
Agam Adinata

The two then quickly finished their breakfast. Currently, they are preparing to meet Agam's parents as well as Iren's parents. Iren himself can not wait to meet her parents. Iren will talk to her parents first and then, she will talk about her marriage to Agam.

"Iren, we are leaving now. Are you ready?" Irene nodded her head. When Iren arrived outside the house, she saw a completely different atmosphere from the environment where she had lived so far. The atmosphere is very beautiful and cool. In one glance, Iren could tell that she was currently in the peak realm.

"Brother Agam, where are we?" Agam smiled hearing what Iren asked. He then grabbed Iren's hand and told her to get into Agam's luxury car. Iren obeyed and she didn't talk much anymore because right now, she just wanted to meet her parents.