
Monster Reign

The world is attacked by unknown monsters and creatures with a few people surviving the apocalypse. What do they do to survive..... and will they survive?

Shubh28 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

No hope to be seen

"Did you see the purple leaves above on the earth?" Adam continued, "The chemicals they have give..." but he was interrupted by the flickering of lights. The speaker in that room started announcing something but in some other language, maybe these creatures' language. As soon as they heard the announcement, all the creatures left their work and headed outside. It looks like there was some trouble of which even these insects were afraid. Their system crashed our hands and legs were free. All the people began to run to find the exit. But the only way out was occupied by deadly-looking extraterrestrials. There looked very much like us but they were fierce, violent, aggressive, and had some different kinds of features on their body. These were really someone to be scared of. Perhaps the insects ran because of this danger. This was something unexpected I saw. Even in monsters, we have weak ones and strong ones, I was laughing in my head. But this wasn't the time to laugh. It was looking as if they would kill us right away. But they told us to follow their commands if we want to live. They opened a portal through a system they had and told us to go through it. They injected some currents into our bodies before we passed through the portal.

" A portal! Teleportation! Is it real? Can we really teleport?" I was shocked to see all this happening.

"Yeah, teleportation is possible but not in our world because we exist in a three-dimensional world. Teleportation is possible in a five-dimensional world and higher." Kevin told me.

By the time Adam had already gone across the portal. But some people could not resist this. They wanted all this to be over. They immediately ran over to our 'almost' look-alikes, attacked them, and tried to go out but they forgot that we were the weakest ones there. Those creatures started their ultrasound guns and it was impossible for us to tolerate it, the people retreated and a few of us even died. But these humans didn't stop. While struggling with the other dimension creatures, they did the worst thing for their friends only. They attacked the system being used for teleportation.

"Now this is a big disaster" Kevin was in a state of shock, expressing that something terrible had happened," we shouldn't be playing with time and space like this. We never know what the consequences of this mistake can be. I hope it doesn't turn out to be....", and he turned his face away.

I wonder what it would turn out to be. I knew that he understood what could happen and I could see that disaster happening right in front of my eyes. The portal began to deform, sparks emitting from every side, the world behind the portal kept changing every second, and the people who went through had already disappeared and were trapped in the world they landed in. Those who were halfway fell while passing through the portal. During all this mishappening, I suddenly realized that Adam too was gone. He was on the other side of the portal and now he had just disappeared. It was very disheartening for me to lose another friend. The friend who saved me, I couldn't protect him. The operator immediately turned off the system. Their head told them something in their language. Afterward, all people who were left were taken to a chamber, smoke-filled and without our knowledge, the smoke inactivated us.

We woke after almost a day. I was feeling a bit different and unconscious. I took a look at my body, it was turning blue, I even realized that I was locked in a glass case, my hands and legs locked. I looked around, others were too in the same condition as mine. I was getting scared and nervous, thinking about what they will do with us. Was Kevin thinking about this only earlier at school? I don't know and I don't even want to.

This is the most dreadful time I am living. The whole world is in chaos, I got separated from my family, lost two friends, and now ended up in these creatures' hands. Is this the end of our world? Suddenly a gas was sprayed in my case and an automated robotic needle injected a liquid inside me.

Just then the head came and announced, " Let's come straight to the point, you must be wondering why you are kept in a case, locked up, your skin turning blue and this serum being injected inside you. You are being mutated. This serum is a constituent of our blood. This serum along with some more drugs will make the most intelligent hybrid of humans and Kamrales. We want to grow our population with you and reign the Ultiverse. We wanted to take you to our universe through that space portal and mutate you there naturally but you idiots failed it so badly, that you are even responsible for their life. God knows what is happening with them."

They unlocked the case," Now you are free to go".

I got up and felt more energetic and powerful than ever. I even grew a bit in size. I saw Kevin, as soon as he got up, he ran towards the Kamrales laboratory. I wonder how a man cannot leave science for some time, especially in those times. He could even land in danger if they caught him. I have to stop him. I peeped into the lab without getting noticed and I saw something confusing. Kevin was walking between the Kamrales without even trying to hide but still, they took no notice of him. He went towards the shelf of records and searched through the files. He took out one and carefully read it. He then rushed to a table with the file and started studying the chemicals kept there. I was standing outside, trying to figure out his activity but as always I failed to understand him. I was waiting for him, expecting him to come out soon but he just wouldn't leave it, so I left. I entered the common area where all humans were kept and I could see an abnormality in each one of them. But I could also see some of them dying! I think their bodies could not handle the Kamrales' DNA. The creatures took the dead bodies to a high confidential chamber. Kevin was back by the time.

I shouted at him like crazy," What were you doing there? Why the Kamrales didn't notice you?"

"I guess this is what Adam was trying to tell us then. Do you remember the purple leaves? When those leaves are crushed and the semi-liquid is drunk, it reacts with the human body in such a way that the human becomes transparent. That's what I did after getting rid of the case and entered the lab without getting in their sight. But there is more! I have found the antidote to this serum and drugs! I studied their data regarding their body fluids and developed this liquid," Kevin showed a test tube with the liquid.