
24. Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"What is that?" Kevin shot up, about ready to grab his gun at the foot of the bed.

"Shh, I think that's just Jay", Vanessa whispered.

"Halstead? Why is Halstead here? Hailey isn't back is she?" Kevin asked, confused as to why Jay would be in her bed.

"No, she isn't. I don't think he's been sleeping at all this week", she replied.

"Hmm gotcha. Do you think he's having an episode?" Kevin asked, uncharacteristically nervous.

She nodded, not really knowing what to do. "Should I go wake him up?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Ruz told me he tried that once while he was asleep on the break room couch and it did notgo well", Kevin mimicked a punch to the face.

Vanessa chewed her lip, she couldn't just ignore it though, could she? Kevin saw her weighing out the pro's and con's in her head.

"You better go check on him. It sounds like he's crying now", Kevin said sympathetically, it was drowned out by Jay's yelling and whimpering.

"Ya, you're right. Listen, just stay in here alright? He doesn't know about us. Plus I don't want him to freak out if he knows you're here too", she reasoned. Kevin nodded understandingly.

Vanessa tip toed across the hallway to Hailey's bedroom, cracking the door open slowly. Jay was still fast asleep, but clutching the pillow so hard that his knuckles were white. Her heart dropped when she saw a small tear escape and roll down his cheek. He was mumbling something that she couldn't make out, but he sounded scared.

She froze for a minute, just watching him. Growing up, she had lived in a lot of foster homes with a lot of different kids. Some of those kids had not been treated very well, they used to have nightmares like this all of the time. Vanessa knew that was not the case with Jay, his military past likely bringing this on. But still, she recognized some PTSD when she saw it, and she felt for him, she really did. He must do a lot of inner work to keep these things at bay during his everyday life. She had never seen him slip up once at work, even all the times he's slept over here. It was likely the lack of sleep messing with him, maybe feeling anxious without Hailey. She considered calling her for a second, but didn't want to scare her, or have to explain why she brought Jay home with her from the bar. It would only worry her more. She would have to get him through this one on her own. If he did get violent, she would call for Kevin, but otherwise, it was just her.

"Jay?" She called out softly.

He was still whimpering, his eyes forcefully squinted shut.

"Jay?" She said quietly again. She made sure to stand by the foot of the bed, not within arms reach of him.

She lightly rested her hand on his foot, and held her breath. He didn't lash out so she moved closer until she was at the side of the bed and she was sure he was awake.

"Hey", she said cautiously, as he opened his eyes more and became aware of his surroundings.

"Hey", he replied back hoarsely, clearing his throat. He was staring at her with a strange look in his eye, almost like embarrassment.

"It's alright. You had a bad dream", Vanessa said, kneeling down next to him, slowly putting a hand on his back.

He flinched at first, and she took her hand away, before he immediately took a deep breath and apologized.

"Sorry, can you…can you leave your hand there?" Jay asked so quietly, so gently, it made Vanessa's heart hurt. That he just needed some human contact.

"Of course, you're okay. Just take some deep breaths", she reassured him, seeing him in this scared, almost child-like state was foreign to her. She didn't really know what to do, but sitting here with him seemed to be helping with calming him down.

She could feel his heart racing under his hand, every once in a while she would rub his back. So she took a few deep breaths with him, trying to help him find a rhythm.

"Is this okay?" She asked, he nodded back, trying to ground himself.

"This is what Hailey usually does too", he replied back a few minutes later, able to get his words out more clearly by then.

Vanessa smiled at the fact that Jay was thinking about Hailey right now. "Okay. Do you want to call her?"

Jay's eyes shot her direction again, "No, it's okay. I don't want to bother her, it's even later there."

"Alright, although I'm sure she wouldn't mind", Vanessa persisted. He was much calmer now, but she wasn't sure if this was going to happen again.

Jay attempted a smile. "I'll call her in the morning. I'm just really tired. This honestly doesn't happen that much anymore."

