
Modern Gu Cultivation

In a world teetering on the edge of light and shadow, Sam Walker discovers an ancient map leading to realms beyond imagination. As he navigates the treacherous landscapes of Durinia and the mysterious Pushp Lok, Sam encounters legendary creatures, secret societies, and a mission that could alter the fate of two worlds. From battling abyssal beasts to uncovering the secrets of the Maha Vishwavidyalaya, Sam’s journey is a riveting blend of adventure, intrigue, and discovery. Haunted by a cunning adversary and guided by enigmatic allies, Sam's quest for truth and justice takes him from bustling towns to the eerie confines of an otherworldly prison. With the power to traverse dimensions and a burgeoning strength fueled by mystical realms, he must protect the vulnerable and unravel the mysteries that bind his fate to the ancient prophecy. Join Sam as he embarks on a thrilling odyssey where every step unveils new challenges and every decision could tip the balance between hope and despair. "Modern Gu Cultivation" is a captivating tale of courage, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a hero determined to shine light into the darkest corners of existence. --- Mass Release Chapter 16-20 on Date 13th June 2024 --- Support UPI: cosmicmystery@ybl

CosmicMystery · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter 20: The Village of Shadows

Sam stepped out of the portal and found himself standing in a vast landscape. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of exotic flowers. Towering mountains loomed in the distance, and a dense forest stretched out before him. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, and the sunlight bathed the landscape in a warm glow.

"Alright, Pushp," Sam said, adjusting the straps on his trekking bag. "Time to explore this place."

He began walking, taking in the breathtaking scenery around him. The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant bird calls. As he moved forward, the dense trees gradually gave way to open fields dotted with wildflowers. After walking for what felt like hours, Sam spotted a human settlement in the distance.

A small village lay nestled at the edge of the forest, its thatched-roof houses standing in stark contrast to the natural beauty around them. Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. "It seems like the map chose this location intentionally," he thought. "Maybe there's something here I need to find."

As he approached the village, he noticed the simplicity of the structures. The houses were little more than four walls with roofs, built for the sole purpose of providing shelter. The villagers wore clothes made of cotton, flax, linen, and animal leather. The designs were rudimentary, but functional.

"This place reminds me of the most remote tribal villages on Earth," Sam muttered to himself. He had expected better living conditions, given the emphasis on welfare value in this world. The realization that these people lived in such basic conditions was both shocking and unsettling.

Sam felt a twinge of fear as he undid the safety on his Desert Eagle. He hesitated at the edge of the village, torn between entering and searching for a more modern settlement. However, a strong premonition kept him rooted to the spot. "There's something here I need to see," he thought.

He cautiously walked toward the village, observing the villagers' actions. A few stood guard at the entrance, while others were hidden, likely watching for threats from afar. The guards tensed up as they saw him approach but relaxed slightly when they realized he was human. They still maintained their guard, though.

One of the guards stepped forward and spoke in an incomprehensible language. Sam could only offer a blank look in response. He tried speaking as well, but it was clear they didn't understand him either. Both sides resorted to awkward gestures in an attempt to communicate.

Realizing the futility of their efforts, one of the guards ran into the village and soon returned with an older man. The village leader, as Sam assumed, held out a pale white orb to him. Unsure of what to do, Sam took the orb into his hand. As soon as he did, he heard a voice in his head.

"Welcome, traveler. I am Korim, the chief of this village," the voice said. "This orb allows us to share our thoughts and break the language barrier. Please, speak your mind."

Sam felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Chief Korim. My name is Sam Walker. I'm a traveler exploring this world."

Korim nodded. "We are always curious about new faces. Please, come with me."

The villagers, now understanding Sam's intentions, relaxed and led him into the village. As they walked, Sam took in the surroundings. The village was humble, with small plots of land for farming and simple tools for daily tasks. Despite the basic living conditions, the villagers seemed content.

Sam turned to Korim, speaking through the orb. "Chief Korim, can you tell me more about this place?"

Korim nodded. "This village is called Rivenwood. We live a simple life, close to nature. Our people have lived here for generations, but our progress has been slow."

Sam frowned. "Slow? From what I've seen, it looks like the village hasn't changed much in a long time."

Korim sighed. "You are correct. Our village has the best living conditions in the vicinity, but we cannot progress even if we want to."

Sam was taken aback. "Why is that?"

Korim shook his head. "That is a long story, one we can discuss in due time. For now, let us show you our hospitality."

As they walked through the village, Sam noticed the villagers going about their daily routines. Children played in the dirt, women tended to small gardens, and men worked on repairing tools and structures. Despite the apparent poverty, there was a sense of community and resilience.

Sam couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He had expected more from a world that valued welfare so highly. The conditions in Rivenwood were barely better than those of an isolated tribe on Earth.

"Chief Korim," Sam began, "I don't mean to offend, but I expected better living conditions in a world that values welfare so much. Can you help me understand why things are the way they are?"

Korim's expression was somber. "I understand your confusion, Sam. Our village is not as advanced as you might expect, but we are doing the best we can with what we have. There are reasons for our struggles, but it is not something easily explained."

Sam nodded, appreciating the chief's honesty. "I would like to learn more about your village and your people. Maybe there's a way I can help."

Korim smiled faintly. "Your offer is generous. Perhaps you can help us in ways we cannot help ourselves."

As they continued their tour, Sam couldn't help but notice the resilience and determination in the villagers' eyes. They were people who had faced adversity and continued to push forward, despite the odds.

After some time, Korim led Sam to a modest hut at the edge of the village. "This will be your place to stay while you are with us," Korim said. "Please, make yourself at home."

Sam thanked the chief and entered the hut. It was simple but clean, with a bed made of straw and a small table with a few wooden chairs. He set his trekking bag down and took a seat, feeling the weight of the day's events.

"Pushp," Sam called out, his voice a soft murmur. "I have so many questions about this place. Why are the conditions so poor despite the focus on welfare value?"

"I understand your concerns, Sam," Pushp replied. "Unfortunately, I do not have all the answers. However, it is clear that the people of Rivenwood face challenges that prevent them from progressing."

Sam sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and determination. "I need to understand more about this world and its people. Maybe then I can figure out how to gather the welfare value needed to unlock the next Lok."

"That sounds like a wise plan," Pushp agreed. "Take your time to learn about this place and its inhabitants. Understanding their struggles and needs will be key to helping them."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the village, Sam felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had come to Maha Lok to explore and unlock its secrets, and Rivenwood was the first step on that journey.

The villagers continued their evening routines, gathering around small fires to cook and share stories. Sam watched from the doorway of his hut, feeling a sense of connection to these people. Despite their hardships, they had a strength and resilience that inspired him.

"Tomorrow," Sam thought, "I'll start by getting to know the villagers and their needs. There has to be a way to help them and, in turn, gather the welfare value I need."

With that resolve, Sam settled into his straw bed, the soft sounds of the village lulling him to sleep. The adventure in Maha Lok had only just begun, and he was determined to make a difference in this world. As he drifted off, the vastness of the map and the challenges ahead filled his dreams, fueling his determination to succeed.