
Moon Hunters

"I understand that I still have no experience. I am just an incapable teammate who failed to go all the way with my comrades. However, the loyalty that has been etched into my heart, at least that I can guarantee is genuine. It is my truth after all ... " In an alternative future of yours: "21/12/2012" the date of an event that shook the entire planet earth. On that day, mythological creatures, which until then only existed in fictional books and films, descended from magical portals in the skies of our _'pacific'_ planet. Against these creatures, several wars were fought, after 10 long years, billions of humans were killed in the process, leaving a population of just under 50,000 alive. 60 years have passed since that event that today we call _ "The invasion" _. In those years, many countries fell with the countless wars, one of the few that did not surrender was Japan, where our protagonist with European blood lives, she dreams of being part of the greatest force among humans, _ "the moon hunters "_, they are the only ones who can save our home. His biggest dream is to bring an end to the war of humans against monsters, so that children can live in a world where blood does not need to be spilled for things to be resolved.

Donoghan · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

#2 - Memories of the past.

The color of that dark, clean sky, full of stars that matched his heavy gaze, which hid pain. The way he looked at me was something that reminded me of sadness.

Upon hearing my request, he put his sword in its sheath and looked me in the eye.

[My savior: You look weak. Go home, you'll be safe there. I'll take the body to a local hospital or... A cemetery... Do you know any grave diggers?]

He spoke those words as he put Keene's body on his shoulder. I looked to the side, and realized that that creature he attacked had literally turned to dust in the wind.

[Emilia: Wait!... I want to be like you, I want to protect everyone! I want to be a hunter.]

Were my legs still shaking in front of that man, was it fear or was my body weakening again? I hadn't felt such a sensation for years.

He stopped and glanced at me.

[My savior: You must be delusional. This is not a job for anyone, many died without passing the survival test.]

I put my hand on my chest and squeeze it. I bit my lip and stepped on the floor that was wet because of a passing rain.

[Emilia: But I will make it! I will pass this test, even if I have to break all my bones to reach that goal. I'll...]

He turned and finally looked directly at me, without hesitating to look at me.

[My savior: Why? Women are not obliged to go to the battlefield, you have the option of being able to stay at home and have a peaceful life and leave it all to us, hunters.]

[Emilia: These creatures... They took everything that was ours, brought the extinction of humans in whole countries, killed billions, began to invade the largest continents with strong magical powers and now Japan is at risk of falling at any moment because of those monsters. I want to be able to help, if I do nothing, more people will die.]

He left Keene's body against the wall and looked back at me, when I finished speaking she took the mask off her face, which was a smooth plaster mask, and then looked me straight in the eyes.

I couldn't see his face, because the lighting in the place was terrible, but I'm sure he could see me very well, because the moonlight hit my face.

[My savior": What makes you think that your feeling is different from the rest? It wouldn't be the first time I heard those same words and guess what, most people who tell these stories, in the end they all ended up dead in horrible ways. They never survive to tell a story about their adventures.]

[Emilia: I... I want to be part of the surviving minority and fight on the front lines. I want to find out why they invaded our world.]

[My savior: If not even the oldest hunters have accomplished this feat, do you really think you can achieve it?]

Emilia: I will make them speak, I will hunt for the answer, I will cross continents in search of answers, I swear. I'll do it!... Even if I have to dig a hole in the head of each of their families.

I was referring to monster families and clans.

[My savior: All that motivation... There is another reason for that, isn't it?]

When he said that, nostalgia occurred to me.

I ended up remembering my grandfather, he said that "the strongest were the ones who kept fighting, even if you are already exhausted, falling apart or almost dead, just stand up and keep fighting! That is the true meaning of a warrior." That was the last thing he said to me before his death.

One night, in the year 2050, the fortress city of Hokkaido was attacked by an army of advanced Werewolves at the behest of the demon king himself. They attacked because information was leaked about the protection, this leak said that the barrier would be weakened at 9 p.m, because there would be a banquet in the royal palace and the protection there should be reinforced because corrupt politicians were at that party, and for that reason reinforcement in the palace, to prevent intruders from trying to do something against them. And that information was leaked among the creatures that ended up arriving at the demon king himself, who organized the attack. They took advantage of this and attacked.

The few soldiers who were above the walls did not cope with all the pressure and this caused the death of several soldiers who were doing their duty. As a result of the hasty actions of these idiotic politicians: the Fortress City of Hokkaido has been invaded.

However, unfortunate for those damn creatures, there was an entire patrol of Moon Hunters patrolling the city, so they set out to attack.

They put the Werewolves on the run and at 30, only 13 hunters came out alive. Even so, they continued to run after the Werewolves.

In the middle of the chase, a hunter noticed that two Werewolves took a different course from the rest of his group, which was fleeing out of the fortress city.

This hunter started to chase them, even without knowing where they were going.