Vanessa shrugged, "This doesn't matter to me Jay. You don't need to explain, really."

His nod and his silence spoke volumes, he just continued to lie there, catching his breath. Vanessa continued to sit on the floor of Hailey's room next to him, keeping him company.

Jay nodded his head, "Thanks Vanessa. I'm okay now", he replied, taking a deep breath and moving from lying on his back to his side.

Vanessa pushed herself off the floor and gently tapped his shoulder with her hand. "I'm right across the hall if you need anything okay?"

Jay yawned, "Okay. Get back to bed with Kevin", he said nonchalantly.

Vanessa's mouth dropped open, and Jay let out a laugh as she stared at him stunned.

"I am a very light sleeper", he raised his eyebrows knowingly at her, "plus I would recognize Kev's voice anywhere."

He thought he actually saw a hint of blush on her cheeks, so he had enough poking fun. "Our little secret, I promise. As long as you keep this between us too", he said referring to his nightmare.

She seemed to like that idea, "Our little secret Halstead", and stuck out her pinky finger.

"Wow a pinky promise, this is serious V. I think we just became best friends", Jay said while chuckling. Vanessa rolled her eyes and said good night again before leaving Hailey's bedroom, secretly feeling excited that Jay actually wanted to be her friend. They were always friendly, but this felt like he trusted her now, and cared about letting her in.

Kevin was sitting up in her bed waiting for her to get back. Vanessa crawled in and went to snuggle up to him.

"Jay knows", she smirked.

Vanessa yawned herself awake the next morning, getting out of bed to quietly shower and get ready for the day. She poked her head into Hailey's room to check on Jay and was surprised to find it empty. The bed was made and he was nowhere to be found. She checked the time, realizing it was 7:30 and he had likely been awake and gone long before she got up. She walked downstairs finding a note on the counter explaining his whereabouts.

Didn't want to bother you guys this morning. Thanks for the hospitality at Hotel Rojas last night, I'm feeling well rested today. 5 stars on Yelp. Have a good weekend, see you Monday. – Jay

She chuckled and shook her head. Leave it to Jay to make a joke about having a nightmare and a not so peaceful sleep. Humour perhaps a way of coping, she thought.

Kevin got up shortly after, the two of them sharing breakfast and a coffee before he had to leave to help Adam with something.

"See you tonight?" He kissed her on the cheek before heading out the door.

"Definitely, need to take advantage of having the house to myself. Hailey's back next weekend already", Vanessa smirked.

"Do you think Halstead's going to snitch on us? To Hailey at least?" Kevin asked half amused, half nervous.

She shook her head. "Nah. I think he's a solid secret keeper."

"Copy that", he gave her one last kiss and left for the day.

Vanessa cleaned the house, caught up on some paperwork, made herself a nice lunch and met up with Kim for yoga. She was dreading Monday as she was being detailed to work a food festival at Navy Pier.

"Seniority problems. Sorry", Kim laughed a little, secretly glad she was no longer the lowest on the Intelligence totem pole.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and laughed, she understood. The perks of being a rookie. She left Kim for the afternoon and went home to start on dinner for her and Kevin.

He arrived around 7, the two of them sharing a romantic dinner and an even more romantic night together. She was happy Hailey was coming back this week, but would be lying if she said she didn't want a few extra days in the Kevin bubble. Much like her roommate, she was keeping an inter-office relationship a secret.

Monday rolled around fast, like it always does. Jay had spent the weekend by himself. At first, he was nervous about that, being alone with his thoughts was sometimes a slippery slope. But afterwards he realized that he really did need some alone and self-care time. He watched old movies and went for a few runs, caught up on some much needed sleep and even met Will for a beer. And talked to Hailey of course. He couldn't wait to see her later this week.

His radio lit up in his truck on the way to work, he smiled when he saw Hailey's name and number flash across the screen.

"Morning", he answered, happy to hear her voice.

"Mording", Hailey replied back, sounding congested.

"Uh oh, you sound like you're catching a cold", Jay said sympathetically. He heard a small sneeze on the other end.

