
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

It was 5:34 in the morning of January first, the streets were deserted; no passing cars or wandering feet, everyone was asleep after a sleepless night full of festivities and joy...

But for Blake and Alaska, the young couple who lived in a secluded area in the forest, it wasn't the same story. As they woke up to a piercing yell that startled them and caused them to stare at each other with wide eyes.

Without missing a beat, Blake rose from the bed and assured Alaska to stay while he goes outside to check.

And as said, he exited their room, analyzing and examining every spot of their home... to find that nothing suspicious was present, so he carried outside... little did he know that he was dealing with someone topped everyone in being snidely wicked... Well how not when witches inherit swindle and deceitfulness as the most sacred gift along with sorcery.

Outside the warm cabin Blake heard faint crying of a woman to which he started following; he soon spotted a lady that was crouched to the earth, half of her body was submerged in the mound of snow.

As he got closer he noticed blood dripping from her hand, contaminating and discoloring the pure snow... the whole scene did not fell into place for Blake as he regarded her with suspicion but he still asked "Ma'am are you okay?" To find the woman not replying.

Then he took a whiff of the air surrounding her...and to his surprise nothing could be smelled...not even the metallic snatch of blood... then it became evident that everything was merely an illusion... designed to keep him away from his mate.

A sense of foreboding settled deep within his stomach- something bad was about to happen... he needed to be next to his mate, especially after he vowed to protect her.  The potential danger to himself seemed inconsequential compared to the possibility of harm befalling her.

Utilizing his lycan speed he began sprinting. He ran and ran but the weird thing he never found the cabin as if it had vanished from existence, it was more than three months since he has been here, he was in and out of it more than twice a day in 90 days. and now he couldn't spot anything not even the hood of it?

He knew that a witch was involved in the situation... but could it possibly be Roger, who came upset with him? or could it be the witch who tempted him into residing for four years in the grave of his life-- the dirty cell.

They had taken his mother from him and overpowered him once when he was merely a child. But now, it would be a shame to overpower him twice especially with him being at the peak of his power.

He closed his eyes and let his love for her as well as the faint bond they had forged, along with the guidance of his loyal wolf, to lead him to her.

With every single step he took, he was able to catch her scent more strongly, feel her presence drawing nearer, and even Audaz-- his wolf started calling out to her until he nearly stumbled upon the steps of the cabin porch.

He opened his eyes and the cabin became visible. However, just as he was about to enter, a massive folk of crows started encircling the house while they cawed loudly that it almost pierced Alaska's ears who was still in their room on the bed, exactly how Blake had left her.

At her yelling Blake became agitated, his eyes already turning gold and his body ready to take that in-between state... he transformed into a machine ready to kill whoever caused a threat to his mate... scratch that-- he actually was ready to kill whoever his mate disapproved of.

In a breathtaking display of speed, he ascended the stairs as if he were flying, swiftly reaching their room. With urgency in his eyes, he hurriedly assessed his mate's condition ... she was safe and secure-- physically at least, but mentally? He wasn't sure, as she was squeezing her eyes and covering her ears, and her facial expressions conveyed a sense of pain.

He rushed to her side only to have her shifting to her wolf -on the bed- with bared teeth, she menacingly faced Blake... her mate! not just that but in an unexpected display of aggression, she even attempted to attack him. However he didn't carry alpha-high-blood trivially; he skillfully evaded her assault. Aware of the importance of not leaving even the slightest mark on her delicate form. The thought of inflicting harm on her was unimaginable to him.

With disordered and disoriented senses she kept attacking on her mate. However, Blake instinctively asserted his authoritative, commanding tone with her which she stopped right in her place and promptly obeyed.

Realizing the errors of her way, the rebellious wolf felt shame and timidly displayed her submission by sitting on the ground and baring her neck to her mate as a gesture of apology.

But her mate deemed it grossly unjust to accept the apology when there was a clear presence of manipulation and control over her, same as it happened to him outside. He bent to her, gently supporting her neck with his hand, and uttered "Rise darling. There is no need to apologize"

Sadly, their tranquil moment was short-lived, as loud banging and thudding reverberated from all directions around the house... soon the floor beneath their feet began to tremble... all caused by the angry, incessant cawing of crows that sought entry into the cabin.

