
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · Fantasy
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chapter 17~Rogue pup

Alex pov

I wake up in a good mood refreshed and excited to be home but I've also got a lot of alpha work I got to do. First thing I do is go in the closet and find the outfit for the day. I looked through my closet and come the cross a white long-sleeve T-shirt. The t shirt has a weird like Frankenstein bear and some blue jeans and some white tennis shoes. I also decide to add a chain just for a little accessory.

Once I'm done getting dressed I head downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast I decided to make an omelet with cheese in the center. I made one for me, hope, Chris, Isaac and Raven. Just as I finish cooking Raven and Isaac walk into the kitchen soon followed by hope and Chris.

Once we are all done eating we head to the TV room to watch a movie. Everyone except Raven agrees on a dog's way home.


After the movie I went to the office to finish the paperwork that I had on my desk that's been piling up for the last few days. Even though Isaac has been catching up the paperwork there's still some paperwork that he can't do because he's not the alpha. As I finish up the paperwork I think of how the week has been a whole crazy.

Just as I'm going to close the office door I got a mind link from Chris about a rogue at the border. I quickly head out and transparent to my gorgeous white wolf. I run to the border to see a small rogue surrounded by my border control. I let out a snarl to let my guards know I'm here.

Once they hear my snarl they slowly back away from the small wolf. I slow you walk up to it to realize it's just a pup. I'm not to the border control letting him know it's safe then I mind the link Chris to let him know to shift back and take the pup to the hospital to see if it has any injuries.


I am currently at the pack hospital waiting for the doctor to tell me I can go question the child. It's been 3 hours and it crossed the border we still don't know if it's a boy or girl but doctor couldn't tell her. I know you're probably thinking how can a doctor not tell you. The puppet won't let anyone touch it or you get near it Chris had a hard time picking it up to get to the hospital

The doctor walks out and lots of you telling me it's okay to go question the child. I going to the room to find the pup laying on the bed it must have heard me come in because it looked up and start growling. I don't want to scare the pup but lace didn't like being growled at. I tried to control my angry wolf as I walk up to the pup.

I get down on my knees the show that I'm not a threat. It's okay little one no one's going to hurt you I'm Alpha Alex. Can you shift for me? I ask after introducing myself. The wolf look at me hesitantly but shifted into a little boy. The boy was timid and scared.

I slowly walked up to the little boy. What's your name little one? I asked the little boy. Timmy he says. I thought my head before I might like Chris to bring the little boy some clothes. The boy has scars and scratch marks all over his body I wondered what happened to this little boy.



nce we get back to the pack house with Timmy I have one of the omegas go get him some fresh clothes and give him a bath then I will do some questioning. I mind link hope and ask her to go to the store and get some toys for Timmy. She agrees and heads off to the store to get some toys for Timmy.

Once Timmy's all bathed and changed in clean clothes we had to in my office and I start to talk to him and ask him questions. All right Timmy can you tell me how you got here ? I ask. Mama, daddy and me was walking to the market when some scary wolf's started to chase daddy. Then they come back and mama told me to run so I did but when I look back they had mama in their mouth. I ended up at a lake and dropped in pain. When the pain stopped I was a wolf and had Jake talking to me in my head. And I ended up here. Timmy said.

I feel bad for the kid because he had shifted early because of the trauma of watching his mother with some rogues. Who knows what they did to her his father before they came back. I really felt bad for the kid but there was nothing I could do to change what had happened. I didn't see the kid as a danger how could I he was just a pup.

It's okay Timmy you're safe now. I tell him but I could see there was tears in his eye from telling the story. I don't blame him for that. Just because I had horrible parents doesn't mean everybody did. He seemed to really care about his parents and by the looks of it he was like only 9 to 10.

I remember when I was 9 through 10 all I wanted was my parents love. Well that never happened. The only head to me lost his parents but he had shifted early and met his wolf early. Do you know what a pack is Timmy? I ask. Yeah mama and daddy always told me about how packs pertect little wolves like me. Timmy says.

Did you belong to a pack Timmy. I ask. No but momma said that she did once. But when she met daddy she had to leave so she could be with him. Timmy says. It would make sense if Harmony was a rogue most packs won't accept rogues into their pack.

I continue to ask Timmy questions about how he got to my pack and once all the questions are answered I have hope to take him up to one of the guest rooms with the toy she bought. So he can play and we can figure out what to do next.


We decided we were going to keep him in the pack he was only a little boy. He's no harm we'll set up a past meeting and see who wants to adopt him. We could if no one wants to. I miss when hope was little. I know she's our gift from the goddess but she only four years old in birth. But now she's 17 because of the magic of her growing up so fast so she could protect us. Lace says.

I guess you're right I do miss when hope was three or four they look at her now she's all grown up even if we only got to spend three to four years of her being tiny tiny. I say. I know I'm always right. lace says.

When I'm done talking to my wolf lace I start to walk to my office. Once I get to my office I started doing the paperwork I need to to let the officials know that Timmy will be staying in the pack and that there will be a pack meeting tomorrow.

Once I'm done with all the paperwork I find the book on the bookshelf and pull it opening up the secret hallway. I walk into the TV room to see Raven is still sleeping on the couch. So I quietly leave the TV room and head up to the kitchen. When I reach your kitchen I see Isaac cooking something.

What ya cooking? I asked startling him. He turns around to see it was me and calms down. Oh you know just the thing I like to cook at the most. I take a sniff and indeed he's cooking mac and cheese. My senses are heightened than a regular werewolf and human. Werewolf senses are better than human senses but you add that to Alpha senses you have a very higher senses.

You got enough for me? I asked. Yeah just sit down on the island. Isaac says. I do what he told me to and sat down on the island. He brings a bowl of macaroni and cheese and places it in front of me and also sits down with the island.

I ate my mac and cheese and talk to Isaac for a little bit but after a while I start to get tired I said good tonight to Isaac and head to my bedroom. I go into my closet to get in pajamas. I get into my bed and slowly drift off to sleep.