
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter Four

The next day, Alaska woke up earlier than Blake, still in the same position they slept in— facing each other with their hands clasped together. Admiration filled her eyes as she gazed at him, feeling the urge to run her fingers through his soft black locks. It might be a cliché, but she couldn't resist the temptation. Gradually, she tangled her hand in his curls, relishing the softness. However, her blissful moment was short-lived as Blake began to stir. She quickly untangled her fingers, knowing he was about to wake up.

As he opened his emerald greens, he greeted her with a heart-melting smile and a husky "good morning."

'I'm going into a panic attack right now.' Rogue said

Alaska rolled her eye at her wolf

'Stop rolling your eyes at me, and stop acting like he doesn't affect you' Rogue continued

'HE DOESN'T AFFECT ME! I'm Alaska remember?'

'Really? 'cause the drumming of your heart says different, I mean some more and it'll be out of your chest... uh and he's waiting for you to say good morning'

Alaska mentality slapped her face.

"Good morning," she replied with a smile.

Blake looked at her admiring her beauty, which made her uncomfortable. As he noticed the effect he had on her, he shifted his gaze and asked, "So, what are the plans for today?" as the words left his mouth he felt like cringing, thinking to himself of What a great question to ask.

"Honestly i don't have any. so we'll do whatever you got in mind" Alaska replied as a matter of facility.

Blake drifted away, attempting to brainstorm some ideas, but after being imprisoned for four years, he didn't have many.

Observing Blake's dilemma, Alaska remembered that it was Saturday, the day she usually tended to the ranch. It was the perfect opportunity to show Blake around.

"Are you up for a ride?" she inquired, glancing at his chest. He nodded. "Then we're off to somewhere," she declared. Blake looked at her quizzically. "You're not going to tell me where?" he asked.

"No, it's a surprise," she replied with a large smile before adding, "Now, go and prepare yourself. By the way, when you're done, let me examine your scars." Blake nodded gratefully before leaving the room.

They readied themselves and departed from the cabin, entering the truck. "We'll grab breakfast once we reach the town," Alaska stated, feeling guilty about not serving him breakfast at home already.

As they drove, they relished each other's company. Upon reaching the town, Alaska parked the truck and turned to Blake, "What would you like to eat?"

"I'll have the same as you," he replied. As Alaska exited the truck, Blake felt an unwelcome presence. He searched for the source of his discomfort but couldn't find it. Suddenly, he spotted a man with his back turned, who seemed familiar. He feared that the man might be one of them, searching for him.

Blake's stomach churned with unease thinking of Alaska out there.In a heartbeat he stepped out of the truck looking for Alaska, disregarding the risk of being spotted. He was willing to risk his life for her, just as she was for him.

"Blake, you alright?" Alaska's voice startled him, but he felt a wave of relief.

"Alaska," he breathed out.

"Yes Blake, are... you looking for someone"

"No, No in fact i was looking for you" When he saw the confusion on her face he continued "I'm just really excited for this ride"

Throughout the ride, Blake was punishing himself for spending more time with the girl; He was putting her in sheer danger. He didn't want none to experience the pain he had gone through, especially the kind gentle lady beside him.

"Here we are," Alaska announced killing off the engine. And for the first time that day, Blake took in his surroundings, and from his face Alaska could tell he was enjoying the view.

They were greeted by a large wooden gate with the initials WR engraved on a wooden plate. A fence that allowed them to see the vast stone and wooden property, with four horses grazing in the prairies around the house, along with some cows.

A man driving one of the tractors acknowledged the waiting car outside his property. Opening the gates, Alaska and Blake made their way inside.

"Alaska; I thought you were not coming today," the man exclaimed, scoping her in a tight embrace as soon as she was out of the car. Blake, who stood awkwardly on the other side of the car, felt envious as the man's hands wrapped around Alaska. The jealousy grew stronger as the embrace continued, suddenly Blake was overwhelmed with the urge to kill the man. He knew he was developing feelings for Alaska, but to feel this possessive? In the blink of an eye, the jealousy dissipated, replaced by a sense of sadness as Alaska's arms wrapped around the man.

"I see you've brought company," the man said, acknowledging Blake.

Alaska instantly made it by Blake's side holding his arm in her warm grasp making him forget about his previous jealousy and saddening emotions. "Roy this is blake" she started Introducing him to her fellow. "Blake this's Roy" she continued lowly.

'Is he your mate?' asked Roy who was a werewolf and a rogue; same as Alaska, through their mind link.

'No' Alaska responded with irritation and a deep feeling of illness in her heart when the topic of mates was brought up. She was sick of herself for falling for a guy from Aquitaine for a week while her actual mate was out there. She also felt a twinge of sadness for not having Blake as her mate.

Roy extended his hand towards Blake and remarked, "Well you must be very special because it's a first that I've seen Alaska bring someone here."

Alaska asked through the mindlink, 'Did you really have to say that?'

Roy responded, 'Eh well, it's just unusual to see you with people.'

'Don't make me regret coming here,' Alaska warned.

"Well be my guest," Roy said, gesturing towards Blake. "You can rest... choose any of my horses."

Alaska scowled at Roy who was blabbing nonsense and retorted "Okay Roy, i got it" as she held Blake's hand and they made their way towards the horses. 

"Sure, whatever," came Roy's brief response from behind.

