
Modern Family: I want Freedom

My name doesn't need to be known. I died as someone who didn't enjoy life. I missed everything. Luckily God gave me a second chance in another universe. In that universe I decided not to give a fu*k about the rules. I decided to do what I wanted to do and enjoy life. I was assisted in that as I got a system, which rewarded me with various character templates of people like Neil Caffrey, Sherlock Holmes, Lupin, and many others. Watch me live my life to the fullest as Ethan Alvarez. The main universe will probably be Modern Family with many other TV series or movies mixed in it like Brooklyn 99. You can recommend various movies or series and I will try to build them into the novel. The universe will not be supernatural. If you want it to be supernatural I can try to add it. You can not only choose the TV series or Movies but also recommend various templates for the MC. A little introduction about the MC is in the first chapter. (author here: I really overdid it at the beginning, but it will get better after the first 7 chapters(at least that is what I think and hope))

burakku · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Next lottery draw

It has been two weeks since I enrolled in my new school.

My relationship with Haley has pretty much stayed the same. Though we are only a small line away from friends.

I still have sports and history with her.

Anyway. Tomorrow is my birthday. That will be my 14th lottery. I hope something good will be in there.

I couldn't wait to draw and soon the clock was approaching 0:00. 

[Congratulations host on your 14th lottery]

[Do you want to draw right now]

[Yes] [No]

I drew right away.

[Congratulations Host, you have won the template of Steve McGarrett]

[Steve McGarrett:

-Combat( 8 )

-Survival ( 8 )

-Marksmanship ( 8 )

-Weaponry ( 8 )

-Strategic thinking ( 8 )

-Interrogation ( 8 )

-Medical skills ( 4 )

-Navigation ( 7 ) ]

"System open the ability panel"

[Ethan Nathaniel Alvarez]

[Age: 14]

[Height: 1,76m/5,9 feet]





-Electrical knowledge(MAX)



-Disguise( 9 )

-Impersonation( 8(9) )

-Quick Thinking ( 8(9) )

-Strategic Thinking ( 9 )

-Thievery ( 9 )

-Counterfeiting ( 9 )

-Forgery ( 9 )

-Art Knowledge ( 9 )

-Computer Proficiency ( 7 )

-Manipulation ( MAX )

-Combat( 8 )

-Survival ( 8 )

-Marksmanship ( 8 )

-Weaponry ( 8 )

-Interrogation ( 8 )

-Medical skills ( 4 )

-Navigation ( 7 )


Strategic thinking was finally upgraded from 8 to 9 and many new skills came together.

I said with a happy smile. Steve McGarrett was from the TV series Hawaii Five-0. He was a former Navy Seal who got back to his hometown in Hawaii, where he founded a Task Force. 

Steve McGarrett was a completely new addition to my other skills. I got many new combat techniques in my mind as well as knowledge of various types of weapons and how to shoot with them.

Overall a very good draw.

~the next day~

I went to school as usual. It was Monday now. The first two classes were French and English again. Boring as ever.

The third class was math. I talked with Haley the whole time. She was the only friend I currently had.

Then two hours of chemistry, which were spent the usual way by playing a few games on the calculator.

Then lunch came. 

Till lunch everything was as usual, but a happy moment came in lunch. I sat down as usual and suddenly Haley came up to me.

"Hey Ethan, wanna come over and sit with us? My friends wanted to get to know you.", Haley said with a smile.

I looked over and saw them looking at me and waving here with a smile.

"Of course", I smiled and walked over.

"Hi, I am Ethan.", I introduced myself.

"I am Mary", a blonde woman was the first to introduce herself.

"I am Travis", a black youth introduced himself.

"I am Scott", another one introduced himself. This time it was a black-haired boy.

"I am Betty", a beautiful black-haired woman said.

We talked for quite a while and soon I found some information about them. Travis was playing Basketball and Scott football.

Mary was a cheerleader for the football team and Haley, Betty, and I didn't have a club.

I talked with them for quite a while. 

I felt pretty smooth and it seemed I had gained a friend group. Another thing was that I felt that Haley and I were real friends now. 

After lunch, we agreed to go to a Starbucks nearby, when school was finished.

When school was finished we did as we agreed and had a really good time too.

Another thing I found out was that everyone in our friend group was single. That didn't happen often as many relationships are formed through friends.

It was a really good day.