
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

After setting up the stove and arranging everything he brought Alaska a chair in the kitchen where he would prepare their meal. Contentedly, Alaska sat and observed her handsome mate deftly handling kitchen utensils, akin to a talented chef.

"Do you want me to help?" Alaska inquired, her guilt mounting as she observed his efforts in cooking them a delicious meal.

"No. Darling, you will stay there and delight me with your lovely voice" He responded with a smile before proceeding to chop the vegetables.

"Well what are you making us, because it hasn't finished yet but it smells incredibly delicious"

Blake's face formed into a questioning one as he said "Honestly I don't know the name but I know it's a French dish, I had the opportunity to try it once, but I never got the chance again."

"Where was that?" Alaska asked,

"France," Blake replied. "We went on holidays, but trust me, I never truly enjoyed a vacation. I always carried a heavy burden, even as a child. Hopefully, we can visit together this time only me and you." He mumbled the last part lowly.

With a sigh, he went on, "At the dining table I never enjoyed my food like a regular child. My father would scold me if I didn't maintain my composure. I couldn't make any noise while eating, I couldn't laugh or whatsoever..."

"Meanwhile, my brother would laugh at me and kick me under the table. He did whatever he pleased, eating without restrictions, behaving freely, and speaking freely..."

Alaska couldn't help but remember the man from earlier who resembled Blake. She wondered if he could possibly be Blake's brother, the one he had mentioned. Unintentionally, she blurted out, "What was his name?"

Blake glanced at her briefly before stating, "Domino." The name sent shivers down Alaska's spine as Rogue stirred inside feeling an immediate attraction to it, causing her heart to race and flutter. Maybe... just maybe, she thought, he could be that man.

Blake noticed how Alaska went quiet but that wasn't the same case for her heart, he knew too well that there might be a possibility of her being mate with his brother too as -"according to lycanthrope folklore, when two siblings are born within the same month, they are highly probable to share the same soulmate..."- he remembered those words from the book vividly.

As an attempt to drift away the conversation he asked "What about you. Do you have a favorite cuisine?"

Alaska's face reddened as she said "I have no idea, except for the locals I haven't tried anything else... I've never really had the chance to" She finished lowly, her mind drifting back to the difficult period of her life when she became a rogue.

Despite her agonizing memories she wanted to confide in Blake about her time as a rogue, they had been together for months now and she still didn't tell him a thing about this part of her life, despite him sharing everything about himself.

As she spoke, capturing Blake's full attention who stopped cooking, she revealed, "Growing up, I never felt attached to the pack, the alpha had always portrayed negative feelings towards me, he even extended the hatred circle to my family..."

She paused, her gaze zoning away indicating the recollection of painful memories that resurfaced. "Because of me, my family lived in isolation despite being in a pack. They endured the alpha's verbal abuse and the mistreatment from his followers, yet they always stood by my side."

"There came the day that I could never forget... marking my fourteenth birthday, it was the day where I got my wolf— the day of my first shift... honestly many doubted that I would even shift, primarily due to the absence of any strong bond with the pack, but they were proven wrong as I shifted into a big wolf..." She paused for a moment before resuming, recalling, "The alpha stood there in front of me, demanding my wolf to submit and bare my neck, but Rogue didn't, and that's when things went haywire"

Her voice faltered once again as she felt lump forming on her throat. "He wanted to combat with me, the fourteen-year-old girl who had just shifted... But my family intervened, putting an end to his uncanny desires. However, he still wasn't satisfied with me living on his land... so he banished me." she recounted. At that point, Blake was seething with anger, his eyes turning a fiery gold. All he could think about was seeking vengeance and putting an end to that excuse of an alpha.

"That's when I found myself left utterly alone, a homeless rogue. It was then that Roy, who was just nineteen at the time, stumbled upon me and extended his hand of kindness. He offered me shelter and looked after me... It has been six years since I last saw my family, I terribly miss them" Her voice trembled and tears welled up in her stormy eyes, resembling relentless rough crashing of waves against an icy fortress in the far reaches of the North Pole... causing Blake's heart to break into countless fragments.

