
Monarch Of Shadows

Kyle is surrounded by shadows, they're his greatest comfort and protector. He is constantly abused by everyone with nobody to help him. One day he is consumed by his internal darkness only to have a man amazing encounter and meet a lifelong friend. Watch as Kyle delves into a new world and becomes the Monarch Of Shadow. First time doing this so any tips would be great.

Allfather47 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

What To Do When You’re A Baby

Espen's first days as a baby were peaceful yet anything but happy, all that he could do was observe and speak to the voice in his head which he soon figured out was the azure black flame. He learnt that the flames name was the azure shadow flame, it used light as a fuel source so was permanently shrouded in shadow and was suited to user of darkness such as Espen himself. Thus allowed for him to experiment Witt shadows and try to move them to make shapes, he had succeded in shaping them and was starting to solidify them.

During his first days he spent most of his time in bed with his mother Angle, Raaz his father would spend the night in the boys room which was to the left and the girls to the left of the front door entrance, the small almost broken wooden house could only just house the people currently staying here showed him that he would have to work for a comfortable life. He was okay with this.

Whenever someone tried to talk to them he would look at them and try to figure out what they were saying. There was only so much time before people considered him retarded.

The azure shadow flame had lost its previous memories of its past owner and could only remember what it was and how it worked, in these days Espen had tried to learn some of the language that was everywhere and yet so foreign to him.

Besides these three things all he had to do was eat sleep and poop a few times a day and giggle and grab someone's finger so that nobody would suspect anything was wrong with him.

To him all that was left was to try and get stronger and learn the ways of this world and just exactly his position and purpose.

On Earth he had been a strong person yet had no reason to aspire to anything, it was difficult to be surrounded by people that loved him yet his family seemed human so he would try to get along with them.

He soon found out that magic was a common thing here and that some people could cast it silently yet not powerfully, it was often used for chores such as cleaning and cooking. He had tried to discreetly use these kinds of magic and was surprised to find out that he could use wind, earth, light, water that he could then turn to ice or boil with what he had presumed was fire. Thus meant that he had six of the bad elements that almost everyone would know, of course his manipulation and power of darkness and shadows were more profound then the others yet that was to be expected seeing as how his dad was apparently the god of darkness.

He knew that if he tried enough then his darkness could become armour, a knife and a place of comfort for him if he tried hard enough yet he wasn't at that level yet.

Despite the comfort of shadows his mother, Angela and his sisters often showered him with affection which, despite his prejudice for his past mother, made him feel glad and warm inside for having someone care for him. Which made him feel protected.

The outcome of his first month was an entity to talk to, a language to learn, magic to master and a family to protect.


A new month.

Espen was wrapped in many clothes to protect him from the cold and embraced by his mother whilst talking to Raaz and Astrid, Astrid was one of Espen's new favourite people as she would always spend time to play with him despite them all sharing the same parents she was the only one who protected and cared for him.

She suddenly crawled in a ball on the floor in a coughing fit. Espen knew that his kind sister was ill and harshly affected by it, she never went outside as it was cold and she got ill often and severely.

This lit a flame in Espen's eyes as he sent a plea to the azure shadow flame to help him learn magic and get stronger. This was when he learnt that light magic and darkness magic were both for healing, darkness destroyed and light restored, together these two were both healing types of magic.

Astrid stopped coughing and her younger siblings went to help her up. All except for the oldest son Ivar, he was cruel and selfish and often took Espen's food from him to eat it himself, even though Ivar was an average build he had more fat in him then everyone else, thus was not a difficult task seeing as his entire family were skinny due to slight malnutrition.

He just sneered in the corner looking at the hurt sibling mumbling "she was better off dead so that they could have more food and not have to spend money and time on a nearly crippled sister!"*

These words were heard by Raaz and Angela who looked at him with a shocked and disgusted face realising how he felt such hatred and cruel ness for his sister. For this Raaz screamed at him abs spanked him so hard that he couldn't sit and made him work in their small game for everyday after that, since then he would be even more cruel to Espen and pinch him when nobody was looking.

To Ivar's annoyance Espen would just glare at him thinking how could he have such a kind sister yet horrible brother. The other sister, Tista and brother, Bjorn never left any impression on Espen.

Bjorn seemed to follow Ivar as thigh he were a lost puppy looking for comort and a friend.

Tista was kind enough to Espen yet tried hard to learn magic which to Espen's shock was slower then his progress yet was apparently already praise worthy.

This made him smile cunningly as he thought of how shocked they would be if they knew that a Barry older then two month old baby could comprehend basic words in a conversation and could manipulate different forms of magic to a slight degree, he could cool and heat himself up slightly and have a subtle breeze or even make the corners of a room shrouded in shadow and creep along the walls with clawed hands. Only to have swords of light protect them away. This was the amazing degree of magic that he had learnt to cast silently and without anyone noticing.

The azure shadow flame was calm and often enjoyed fire and light as it could make it restore some of its strength, when this happened it got a more elegant and calm sounding male voice, despite its smooth sound it still sounded as though it crackled at times.

It eventually remembered that it could absorb light and turn it into power for the user of the azure shadow flame and even protect some parts of the users body. Often it manifested in the form of a ring on his tiny fingers and grew as he did. Due to Espen often being covered in thin blankets nobody saw this.

After these two and a bit months he learnt that he should keep his powers hidden, his sisters and parents close and his brother far away and never let them close to him or show them and kindness.

Ivar stole food from a baby and wished death upon his own sister and hurt a baby just because he could. Thus type of person deserved no kindness.