
25. Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Kevin's panicked, "Vanessa can't swim", kept ringing in Jay's ears.

He dove off the pier without second guessing what he was doing. The water was so cold it felt like a thousand needles were stabbing him as his body broke the surface, his lungs protesting immediately.

Deep breaths Jay, deep breaths, he kept telling himself. Trying to remember his Army survival training from way back in the day. Fortunately, his muscle memory kicked in and he was able to calm himself down and swim towards Vanessa and the child who fell with her. He saw it was a little boy, maybe 6 or 7, who looked frightened beyond belief, as did Vanessa.

"Vanessa!" Jay yelled, hoping she wasn't unconscious, he couldn't really tell from where he was, her head was barely above the water. A jump from that height could have easily knocked her out. The child's head was barely above the water too, Vanessa was using all of her strength to keep his head mostly out of the water. Jay wasn't sure if the boy could swim. Even if he could, in water this cold and fully dressed, the odds and time were both against them.

Thankfully, she turned her head slightly at his voice.

He let out a sigh of relief, swimming as fast as he could towards her. He could tell she was panicking, that her reaction was to save the boy of course, but at what expense.

"Jay", she whispered weakly, her lips chattering from the cold.

"It's okay V, I got you", Jay said tiredly.

"Take him first", she told him, but Jay sort of chuckled.

"I'm taking you both", he was sure she didn't realize that he had been trained for this sort of thing.

She looked at him confused before he added. "Army training, I'm a little rusty but it's just like riding a bike."

She nodded, not having the energy for much else.

"What's your name bud", Jay said to the boy, whose lips were turning blue by the minute, and flailing around, struggling with Vanessa.

"Ja-ake", he stuttered, teeth chattering as well.

"Great name, my names Jay. This is my friend Vanessa. We're going to get out of here okay but I need you to do something for me", he calmly told the kid as they were all treading water. Jake nodded.

"Okay, I need you to stop kicking. I know you're scared, but I'm going to get us out of here. Come closer to Vanessa, I'm going to come behind you guys and swim us over to that ladder. But it's only going to work if you stop fighting us."

The boy seemed to listen to Jay, which Vanessa was thankful for. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hang on with him panicking too.

Jay scanned where they were, he had to do this fast, they weren't going to last much longer in this cold water. He heard sirens coming their way, which hopefully meant ambulances and squad were close. He saw a ladder at the edge of the pier, quickly estimating that they were about 50 metres away. They floated a bit farther than he would have liked but this was the only option.

"Float on your back as much as you can Vanessa, keep Jake on top of you, I'll make sure your head stays out of the water okay?" Jay said, sounding tired himself.

"Okay", she said quietly, he could hear the fear in her voice.

"You have to trust me alright? We're getting out of here now", he repeated, kicking as hard as he could to the ladder. He saw the team standing over the edge, Kim running back with Kelly and Capp, who were fully suited up.

Jay was nearing exhaustion by the time he got to the pier, his hands and body were so cold. By the time they were at the ladder, Kelly had already climbed halfway down and quickly grabbed Jake and Vanessa from Jay's arms, helping the two of them to safety. Jay was treading water still, waiting for his turn to get out, Kelly looking at him like he was crazy.

"Holy shit Halstead, let's get you out of here", Kelly leaned down to help pull Jay up the ladder.

It took all of his strength and a bit of Kelly's to pull himself up and out onto the pier, his clothes sopping wet and heavy from the water. Jay took a few deep breaths on his hands and knees when he made it back to level ground. He could hear commotion around him, but he zoned out for a second, trying to catch his breath.

"Jay, Jay, come on you need to get looked at", he could hear Kim's voice, and felt her hand on his back, even though it sounded like she was so far away. His head was pounding from the adrenaline.

He nodded, trying to communicate but his body was so cold he couldn't focus on anything else.

"He needs to get out of those clothes, fast", "Someone go grab his gym bag from his truck I think he has stuff in there", he heard his friends talking around him.

He finally lifted his head, seeing Kelly and Brett hovering over him. Brett wrapping him in a warming blanket, while Severide helped him stand up and walk over to an ambulance.

After reassuring everyone he was totally fine, just needed to catch his breath, he still had to sit in the back of the ambulance to warm up.

Brett and Foster checked his temperature, which was hovering around 97 degrees. They were worried about hypothermia setting in, and rightfully so.

"Come on Jay, out of those clothes", Foster said nonchalantly.