He rushed to her side, kneeling in front of her who was sitting on the chair, he placed his hands gently on both of her thighs, and his touch and presence brought forth a torrent of tears from her eyes. The tears were a blend of emotions— the ache of longing for her family and a profound sense of appreciation for having Blake by her side.

Blake felt his own heartache intensify seeing her tears cascade down her delicate red cheeks and landing on his arms. Each tear felt like a piercing arrow striking directly at his heart.

"Shhh, don't worry honey, you proved to be stronger than that weak excuse for an alpha... you should be proud of yourself. And as for your parents we will visit them soon... you got my words." Blake assured encircling his arm around her and drawing her close, nuzzling her neck.

After minutes of Alaska clinging to Blake and him calming her, saying sweet words into her ears, her tears subsided and a drowsiness settled upon her. Slowly, she released her grip and let go of him.

Noticing her tiredness, Blake swiftly completed the preparation of the food, serving it on the newly brought table.

Seated across from each other at the redwood table, Alaska wore a pensive and sad expression, burdened by a trifecta of emotions. Firstly, the absence of her wolf. Secondly, the memories of leaving her family brought a sadness that lingered. Lastly, the mysterious man from this morning haunted her, as she struggled with the inability to share this with Blake.

Blake on the other end kept his eyes fixated on his beloved, observing her intently and feeling a profound sadness permeate every fiber of his being, he couldn't bare witness her in such sadness "Tell me darling, you like the food?" he asked, hoping to alleviate some of her negative feelings.

Lost in her own daze. Alaska hummed in questioning manner, not initially hearing Blake's question. Thus Blake repeated and this time, Alaska shook off her reverie, responding sincerely, "Yes, it's very delicious... I didn't know that you could cook this amazing"

Their conversation proceeded, but more courtly until they had finished their meal.

As night fell, everyone retired to their beds lost in their own thoughts. Domino who arrived at the land a couple of minutes earlier headed straight to his room without sparing a glance at his friend who hopefully and eagerly awaited him, waiting for any solution he may have brought.

Upon entering his room, he took a quick bath and made his way to bed, tightly clutching the silk fabric of hers in one hand and the necklace in the other. Both he and his wolf had been restless, but surprisingly, this small piece of cloth provided him with some peace, though not the same one he would find in the presence of his mate.

He then brought the necklace and inspected it closely, it was a one with a snowflake pendant, he wore the cold metal around his neck that despite its coldness it brought him warmth to his body.

He couldn't believe that he had finally found his other half but his joy was dampened by the realization that his brother was the forerunner... and that actually explains why he had regained his wolf back.

Now were there even possibilities of him having his mate while his brother had her... he was ready to do whatever it took— even willing to relinquish the throne to his brother... the brother who was currently hugging his mate— or their mate.

Blake held Alaska tightly, who was clinging to him like dear life. In his embrace, he dispelled all her negative thoughts and making her to focus on his enticing scent, steady heartbeat, and deep breaths...slowly taking her to the land of sleep.


Days had drifted by in a monotonous and melancholic manner, deeply affecting Domino's heart. During the first days, he held onto the fabric that carried the enchanting scent of the girl he longed for. However, as the days went by, the cloth gradually lost its scent, leaving him and his wolf unstable.

Now, he found himself standing in front of  the tall window, offering a picturesque view of the magnificent land. But sadly, his mind was too preoccupied to appreciate the scenery. Thoughts of a particular blue-eyed girl with an alluring scent consumed his thoughts, even though he could no longer catch a trace of that enchanting scent.

His hand instinctively reached for the necklace that was warped around his neck, yearning for the sensation of touching her neck and leaving his mark upon it.

His wolf was out of reach, only sometimes appearing to show his intense longing for her and urging his human counterpart to go to her. However, the reality was far from simple. The human part of him was also hurting, also yearning for her presence. But a man does not attain all his heart desires for the winds do not blow as the vessels wish.

'We cannot keep this way. We must do something...' Domino's wolf said faintly into the mindlink. Domino immediately concurred, but was uncertain about where to even begin.

