
Biggest Disappointment of the Kingdom

Xander's old body was also named Xander Vega. He was the second prince of the Vega Kingdom which was located in the very west of the Dragon empire and was thought to be a gifted child because his body contained a massive amount of mana. He was handsome and talented in everything he did. He had a muscular body from all his training and had the best grades in his whole Mid Academy. He also had a beautiful girlfriend from a high class noble family in the kingdom.

The Vega family, known for their Emerald Poison Snake transformation, which was a 2-star top-tier monster, a god like entity out here in the outskirts of the empire. So the potential for the Vega families transformation is the best in the area. Since the max power they could have is 2-star top tier, no one else can reach that in the surrounding area.

Xander was supposed to be blessed with his families transformation or even better, but life plays cruel tricks.

An awakening ceremony, where people awaken their bloodlines and transform for the very first time, always takes place on peoples 14th birthday. On Xander's awakening ceremony, many people came to witness his transformation. Being a prince of the kingdom they resided in, most of the people were of the upper class. The king and queen of the kingdom also came to see what kind of transformation Xander would have.

There were four possible outcomes in an awakening ceremony.

First is the most common, has a 89.99% chance of happening, is the Successor Awakening. The awakened will transform into one of their parents monster/beast.

Second is the Fusion Awakening, which has around a 9.9999% chance of occurring. The awakened will transform into a monster/beast that has both of their parents characteristics and abilities.

The third is Diluted Awakening, which has a 0.01% chance of occurring. The awakened will transform into a weaker species that's related to their parents. Since the awakened doesn't have a pure bloodline, they couldn't become a monster/beast that has equal power to their parents.

The fourth and final is the Ancient Awakening which has a 0.0001% of occurring. The awakened will transform to an ancient species that's related to their parents monster/beast. Most ancient awakenings, transform the awakened to a species that's at least a star higher than their parents monster/beast.

This day was supposed to be Xander's greatest day, instead it was the start of a nightmare. Xander transformed into Shadow Snake, a 0-star low tier monster. Nobody could believe what had happened especially the king and queen. Xander's luck was horrible. Then Xander was surrounded by laughs.

"Haha, holy shit isn't that a Shadow Snake"

"Damn your right. That's one of the weakest monsters in the world."

"There's millions of those shits in the forests surrounding the kingdom."

More and more random people started making fun of Xander. This made Xander, someone who was proud to the bone, depressed. A Shadow Snake has no potential at all and all Shadow Snakes in the wild are only 0-star low tier monster. Now Xander could only stay as a 0-star for the rest of his life. He couldn't advance to a 2-star monster like most of the other Vega family members.

Once the king and queen snapped out of their confusion, they left. Since the only thing that mattered in the world of Mianeria was talent and power. So they decided to give up on their so called gifted son just like that.

"How can this be possible!? Xander was born with massive amounts of mana. Isn't this a sign for a genius." The king wanted to know how this could've happened.

"What can Xander do with all that mana when he'll be so weak" the queen responded. "All he could do is use lots of 0-star abilities."

"Your right, we should use all the resources we prepared for Xander and give them to Brandon. At least Brandon has the Emerald Poison Snake transformation. Even though he just reached the 1-star realm and his progress is slow, it's still better than Xander."

When the king said those words, the queen was ecstatic. The person named Brandon is the crown prince of the kingdom and the only son of the queen. He is Xander's half brother and is 18 years old.

Since Brandon's talent was lacking the king was mainly focused on Xander. It took Brandon 4 years to enter the 1-star realm from 0-star low tier.

When the king and queen left abruptly, Xander's girlfriend, Sophia walked up to Xander.

When Xander saw Sophia he escaped the depression he just had. Sophia has been his childhood friend for as long as he could remember. When Xander expresses his feelings to her, she was so excited she ran to her parents house with Xander in hand. She couldn't wait to tell her parents about their new relationship.

Since then Xander treated her the best he could. He got her medicine to increase her mana storage and also helped her in the academy.

Xander felt that no matter what, even if he was stuck in 0-star forever, at least he had Sophia with him. Someone who cared and loved him for who he is. Or so he thought.

"Xander I'm breaking up with you." Sophia flat out said without any emotion. Like she never cared about Xander from the beginning.

"What do you mean?!?" Xander yelled thinking Sophia was just joking.

"Are you dumb. I already said it. I'm breaking up with you." Sophia replies in an annoyed tone.

"What about all the things I have done for you. Most of the cultivation medicine that was stored up for the Awakening ceremony, I gave to you. I gave you my everything! How could you do this!" Xander cried his tears out. Now everything he had was taken away from him.

"You are a nice person, but what can you do to help me now. I just don'y want to be dragged down with you. I hope you can understand." Sophia didn't care anymore and left when she finished speaking.

With everything leaving him, his pride, potential, family, and girlfriend, Xander ran to the nearest lake. Crystal Lake, a lake that was in the Forest that surrounds Vega kingdom.