
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

The trio of young men arrived at Wyoming around two past midnight. They were now strolling along the street where they spotted a hotel to be suitable enough for the remainder of the night.

They descended out of the car and made their way inside the establishment. Domino was the one to approach the fatigued lady at the reception. "Good evening ma'am, can I find in here a room for three."

Despite her weariness, the lady responded cheerfully and formally, "Good evening gentlemen. And yes sir, we have six vacant rooms. I will show you each..."

The woman couldn't complete her sentence as Domino interrupted her, "The cheapest one please". Since they were only staying for one night and were exhausted, they didn't see the need to be picky about their choice of bed.

"Sure, sir. Room 97," she said, handing him the key. "Would you like me to arrange for someone to help you with your bags and show you to your room?" she offered.

"We'll manage, thank you," Domino declined, as both Borjio and Alparslan had backpacks with them, while he only had one duffel bag.

"Enjoy your stay," she finished, maintaining her polite formal tone.

With the help of the signs on the wall they soon reached Room 97 where they kicked off their shoes and fell asleep shortly.


Soft sun rays trickled through the dense trees that enveloped the Cottage, finding its way through the windows and gently caressing Alaska's face, stirring her awake.

She leisurely took her sweet time admiring her attractive mate, a habit she indulged in whenever the opportunity arose. She wondered if she would ever tire or grow bored of this daily ritual, but deep down, she knew that would never happen.

Eventually, she got up with the intention of preparing breakfast. Completing her usual morning routine, she made her way to the kitchen, which still lacked some of cooking utensils and food.

However, she did find a bag of bread leftover from the yesterday, along with some milk and a single egg, which instantly sparked the idea of making French toast.

Preparing the mix of milk and egg, she then proceeded to the fireplace to arrange the wood for cooking the bread. The kitchen lacked a stove, so they resorted to cooking over an open flame, whether it be outside or inside in the fireplace, as they did the day before.

Once three pieces of the French toast were cooked, their enticing aroma filled the cottage, catching Blake's attention and prompting him to awaken. He made his way to the main room where he found Alaska hunched over, flipping the bread in the pan.

"It's quite a lovely sight, watching you cook," he remarked, his hungry gaze lingering on her. "But it saddens me to see your hands reddened from the heat of the fire," he added with a sigh.

"Well good morning to you too," Alaska greeted with a smile, slightly brushing off his worries. "Morning," Blake replied with a mixture of weariness and contentment, as he approached her from behind and crouched down. Embracing her gently, he placed a tender kiss on her neck, savoring the warmth of her delicate figure.

"Here, let me take over," he offered, reaching out to take the spatula from between her fingers. However, she exiled it away from him "It's fine, there are only two left"

Blake with his stoned mind stayed there with his hand still extended, seeking her to give it to him until Alaska assured him "I insist. Now go clean up while I finish cooking."

With a sigh Blake did as being told. While she prepared the food, there was no table or any other suitable surface, so she just placed the dishes on the ground, just as they had done for every meal over the past day.

Once Alaska was finished, Blake entered the main room and noticed his beloved sitting on the ground, her back against the wooden wall, with the delectable breakfast dishes arranged beside her. He made his way over and took the same position, sitting beside her and position the food between them.

As they were digging into their meal, Blake expressed his intention to go to town and purchase some equipment, particularly mentioning the need for a table, as their current dining situation was impractical.

Alaska nodded in agreement, but then suggested, "Why don't we just bring the table from the cabin?" Blake clicked his tongue in response, stating, "I already told you honey that everything is messed plus i want a fresh start in here with new things. However, if there's anything you specifically want from the cabin, we can go together and retrieve them. In fact, I'd love for you to come with me today and choose the things you desire." he finished speaking, placing a sweet kiss on Alaska's hand, which made her giggle in delight.

