
Mirage: A werewolf story

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter Three

Five days went by with the same routine. Alaska was taking care of Blake as he began to recover.

They would spend the entire day together, becoming more open to one another. They would watch television together and exchange some basic facts about one another -but what exactly did him harm, Or her being a werewolf kept at bay-. They spent some time exploring the cottage and the surrounding area before sharing the same bed...

Alaska intended to take Blake shopping today, where she would purchase him some new clothes and let him change the mood.

She was aware that he would eventually depart to return to his family or whatsoever, so he needed some appropriate clothing... no matter how sad the concept makes her feel inside, she had to.

Informing Blake of their little journey, he was excited but had some uneasiness at the same time. They are undoubtedly searching for him now that he escaped; what if they do find him?

Blake was waiting outside by the truck as they both got ready. Alaska retrieved her car keys and some cash at that time.

Shen then made it outside, telling Blake, "Well hop up in," with a smile on her face.

At her words he entered, her following and they began the ride.

Moments into the ride and Blake still got that unsettling feeling. All scenarios of them finding him flooded his head. What If they did find us, would they drag Alaska along with me? No, I won't let them; I can't let the girl into my mess... He was clearly perturbed by his situation, and Alaska was able to see the distress on his face.

She tried to lighten the mood by asking, "Do you have a favorite song?" He looked at her with wary distant eyes at first, but when she looked at him with her blue eyes and a small smile on her pretty plump lips, and her voice... he felt a little more relaxed. "Not really," he said with a shrug.

"Well here's my phone, put on anything you want" She said while handing him her phone. Blake understood the intentions behind her act, she wanted him to feel at ease, she wanted to distract him from whatever depressing thoughts occupying his head. And he was beyond grateful.

When they reached their intended destination, the city of Casper. Alaska spotted a suitable place to park. Stopping the engine she turned to Blake and gave him one of her biggest smile before saying " Alright let's go".

They arrived at a store called '42 Degrees North'. Once they had entered, Blake found himself standing awkwardly at the entryway. Alaska took notice and instantly made it by his side, with a gesture of her head she said "Come on, let's find some clothes you like, you know I don't know your style and I'd like to discover something new about you"

Shock filled him. She's buying me clothes? The girl can barely manage her expenses, I can't let her buy me clothes. He thought to himself.

He hurriedly denied "No please, you already gave me some clothes i..."

Alaska interrupted him before he could finish his sentence "Oh Blake, you call two basketball jerseys and shorts clothes, plus you don't have a shoe." She held his forearm and continued, "You're my guest and I take care of my guests." She then gave him a gentle caress on the arm before letting her hand fall next to her, making him miss her warmth already.

They moved around the aisles touching and trying every fabric on. Blake was initially hesitant but soon began to appreciate spending time with the little angel next to him.

They eventually made it back to their truck after their somewhat lengthy shop visit. Alaska's hand was on the gearshift when Blake cupped it in his larger hand and said, "Words can't describe how grateful I am." She was left speechless by the intensity of his touch. Knowing that the words would betray her; She only nodded.

After minutes into the ride, Blake took notice that they were taking a different path from the one before, indicating that they weren't returning home just yet. and out of curiosity he asked "Where are we going"

Alaska glanced at him before switching her gaze back to the road "We can't go home with a grumbling stomach can we? So we'll have some food" she replied with a cheerful tone that made Blake chuckle. Not knowing that the simple action—the low chuckle left Alaska dazed and daydreaming.

She tried to regain control by taking a deep breath, focusing her gaze on the road and squeezing her hands on the steering wheel, causing her knuckles to whiten. "Are you okay" Blake asked concern lacing his tone, "You want me to drive" he offered.

"No, no I'm fine, thank you" Alaska replied more conscious this time.

They got to Taco Bell and the drive-through. Alaska placed an order for her and him. Taking their bags, they made their way to a small nearby park, which was quiet with only a few children playing. Alaska looked for a spot and found the perfect one under a large tree, far from any living being.

Alaska jumped out of the truck and made her way to the back. She retrieved a blanket and made it to the chosen tree then went back to the truck to get the food bags. All this time Blake giving her a confused look, Alaska saw the confusion in his face and looked at him with a frown on her face but a small smile creeping on her face then asked "What?". He looked at her then back at the blanket placed under the tree as if asking what are you doing. Alaska let a laugh out "I mean isn't it obvious? We're having food under the tree... in the park? Now come on" She said.

"Yeah I know what you're doing but I'd like to know is why?" He asked, then continued with a bashful tone "hey don't mind me, I ask a lot of questions" Alaska was aware that he asked a lot but he is not to blame; anyone who has been in his state would do. he had been traumatized.