Blake shifted to his enormous wolf and as soon as he did, it instantly put an end to all the noise and bangging. Why? He wasn't quite sure himself nor his mate knew, although she speculated that he was the esteemed high-blooded-alpha... the most influential being in all the supernatural realm who had all the supernaturals underneath him. And her assumption was quite accurate.

Unfazed by the cessation, Blake was determined to depart from the dilapidated cabin with his mate now and with no further delay. With his massive built, he delicately held Alaska's wolf by the neck with his teeth, reminiscent of how a wolf mother carries her pups. Then he swiftly sprinted at top speed, leaving Alaska bewildered and abandoning her inquisitive thoughts about their destination.

The enraged wolf had one specific place and destination in mind, and swiftly made his way towards it. Midway through his journey, he abruptly turned around to ensure that no one was trailing behind. As he neared the distant place, he decelerated and meticulously surveyed the surroundings, confirming their solitude. Satisfied that they were completely alone with no prying eyes, he continued onward until they stood before the cottage that once was only debris.

Alaska overcome with utter confusion, observed the peculiar, isolated house. Her gaze then wandered towards the wolf's bane littered on the ground, prompting an involuntary response of growls and furious howls at the plant...she persisted in her outburst until her mate gently brought her down and started to lick her... covering her with his saliva, leaving no area untouched.

His actions rendered her speechless, causing a mix of shock, confusion, and yet a glimmer of admiration and excitement in her... And Audaz and Blake gladly returned the admiration mirrored in her eyes as they wished the moment would never end but he reluctantly put a stop to it, because it wasn't the right time nor the appropriate place for that.

After coating his mate with his saliva to ensure her safety to pass, Blake held the wolf carefully between his fangs once again and continued his journey, in the process crossing the path between the harmful plant, and eventually reaching the porch of the cottage.

Meanwhile, the poor wolf was closing her eyes anxiously as her weird mate drew nearer to the wolf's bane; anticipating the agonizing pain that would accompany contact with the cursed plant. Yet, the pain never came.

Gradually, she tentatively reopened her eyes, hopeful that her mate had regained his mind and altered their course. But much to her astonishment, she found themselves on the opposite side of the area, completely surrounded by wolf's bane.

The scenery of the beautiful purple yet devious flowers was blocked by a wooden door, oh how poor Alaska was; she was spinning in a never-ending circle of surprise and curiosity, only for her mate to further screw her mind and senses as he shifted back into his human form, showcasing all his glory... and at that point the only thing she opted to do is to lie down and shield her eyes with her paws; embracing the idea of sleep.

And indeed, the mere action of closing her eyes made her realize the exhaustion, confusion, and dampness that consumed her body; prompting her to seek solace in sleep for the time being. , her questions and inquiries could wait for later.

Blake entered one of the rooms that was filled with materials he used to repair the cottage, amidst the items, he found a suit that he had previously worn as his work attire. after putting it on, he returned to the main room where he had previously put Alaska, only to find the dark brown wolf sleeping on the floor, her fur was matted from his licking, she was displaying a face of discomfort.

He couldn't help but feel that he was dragging her into the depths of his troubled life. She probably had a very stable life in her calm cabin before he came along, tortured, blooded,motherless and worthless. yet despite that she accepted him but why? well that was the million dollar question that so puzzled him sometimes. She always had the choice to reject him and let him suffer a slow and agonizing demise, which he believed he deserved. But she never did; and even if she wished to, she would never succeed because he would never allow it, No matter how insignificant he felt in her life, he would never leave her. He selfishly clung to her love and felt possessive of his connection with her.

He inhaled deeply before venturing outside the cottage to bring the logs that were laying out on the porch, it was pretty cold and he needed to warm the cottage even if they were werewolves with hot bodies. Five thick logs were gathered between his arms and carried inside. once placed in the stone chimney, the logs transformed from their woodsey color to a glowing red coat as fire devoured them.