After inhaling deeply, Domino left the room and headed to the kitchen to prepare a plate full of various food. With the plate in hand, he then walked to the dungeons, specifically to the one where he had concealed the witch from his father's eyes.

As he reached the metallic door, he opened it with no further delay. There sat Tuscana on her bed in the far corner, her face displaying clear annoyance.

"Good morning auntie" Domino said prolonging the word auntie for emphasis . To which Tuscana glared.

"What? Are you here to mock me?" she snapped. Domino pretended to be hurt as he replied, "Oh, come on, I'm not that low." He then put the plate ahead of him and continued "Here. I brought you breakfast."

Feeling famished, Tuscana accepted the food without regret and dug into it. Domino stayed in his place, his eyes on Tuscana but his mind was preoccupied with his mate.

"Are you here to star at me and ridicule my state" Tuscana remarked, Domino, exhausted, gazed at her before responding, "No, I'm not that petty... I just want to ask you something."

Tuscana immediately scoffed "Of course, food in exchange for a question. Everything with compensation, right?"

Domino displayed an annoyed look before he uttered "This is the first time I'll be requesting something from you. Don't exaggerate."

"Anyway, I want to know how to employ a crow to send something to someone."

"Well, what do you want to send?" Tuscana asked, prompting a hesitant response from Domino who eventually disclosed "A letter"

With no delay Tuscana replied, saying "Sure bring me the letter I'll send it with the crow."

Domino's face instantly reddened as he defensively exclaimed, "What? No, just tell me how and I'll handle it."

"Tell you what? You can't do it even if I told you because it takes experience of years to be able to do it" Tuscana retorted. Domino carefully scrutinized her face, searching for any signs of lies, but found none.

"If you're going to keep staring at me like that, I'll decline" She threatened, and Domino wasn't up for any playing he sighed before he said "Okay, I'll bring the letter... but first there's no crow how..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Tuscana interrupted, saying, "I'll try to establish a connection with one of my crows."

Domino guarded her with wary eyes asking "And you can?" Tuscana affirmed with a nod. Without further interrogation, Domino left for his room. Retrieving a beige envelope from his desk drawer and carefully examined it before sealing it with red wax, hoping it would reach its intended recipient.

He then made his way back to the dungeons With each step, he prayed for a successful and positive outcome.

When he reached the room, Domino found Tuscana sitting on the ground with her eyes closed. He observed her with curiosity, but refrained from speaking.

Tuscana opened her eyes and made eye contact with Domino as she instructed, "Leave the dungeons door open, and this door as well" Domino didn't compel as he guarded her with wary eyes.

"Don't give me that look. Open the doors so the crow can enter here." As realization downed on him, Domino nodded and followed with her request.

After what felt like ages the crow flew into the room and perched on Tuscana's shoulder.

With some pates and some incoherent words, Tuscana was happy seeing her crow. Finally after a while she turned to Dominion and acknowledged him, "Alright give me the letter" and Dominion complied, handing her the letter as requested.

After attaching the letter to the raven, she asked "To where?" That was the question that rendered him speechless. Where? The location was one without a specific address, merely somewhere lost in a vast forest. And even if he knew, he hesitated to divulge it to Tuscana.

His wolf chanted in his head 'For god's sake! Just tell her... I'm losing my sanity' With a sigh, Domino silently agreed and informed Tuscana "The west forest of Wyoming"

Upon hearing his words, surprise filled Tuscana. It was the same place she had spelled on New Year's day , but nevertheless she concealed her surprise and whispered to the departing crow, that flew right away.

She wished to inquire or remark something about the address, but refrained from doing so... after all her unpleasant behavior was what caused her to be in this cell and without a hand.

Domino remained in place as the bird took flight, his mind filled with various scenarios that might happen and praying for a flawless outcome.

After minutes of him standing there, Tuscana asked "Don't you have... what you call... alpha duties?"

Domino, with a mixture of embarrassment and anger, mumbled under his breath, "Yeah, yeah... just waiting for..." He finished pointing towards the door, expressing that he was waiting for the crow to come.

Tuscan nodded understandingly and encouraged him to leave saying: "Come back tomorrow," Realizing that she didn't want him there, Domino reluctantly exited the room...