"Well mister, you happened to tell me that you enjoyed being outdoors" Alaska said, Blake was impressed by her words. She remembered something about him not just anything but a small detail, she was paying attention to every word he said... and wanted to bring him comfort. She demonstrated that she was not only listening attentively to what he said, but was also considering how to best show her understanding and provide him with solace.

He was dazed and stood in the same spot for a while until Alaska dragged him by the hand to the blanket and made him sit. Opening the bags. Blake almost teared up; "And you got me my favorite food, oh Alaska you're something" he said lowly but Alaska heard him.

They were quiet for a while, just enjoying each other's company and food, with a light breeze ruffling their hair.

Alaska sighed contentedly, "You know? This is one of my favorite places. It used to bring me joy... seeing kids running around, the trees swaying in the breeze... honestly, I never thought I'd love this park more, but I guess I was wrong," she chuckled before continuing, "Having you here with me brought me a whole new level of joy— not gonna lie, you are the first person that accompanied me here... and I like it so far." Throughout her entire conversation, Blake listened intently, happy and proud of himself for bringing that smile to her face. He was strange, and even stranger for falling for her in 5 days.

"I'm glad that I bring you a whole new level of joy" he replied quoting her words.

When they were done eating, Alaska took the empty coke cans and the shredded paper bags. Just as Alaska was about to stand up and toss them out; Blake beat her to it by saying, "It's okay, I got it,"

Making his way back to their spot. Alaska patted the blanket and wiggled her brows, saying, "Rest now because we have somewhere to go later."

Later on that day Blake found himself entering an arcade,

"You said you missed playing bowling so here we are"

Blake was surprised by her. For more than four years, no one has even given him proper boxers to wear. And here this little angel is taking care of him above and beyond what is required, and having this much care was intense to him. He wanted to hug her until her bones cracked, but he restrained himself and instead tangled his fingers with hers, which caused Alaska to blush profusely.

They put on the shoes and began playing. He was lacking experience maybe due to the time that has been taken away from him but he enjoyed this moment nonetheless. Eventually Alaska cut him off before he could finish, saying, "That's enough bowling, you're still wounded remember?"

"How come you know how to play" Blake inquired as they settled into one of the seats.

"Well, sometimes it gets pretty boring at the cabin. So this is where I come. Even though it's boring playing by myself. So I'm enjoying your company... again"

He gave her one of his smiles before saying, "Well, I'm glad you do, because I do as well— I enjoy your company very much."

Alaska nodded her head trying to escape the feelings that erupted in her stomach.

"Let's play some more. Do you wanna try something else" Alaska said glancing around the arcade room. "Something that doesn't involve using muscles too much" She hurriedly added pointing to his chest.

They played some more before heading back to their truck.

Laughter filled the car as they exchanged words.

"We scared the kids away" Blake said between laughter.

"You did. I mean someone banging on the console that way, almost crushing it— like hulk... is quite a sight" Alaska responded.

"Hey miss don't forget the one who were gripping their hair like a maniac. You're the one who scared them away, they probably thought that you escaped an asylum"

"Alright Alright." Alaska burst laughing.

"Oh Alaska it's been a lifetime since I laughed this hard..." he said with a tired tone as his eyes heaved.

"Rest Blake, it was a tiring day for you. When we get home I'll wake you up"

She was right; he was worn out and in desperate need of some sleep. His head was on the window; with the warmth of the vehicle and the scent of Alaska filling his nose. He immediately dozed off.

Alaska gently poked Blake on the shoulder and said, "Blake, Blake... we're here." He continued to snuggle in the seat despite her vain attempts to wake him up.

After numerous efforts, he finally woke up, and once inside, they completed their nighttime ritual and went to bed.

They did not speak while they both lay on their backs. Blake finally broke the soothing silence, asking, "Alaska?"

"Hmm?" At the faint reply he turned to his side facing her "I really don't know how can I repay you... what you did to me is unforgettable. I was a complete stranger when you took me in and provided for me. You know Alaska? I've been so hurt for years that I lost how to be cared for" at his last words he voice croaked revealing how damaged he is.

And Alaska took it upon her to fix his damage.

She faced him while lying on her side and took both of his hands in hers. "Blake you're a good person you deserve to be cared for. And taking you in with me after seeing you in that state, is the least I can do. In fact i have to thank YOU, for lighting up my house, it was so damn lonely here" she finished with a sad chuckle.

As they stared into each other's eyes, Blake sank farther into her blue orbits while Alaska admired the deep greens.

Their eyes drooped until sleep overtook them without knowing. Blake having a large smile on his face. Finally, after many years, he was sleeping peacefully, and filled with a feeling of contentment.