
Moon Touched Child of the Sea

Born of the Sea. Connected to the Dream. Fear the Old Blood. Fear the mad Titan. Don't expect too much from me I am not a great author. This idea has been in my head for a while, and I figure this will get it out of my system.

HangerBaby · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Ch. 2

Going to bed and immediately waking up in Iosefka's clinic was... weird to say the least. Laying down and blinking is all I did, as I closed and opened my eyes I realized I was no longer in cabin 11. When my feet hit the floor I realized that I was not as short as my younger self. Walking over to a cabinet with glass windows to check my appearance and I saw that I just looked like an older me. Strong jaw, high cheek bones, with sharp eye brows. Sea blue eyes instead of Percy's sea green, with black hair that I pushed back instead of Percy's wild hair. I didn't care that my eyes weren't the same as my fathers, now that I knew what color they were from my memories but I digress.

Walking around the room I woke up in I realized I didn't remember any of the story, I knew I had to fight and that I could get stronger but I didn't know why I had to fight. I could tell you almost the entire story of the Dark Souls games and I knew that BloodBorne was made by the same people but for some reason a game I had spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on was a mystery to me. So I looked at the book in the room, those that were still readable anyways, and while most was purely about medicine I did find stuff about a Healing Church, whatever that was, and the fact that the old blood heals us, what ever that is, it was a good thing my dyslexia didn't affect me here. I knew the world would heavily focus on blood but blood being a sourse of healing was weird to me.

That's when I heard noises in a room behind the one I awoke in, walking over I knocked on the door.

"Are you... out on the hunt? Then I'm very sorry, but... I cannot open this door. I am Iosefka. The patients here in my clinic must not be exposed to infection. I know that you hunt for us, for our town, but I'm sorry. Please. This is all that I can do." She passes me a blood vial before continuing to say, "Now, go. And good hunting."

"I'm sorry, but how is this vial of any help to me? I am new to this town and I thought only the old blood mentioned in the books in here could heal." I respond.

"The old one's blood allows us to heal through any blood that has recieved it. Some blood may adapt certain properties as well, like my blood. This is refined blood, highly invigorating, restores a large amount of health for anyone who takes it." She responds.

"Thank you for telling me that, I'll be on my way then." I say as I move to the other side of the room down a set of stairs.

I find a parlor with an entrance to a second room where I find a beast feasting on the corpse of man. Blood pools on the floor reflecting what little light is in the room. Backing up into the parlor to test a few things, I pulled my fist back and focused heavily on hitting as hard as possible, I could still remember the way attacking worked in BloodBorne and I wanted to know if it would still work the same, as I heard what sounded like a small bell ringing I threw my fist forward with the sound of rushing wind following. With that clarified I tried to do the same with a kick, this wasn't a video game so I figured it would, and it did, hearing the same light ring, my foot shot forward with extreme force.

I knew it was time to fight the first beast, I was scared to be honest. What if I died while fighting it? I knew I would go to the dream but I would rather not feel the pain of dying. Sucking it up I started to stalk towards my first pray in this world. Being as silent as possible I got directly behind his ass and swung the hardest hammer fist I'd ever thrown in either of my lives. I was lucky though, the viceral attack system still worked even though this was real, with my enemy stunned I proceeded to try and shove my arm into him. For the first time in my life though my arm turned into something else, a beastly thing covered in fur and having sharp claws. It didn't scare me as I knew it would happen but the way it felt distracted me enough that the beast was able to turn around, clawing into my chest and knocking me down, it jumped on top of me and bit my throat out.


Once I could feel again I sat up in a rush, what greated me was a sight I'll never forget, The Dream. The smell of flowers and fresh rain hit me as I took a deep breath, I was contemplating my second death. I was careless, I didn't expect the beastly transformation of the viceral attack to be my hand actually changing. I had always thought it was more of an illusion, but now I knew. I also knew not to let little things distract me, this death and the many others I know I will incur will be like cuts on my mind. Scars that will build up and change me, whether or not people will notice, I will slowly become broken if I'm not careful.

Standing up I examined the dream more closely, the graves that would lead to different locations, and the workshop atop a hill with 2 different sets of stairs leading up to it. The stairs in front of me had a ledge directly to the left of it and on the ledge sat a doll. The doll was... to be honest if she was a real woman she would be perfect, the only thing wrong about her was her eyes. They were lifeless and with a visage so life like it almost looked like a dead woman was sitting there.

Creeped out by my own thoughts I shook my head and walked towards the steps, at the base I say creatures that looked quite strange. I could accurately describe what they were but they looked like miniature gouls emaciated with little to no meat on their bones. They were holding up three weapons; a Saw Clever, a Hunter Axe, and a Threaded Cane. Looking over them I knew which I'd pick, I may not remember the story or the people in this story but I do remember the weapons and the Hunters Axe was at the top of my favorites. From what little I did remember it would take a while before I got my favorite weapon; the Beast Cutter. With such a vicious name you can understand why I'd love it *hehe*, it was a strength based weapon that featured a whip style mode with serrated blade that looked more like a jaw. Almost like Zabimaru from Bleach, if you have ever whatched it. (Photo at the end of chap.)

After grabbing the Hunter Axe I swung it around trying to get a feel for it and even turned it into its changed form, a halberd styled form that required two hands to use in any normal way. With my choice of weapon and practice out of the way I moved further up the stairs to find more of the little white creatures holding out two pistols; a Hunters Pistol, and a Hunters Blunderbuss. I knew of course that I was going to be taking the pistol as it was fast to shoot and reload compared to the Blunderbuss. As soon as a grabbed it a holster appeared on my leg that would fit the pistol perfectly, which was nice cause I didn't want to walk around with it in my hand all the time. Seeing more creatures at the top of the stairs I moved on, what I received was a journal and a pen. I knew I would find it useful as I could use it to write about anything I find in it and even be able to keep track of everything that happened, I didn't want to lose my mind due to Yharnam. With all that taken care of and the workshop being locked up I decided I should go back with my new weapons and start the Hunt.

After kneeling infront of the only grave that had the little creatures in front of I was sent back to Iosefka's Clinic where I had woken up. Walking down the steps to confront the beast that killed me I readied my axe, this would be my first kill in Yharnam and I was wonder how it would go.

Lmaoooo you thought I would write about his first boss fight. I bet you didn't think he would die either haaah. What did you think?

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