"Not even dinner first? Wow Foster, I'm hurt", he joked.

The two women laughed, "Trust me Jay you are not my type", Foster eyed him jokingly. "Glad that you still have your sense of humour though."

He nodded as he surrendered and accepted the help getting out of his wet clothes, his fingers were barely moving.

They wrapped him in blankets and sat with him for a while. Jake had been taken to Med as a precaution, same with Vanessa. Since they had been in the water longer than he was.

A surprise to no one, Jay denied being transported to the hospital. His temperature came back up to normal and Adam brought him clothes from his truck. Brett and Foster would have preferred him to get checked at Med, but also knew Jay. He didn't inhale any water or hurt himself on the way in or out, he was just cold. He promised them he would go home and rest in bed and go to the hospital if anything felt off.

He got changed in the back of the ambulance, once again praising Hailey's idea to keep spare clothes in their vehicles. Seemed to get him out of more than a couple jams. Once he was dressed, he opened the back door and Adam handed him his jacket he threw off at the pier. Jay was thankful for the extra layers.

"These are all Kim had on her", Adam said sheepishly as he handed Jay a pair of dark purple woolly mittens. They both laughed, but Jay was too cold to care right now and gratefully put them over his hands.

Kim pulled his truck up so he didn't have to walk that far. Jay quickly thanked Squad 3 and gave his report to the other officers that had come to take over the scene. Turns out there was a domestic of some sort going on at a booth, the one that Vanessa and her partner had been called to. Jake just happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and had been pushed in by accident during all of the commotion. The couple felt terrible about it and were apologizing profusely, thanking Jay. He just sort of nodded and went about his own business, leaving the other officers to deal with it now.

"That was pretty badass Halstead I have to admit. Jumping in Lake Michigan at this time of year without a suit on", Kelly said sounding impressed.

"Instinct I guess. Not sure what Vanessa was thinking, she can't swim", Jay shook his head incredulously, knowing that this could have ended up much differently had they not been there in time.

"Might call you next time we have a water rescue", Capp joked.

Jay parted ways with Squad and went back to his truck. He handed the keys over to Adam who cranked the heat, and Kim sat in the back. Kevin had gone in the ambulance with Vanessa.

"We already called Voight. He told us to take you home, that we were good for the day", Adam informed him.

Jay nodded gratefully, he didn't really want to go back to work right now. He wanted to go home and lie on his couch, wrap himself in blankets and watch movies for the rest of the day.

"Thanks guys", Jay smiled.

"That was crazy Jay. Really. When I saw you dive in….I just didn't want to have to make that call to Hailey…", Kim trailed off.

Jay smirked at her in the rear view mirror. "I've jumped out of a helicopter into a lake before during water training. A little pier dive doesn't scare me."

Adam and Kim both stared at him curiously.

"Mind you it was in the summertime so the water was a little nicer, but tomato, tomatoe right", he casually told them.

They were still looking at him like he had two heads. "It's alright, ask what you need to ask. I can talk about my Army time without spiralling", he reassured them.

"Out of a helicopter?! How far up? Did you have a parachute? What lake? Did it hurt? Why did you have to do that? That seems dangerous" Kim rapid fired.

"Kim", Adam hissed.

"It's alright, really. Umm, pretty far up, yes I had a parachute. No it didn't hurt. Well sort of when we hit the water but not too badly. We practiced in case we ever had to have a water mission. Which we did… a few times…I can't exactly tell you details about that for legal reasons. But what I can tell you is that it happened in a place that rhymes with Schm-Afghanistan", he laughed at his own joke. Adam and Kim burst out laughing too, surprised by his sudden openness.

"Interesting. I have so many more questions", Kim said bewildered by Jay's secretive, and apparently adrenaline filled past.

"Stories for another time", Jay chuckled, interrupting himself with a yawn.

Kim seemed to accept that answer. "I texted your brother by the way. He surprisingly was not that phased about your little swim, or the fact that you didn't want to go to the hospital. Vanessa and Jake are both fine. She has a black eye for some reason according to Will, but other than that all good."

"A black eye?" Adam questioned.

"The kid was flailing around a lot in the water, in a panic. He probably knocked her by accident", Jay reasoned.

"Hmm, that makes sense. Ouch. She's lucky you were there", Kim trailed off. Jays truck was silent for a second, letting this afternoons events really sink in.

"Everyone's okay, that's all that matters", Adam voiced, Jay and Kim nodding.

