practicing Sorcery. Reality hits him hard, when people starts to look at him with pity and derisive eyes, since the people of Petulando can't resist to live without magic. Edmund takes a huge leap in life, when life without magic turns as a torture to him. In his attempt to live the life he yearned, Edmund takes a huge decision, that completely flips his life apart, making him meld with the land of the Originals. In his attempt to become the best among Petulans, Fate forces him to unfold all the darkest secret of the Ogle, that no man could ever unfold. Tune in with the magical venture of Wren, the boy who can't use MAGIC! ---------------------- P. S ( Tag: Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, adventure, weaktostrong) This is my second entry to WSA, hope you give your strong support to MSOP. I'm sure you'll this fantasy and the adventures of Wren. Hope you'll guys support my work! Enjoy!

Shamira_Farhath · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Caught with the dark



Inspite of jealousy and dominancy, it was the rules of Canon that maintained peace and intellectuality at triOgle.

Noble men as well as cheiftains administered the land in power as well as in fear, as the rules were fair for everyone, whether it comes to Nobles as well as the Commoners.

Fortunately, this was why the tri-capitals of Ogle were the happiest on the world, irrespective to the buggages on few minds.

As usual, life went smooth at the capitals.

It seemed like kids prepared for the C.R.O.W (Comb for Rancouter, Over-powered and whimleons)

Students from elementary to high school had to attend the test, since C.R.O.W helped to indicate, which Guild level an individual might fall in.

Petulans never cared even if few wealthy ones from Hepton were against C.R.O.W, as they believed it to be a helping bridge for youngsters, to find who they are and where they fit in.

It seemed like students were busy at Mendus Jade, rammaging here and there registering their names for the test.

" Will you be joining without him? I can't break the promise!", Evelyn asked vernon worried, while they both walked towards the camp as slow as a tortoise.

Vernon seemed quite clear about his decision, which was at the same time not in his hands too.

With a sigh, he spilled out whatever he had on his mind. " Sometimes, we happen to be the ones who put as well as break the promise, while things slip out of our hands or may be things never happen the way we want. I'm merely dragged into such situation, as my father isn't happy with my friendship with Edmund. Having full knowledge about how I feel these days, he's putting all the pressure to take C.R.O.W this month..."

Before he could finish off his words, Evelyn defended impatiently being fed up by his irrational reasons." Will you do anything if he forces you? Then, what's the purpose of promises and being true to each other? Can't you foresee what he'll think about us if we do things without him? More than all, I'm afraid he'll misunderstand us thinking that we look down on him due to his helpless situation."

Vernon listened to her silently but with a sly look. His eyes looked annoyed, head tilted, chin lifted up and arms crossed over chest.

" To your information, we're just registering our names now. Still we got a month left for preparation. I'm not someone who do things without a thought and if I was someone who listens to whatever my father says, I wouldn't be with Edmund first of all. My name would be at the validated list and Edmund's would be kept at stand-by until his return. It's you who should decide right now".

Evelyn got stunned by his fearless attitude. In her eyes, for the very first time Vernon looked completely cool.

Its so brave of him to take a decision, since he would never know how Mr. Zyke would react involving Edmund in the affairs of occultry without his consent.

She smiled at him out of a blue, which kind of threatened him.

" Will he be returning tomorrow? More than my excitement, I kind of feel nervous about his return", slowling taking the steps towards the camp, Evelyn asked her friend in curiosity.

Vernon felt happy to hear something good after all those recent confusions.

" Nothing stays firm incase of bleakville. I wish he would return as soon as possible", said vernon bothered, having knowledge about how uncertain issues around bleakville was.

As a good friend, he never wanted to ruin his friends happiness. He hid rest of his knowledge about it from her, turning his sorrow into a wide openened smile.

It was at the temporary camp made at the campus, students stood in queue inorder to register their names.

When they were about to join the queue, both of them bumped onto something, too strong as if a wall.

" Ahh! What's that?", Evelyn frowned her head in pain, whose forehead got hit.

Brushing off her forehead, when she looked infront, the scary appearance of the man made her go haywire.

Trembling, when she looked beside it seemed like Vernon already confronted the man infront, whose eyes got fixated on him in extreme fear.

" AH! ...Evelyn! Why don't we go fast? Its time for us to get our snack", Vernon more or less stuttered to her, gradually taking her hand to escape.

It seemed like they got caught up with someone too harmful, whose shadow kind of covered both of them.

The man to their opposite who hid his formal attire in the thick green cloak, took of his hood clearing his throat which merely threatened students who passed by.

The familiar posture of the man with sweep crossed hair and beard van dyked, broad shoulders so wide and protuded as if a bullock, brows too close to the eyes always looking angry, made them get frightened inspite of doing nothing wrong.

The persistant aura of the man was way more scarier than hideous lonely witches at the abandoned houses who sucked glistening memories of kids who walked alone.

Petrified by the stare of the huge man, who had lot of phases in life as a father as well as a heart-broken husband, Evelyn and Vernon stood still in extreme trepidation, nervous about what, the man would ask them, putting it the other way, what Mr. Zyke would ask them having total control over them having working as a professor at Mendus Jade.