Blake's mind went astray as his eyes glistened with the fire, then he turned his attention to the wolf sleeping beside him... they have found him and almost got what they wanted from him. Though they managed to escape this time, but the question remained: now what, and what would happen next? Would they try to live a normal life or constantly be on the run?, now they are in this cottage far and isolated from the world none would find them right?... but weren't they in a far and isolated place before... It was foolish to assume their safety, since the snake of an aunt was still alive thus he had to eliminate anyone responsible, even it meant everyone.

He was experiencing tremendous stress and agony, he absolutely didn't plan for their first time at this cottage to unfold this way. To his dismay, the cottage wasn't even furnished yet, and his extreme anger right now might result in additional costs for the cottage. In attempt to alleviate the stress , he inserted his fingers into the thick fur of his mate it was dump from his saliva but it was his only solace.

After his therapy session with his mate being the therapist, he overcome his anger issues. He stood up and went to the bathroom, where he started playing with the brand new faucet. He alternated between cold and hot water until the tub was filled with perfectly warm water before he returned to the main room.

He approached the wolf and he crouched down, encircling his arms around her belly in an attempt to carry her to the bathroom, because it would be a shame to let his mate with her exquisite fur to be coated with his saliva.

As on instinct the wolf awoke and looked at Blake groggily from the side, before placing a paw on his lap to nudge him away, as she desired to carry on her sleep. But Blake persisted in his attempt, as he once again tried to lift her but the wolf shoved him again and turned her head to the side as if telling him to shoo off and leave her be,

Blake insisted persistently that she go to the bathroom, urging her with his tender words, "Come on, darling," as he held one of her paws. However, she resisted, withdrawing her paw and covering her already closed eyes along with her ears, indicating she wanted him to stop and let her sleep. She wished for him to save whatever he had to say for later when she was in a more receptive mood.

A breath of surprise escaped his mouth as he asked, "Are you upset with me?" Rogued responded with a purr and shook her head in denial, not wanting to hurt the feelings of her beloved mate.

But, Blake still carried with his inquiry, asking, "Then why won't you talk to me?" Rogue, in her grumpy state, disregarded him and attempted to return to sleep. Nevertheless, Blake refused to accept her attitude any longer. He mischievously sneaked his hand beneath her belly and began tickling her. This caught Rogue off guard and she burst into laughter, while also barking at him to stop. But Blake didn't comply; in fact, both he and his wolf Audaz relished in this moment. They delighted in seeing their beautiful mate, rolling on the floor, her laughter and barking filling their ears in an enchanting way.

However, much to his dismay, he had to stop their playtime because the water was becoming cold in bathtub as they were engaged in their tickling game "Up to a bath?" he asked, and at that Rogue's ears perked up. She proceeded to show her approval by licking him and enthusiastically nodding her head.

He emitted a light chuckle, finding her behavior simultaneously amusing and endearing. "Alright let's go," he said before leading the way to the bathroom. Once inside, he quickly shut the door to prevent the steam from escaping. He then walked over to Rogue, who stood in the center of the room, carefully studying every corner with her stormy grey eyes.

Silently, he assured her to the bathtub and kindly assisted her in getting inside. Despite her super abilities, he treated her with a gentle nurture, as if she were a baby. Rogue, however, didn't mind the extra care from their mate; in fact, she relished it. The sensation of his fingers massaging her thick coat with coconut-scented shampoo brought her immense pleasure. His tender touch and the soothing aroma created a state of bliss for her, evident in her contented purring.

While she was thoroughly indulging in her enjoyment, Blake struggled to controlling his wolf, nevertheless he was failing as his eyes were already shimmer gold, Audaz yearned to be released, to be next to his beautiful mate and ravish her all he wanted. Frustrated, Audaz exclaimed 'I want mate, why won't you let me out you coward' Audaz huffed.

Blake rolled his eyes at that before he said through their mind-link 'Stop acting like a child, she is here to remove the filth you covered her with'

'And let her die from the wolf's bane? you are dumb, now let me out' he repeated but unfortunately this sickly dumb human he was stuck with said it's too early to try anything with her, 'Next time i have control you'll regret this day.' with this warning Audaz closed the mind link.

