
Monster Reign

The world is attacked by unknown monsters and creatures with a few people surviving the apocalypse. What do they do to survive..... and will they survive?

Shubh28 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The secrets of Kamrales

"This liquid would react with the drugs and reduce their DNA efficiency. This wouldn't cure us completely but we would be able to live our own life. But I even found something surprising. They have the same proteins in their blood as we have. So this liquid won't be acting upon these proteins besides, they will not have any harmful effects on us too."

"So you have made a cure for us, did I get your theory right?" I wasn't able to get enough of what Kevin told me.

"Yes, I have made a cure"

"So how are you gonna give it to everyone?"

"Half of them are already dead, more are still struggling so we have fewer people now. I know what to do. I will evaporate the antidote and release it into the air. This way it would reach everyone."

Kevin went to the lab again. I went back to my case to get some rest. I woke up to some noises. I could see that everyone was normal again. Kevin must have released the antidote. But where is he? I looked for him everywhere and asked everyone about him but couldn't find him. Now the only place left to check was the secret chamber. I went there but the gate was locked. Face scan, fingerprint scan, code, how could I get through this? Maybe I can have a look at the kamrales' room. I reached there, quietly opened the door, and tiptoed inside the room. They were sleeping. I could take a picture of their face for the face scan but how to get the fingerprint? How to get the code. So I came out, upset. Suddenly something caught my eye. I saw a shadow on the way to the chamber. I followed it, silently. One of them was unlocking the gate. I was elated, I could go in, this is the chance. But I was not a thief, not good at doing things without the knowledge of others. He saw me. I turned back, then again tried to see and a chill went down my spine. He was standing right in front of me. He grabbed me tightly and took me along with him to the chamber. I at least got one thing I wanted. But it wasn't easy for me to digest what I was witnessing.

Bodies were lying on a stretcher-like thing and were covered by glass, not getting exposed to the atmosphere. Kamrales were working on some of the bodies. Looks like they are doctors. I even spotted Kevin on one of the stretchers. His eyes were closed, and the machine beside him showed that he wasn't breathing nor his heart beating. I was scared, for him as well as for myself. I was taken to one of them sitting at a desk, busy with some stuff. Both Kamrales had a conversation in their language and soon after even I was put on a stretcher, glass covered. Every second it was getting difficult for me to breathe. Just then something was sprayed in the case I was kept and I went to deep sleep. When I woke up, I was half monster. I looked around, I was in Kamrales' world. But I could understand or perceive absolutely nothing. Maybe because it is another dimension, I am not able habitual to this.

The doctor, whom I met earlier, was present there," Oh! Look, the first human to turn like us! Welcome to the Troid, our planet, in universe XY022, in the sixth dimension. You will feel a bit dizzy for now but you will get used to it. Don't worry, you are not alone, others too have come here like you." He raised his hand toward other people. They all were hybrids too, like me. Kevin was also among them. I was feeling like vomiting, and so was everyone. I don't feel like I will be able to survive here any longer. But I was living, just lost my senses periodically. We were taken somewhere, and I had no idea what was going on around me. Slowly we regained consciousness. But the real trouble starts now, we were not in our world and we have to follow someone else's orders, we were slaves now. Our life was going to become hell. We reached their centre and they threw us in a cell guarded by armed forces. I sat there silently with my eyes closed. Meanwhile, I noticed Kevin wasn't there! After waiting for some time when he did not come, I decided to check out myself but then I realised the guards were outside. Thankfully I had those purple leaves. I crushed them and drank the liquid and then I quietly got out of the cell in search of him. This doesn't look like a normal place. There were not only humans captured but many more different creatures were there too. They must have invaded other planets also. I reached the control room. Every corner of the centre was visible through that room. They are planning something big, something dangerous. I could see many Kamrales training hard with weapons, doctors working for some kind of evolution, and fluids of different organisms being taken. And in one room I saw Kevin. He was in a database room. He was searching for some information in the database and reading them. I checked the blueprint of the place and rushed to the database room.

"Hey Kevin" I called him

He looked around to find me and said, "Hey! You were captured, how did you manage to get out of there?"

"Those leaves. But what are you doing here? And where did you go when we were brought here?"

"Smart. I am looking for some information about Kamrales if I can, some secret plans or strategies, you know. And I found something, important. Even I used those leaves to sneak out from there"

"What did you find?"

He pointed to a file, saying, "This report tells everything about these demons. The most surprising is that they are connected to our history!"

"Humans were not alone on planet Earth, two more species lived there, one of them was Kamrales. All three lived with peace and harmony, adhering to the rules set for them. This was the situation for about 200 years but after that, both humans and kamrales couldn't resist. Both wanted full control over the whole Earth. Firstly they cleaned the whole generation of third species, making them extinct. Then the battle started between humans and Kamrales that continued for years. A great fall in the population of both species was observed. But as humans had better science at that time, they defeated the Kamrales. About half of the humans and 80% of the Kamrales were dead. This is said to be one of the most fierce wars in the whole ultiverse. The remaining Kamrales had to leave the Earth. They settled on a small, rough terrain planet in a galaxy very far from Earth. The ruler, at that time, wrote all this in a book called 'Yudhyate' which includes the struggles of Kamrales and tells them to conquer Earth one day and make humans struggle. Since then their only motive is revenge. Through all these years they have grown their population, advanced in science and technology and extremely improved weaponry. At present they are millions of years ahead of us. And now they are executing their plan in which they have almost succeeded. And they mutate other creatures to increase their army and make it invincible. After their Earth mission, they want to conquer the whole ultiverse. Those monsters and creepy things made their work easier. But if Kamrales did not send the monsters then how who? But one thing is for sure, the frightening battle has started again and we are nearly gonna lose it. This is the end of this world"

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