They got back to Jay's apartment, his legs immediately cramping up after hopping out of his truck. He winced, trying to hide it from Adam and Kim, but Kim saw.

"Jay", she warned.

"I'm fine, honestly. Just a cramp. I need something salty", he replied.

"Why don't you go up with Jay and I'll go grab us some food, since we didn't have a chance to eat at the festival", Adam suggested.

That sounded like a good plan, Adam telling them he would surprise them with their food.

"20 bucks he comes back with tacos", Jay bet Kim.

"Hmm, no my money is on hot Italian beef sandwiches", she was practically drooling.

"I would definitely be okay with that too", Jay's stomach grumbling as he said that.

"Foster and Brett put you two up to this huh", Jay said after he came out from his room, dressed in sweats, a hoodie and warm socks to see Kim hovering over his stove making tea.

Kim looked at him guiltily, "Maybe. Just for a few hours to make sure you don't have hypothermia."

He laughed at her, trying to be discreet. "Fair enough."

"How cold was the water, really?" Kim asked curiously, staring at Jay because she had never seen him dressed so casual before.

"Cold. Like needles stabbing you cold. Its hard to explain", Jay confirmed.

"Were you scared?"

"Not really. Not for me. I panicked when I heard Kevin yell that Rojas couldn't swim. Why she would do something so stupid, especially with a vest on, weighing her down. But then I realized I would have done the same thing, fight or flight just takes over sometimes."

"You 100 percent would have done the same stupid thing", Kim chuckled as she brought over mugs of tea for them and a hot water bottle to warm Jay up.

"Thanks Kim", he smiled at her thoughtfulness as she proceeded to cover him with a blanket, and relaxed back into the couch.

He had started to doze off by the time Adam came back with food. Kim smiling because she won the bet.

"Am I that predicable?" Adam laughed.

"No I just know you. And also know that the thought "what would Jay want because he is really cold? Hmm HOT beef sandwiches yes", definitely went through your mind."

Jay nearly choked on his sandwich he was laughing so hard.

"Honestly, true", Adam laughed.

After they had finished eating they were hanging out watching TV when Hailey FaceTimed Jay.

He blushed a little, Kim and Adam giving him looks, daring him to answer.

"Hey Hails", he said as he opened the call.

"Aacchooo", was her first response.

Jay winced, "Not feeling much better huh. You sound worse than this morning."

Hailey shook her head no, "Dot really."

"Well, something to rival your shitty day. I took a plunge in Lake Michigan this afternoon", Jay added.

Hailey's eyes widened. "What?!" She exclaimed as she wiped her nose with a tissue.

Jay explained the whole thing, Adam and Kim chiming in occasionally.

"Vanessa okay?" Hailey asked.

"Ya she is. Went to Med to get checked out, but her and the boy are both fine", Jay replied.

"Good", Hailey said sounding relieved. "Looks like you could have used these more than me today", she said dangling his dog tags in front of the camera.

Adam and Kim raised their eyebrows, this must be serious if Jay gave her those while she was in New York.

"Definitely. Here talk to Adam and Kim for a second I have to go to the bathroom", Jay passed his phone off.

"How's that cold Hailey, you sound terrible", Kim asked sympathetically.

"I feel terrible", Hailey sniffled. "Having some soup for dinner and going to try and sleeb it off."

Adam winced at the congestion, "Good idea. Do notbring that back here with you. You know how Platt gets with germs."

Hailey laughed at that, "I dnow. Trying. I'll be fine by Friday hopefully."

Jay appeared from the bathroom again, telling Hailey she should have some soup and go to bed as she was mid cough.

"Mmm, sexy", he mused.

Hailey shot him a dirty look and smirked.

"I'll take care of you this weekend", he added softly, temporarily forgetting about Adam and Kim.

Hailey laughed at both of their shocked expressions on her screen. "Think you just blew our secret Halstead."

"Oh please, these two of ALL people. Can't say a worddd", Jay laughed and rolled his eyes.

"The man makes a good point. Secrets safe", Adam shrugged.

"Life's too short, I could have drowned today. Spilling our secret doesn't seem so scary", Jay replied.

"Jay Halstead, you were not going to drown. But you're right. Not so scary", Hailey smiled.

Kim just sat there, still frozen.

"Cat got your tongue Kim?" Hailey joked.

"Add this to the I have so many questions for Jay list", Kim mumbled.

Jay laughed at that.

"And the I KNEW you guys hooked up after Cruz's wedding list", Adam smirked.