Blake kept taking care of the wolf, until Alaska felt guilty for treating him like her servant. In an attempt to rectify the situation she assured her wolf to politely ask him out, and surprisingly her stubborn wolf complied, but only because Rogue desired some privacy at the moment. She put her paw on his arm that was stretched over the bathtub and lightly pushed him.

Blake quickly understood her actions and halted in his steps. He uttered, "Okay, i'll go and fetch a towel and some clothes" After that, he vanished behind the door where he stood for a brief moment holding the door knob, debating if it was safe to leave her alone. Sadly, he had no choice but to depart in order to obtain the clothes from their cabin.

Filled with overwhelming reluctance, he reluctantly departed from the cottage and sped down along the path he had taken earlier that morning... a morning that would be etched in his memory. After covering a few miles, he was able to see the aftermath of the chaos that had been done to the cabin: shattered windows, splintered wood, and a displaced door flung across the porch.

The crows were no more, but they had caused great damage. he continued slowly and lightly, not trusting the air around him, until he got inside the place he once sought as his refuge, now all was in disarray, after they left the crows wreaked havoc in the place. His precious mate's belongings, including her books, cherished guitar, and rifle, as well as some of his own possessions, were strewn across the floor. The couch was torn apart, and everything was in a state of dishevelment.

Blake had a strong desire to immediately unleash his anger and exact revenge on everyone. However, he knew it wasn't that simple. He was determined to dismantle and destroy each person involved, but he decided to wait for the right time. Nonetheless, he grabbed a bag and started collecting Alaska's clothes, along with towels and one of her books. He also gathered her pillow and the mattress, even though the mattress was in were in poor condition, they would do for the night. Carrying these belongings, he left the cabin.

On his right, he spotted the truck that had slipped his mind entirely. Now that he had the car at his disposal, he could take more stuff. And so, that is precisely what he did. He began a continuous cycle of going in and out the cabin, loading the truck with everything even stuff without meaning.

The car struggled on the rough, snow-covered road, occasionally getting stuck in piles of snow. Despite the daunting challenge, Blake persisted with relentless effort until, finally, he reached the cottage.

Inside the cottage, and in the bathroom specifically, Alaska remained in the bathtub, but now in her human form. Once her wolf self was clean, she shifted to her human form and refreshed the water to continue bathing. Now, she reclined against the tub wall, her eyes closed, patiently awaiting Blake's return, although he seemed to be taking longer than expected. As time passed, she began to drift into sleep, until a knock on the door, accompanied by the intoxicating masculine scent she had grown addicted to, roused her from her slumber.

From the other side, Blake's voice resonated, calling out, "Darling, I brought you your clothes." The sound of his voice was so enchanting, causing Alaska to sink deeper into the comforting warmth of the water. Sensing her silence, Blake's voice reappeared with a mix of confusion and urgency, asking, "Alaska? Can I come in?" Fearing her own vulnerability, Alaska's panic surged, realizing she was completely naked. Yet, before she could reply, the doorknob began to turn, causing even more distress. In a hurry, she anxiously shouted, "No, no, I'm...actually...not wearing a thing," muttering the last part lowly.

At her words Blake closed the door and placed the bag in front of it, indicating "Alright, i've left the clothes here" before he went on to make them something to eat, as they hadn't eaten since earlier this morning.

Alaska left the tub, unplugged the drain and let the water go before she made her way to the door where she opened it slightly checking where Blake has left the bag, to find it right in front of the door. Alaska retrieved the bag and reentered the room.

The brown leather bag, was an old bag but was a dear one to Alaska, it was one she held close to her heart because it belonged to her mother and frankley the only thing left from her, and she was grateful to have it here with her.

Surprise registered on her face as she examined the clothes, noticing that one of her shirts was missing a sleeve. Some garments were covered in dust, as if a herd of buffalo had trampled over them, while others were severely wrinkled, like they had never been neatly folded in her closet.

Nevertheless she dried herself off and wore one of her dresses complemented by a cardigan, before leaving the steamy room taking the bag with her. After navigating a couple of turns, she found herself in the main room, where she could see outside. There she had a good view of Blake who was obviously cooking something on raw fire. With delicate, almost weightless steps, she made her way towards the front door and stepped outside, resting her head against Blake's back.