Suddenly, she let go of the fork, causing it to fall to the floor, and clutched her head in pain. In a heartbeat, Blake set aside his plate and hurried to her side, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Alaska?" His voice that carried much of concern alone southed her and she replied, "I'm okay, it's my wolf... I just don't know what's wrong with her."

"Are you sure?" Blake asked, gently rubbing circles on her back. Alaska nodded, offering him a faint smile. "I'll just go lie down." She attempted to stand up, but Blake immediately scooped her up in his arms, holding her close to his chest in a bridal way, and carried her to the dimly lit room where they've been sleeping and carefully put her on the mattress.

Then he departed momentarily only to return holding a glass of water, which he promptly handed to her before taking a seat beside her, observing her with wary eyes.

He remained by her side for nearly thirty minutes without making even the slightest movement, until Alaska let out a sigh and asked, "Blake? You said you were leaving for town. Aren't you going?"

Blake raised his head in disbelief, his gaze fixed on her as he responded unbelievably, "Are you joking? Go and leave you in this state? No way."

Alaska, rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated breath before declaring, "You're making it sound like I'm on the verge of death... honestly, I'm perfectly fine."

She playfully nudged him, adding, "Now go attend to your matters and stop babysitting me. Let me finish my book."

Blake scoffed as if offended by her words before he said "Are you kicking me out?" Alaska's expression immediately faltered, realizing she may have unintentionally hurt his feelings, and she was about to respond and correct herself.

With a chuckle, Blake reassured her, "I was just joking," before picking up Alaska's book and handing it to her. "Alright, I'm heading out now. It won't be too long," he added, as he walked towards the main room to put on his jacket and shoes.

"Take care. Love you!!" Alaska replied, her voice raising in affection. Blake reciprocated with a heartfelt, "Love you too!" and with that, he left.


Seated in Room 97 of the hotel, the three young men were dressed and prepared for the day ahead as they engaged in conversation about their plans.

Alparslan initiated the discussion by asking, "So, who is this man we'll be searching for?"

"Tuscana's brother" Domino replied courtly. Instantly, both Borjio and Alparslan displayed expressions of surprise.

"The most powerful warlock? The one who disappeared years ago?" Borjio inquired.

"Yeah?" Domino responded, his confusion evident due to his friends' reactions.

"And we're supposed to find him here?" Alparslan replied sarcastically.

Domino growled "Well i have the words that he's been somewhere around here, in Wyoming."

"And how exactly we're going to find him?" Alparslan persisted with his series of questions.

"Wyoming isn't densely populated, plus I've been told that he's somewhere in the suburbs, the woods to the west to be exact..." Domino explained.

Both of his friends nodded in understanding, and Alparslan stood up, declaring, "Well, let's go, Alpha."

An hour later, the boys found themselves at one of the branching paths along the main road that led to the western forest where they divided in right away.

Further into the forest, Domino halted, prompting his friends to do the same. "Okay, from here we'll split up. I'll head north, Borjio you go left, and Alparslan you go right," he directed, pointing to each of them. "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious that may indicate the presence of a warlock and mind link  mea as."

Having given their instructions, they each ventured off in their respective directions. Soon after, they shed their human clothes and transformed into their wolves, carrying their clothes in their mouths as they started their search.

Domino's wolf was behaving so peculiarly, with hyperactivity that made him running faster through the forest. Its midnight fur seamlessly blended with the dark brown tree trunks.

'What's wrong with you. Can you feel something' Domino inquired, fully aware that his wolf was indeed sensing something.

'Yeah something divinely peaceful yet extremely harmful' The wolf replied with quite enigmatic words, that left Domino confused, prompting him to ask in an uncertain tone 'What?? What do you mean'

Silently, the wolf continued running until he came to a halt upon spotting a cabin nestled amongst tall, thick trees. His heart raced as he felt an intense desire to go there, as if something was beckoning him. However, there was an obstacle hindering him and sapping his strength– the wolf's bane.

