

"Brother, I will continue this marriage. Guide and teach me who is still new to domestic life. I also apologize if I have hurt your feelings all this time." Agam nodded his head. He then hugged Iren's body tightly and kissed his wife's lips. Now Iren no longer refuses every touch of her husband.

"Honey, we rest now because tomorrow we have to go back to Bekasi. I have to go back to work and you also have to go to college right?" Iren looked at Agam in surprise. How could she still be studying at the same place? she would definitely run into Keenand and Keenand would definitely not let her go.

"Brother, am I not going to change colleges?" Agam looked at Iren with a surprised look, he frowned and smiled. "Why do you have to change colleges, honey? You already have a thesis, I just suggest that you continue to study at your campus." Irene lowered her head. How will she face Keenand later? Agam can read Iren's mind, he smiles.