"Hey," he greeted her before quickly turning towards her. Instantly, his eyes glowed with concern as his expression transformed into one of fear for his beloved, who stood in the cold weather with slightly damp hair. Hurriedly, he ushered her inside, expressing his worry, "What do you think you're doing in this cold weather, with your hair wet and bare feet ?". Finishing his statement with a hint of anger, he placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her towards the fireplace with lit fire.

"Alright sit here while i check on the food" He instructed before he placed a light kiss on her forehead and departed the room.

Alaska obeyed as she stood there watching him cooking through the windows. Her mind drifted back to her life before him, a life of solitude, with only her wolf and occasionally Roy for company. None has really cared for her, One memory in particular stood out, it was when she fell terribly ill and spent days confined to her bed, desperately in need of medication, nourishing food, care, or even a kind word. Unfortunately, none of those were available to her at the time. Now, she felt incredibly blessed to have Blake, who treated her like the center of the world. To her, he was truly a gift from above.

Alaska's train of thought was abruptly halted as Blake entered the room, holding two small plates in his hands. The savory aroma of beans wafted through the air, causing her to exclaim, "Mmm, that smells incredibly delicious." In response, Blake let out a small chuckle and replied, "Well, I certainly hope it tastes as good as it smells." He handed her a plate before they both settled on the floor, sitting in front of the glowing fire from the chimney.

Neither of them had the power to broach the subject of what had happened this morning. The silence enveloped them, broken only by the clinking of spoons against plates and the faint sizzle of the fire in front of them. Alaska's mind was burdened with countless questions, but she couldn't decide which one to ask first. Should she start with the cottage or delve into the recent events? Confused, she remained quiet, while Blake patiently waited, sensing her growing perplexity.

Inhaling deeply, Alaska set her plate aside, and leaned towards Blake resting her head on his shoulder; "You know my head is hurting from... from how much questions i have" she admitted.

Blake set his own plate aside, placing his hand on the back of his mate and gently rubbing circles on her petite frame. "You need to rest first, and then we can talk about everything," he suggested. With that, he stood up and extended his hand to Alaska, helping her to her feet.

He kept her delicate soft hand in his rough one as he guided her to one of the rooms, The room was dimly lit, with a tall, imposing tree blocking the sunlight that wasn't even present on that day. Thus the wolf couple relied on their enhanced eyesight, Blake to carefully guide his mate, and Alaska to take in her surroundings.

The room was virgin, with only a mattress on the floor that seemed oddly familiar to her. "Is that…?" Before she could finish her question, her gaze shifted to the corner where she noticed their blanket and pillows - unmistakably the same ones from their cabin. Amusement replaced her original question as she let out a light chuckle and asked, "How did you manage to bring all of this here?"

Blake slightly squeezed her hand, that was still intertwined with his. He felt ashamed to say the least. He wanted to provide her with the finest and most luxurious accommodations, a king-sized bed made of silk and satin, filled with soft ostrich feathers. However, the passing days had betrayed him and thwarted his plans.

However, Alaska's contentment overshadowed everything else when she had her mate by her side; she felt like a queen. Taking the lead, she led them to the mattress, flopping onto it and wrapping herself with the thin blanket. "This day with this weather is perfect to cuddle and sleep" she uttered, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

Blake chuckled softly as he too plopped down on the mattress, and Alaska quickly covered him with the blanket and wrapped her arms around his. Despite the unfortunate events that occurred this morning, she felt content to be by her partner's side. She couldn't fathom her life without him, although she couldn't help but remember and feel remorseful for being the one who nearly caused his demise this morning.

As memories of the incident flooded back, Alaska felt a wave of shame and self-hatred wash over her, and Blake could sense her distress. Concerned, he inquired, "What's wrong?" Without responding, Alaska turned onto her back and gazed up at the ceiling. Finally, she mustered some courage to apologize, her voice shaky, "I'm so sorry for my behavior this morning. I... I almost h-hurt you."

At her words, his rough hand gently grasped her chin, turning her face towards him as he started. "Do you realize that you were being manipulated? Someone was trying to hurt me through the use of your body."