The heavy concentration of wolf's bane in the vicinity caused the wolf to grunt in displeasure and experience some pain and discomfort. Yet, despite the pain, he yearned to tear the plants away and gain access to the irresistible allure emanating from inside the cabin.

'Calm down and give me control maybe I can handle it' Domino attempted to resonate with his wolf that he eventually obeyed.

Shifting back, Domino hastily dressed and cautiously approached the cabin, hoping to catch a clear whiff of the alluring scent but sadly the scent was muddled with the presence of wolf's bane, making it difficult for him to decipher it.

Alaska who was engrossed in reading her book tossed it aside when a sudden surge of pain washed over her, and it was her wolf causing it.

'Rogue? What's wrong with you' She asked only for her wolf to remain silent. Nevertheless Alaska rose from the mattress and headed over to the kitchen in attempt to fetch a glass of water.  As she did so, an inexplicable urge compelled her to glance out the window, where she found herself locking eyes with a gaze of unparalleled intensity.

On the opposite side, Domino stood transfixed, with fluttering heart at the sight of the captivating figure beyond the window, while his wolf echoed the word 'Mate.' Over and over again.

Driven by the powerful mate pull, Domino moved closer, but his progress was abruptly halted when he sadly stepped on a patch of wolf's bane, causing him to recoil in pain and release a howl of anguish.

Alaska, hearing the agony in his howl, desperately wanted to rush to his aid. However, she found herself immobilized, her body frozen in response to the insistent chants of her own wolf repeating the word 'Mate, mate.'

Despite the pain, he persisted in his efforts to reach his mate, consumed by an overwhelming desire to draw nearer to her, to breathe in her scent and commit it to memory, to become entranced by every exquisite detail of her face.

For six long years he endured the heartache of watching his friends find theirs, as he waited helplessly and hopefully, yearning for his own missing piece.

Rogue longed so badly to go to her mate and bring him in... away from the wolf's bane. The man was taking one heck of pain but still stepping on it for her and her only.

But Alaska was fully aware that what was happening was wrong—completely wrong, how could she have another mate, could be an illusion conjured by the witch, especially the man before her bore a striking resemblance to Blake, with his green hooded eyes and tan skin, further fueling her suspicions.

Alaska stepped from the window, retreating into the darkness of her room, standing in the shadows desperately hoping and praying that either the illusion would fade or that Blake would arrive.

Domino, filled with confusion, couldn't comprehend why his mate had suddenly turned away. Weren't mates supposed to instantly recognize and claim each other? Nevertheless her actions hurt him more deeply than the painful effects of the cursed flowers affixed to his body.

Alparslan tried to mind link his alpha after what he has found, but he found himself unable to reach him, as if there was an invisible barrier. Undeterred, he kept his attempts until he could barely utter 'Alpha'.

A distorted voice echoed in Domino's head bringing him to the realization that one of his friends was trying to mind link him. Reluctantly, he moved away from the wolf's bane and hesitantly left the vicinity of the cabin, granting his wolf some time to regain his strength.

After a while Domino finally caught the faint yet distinct voice of Alparslan. 'Yes' Domino quickly questioned, to which Alparslan responded, 'Alpha? Are you okay? I tried mindlinking you many times'

'Yeah I'm fine' Domino replied coming up with a white lie.

'Good. Well alpha I want you to come check something' Alparslan requested from his alpha to come and so did Domino by following Alparslan's wolf.

By utilizing his speed, Domino soon arrived in front of a rundown cabin. "Alpha! I'm here" Alparslan's voice resonated from within. Domino followed the sound and as he stepped inside, he was overwhelmed by the captivating scent that instantly heightened his wolf's instincts and his own senses. It was unmistakably hers... his mate, this time not mixed with the fatal poison.

"It looks newly rundown?" Alparslan remarked as he reached out to touch one of the scattered objects. And that sole simple action was enough to trigger the possessiveness within Dominion over his mate that he still doesn't know her name... oh what a shame.