While this frantic chase was taking place, my grandparents and I were standing in front of their house watching the stars. That was when my grandpa saw the creatures - reminiscent of wolves - emerging from the corner of the street coming towards us.

[Grandpa: Advanced level werewolves!!...]

The species in that world are classified by power level or position.

Intermediate, Advanced, King, Emperor and God.

My grandpa acted quickly. He put me and my grandmother inside the house and closed everything. He guided us to his room with a look of desperation on his face.


A loud knock could be heard coming from the door, from the street.

My grandpa locked him and us inside the main room of the house and said: "we are safe…". It was at that moment that he could hear a crash from the first floor of the house.


As if something big had fallen, implying that these creatures had broken down the door at the base of the force. Noises of things being broken could be heard a sequence of times.

My grandpa was shaking as he wrapped us in his arms. He approached the door, leaned against it and I sat on the coast floor for the door while scratching his face. He did so in the hope that if he waited in silence, the creatures would leave.

He's never been so wrong...

Something started to go up the stairs quickly, and a loud knock was felt coming from the other side of the door that my grandpa was supported.

He quickly got up and hid me behind him. Meanwhile, my grandmother was in tears with her hands over her face.

"Craaack! Bash, bash! Creeck!

The door was about to break, my grandmother wiped her tears and ran against the door and pushed it using her arms, shoulders and legs. Then a weak and half-extinguished green aura covered my grandmother, so she said:

「O Holy Mother Moon, abundant in piety. Please give me some of your power… Cure!」

Surprisingly, the door started to fix, closing the gaps that were opening, due to that kind of prayer that my grandmother made.

Legend has it that my grandmother was a great user of healing magic, being one of the only living people able to use healing magic on non-living objects.

That was the first time that I had eye contact with Magic being used.

However, my grandmother was not at her peak, much less had the magic mana for it, so that healing prayer would not last forever.


The door would not last long, my grandmother's magical reserve was coming to an end. Knowing this, my grandfather was even more distressed, but still he knelt before me, pressed his hands on my shoulders and said:

"Remember what I told you about true warriors that time?!…"

I nodded and he continued.

"Great warriors sacrifice themselves for those they love. So please, take care of your brothers and your Mother for me."

He opened the closet door, pushed me inside and closed it. In that instant that I was thrown, I could see my grandma's heavy look with a smile on her face. A smile that hid pain, but at the same time it seemed so real, as if it wanted to comfort me ... Somehow.

"Grandma is proud…"

Murmured my grandmother.

Those words ...

My grandfather took one of the boards off the wooden floor, revealing a false bottom. From there he took out a small dagger. At that moment, his body was surrounded by a red aura and a small shock wave came out of him.

"the strongest were the ones who kept fighting, even if you are already exhausted, falling apart or almost dead, just stand up and keep fighting! That is the true meaning of a warrior."

He said it out loud, while his hand was shaking.


The door is broken open, and the two werewolves jump at them. My grandmother didn't even have time to react and one of the wolves pressed her teeth hard on her belly. The creature bit with such fury that the upper and lower dental fangs pierced its ribs.

When my grandfather saw this, in a short space of time, he landed a straight punch on the werewolf, throwing him against the wall making him erase. He jumps on top of the other wolf that was smashing my grandmother and stuck his dagger in the wolf's stomach.


The creature groans in pain and then releases my grandmother, yet my grandfather continued to press the dagger strongly against the creature's stomach.

He clearly wanted to see the wolf suffer for what he had just done.

However, that moment of glory was short-lived, as the other wolf, which he believed to have passed out, stood up and attacked him.

The creature grabbed him with its teeth by his leg, knocking him backwards against the ground. The creature further deepened the fangs in his leg, making his teeth go through his leg. He lifted the dagger up and throws the dagger in the wolf's neck, he takes the dagger and tries to make the same attack twice, but the other wolf that he believed was already dying until he died, advanced on his arm that was holding the dagger and started to chew his arm.


My grandfather's blood splashed against the cupboard, drops went through the cupboard through its crevices and fell on my face. I couldn't and couldn't say anything while watching my grandparents being torn apart and dismembered.

After a few minutes that hunter, who was looking for these two werewolves, arrived here in my grandparents' room and used a kind of elementary water technique to kill the two creatures with two violent swings of the sword when advancing on them.

The creatures collapse on the ground and begin to agonize to death. The hunter approaches and sticks his sword in the necks of the two beasts, which made blood splash on the ceiling of the room. He ran out of the house looking for the other hunters to report his feat to some superior or higher authorities.

Hours later an inspection was made at my grandparents' house, they checked the entire house, from the first to the second floor, in this inspection they found me inside the closet.

I was traumatized and my grandparents' blood was running over my face. My eyes were wide, my hands and feet were shaking and I couldn't even speak of being so terrified and scared that I was. Watching my grandparents being smashed to death ended my psychological, killing my self inside, my world collapsed and my mind collapsed.