Alaska expressed her uncertainty with a slight movement of her head before asking, "But who?" Blake clicked his tongue, declaring, "A witch most certainly. Remember Rogor?"

"Yeah," Alaska responded, her mind drifting back to the day when he shared his story about quitting his job and the events with the warlock that unfolded in that small, old store.

"I believe it could be either him or his sister, though my guess goes more towards his sister," he added further, piquing Alaska's curiosity.

"She is the most powerful one among witches, alongside her brother... well, at least until he left, as he said." He explained, Alaska suddenly recalled Blake's account of Roger and his past.

"Tuscana is powerful enough to create strong and more realistic illusions like the ones this morning" he stated.

"Illusions?" Alaska questioned, as she hadn't witnessed any besides the crows, perhaps.

"Yeah, when I went outside to check the source of the scream, I found a woman with a bloody hand. But, there was no scent of blood, indicating that it was just an illusion," he paused briefly before continuing. "And when I tried to return, I couldn't find the cabin; i was illused into the scenery of the forest only... it was clear that everything, including the scream, had been a fabricated illusion from the start."

Alaska absorbed the information and let them sink in and nodded, contemplating it all, before she asked. "And the crows? where they an illusion"

"No darling, those were as real as the damage they had made. Witches often employ crows as a means to manipulate and exert control over people from afar" he explained. So indeed she had been manipulated, and the voice in her head instructing her to kill was undoubtedly the words of the witches, albeit on behalf.

This time they evaded any complex situation that would have resulted in harm and bloodshed between them. However, she was gripped by fear, afraid that she might be manipulated once more in the future and end up actually harming her mate…No she couldn't even imagine.

To find an escape from the swirling, terrifying thoughts in her mind, she embraced him tightly, seeking comfort in his chest. After a brief, contemplative silence, she finally mustered the question, "What should we do now?"

Blake, who too had his arms wrapped around her, shook his head in denial and corrected "What I AM going to do." Alaska withdrew her head from the warmth of his chest, looking at him with curiosity, prompting him to explain further. "Because, my love, this is my burden to bear, and I will find a solution for it. All I ask from you is two things." He extended his index finger and said, "One, I want you to stay away from danger." Then, he joined his middle finger with his index finger and continued, "And two, I want you to shower me with your love." He finished leaving a tender kiss on her forehead.

Alaska let out a soft moan at the contact of his lips with her skin, as goosebumps formed on her arms. She whispered, "I was about to complain, but I actually love the idea of showering you with love."

Afterward, silence enveloped them once more, allowing both of them to bask in each other's company. However, Blake eventually broke the tranquil stillness. "You know," he began, "I never planned to bring you here like this for the first time. I had planned for it to be fancier, more suitable of a queen like you. But fate had different plans."

That reminded Alaska of her questions about this place and she started "You know i hate fancy stuff, and I'd follow you everywhere even to a dumpster, But tell me what's the story of this place, i mean the wolf's bane, the tall large trees?"

"Honestly I don't know" he admitted. I was on my usual morning run and I stumbled upon it… the same day I mentioned that I was immune to wolf's bane. Do you remember?"

"Of course I do…" Alaska responded, the understanding dawning upon her. "So that's why you licked me… to ensure that I would pass."

"Yeah," he confirmed, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Honestly Wolf's bane was one of the reasons I decided to take it as our home… it's secure enough" He added and Alaska nodded in agreement, acknowledging his explanation.

"It was only debris and I tried working on it but sadly that didn't go as planned" He added.

Alaska's eyes started to close she felt a terrible tiredness and the warmth emitting from her mate with the dark weather she so was ready to sleep she had one heck of a day "My head was going to explod from the tons of questions but now going it's to explode from the tons of informations" She sleepily said followed with a yawn.

Alaska's eyes began to droop, overwhelmed by an intense tiredness. With her mate's comforting warmth surrounding her amidst the gloomy weather, she was more than ready to drift off to sleep, having experienced an terrifying day. "My head was going to explode from the tons of questions but now it's going to explode from the tons of informations" she murmured sleepily, followed by a yawn.

"Then let's sleep, darling" Blake whispered as he cradled her even closer. And soon enough, she succumbed to sleep in his embrace.