"Ugh I am, everyone is sick in this office right now. Can't stop sneedzing", Hailey sniffled on the other end.

"That's not good. You should be back at your hotel resting", Jay replied.

"No can do, big case this week before I leave for homb", Hailey cleared her throat.

"Hmm I see. Well I hope you feel better, being sick sucks", he said, interrupted by another sneeze fest.

"Thanks, and to make matters worse, I think I caught this cold by going out to eat New York pizza with the team. If they can even call it that", she replied.

"It can't be that bad, it's pizza", he laughed on the other end at her dramatics.

"It really is Jay", she attempted to giggle but coughed instead.

"Okay, okay. Well when you're back and feeling better we'll hit Bartoli's", he grinned at the idea of a real date with Hailey.

"Deal", she agreed.

Jay turned off his truck and started to head into work, "You are coming back this week right?" A little bit of insecurity flashing through, his conversation with Platt replaying in his brain.

"Of course. I miss Chicago. You know, the wind. And you", she said, reassuring him after hearing the uncertainty in his voice.

"Hmm you miss me do ya?" Jay said playfully.

"Shut up, I gotta go", she laughed, he could see the eye roll on the other end of the phone.



"I miss you too. Take care of that cold", he said before ending the call.

Hailey smiled on the other end, trying to calm her own nerves. There was something going around the office, she just hoped it was the common cold and not the virus that was taking hold across the city.

Jay walked upstairs to find a quiet bullpen, aside from Voight. He was the first one here. He dropped the coffee he picked up for Vanessa on her desk and heard a small chuckle from his Sergeants office.

"You in trouble or something Halstead?"

"Huh?" Jay asked stepping towards the office.

"You normally only get Hailey coffee on your way to work. Vanessa must have done something nice for you, or you owe her for some reason."

Jay laughed and shook his head, seeing that his boss was playing with him. "Ya something like that Sarge." Vanessa had helped him out over the weekend, even though she probably thought it was nothing, to Jay it was huge.

"Missing Hailey?" Voight asked coyly.

Jay hung in the doorframe with his arms crossed, "What makes you think that?"

"You two think you're discreet, but I have eyes Jay", he replied casually.

Jay was frozen in the door jam, a little tongue tied at that.

"You've been wandering around these last few weeks looking like you're missing something. Staring off into the distance at her empty desk. Slightly more miserable than usual behaviour."

"Gee thanks Sarge", Jay said sarcastically, he didn't think he had been thatobvious about his moping.

"It's alright Jay. Like I've said before, you wear your heart on your sleeve. That's not necessarily a bad thing. She'll be back soon", he said reassuring his detective.

Saved by the bell, Jay heard Kevin and Adam making their way upstairs. So he nodded and smiled at Voight, tapping his door frame before turning around to start his day.

Vanessa showed up about 15 minutes later, pleasantly surprised to find a coffee sitting on her desk. She already knew who it was from, it was the same cups she saw Jay get for Hailey nearly every morning.

"Wowww, what do I owe the honour Jay Halstead", she smirked in his direction.

The rest of the unit laughed at that, they all knew Jay and Hailey had a coffee thing. They sometimes got others a cup, but it was rare. One of their many partner things.

"I bet he ordered two out of habit, one for him, one for Hailey. Then forgot she wasn't here, default ended up with Vanessa", Kim placed her bet.

"Ya Rojas, is that black with two sugars?" Ruzek asked playfully, knowing Hailey's order.

Rojas looked down and laughed, "Nope. This is my order, dark roast two cream."

"Hmm, okay so he bought this for you on purpose", Adam hypothesized out loud. Jokingly making his way to the whiteboard to write down their theories.

Jay eyed Vanessa, hoping she wouldn't tell everyone the real reason. He didn't think she would, but a part of him felt a bit uneasy. Vanessa looked his way and winked, giving him a sincere nod and smile. Telepathetically promising to keep their secret.

