
Moon Touched Child of the Sea

Born of the Sea. Connected to the Dream. Fear the Old Blood. Fear the mad Titan. Don't expect too much from me I am not a great author. This idea has been in my head for a while, and I figure this will get it out of my system.

HangerBaby · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
21 Chs

Ch. 3

I decided to play it safe. What I mean is, I wasn't going to charge in yelling even if I did have a weapon. Crouching down and sneaking into the room, I got behind the beast and when I felt I was in range I swung the heaviest of hits. With the beast getting stunned, and with me not getting distracted by my arm changing, I slammed my clawed armed in the beast and ripped whatever I could grab out. Blood flying everywhere, coating me in the process, I dash to the front of the beast and slammed my axe on it's head, successfully splitting its skull and killing it at the same time. You may be wondering where my axe went when my arm transformed, all I can say is that I think it also turned into the claw, I didn't throw the axe away before the viceral and I didn't store it in some system inventory, I don't even have one which sucks, so I believe it also joined my arm in the change. If I think about it the fur on my arm was thicker and my claws were sharper, but thats only a guess.

Either way with the beast dead I entered the next room that had a door leading outside. Before walking out though I saw a man dead in the corner and I decided to check him for anything of value. You may think that doing so is wrong but I see it as trying to prolong my life. What I found while not exactly world shaking, was in any case very helpful, just a couple blood vials. While before talking to Iosefka I wouldn't have thought anything of it, know I knew they held healing properties.

Walking outside I found myself in a grave yard... I'll give you a second to think about the fact that right outside a clinic was a grave yard... Ok now that you've thought about it and realized just as much as I have how bad of a selling point that is let's continue. As I walked past one grave something reflected the setting sun, and as I looked down at it I realized it was ammo, more specifically Quicksilver. It was a joyful moment as now I had ammo, so I proceeded towards the gate on my right. As I mentioned I don't remember much about BloodBorne other than it's weapons and it being a game in my past life, so you'll find that I was surprised to find the gate locked and refusing to budge. Turning around and going towards the only other gate I found that I could push it open. Coincidentally it squealed its way open and alerted a madman to my presence, I only knew he was a madman as he charged at me dragging an axe yelling "Away, away." Swiftly extending my axe, I sent a vertical slash right at his head splitting his skull, coating my axe in brain matter and covering me in even more blood.

Looking around I saw a large portion of Yharnam before me, in all it's horror it held a certain elegance, if you've ever seen a Gothic style city you know what I'm talking about. Going down a set of stairs I found another dead body, not being too suprised at the body as I have already seen quite a few I decided to search it, that's when I found even more blood vials. Turning around and going down the only path available to me, while covering my nose, I passed a broken down stage coach with dead rotting horses next to it. Seeing another gate I decided to try and open it, unsuccessfully I might add so I turned around and walked towards more broken down stage coaches and what looked to be a lever. Seraching the body I found more blood vials and decided before I pull the lever I would finish exploring the path before me. That's when I found two madmen laying down, I guess they were trying to pretend to be asleep or dead, either way I killed them both and found malatovs and a lighter in a box next to them. Deciding there was no better time I pull the level, looking around to see what it did I was suprised to hear the slamming of of a ladder right next to me, I won't lie it did make me jump. Climbing up it I found a lamp with the little white creatures hanging around it, kneeling down and holding one of the creatures out stretched arms the lamp lit up and brought me back to the dream.

Looking around I saw that the work shop was actually open this time, so I walked up the steps to find that the shop was quite small with weapons hanging on the walls and there being books all over the place. The only other person in the room though was sitting in a wheel chair, he was wearing old victorian style clothing with a top hat and all. I decide to walk over to him and as I got closer he said, "Ah-hah, you must be the new hunter. Welcome to the Hunter's Dream. This will be your home, for now. I am... Gehrman, friend to you hunters. You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it..." Taking a deep breath her continued, "This was once a safe haven for hunters. A workshop where hunters used blood to enhance their weapons and flesh. We don't have as many tools as we once did, but... You're welcome to use whatever you find. (Whispers) ...Even the doll, should it please you..."

