
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

On the land of the high-blooded-alpha. Luna Aromalyn found herself seated in a garden adorned with a variety of flowers and roses, as she slowly sipped her evening tea from the antique cup, eagerly waiting the arrival of her cousin who would fill her in with everything on the progress of her plan to eliminate her nephew.

Suddenly, one of the guards approached her and informed "Luna your visitor."

Without sparing him an eye she hurriedly said "Yeah, yeah… bring her in."

Before long, the grand French doors of the mansion swung open and Tuscana found herself in the garden and faced by the luna's back. She stood there for a while, reflecting on her decision to come here... empty handed.

"Lost your feet?" Aromalyn said mockingly, letting Tuscana know that she was fully aware of her presence.

Tuscana walked around the table and selected a chair facing Aromalyn. She shot a quick glare at her before speaking, "Why did you summon me at this hour? You know I can't go unseen in the daytime."

Aromalyn remained silent, taking her sweet time pouring the hot tea into one of the cups. Then, deliberately, she cut a slice of cake topped with strawberries before placing it in front of her cousin.

With a venomous broad smile, she said, "Can you blame a mother waiting for the day she'd see her son coronated… as the high-blooded-alpha!"

At her words Tuscana's face paled as her palms began to perspire, and her pupils enlarged with thoughts of the lost territory in the black wolf archipelago and the potential repercussions of her failure.

Unaware of Tuscana's unease, the Luna looked down at the extensive garden with a smile on her face, before her expression swiftly transformed into one of disgust as she remarked "You know, this garden needs a whole new style." For a minute she was enjoying the scenery and for the other she feels disgusted by it? the woman was bipolar for sure.

"But you know," she turned to Tuscana addressing her, "The first thing I do when my son becomes the Alpha?... I remove the dirty bones of that so-called sister of mine from my land." She disgustingly added scrunching her nose in the process.

After a moment of silence, she took a deep breath and continued, "Every time Ernest is here, he visits her grave five times a day, or even more. first days of her death, he actually slept there." She finished her sentence with an eye roll then added, "That was when I started questioning whether he is suitable to be a ruler or even a mate."

She was basically talking to herself as Tuscana was in a whole other world. Tuscana was contemplating making excuses or fabricating a lie, but her attempts were quickly interrupted when Aromalyn stared at her suspiciously and said, "You have been silent since you've come… that's odd."

Tuscana managed a sheepish laugh and muttered a barely audible "yeah." However, Aromalyn dismissively waved her hand and responded with a casual "Whatever."

In an instant, she entwined her fingers, placing them on the glass table. Her demeanor shifted from sarcastic to serious as she posed the question, "So, tell me... did you deliver our New Year's gift to our young couple?"

Tuscana nodded hesitantly and replied, "Yes... I-I did." Her fear was evident, despite her attempts to conceal it, and the Luna could easily perceive it.

But Aromalyn dismissed her behavior as she inquired further "And? Did they like it?"

Tuscana moistened her dry lips with a sip of the sweet tea as she nodded slowly. And in an attempt to divert the conversation she posed a question of her own "I've always wondered why you didn't kill him when he was in our grasp." It was a valid inquiry, considering that Blake had been held captive for four years why hadn't she ordered to kill him there and then.

"That's not your business witch." Aromalyn snarled at her. However, the truth was that she herself had wondered why and often found herself blaming her mate for it.

She had hoped that after he had lost his other mate and their child, he would undergo a change and become the ideal mate, fulfilling her very soul, and being the perfect father to their son, who would eventually carry on their lineage without her having to bear the guilt of having blood of her own nephew on her hands. As for Blake, he could either live far away or languish in his cell.

Despite the passing years, no significant changes had occurred, but she still clung to hope until Blake's escape. His escape messed up all of her carefully laid plans. The fear of his return to his homeland unnerved her, as it threatened to disrupt everything, including the status of her son as the heir. She dreaded the possibility of her mate harboring hatred towards her and even the ultimate outcome of being killed by his own hands.

"Is he dead?" Aromalyn asked sternly. Looking forward to receive the satisfying news that would liberate her mind from any burden.

Tuscana remained silent, her anger reaching boiling point. She had grown tired of dealing with this sick woman. She was going to play with cards on tables and tell her the truth. "He is not dead," she gritted through her teeth.

Aromalyn was caught off guard by both the news and Tuscana's attitude, causing her anger to rise and her eyes to show signs of her wolf's displeasure with the disrespect. However, she maintained her demeanor when saying "Well then the beautiful land is gone…"

Tuscana found amusement in Aromalyn's words and retorted, "That's what you have got to say? Oh, poor thing. actually I'm starting to think you're the unfit one for your status." With those words, she stood up and prepared to leave, but the Luna grabbed hold of her arm.