Alaska wasn't sure where they were headed, but her main goal was to get away from Roy. On the other hand, Blake was enjoying holding her hand, feeling the cool breeze and smelling the newly cut grass.

"Hope you don't mind being around animals?" Alaska asked shyly, like a high school girl inviting her crush to her birthday party.

Blake was taken aback by Alaska's actions and saw her in a different light. Her behavior was endearing to him.

Alaska noticed Blake's stony expression and assumed he disliked animals?. "Oh no, you do... I'm sorry Blake, I didn't know-" she rambled, getting worked up for no reason. However, Blake didn't mind at all and found the whole scene lovely.

"It's fine Alaska, I love animals."

They rode horses and passed some time together despite the fact that Alaska was expected to help Roy with the upkeep of the cattle and the ranch .

Alaska glanced at Roy, who was tending to the stables all alone while she was playing around, she felt guilty. She then shifted her gaze to Blake, who was creasing the horse, she yearned to spend some more time with him, but her sense of guilt outweighed her desire.

"Blake. i think i should go and give Roy a hand, don't tire yourself much... and shout to me if you need anything— i'll be over there. okay?" she finished pointing to the stables.

Blake lifted his head from the horse and nodded. "Sure." he responded.

Alaska proceeded towards Roy, who appeared taken aback to see her. "Need a hand?" she inquired, grinning.

Roy grinned back. "I could use one. Thanks," he said, handing her a pitchfork.

"You gave up on your lover boy?," Roy remarked with amusement.

"Ha-ha, how funny," Alaska retorted.

She toiled quietly, occasionally laughing or responding to Roy's remarks. As they worked together, Alaska experienced a feeling of contentment. It was pleasing to help a friend, but she was burdened with guilt for abandoning Blake all alone and yearned to be near him, as he was just a stone's throw away.

On the other hand, Blake was envious of Roy, who was getting touchy with Alaska, and making her giggle at his jokes and banter.

Blake developed feelings for her within a week, and he went further till he felt possessive of her. This made the situation strange and abnormal - heck, he wasn't even normal himself. He had been subjected to four years of unrelenting torment by his own family, and now that Alaska had found him and given him what he had been missing for four years, he was grateful to her to the point of madness and possessiveness.

After a while of feeling his heart crushing, Blake summoned the courage and approached them. Alaska sensed his presence, removed her gloves, and walked towards him with a joyful expression on her face. "Hey Blake, you need something?" she inquired with a hint of concern in her tone.

He shook his head in denial and replied, "I just wanted to join you."

Alaska nodded and said, "Sure, let me grab you a stool." She proceeded to retrieve the stool, which was located behind Roy. As she did so, she glanced over at Roy, who gave her a knowing grin and a wink which didn't go unnoticed by Blake who shot Roy a deadly glare.

Roy lifted his hands defensively and chuckled, "Alright i'll leave you two here and go make us something to eat"

Blake spoke up as soon as Roy was gone, "You two seem very close."

Alaska sighed, "Yeah, he's a good friend of mine...And the only one at that." She finished the last part lowly. "Anyways, are you enjoying it here?"

Blake smiled, "Yes, it's quite lovely. Thank you, Alaska...Can i help you?"

Alaska looked at him like he has said the craziest thing in the world, "No, Blake. You ain't touching anything, you're here to relax and enjoy the fresh air, not to work. Plus, I'm almost done."

Alaska finished up the stable in no time before Roy called out from the porch. As they made their way back to the main house, Alaska led Blake to the kitchen and they both took a seat on stools.

Roy placed some sandwiches on the table and then took a seat after getting his own.

Alaska left half of her sandwich uneaten.

Observing her plate, Roy inquired, "Aren't you hungry?"

To which Alaska replied curtly, "I don't feel like eating."

Roy teased, "You don't like my cooking? Come on, finish your sandwich missy!" He was about to nudge her towards the sandwich, but Blake intervened by grabbing his hand.

"Relax, buddy. I was just kidding," Roy exclaimed, Blake released Roy's hand, feeling a mixture of guilt, possessiveness, and embarrassment.

'What's wrong with your man?' Roy asked Alaska through their mind link, but she was too surprised to respond.

When blake was done with his sandwich she mastered up courage and tied his hand in hers and said, "Come with me, I want to show you something." Her intention was to ease the tense atmosphere. They left the house and walked until they reached the area with tall pine trees and bushes . Alaska cleared the bushes to unveil a breathtaking view of a vast pond with ducks swimming around it and a long dock. Alaska removed her boots and walked towards the end of the dock before dipping her feet into the slightly chilly water. Blake stood at the far end of the dock, in awe, before Alaska invited him to join her.

The minutes flew by and it was time to leave and head home. They had a wonderful day especially at the pond and Blake was filled with gratitude for Alaska, his only problem today was Roy only; but he was grateful nonetheless.

As they were about to depart, Roy called out from the porch, "Alaska, can you stay the night?" Alaska eyed him warily, but Roy quickly added, "Please?"

Alaska turned to Blake for approval. "It's up to you, Alaska," he said, seething inside but maintaining a calm friendly demeanor. He couldn't risk upsetting the angelic figure in front of him, even if it meant spending more time with Roy; and despite the fact that he's got that sickening feeling in his guts just like the one he's got in the morning.

He silently prayed that nothing bad would occur.