
Monster World - Pet Integration

In a world where monsters roam freely after an unknown power brought them from who knows where. After years of fighting the monsters, the humans in this world learn to integrate with monsters and turn them into their pets. The integration will take place in the final year of schooling after they reach the age of 16 and join the military for 4 years which is mandatory for anyone. MC is an orphan who is lives in an orphanage since childhood. He wants to grow strong so he can live his life better than how it was in the orphanage. He fights to become one of the strongest people on the planet. But fate has other plans for him as he gains friends along the way. New chapters every week. This is my first story. Please do share your comments and help me grow. Note: The cover art is not mine. It is created for me by one of my friends.

McCaulay · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 45: Joining the guild

"Hello Hoger, it's nice to finally know your name" I said to him without looking at him.

"Hey kid, sorry we met under the wrong circumstances. If I would have known you are with Joe, I would have gone easy on you" Hoger said with a smile.

"He is family Hog, give him the best you can offer. Just like Kamran" Joe said to Hoger.

"Since you have levelled up to the Corporal stage so quickly, I have decided to accept you in the Warriors Guild kid. This will help you to improve your battle technique" Hoger said.

"I only thought there is only Hunter's Guild in our empire" I said in a confused tone.

"Hunter's guild is for normal people who don't have the talent to become strong. Warrior's guild is different. It will accept only the people who have the potential to become stronger than all" explained Joe.

"You have great potential in you kid. I have been watching you from day one of your military training. You have a strong affinity towards your ability. You can become one of the greatest warriors I have recruited if you are willing to train harder" said Hoger.

'I have the potential to become more powerful than all people. I always hated people with power, but now I can become one of them" I thought as I am tempted when I heard this.

'I will not be like other powerful people. I will be different from them and more powerful' I thought to myself.

"I am willing to train harder and become stronger" I said with determination.

"That is all I want to hear. Meet me tomorrow at this location. We will start our training". Hoger said and sent a location to my holo watch.


When we were talking, Joe got a notification in his holo watch.

"It is from Kamran, he is saying that he will reach his destination by tomorrow" he said to us.

"Where did you send him?" I asked Hoger.

"You will know when you will become stronger than all the people in this city" he said with a smile.

After that, Joe brought me my armour. Hoger looked at it and "This will help you to increase your defence by leaps and bounds. You will become strong before you know it".

We had our dinner. It is kind of uncomfortable to see Hoger's smiling face as I have always seen him with a serious look on his face.

The next day I went to the location sent to me by Hoger and found a big villa. It is so big that it will accommodate twice the number of people in Kol village.

It had two guards at the entrance gate. I went inside and the guards let me pass noticing the elite badge on my chest.

I went inside and was welcomed by the receptionist who helped me in completing the joining formality.

She said that I will be in training for some time to improve my battle techniques before being given a mission of my own.

I was given the schedule for the training and to my surprise, it is starting in the next half hour. There are five more students in the training. I will be the sixth and youngest to join the training program.

I went to the training room allocated and saw the remaining five members already there to start the training.

There are two boys including me and four girls in the training session. All of us are in low-level Corporal stage. This will help us to stop being overwhelmed by others in battle power.

The first training session is for sensory. I have no idea how they are going to train us in sensory as I thought it would be instinctive and can't be trained.

The sessions include sensory, agility, strength & stamina, skills, battle techniques and combat training.

The clock struck 9:00 and the trainer came and opened the door for us to enter. I am so eager to know how this training will be conducted.

The trainer is a woman about 40 years old. She didn't tell us her name and we did not ask. She has a cold expression on her face which is a bit scary.

When I looked at other trainees, I can understand that they also have the same feelings as they are sweating just like me. We didn't dare to speak to her unnecessarily.

We were asked to stand inside a circle of 1-meter radius. Once we were inside the circle, we were given a black blindfold to cover our eyes.

Once we all did it, the trainer said that we will be dodging the stuff that will be thrown at us at random. I was confused about this as I won't be able to dodge if I can't see what is coming and where it is coming from.

We stood in the centre of our circles and blindfolded ourselves and waited for the stuff to be thrown at us.

"Begin" came the voice of the trainer and we started to get bombarded with small rubber balls. It didn't hurt at first but started to sting after a few minutes.

All of us were trying to dodge the balls as much as we could, but we couldn't as we were unable to see where the balls were coming from.

I was able to dodge a few balls but I know it was just by chance and I didn't do it intentionally. I could hear others screaming in pain every time they are hit. Since I am used to getting hurt while in the orphanage, I was able to control my scream.

Still, a few muffled screams escaped my mouth as the speed of the rubber balls increased as time goes by.

We will pass this training session if we manage to dodge 90% of the rubber balls thrown at us.

The balls stopped after an hour and we were told to remove our blindfolds. I saw the boy and one of the girls was hurt pretty badly and had to drink a healing potion to heal themselves.

We were also provided with healing potions to heal ourselves and a 30-minute break to regain our strength. I started to circulate the mana exercise in the middle of the training and that is why I was not hurt by those rubber balls.