He tried to balance his voice as he said "Yeah, thank you Alparslan, please go check the outside while I check everything here, and call borjio by the way"

Alparslan instantly obeyed venturing outside and leaving Blake alone in a place that despite its chaotic appearance, felt like heaven filled with her scent, her clothes, her belongings...

Though there was something off about her and he could tell so. Like why would she leave this place, amidst such chaos, and relocate to another one surrounded by Wolf's bane...

However, he didn't dwell on this further, as he quickly searched the place before Borjio's arrival. Making his way upstairs, he encountered her scent once more but this time heavy... so heavy, and merged with another scent that was unmistakable, one he had grown up with. It was the scent of his brother... his blood ran cold as everything started to make sense now... he has found her before him.

There were manly clothes that recked of his scent intertwined with hers. In this room that appeared to be where they slept... they slept together.

Feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to inflict further pain upon himself and his wolf, he opted to depart. However, before his leave, his attention was drawn to a necklace resting on the bedside table along with a silk floral fabric that resembled a headscarf from the 1940s.

He took both items and discreetly stashed them in his pocket. Upon exiting the cabin he spotted Alparslan and Borjio. Alparslan informed "We found nothing alpha, what about you?"

Domino inhaled deeply before responding "I found nothing either." in fact deep down he knew he had found the most important thing his in life— his mate.

"Alright, let's go" he added as he began walking in the direction they came from. The whole walk to the city he remained silent, causing his friends to regard him with suspicion. "You haven't said a thing since we left that rundown place." Borjio remarked.

In attempt to drift away their suspicions Domino replied "What do you expect me to say? I just feel disappointed that we're leaving empty-handed."

"Yes. What should we do now?" Borjio questioned. Domino heavily responded "We will retrieve our belongings from the hotel room and head back home... as for our plans... well, only time will tell."


In the midst of the dense forest, within the confines of the cottage, Alaska stood facing the fireplace with flames crackling. Despite the warmth provided by the fire, she was shaking with goosebumps littering her fair skin.

The man has left a long time ago, and now she tried to talk to her wolf several times but every time she ends up being blocked. She wanted explanations but her wolf offered no assistance whatsoever.

Were all the events that had happened even real? And if they were real, could she really have two mates? That was a very rare case. She was so lost in her thoughts not even paying attention to her mate's arrival until there was a knock on the door, followed by Blake's entrance.

With long strides he reached Alaska and affectionately nuzzled her neck, his hand firmly holding onto her hair. "I missed you so much... and my wolf was being so weird, as if sensing danger surrounding you" he whispered softly, expressing his genuine concern.

Alaska went stiff at his words she wanted to confide in him about everything that happened this morning but she had this spike of anxiety and fear at the pit of her stomach that refrained her from doing so.

Attempting to disregard aside the events from earlier, she sought solace in the comforting embrace of her mate...her real and first mate.

"I'm fine, honey. I missed you too though" she replied, inhaling his intoxicating scent. before she asked changing the topic: "So what did you do today?"

"I've got us some new things." He said wiggling his brows. Alaska giggled at that, humming as she replied "Hmm. Well I can't see them?"

"That's because they're outside in the truck. Wait here while I go and get them" he finished giving her a peck on her lips before heading off.

Before long, he returned, effortlessly carrying a table— a whole tall table. Alaska gasped in astonishment, disbelief coloring her voice as she exclaimed, "What!! You brought this in the car?"

"Well technically a truck?" He replied with a tint of playfulness, before he added "Where would you like me to place it, madam?"

Alaska looked around the place as she hummed then pointed to the corner with a panoramic view and located opposite to the chimney. "I think that would be a nice spot."

Following Alaska's suggestion, he placed the table in the suggested corner. He then left once again, only to return with a stove this time, much to Alaska's astonishment.

"What's next? You're gonna bring an entire house?" Alaska asked with amazement at her mate.

"Hopefully, soon enough. But for now, I'll just bring the groceries," he replied as he promptly left again, returning inside with his hands full of bags of different types of food.