I was very young at the time and did not understand what had just happened, I did not know that, from that moment on, I would never see my grandparents again.

As I was very young, these memories have disappeared over the years. Not to mention that that event shook my mind and something in my head told me to forget, and that my subconscious did it for me, I forgot everything. But remains and bottomless motivations remained. Even without knowing where this motivation came from, I wanted to kill everyone. Make them pay for what they did to my dear grandparents.

At that time I didn't know, but today I know. I want to kill them... I will kill everyone in the demonic army, until there are none left.

I want the children of tomorrow to see their world and be proud. May they be happy and proud to be living in a peaceful world, so that blood will never be spilled again.

I don't want anyone else to die, I don't want any child to go through what I had to go through. As long as I live, I will continue to fight, even if for that I have to die fighting to reach my goal.

[Emilia: Yes! There is a reason for all this... But that is beside the point, at least not yet, for the moment I just want to become a hunter, serve the moon and contribute to the hunters' military strength. And, also to kill all those demons that took our home.]

In answer to your question. Full of courage, I tell him to finally understand my motives.

"Servant the moon..."

The world since "The Invasion" has been divided into two nations: Sun and Moon. We are the great Moon who, even surrounded by darkness, will still shine as a sign of hope. The great Sun are the very creatures that will make you burn if you get close - And these are our beliefs - Other religions have existed, but they caused wars in the past, so they were banned and, if someone continued to preach them, they would be imprisoned or severely punished.

The one I called "My savior" for a moment seemed suspicious, but he finally gave in.

[My savior: Hmmm...]

[Emilia: Please, sir... I want to... No, I will. Yes, I will become a professional hunter, even if all my bones are broken, even after I have reached my limits, I will continue to fight until I become a hunter. Whatever it takes!]

And with a glance, he smiles.

[My savior: Very well, see you tomorrow, in the forest to the east of the city, at 6 am I will introduce you to some important people who can make you a real hunter. See you.]

Then he said goodbye and left that alley carrying the body of the late Keene without saying another word. I sit on the pavement floor, lie down and face the starry sky.

[Emilia: I did it ... Ahhh! My Mother will kill me if she finds out what just happened...]

I look back and see Keene's blood running down the sidewalk, going through the curb and running down the sewers.

[Emilia: Ah… Keene…]

Time passed, so I went home. As soon as I arrived, my Mother was waiting for me. She got up from the chair and asked if Keene was okay. I didn't have the heart to say what really happened, so I went straight to my room.

I entered the room, lay down on the bed and faced the ceiling. I didn't sleep all night because of high anxiety.

Hours passed, and when I least realized it, the alarm clock was striking five in the morning. I took some change of clothes, wrote a letter on the paper and left it at the head of my bed.

In that letter it said:

"Keene and I broke up, I couldn't sleep all night so I went to a friend's house. I'll be back at night or tomorrow. Love, Emilia."

It was not a farewell, I was going to return.

I took the change of clothes in a backpack and then left.

To reach the forest it would take about 30 minutes on foot. So come on, I will walk like a turtle, but I will arrive.

Anyway I arrived in that forest on the east side of the fortress city, however, it took me more than 30 minutes to arrive. I was walking very slowly. However, the important thing is that I arrived.

As soon as I arrived, I came across bars that surrounded the forest, they should be used to keep hooligans away. Or was that supposed to be the plan...

The grid had a hole at ground level. I crouched down and passed him. And, finally, I was inside. I started walking straight through the forest, leaning on some trees along the way.

That's when I started to hear a voice not so far from where I was.

"It looks like she finally arrived..."

This voice…

[My savior: Look, you are here. A minute later and we were going to leave.]

Both knees passed the knees

He was accompanied by two figures with masks hiding their faces and dressed in dark ponches with sleeves. Apparently they were Hunters, as only their presence is scary. Not to mention the masks and uniforms.

Of both, the punches passed their knees. And although they were apparently a professional hunter's punches, they were not relatively equal.

One of these hunters wore a dark blue punch with a light fabric. With the drawing of a black dragon on the back, on top of that dragon was a mark written "hunter", but in the original Japanese writing, Kanji. Matching the hood that covered his whole face and the plaster mask completely white and smooth.

The other who, by his silhouette, was clearly a girl. She was small, wore a black punch that, in the end, was a shade of dark purple and the punch cuff also had this color detail. The punch she wore was long, reaching to her knees. When the wind blew, it was apparent that she was wearing an overcoat underneath and, unlike the other two, she was wearing a plaster mask shaped like a rabbit's face. That made it even more mysterious to me.

The two were leaning on a giant tree while they were staring at me.

[???: We were waiting for you.]

[???: You are 10 minutes late, you know how much my time is worth, girl?]

Three figures figures that make me afraid just for being in front of them. So are they the true meaning of "warriors", grandpa?

To be continued...