
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

chapter 18 ~Ava meets Raven

Alex pov

Today is the pack meeting plus I've got a race later today I decided I was going to bring Raven and Ava to my race with me. So I've got to choose an outfit that says respect me for the pack but also edgy in it for the race to show that I'm not going to be messed with.

I go through my closet to find a gray shirt with a bear that has some wording and some black jean shorts with chains. I add a gold chain and hoop earrings.

Once I'm all dressed I leave my closet after grabbing a pair of sneakers they were just a plain black sneakers. I then head downstairs to start getting things done for the meeting in an hour.

I make way to the office. Once I'm in the office I close the door and grab the book from the bookshelf that opens the door to the secret hallway. I walk into the secret hallway and go to the secret office. When I get into the secret office I find there's a pile of paperwork that needs to be looked at.

I finished the drag on of paperwork I had to the bookshelf and pulled a book that opens the secret hallway. Once I'm in this your hallway I head towards the kitchen. When I get into the kitchen I find a raven and Isaac there. Raven is just sitting there eating some eggs and toast. While Isaac is sitting there doing some paperwork.

Isaac knows about my racing in fact everybody in the pack does. My father decided he was going to use it to try to bring my spirits down by making fun of it in front of the whole pack. Little did he know that I didn't care at all about his opinion. I walk over and sit by Raven.

So there's a pack meeting later today where I'm going to introduce you. I tell Raven. He just nods and continues to eat. But before then I've got a really big race and I thought I would bring you and my best friend. I continued. Biscuits Isaac's attention as he what's up with paperwork.

You have a race today why don't you tell me. Isaac asks. Because I totally spaced it with all the stuff going on but I do need you to do something for me. I need you to watch hope I kind of don't want her going to the race with me. I tell Isaac. I don't think I need to do anything just sign Chris up for it. He says.

Anyway I'm bringing Ava and Raven to my race and then I'm going to meet Lily there and we're all going to go for lunch and then I'll be back for the time meeting. I tell the boys. Raven is just staring off into space.

Are you listening Raven? I asked him. He slowly comes out of his trance and looks at me. You race? He asked. Yes I do it's a hobby I've done it since I was 16 years old. Plus I'm the champion of all races no one's beat me not even my friend Lily. I tell him.

Oh and I recommend you wear something that is not a good shoes like you're wearing now. I say as I look him up and down he's wearing a classic blue plaid button up with some Dedham jeans and and a classic sneakers. The thing about the racing world you've got to dress the part or you're going to be picked on.

The racing world can get pretty dangerous. I should know I'm one of the most dangerous person to hit the race track. We got to do what you got to do to be the top racer. Street racing is my favorite hobby and frankly I wouldn't have any other way.

I get up and head out to my bedroom to get my phone. I call Ava and tell her that she needs to be at the pack house soon because she's going to the racing set with me. Not less than 10 minutes she's at My bedroom door.


Alex had called me to tell me that she was going to take me and her mate that she just met that I haven't met yet to her race. I've never been to one of her races. But that's Alex for you she very rarely takes people to her street race.

The thing about street racing is you have to dress edgy because the place is dangerous you got to show people you're not a person to mess with. Dress the wrong way and you could end up being murdered or seriously hurt. So decided on an edgy look that tells you not to mess with me.

I decided in a black with a tie around the neck and magenta roses.

I also decided to go with some boots. Once I'm done getting dressed I have the door and make my way to their pack house. I walk in without anybody asking questions because they know I'm their alpha's best friend. I make my way to Alex's bedroom just about to knock she opens the door.

Well girl you look sexy as always. I tell her. She just smiles and nods. I know I'm always sassy for the races. But look at you that outfit is perfect you might be the lucky lady chosen to start the race. Alex says. I just roll my eyes and we walk down to the office. When we get there I see two men sitting there I recognize one as Isaac.

I don't know who the other one is so I don't pay mine to him. But I sit there and glare at Isaac I know he was under Wolf's mind but it's hard to forget what he done to my best friend. He looks and sees my glare and then just gives me a sad smile. Me and Isaac used to be friends in fact we used to be more than friends.

You heard me right me and Isaac Monroe used to date that was before he started abusing Alex she started abusing her when he was only 15 what you meant Alex was only 13. We started dating when he was 14 we were together a whole year. But that doesn't matter now I broke up with him after I saw how he was treating Alex. Alex has always been my number one best friend.

Since then I discovered I'm not interested in men. But a little bit of my heart will always belong to him he himself was my first love. After seeing a small smile I look away to the other man that I was paying no mind to before. He was kind of attractive he was wearing a skin tight black shirt it's almost like a second skin and a black denim jeans topped off with a leather jacket and some simple black Nike sneakers.

Alex answers behind me and all of a sudden and the guy looks up. I could definitely tell by that but he is Raven the one and only Alex's mate. He stands up and goes to Alex. But Alex just shrugs him off. All right let's head out guys. Alex says. I could tell she's still angry at a raven for what he did back at her brother's pack.

That's just like Alex to make them stress before she give in. We walk out the door too Alex's pickup truck. I can see the man's face drop in shock. You like that's Alex's baby just came back from the paint job a month ago. I tell the mystery man. Wait until you see her race car I've seen pictures of it myself it's just as badass. I continue.

Anyways I'm Ava Williams princess of the vampires and Alex's number one best friend. I tell him as I stick my hand out for him to shake. I'm Raven rain that's what I prefer to go by anyway I don't tell people my real name. He says taking my hand. We climb into Alex's black with fire painting pickup truck.

As we drive down the road I turn on the radio. All of a sudden another picture to burn by Taylor Swift comes on. Me and Alex sing to the song as we Bob our heads down the road we go. I look in the rearview mirror to see Raven also kind of bobbing his head to the song. I wonder what his story is he goes by Raven what's his real name and why doesn't he use it.

It's funny really how names have an impact on people. And the supernatural community all supernatural creatures get along for the most part. Making it pretty easy for names to flow around. My name to get me anything I want all I have to do is say Williams or Ava Williams. Some people take advantage of the power of their names. But me on the other hand you care less about how much power my name carries.

It's fun being the princess of the vampires but it also has its down size just like I was saying I don't use my name for its power. In fact that's one of the things I hate about my name is how much power it carries. All the king and queens of the supernatural community get together every once in awhile and decide random things.

Just like they decided that between each pack land should be neutral and were rogues of all supernatural species could be safe from getting killed by entering pack lands. And free from running into humans. But again that's what they can do since they're the King of Queens of the supernatural world.

Their names can bring fear to a single person then again a name has a lot of power. So this makes me curious about why Raven doesn't like people knowing his name. To me it could be two things either he has a family member that has a powerful name if I can either bring fear or joy to someone's life. Or he doesn't want anything to do with that part of himself for an unknown reason.