That didn't stop there as she went further to extend her pointy claws and dig them deeper into the flesh of the witch causing her to hiss in pain.

"I haven't finished my words, the land is gone… same as your worthless hand…" She uttered coldly as she mercilessly tore the witch's hand with such force letting it fall and roll a couple feet away from the owner who was screaming at the top of her lungs that everyone on the land could hear her screams that eventually turned to cries.

Even with blood staining the grass, Aromalyn persisted and issued a menacing threat to the witch: "And you'll soon meet your end." She finished dropping her hand with blooded claws next to her.

Aromalyn's eyes glazed over as she mind linked her personal guard, who soon emerged through the doors. He halted in his tracks shocked by the sight before him of the lady that was dropped to the ground with her arm dripping with blood, and a hand!! lying just a couple of inches away from her.

"Take her to the dungeons" She ordered and the guard gulped as he reluctantly complied with his lunatic Luna's outrageous order… honestly he despised serving her, but sadly it was the alpha who assigned him to this position of the Luna's guard. She was completely unlike what a Luna should be. Typically a Luna was gentle, caring would exhibit concern for her people… like the previous dead one… Unlike this Luna, who seemed oblivious to such virtues, not even bothering to learn the names of those under her protection.

Inside the castle, confusion filled the air as people exchanged perplexed glances, unsure of the owner of the yell and what was happening. Their bewilderment only grew as the Luna made her way into the main hall, heading towards her preferred room-- the chimney room.

As the Luna entered, everyone in the hall instinctively bowed their heads and chanted "Luna," attempting to pay their respects. However, she remained oblivious to their displays of reverence. She never valued the respect and status she held. Instead, she constantly hungered for more, always seeking to attain greater heights. Yet, despite her relentless pursuit, she never truly achieved anything substantial, and she never would.

In a room within the castle, the young alpha Domino was seated comfortably on a leather sofa. With closed eyes, he immersed himself in the melodies of Chopin's pieces— Nocturne C, the music resonating through the headphones on his ears. Resting on his lap was a book recounting the history of the Ottoman Empire. He was completely engrossed in his own world, remaining oblivious to the events unfolding just a few feet away.

Until there was a knock on the door to which he didn't hear but he caught a distinct gasoline-like scent emanating from the other side. Soon enough, his best friend and the future beta emerged through the door, wearing a slightly irritated expression on his face.

He stood in the center of the room as he folded his arms and patiently awaited Domino to take off his headset and give him his attention. Eventually, Domino complied and shifted his attention towards his friend.

"What? You got into a fight with Borjio again?" Domino questioned, a smirk playing on his lips, referring to the future gamma.

"No it's actually you who I will get into a fight with, you have been here enjoying your music while the yells from your mother's garden disturbed every ear on the land"

Hearing this, Domino instantly was up to his feet and taking long strides to the door. However, before he could exit, he was halted by his friend.

"Where you going?" Adam, the future beta asked while grasping his friend's arm.

Domino's expression became incredulous as he responded, "You just told me yells from my mother's garden I'm going to check on her."

Adam contemplated correcting his friend, wanting to inform him that the screams were not his mother's but from someone else entirely. However, instead of simply reporting the situation, Adam decided to let Domino witness the events for himself. "You know what? Lead the way to the garden alpha"

Domino's face still bore confusion regarding his friend's behavior. It was undeniable that no one felt a strong connection to the Luna. She lacked the qualities of a true Luna. However, despite this sentiment, she was their Luna, and it was their duty to protect her, not display such attitude when she was in distress or pain.

Nonetheless, Domino let it slip and was racing to the garden of his mother with Adam trailing closely behind.

As he approached the garden, the unmistakable smell of blood filled his nostrils, urging him to hasten his steps. Upon arriving, he found only the young lady, who was responsible for serving his mother, scrubbing the marble floor clean of bloodstains.

The lady respectfully bowed in acknowledgment as the future alpha appeared. Without delay, he inquired, "What happened? Where is the Luna?"

Lowering her head, the young lady answered, "The Luna had a misunderstanding with her visitor. She's currently in her chimney room, Alpha." Domino's worries were instantly eased upon hearing this information.

Taking notice of the chaotic state of the place and the girl carefully cleaning it up, Domino inquired, "Are you here alone?" The girl continued sizing the ground with her eyes as she replied softly, "Yes."

Instantly his eyes glazed as he mind linked someone. Shortly after, one of the she-wolves appeared through the French doors, bowing respectfully. "Alpha," she greeted.

"Samara, I need you to assist…," he paused waiting for the girl to finish her name "Aleyna" Domino nodded before saying "Yes, help Aleyna" Samara nodded back and quickly rushed to Aleyna's side.

"Have a nice day, ladies." he concluded with a weary sigh, before turning in his steps regretting even adding the last sentence. After witnessing the chaotic situation, it was unlikely that the ladies would have a pleasant day.

