
Monarch Of Shadows

Kyle is surrounded by shadows, they're his greatest comfort and protector. He is constantly abused by everyone with nobody to help him. One day he is consumed by his internal darkness only to have a man amazing encounter and meet a lifelong friend. Watch as Kyle delves into a new world and becomes the Monarch Of Shadow. First time doing this so any tips would be great.

Allfather47 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Found Out

Espen's says we're filled with unrelenting boredom, in this time he had decided that his best option was to practice magic.

His every waking moment was filled with manipulating the six elements to a degree that he could shape faces with them, this was amazing as he could see how he could benefit his future and his families situation.

Besides his ascetic training he realised that being a baby was anything but easy. He couldn't speak nor move, the words he had learnt he shouldn't know at least for another few months so all he could do was but eat, sleep, empty his bowels and sleep.

He wasn't used to being this week and having to rely on others for every little thing, this was also one of the reasons for his constant training, to gain independence and to have something to stop the mind numbing boredom. Too much free time would cause him to be insane.

All he could do was practice and practice and try to digest his weird situation, he often spotted people that were tall and have angular faces with pointed ears, Espen had never paid too much attention to Norse mythology yet he had recognised Odin/The Allfather because of the movie Thor by Marval studios. He had assumed that these odd looking people were elves and that they were all stunning yet similar looking, as though the were all sculpted to look beautiful which was slightly disturbing because the men looked like a mix between cute and handsome with their angular faces and smooth porcelain skin.


One night when the shadows were gathering on a certain spot and a flame was crackling yet producing no light, a stream of moonlight was going to the crackling void, a baby was in the centre grinning as though he had just gotten a new toy.

Espen was smiling widely as he had just manifested a small wisp of the azure shadow flame, the flame was behind his ear to stay out of sight so that during the day it would remain unnoticed, apparently it preferred to be in this form compared to the ring. He slowly drifted off in the darkness.

The next morning Angela woke up before dawn andwas clearly shocked to see that the space around her baby boy was lightly darker.

This had caused her to rush to find Naana the local midwife and mage. Within and hour the kind old woman had arrived looking at the small baby shrouded in shadows.

Her eyes bulged slightly due to the shocked murmuring "impossible that can't be. It's been hundreds of years, how can he manifest again?"*

The quit murmuring that Naana was saying scared Angela do she went to get Raaz to seem comfort.

At this moment Espen awoke looking straight at Naana with a determined expression. The darkness appeared in his eyes turning them black for a split second.

Naana felt terrified and subconsciously stepped backwards away from the baby with the black eyes.

Naana said in a worried tone to Angela's and Raaz "don't worry everything will be okay, his darkness magic is just too powerful. He will surely be a force to be reckoned with"*

Hearing this the entire household was relieved and happy. All except 1, Ivar. He had always tried hard for his parents approval and to make them proud yet due to his nature he couldn't be considerate or powerful only cruel and selfish. Ivar came to despise his little baby brother.