Hearing him say that last bit was weird, it wasn't said in a creepy manner more so in a way that sounded like there was more to the lifeless doll then could be seen.

"Thank you Gehrman, I was wondering though if you could teach me anything related to the hunt if you wouldn't mind." I responded

"My old bones prevent me from doing such but if you ever have question I'll do my best to answer them." He said.

Deciding to keep it simple for now I asked, "Why are beast and madmen running around Yharnam?"

"The people of Yharnam are infected and the longer they hold out against the transformation the worst the beast they become, if you seek more answers then the healing church will be able to aid you better, just remember one thing seek the pale blood." He responded.

"Thank you, I believe I will have a look around at these books for now"

"Yes, quite well, anything in here can be used by you if you can find a use for it."

Walking around I found a few books that looked to be of use to me, including a few journals of past hunters and even maps of Yharnam and its surroundings, including Old Yharnam, the Cathedral ward, the Healing Church Workshop, and the Upper Cathedral Ward. Reading through some of the books and journals I even found quite a bit of history like how the hunters are a group of warriors who are dedicated to keeping their regions safe by hunting down beasts - or anything other than beasts if need be - that pose a threat. Even finding that Gehrman was a hunter of the Healing church and that it is believed that the Hunters started out as a branch of the Healing Church very much like The Choir. This would mean that, at least in Yharnam, Hunters were recruited by either Gehrman or the Church itself. I guess some of this stuff is speculatory work as the hunt has most likely destroyed quite a bit of history, but if it's true then that means Gehrman lied to me.

Deciding that I'll deal with that later I headed back to Yharnam. As I stood up from the lamp in front of me I heard coughing coming from a window near me, walking over to see if the person inside was sane or not and if they could help me I called out, "Hello? Is there anyone in there?"

"Oh you must be a Hunter, and not one from around here either. I'm Gilbert, a fellow outsider. You must have had a fine time of it. Yarnham has a special way of treating guests. I don't think I can stand if I wanted to, but I'm willing to help, if there's anything that can be done." He starts coughing before he continues on to say, "This town is cursed. Whatever your reasons might be you should plan a swift exit. Whatever can be gained from this place, it will do more harm than good."

"Thank you, you wouldn't happen to know anything about paleblood would you?" I asked.

"Paleblood, you say? Hmm... Never heard of it. But if it's blood you're interested in, you should try the Healing Church. The church controls all knowledge on blood ministration, and all varieties of blood. Across the valley to the East of Yharnam lies the town of the Healing Church, known as the Cathedral Ward. And deep within the Cathedral Ward is the old grand cathedral. ...the birthplace of the Healing Church's special blood, or so they say. *coughs* Yharnamites don't share much with outsiders. Normally, they wouldn't let you near this place, but... The hunt is on tonight. This might be your chance..." He responded.

"Thank you sir, this is some of the most helpful conversation I've had tonight yet. But I must be on may way, feel better will you." I said before I turned around and walked off.

Walking through the town was a harrowing experiance. I found many madmen but what took the cake was when I found the gate next to the ladder I took to Gilbert's home and the lamp. There was an alley next to it that I decided to explore and in it I found the biggest person I'd ever seen, a man, in what looked to be a set of knight armor made for a very fat person, stood at seven plus foot. He was carrying a huge weapon that looked to be a cross of an executioners axe and a halberd. As soon as I saw him he spotted me and charged, as he swung the massive weapon around like it weighed nothing I dodged and dodged as much as I could looking for an opening to strike. Until I saw one, it looked like he had over swung and was off balance on one foot. So I jumped forward and carved may axe into his side, but he kept spinning till he had turned around and his weapon hit me in the gut... He cut me completely in half. The pain was overbearing, I couldn't think as my insides hit the ground before even I did. I screamed so loudly that it shredded my throat, and as my enemy heard me he walked over and slammed his foot on my face.

Darkness Greated Me Again....

Sorry for the info dump hope you like the chapter. I was bored so I wrote some more. Don't worry I'll spend just as much time on the PJO side as the BloodBorne side.

HangerBabycreators' thoughts