The chimney room was Domino's destination, but his plans were thwarted when Adam, who was walking closely behind him, pulled him back saying "Before you go checking on the Luna, I want to show you something first."

Feeling obligated, Domino had no choice but to comply and follow his friend, who was being so delusional. They descended underground and arrived at the cells, where the two guards, in their massive wolf forms, respectfully bowed to the sons of the alpha and beta.

Adam took the initiative to open the cell's door before they entered. They walked down a lengthy corridor, with the snatch of blood filling the air. Adam led the way, while Domino gazed ahead with a mixture of confusion and unease.

Soon, Adam came to a halt in front of a particular cell. It exuded the strongest scent of blood. Inside, there sat the witch who was not only Domino's mother's cousin but also his own cousin, now missing a hand. Did his mother do that? No she couldn't be capable of such aggression, as aggressiveness was never a characteristic associated with a Luna.

Tuscana stood up and hurried to the cell door, reaching out with her undamaged hand in an attempt to catch Domino. However, he swiftly retreated out of her grasp.

"Domino my child, look what your mother has done to me" the witch sobbed, shedding tears along.

"She was like a s-sister of mine and that's how I get r-rewarded…" She continued speaking, hoping to elicit sympathy from him. But Domino was kind of hesitant, maybe he needed to listen to what his mother had to say.

Nonchalantly, he turned and started walking towards the chimney room, this time Adam striding behind.

Upon reaching the room, he didn't even bother to knock. He opened the door and swiftly closed it behind him, leaving his friend on the other side.

Aromalyn, his mother, stood in front of the blazing fire in the chimney, fixated on the flickering flames. She didn't bother to acknowledge her son as she uttered, "What brings you here?" Her tone alone confirmed her involvement in the events that had transpired.

Domino was infuriated by her behavior and chose not to respond to her question. Instead, he confronted her with his own inquiry, demanding "What have you done?"

In response to his question, Aromalyn turned to face him arching an eyebrow. "My own son dares to question me?!! Hmm How ungrateful," she scoffed.

"You know that having a witch in our land is quite enough, let alone having people thinking that the Luna went aggressive with a 'visitor'."

"I am doing all this for you, and all you care about is what others might say?" She took a deep breath before continuing, this time addressing herself. "No matter what you do, Aromalyn, you will never get praised."

"But I never requested to be forcibly put on a throne that is not rightfully mine." He spilled the sad truth. It was undeniable that he desired power and the throne, but he wasn't righteous.

"I am rescuing you from the monotonous and miserable life you're living" she yelled, resembling a total maniac. Her cruel actions and bitter words have persisted for an extended period, resulting in death, separation, and torture... but it must come to an end now.

With a sarcastic laugh escaping his mouth, he couldn't help but say, "Save me? You keep putting not just me, but all of us in constant danger, hatred, and humiliation." Those were his final words before he exited the room. He had no desire of engaging in an argument with his mentally unstable mother, who undoubtedly needed some therapy.

Upon leaving the room, he found Adam leaning in one of the corners, patiently waiting for him. "Follow me." Domino ordered, soon they were in domino's room.

Adam supported the wall with his back observing with curiosity as Domino withdrew a duffel bag and filled it with some of his clothes.

"Listen I'm going to Wyoming," Domino began "I'll look for someone to hopefully help us in this matter. Mother is basically getting mentally ill." He informed to which Adam inquired "Who's this someone?"

Without giving a response, Domino came up with a talk of his own. "I will depart before sunset. You stay here, I want you to keep an eye on the prisoner and make sure nobody knows that we're having a witch in our land."

Pausing momentarily to check his duffel bag, Domino then proceeded to give further instructions. "Also, be vigilant with mother and keep an eye on her... who knows what she may be planning."

"Are you going alone?" Adam asked.

"No, I already mindlinked Borjio and Alparslan, they'll be the only ones to come with me" He answered his friend's question before he began to put on his shoes and jacket.

Once done he approached his friend giving him a brotherly hug. "Make it quick the Alpha will come next week and take care, we cannot lose another Alpha," Adam said reminding Domino of his deceased brother, or at least, what people believed to be his brother's fate. But what if Domino were to disclose the truth to Adam, that his brother was still alive?

Through a mind link, Borjio, the son of the third-in-command, informed Domino interrupting his thoughts, 'Alpha, we are next to the stables.' These words prompted Domino to say his final instructions, "If anyone asks about us, tell them we went camping. It wouldn't take us two days to return. Alright, take care."

With that, Domino left the room and soon the entire mansion, making his way towards the stables where he met up with his two friends.

"I have called for the car. It's waiting for us at the borders," Borjio informed Domino. With that they left on a road paved with uncertainty.

You know who lives in Wyoming?

Brooklyn_Rugercreators' thoughts