"My guess is Vanessa made him dinner on the weekend, filling in for his and Hailey's usual Saturday night deep dish date", Ruzek added, immediately tensing up seeing Voight watching from his office doorway.

Everyone went silent for a second, including Ruzek, looking nervously at Jay as if he'd just ousted his coworkers in front of their boss, but Voight seemed unfazed by that news and so did Jay. No surprise there, he was usually able to keep his expressions in check. In fact, Jay had both of his feet kicked up on his desk, looking smug at this whole exchange.

"Mhmm, anyways…", Adam trailed off. "Kev you have any theories you would like to add?"

Kevin watched Jay smirk, knowing that if he was going to out Jay, he would incriminate himself too.

"Well, my guess is that Jay Halstead woke up this fine Monday morning, at the start of a very important week for no reason in particular… just feeling overall like a nice guy. Deciding to bless Vanessa with some caffeine as she heads out to do her rookie patrol shift at the food festival today", Kevin grinned at Vanessa and then at Jay, doing some winking of his own.

Jay had his hands up cradling the back of his head when Kevin said that, breaking out into a grin. "What can I say Kev, you got me. I was thinking she might have had some late nights this weekend, being so young and carefree and all, so I decided to take it upon myself to make sure she was heavily caffeinated for her big day ahead", he nodded in her direction, sending her thank you eyes that only she appeared to pick up on.

Rojas nodded in understanding at Jay, then looked around at her co-workers, laughing. For the first time in a long time, actually feeling fully included and a part of their jokes and constant team banter. None of them ever made her feel less than, but being the newcomer, sometimes it was hard to crack into a tight knit group like this one.

She returned from the locker room a while later, dressed in her patrol uniform ready to take on the day, and what a day it would turn out to be.

The festival was running smoothly at Navy Pier, Vanessa was partnered up with another female officer from the 25thdistrict. They hit it off, making jokes and swapping stories about being fresh on the force while wandering around the waterfront trail. For being spring time in Chicago, the weather was surprisingly nice, and they were rewarded with some sun and little wind. Rojas closed her eyes, pretending to soak up the sunshine after the longest winter. Late afternoon rolled around when she saw Jay, Kevin, Kim and Adam hop out of Jay's truck.

She rolled her eyes and smiled as they approached her.

"Must be a slow day", Vanessa joked.

"Just thought we'd come see you in action", Kevin replied cheekily.

The other officer with Vanessa put two and two together. "Wait, you're in Intelligence?" She exclaimed, impressed by her partners position within CPD at such a young age.

"Oh, ya, these are my coworkers", Vanessa chuckled and introduced them all.

Just then, their radios started going off, alerting them of a possible disturbance at a booth closer to the pier.

"Duty calls", Rojas sighed, saying bye to her friends.

"You're doing amazing sweetie", Kim joked. "We're proud of you kiddo", Jay echoed back. Rojas' ears turning red with embarrassment, but low key enjoying their playful banter.

The four members of Intelligence were almost back to Jay's truck when they heard the unmistakable sound of Vanessa yelling for help. Kim turned back to see what was going on. It looked like she ran to the water and was peering over the edge, chaos unfolding around her. Then they heard her call out on their radios.

"Child fell into the water off Navy Pier. Need immediate assistance. Northeast corner."

Jay, Kim, Adam and Kevin all started running towards the water. Just in time to see Vanessa pull off her radio and jump in.

Jay was the fastest of the group, sprinting and dodging his way through the crowds of people. They weren't really sure what they were going to do, that water was cold and deep. His heart was pounding in his ears, this could go south very quickly.

"Jay, Jay!" Kevin yelled from the back of the pack. "Vanessa can't swim!"

That's when he forced his legs to go a little bit faster, taking off his jacket mid sprint, not even thinking twice about plunging into the icy waters of Lake Michigan.

Leaving you with a cliff hanger! Hoping to get another chapter up later this week. Grad school is once again kicking my butt. Thank you for the reviews! Love that you guys are enjoying this story. Have a great week –K