Hailey blushed. "Hmm I don't know about that."

"Girl come on. I know your sex eyes when I see them. That Monday after, sex eyes", Adam emphasized as Jay covered his face and laughed, caught red-handed.

"Adam!", Kim's turn to hiss, unsure how Jay would react to bringing up their past relationship.

"What? We're all adults here. Happy for you two, really", Adam smiled as he glanced at Kim, both of them watching Jay blush a little.

"Thanks guys", Hailey smiled.

"Okay, go to bed Hails for real. I'll talk to you tomorrow", Jay convinced her to get some rest and said good bye.

Adam and Kim stayed for a while after dinner catching up with Jay. They rarely, if ever, hungout just the three of them. So it was kind of nice to be able to do this, although under strange circumstances.

After they left, Jay decided to call Vanessa. A few tries later, and he still couldn't get a hold of her. He wanted to make sure she was okay after the day they had, so he jumped in his truck, a bit to the protest of his sore and still cold, body.

He was relieved to see a light on at their house and Vanessa sitting on the couch as he approached the front door. She opened the door and smiled, Jay winced looking at her already purple eye.

"You should see the other guy", Vanessa joked, lightening the mood a bit.

She invited him in, Jay immediately making a beeline for the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Vanessa asked curiously.

He was reaching around in one of their shelves when he pulled out a bottle of expensive whiskey Hailey keeps hidden in the back of a top cupboard.

"We're toasting to your first very Jay Halstead-esque incredibly dumb move", he smirked.

Vanessa looked sheepish, "You aren't going to yell at me are you? I've had enough of that this afternoon from Voight already."

Jay laughed and shook his head. "No I'm not going to yell at you. I would have done the exact same thing. Well I sort of did I guess. Plus I've done wayworse. Hence the toast. Welcome to the club", he smirked as they clinked glasses and moved back to the living room.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, it wasn't until they were sitting on the couch by the fire when she realized what they were doing.

"Do you think Hailey's going to be mad we did your thing without her?" Vanessa asked cheekily as Jay blushed a little.

"I think she would be happy for us. Maybe a little mad we did a dangerous thing today, but nonetheless- bonding time", he smiled.

"Thank you for today, really. You saved our lives", Vanessa said, a little choked up.

Jay set his drink down and moved closer to her on the couch to give her a hug. The young officer was visibly shaken from today, although hiding it well.

"I just couldn't- couldn't let that boy drown. You're not hurt are you?", she stammered out through a few tears.

"I know. You did a good thing Vanessa. I have your back, always. And no I'm not hurt, I'm okay. We're both okay", Jay smiled and gave her a friendly squeeze.

Vanessa wiped her tears away and collected herself, getting back to the hockey game they were watching.

Jay held up a finger, indicating he would be right back.

He pulled out an ice pack from the freezer and came back into the living room to give it to her.

"This is going to be a nice shiner", he said while gently covering her eye with the ice.

"Thanks dad", Vanessa grinned widely.

Jay chuckled at himself and Vanessa's comments towards him and Hailey being her parents. This was a dad move on his part.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, telling Vanessa that Hailey was sick so they shouldn't call her so late.

"Ahh, that's not good. Hopefully she's feeling better by the weekend. So you guys can have a reunion", she winked with her good eye.

Jay laughed at that. "Ya something like that." He yawned, and asked Vanessa if he could crash here tonight. Vanessa went upstairs to her room and Jay to Hailey's, both falling asleep quickly and having an uninterrupted, much needed rest.

Later that week, Jay woke up on Wednesday as if it were any other day. This week was feeling especially long as he waited for Hailey to come home. The beginning half of the week always seemed to drag on, but today felt particularly torturous. Not only because he impatiently wanted Hailey back, but also because he had a massive headache that he couldn't seem to shake, probably the weather and staring at a computer all day. It had been a slow week in Intelligence, the team was over Vanessa and Jay's plunge into Lake Michigan and had moved on to more exciting things like paperwork and searching through outstanding arrest warrants.

When he spoke with her that afternoon, Hailey said she was feeling much better and was looking forward to coming home to Chicago. New York was starting to get a little crazy with that virus going around and she was anxious to get home. There was a panic in the air, one she was trying to downplay in her own mind.

It was late Wednesday night when Jay was sitting alone in his apartment. His body was so sore, he felt like he was hit by a bus. He chalked it up to his pier dive the other day. He saw Hailey's name light up on his phone, immediately feeling a bit better. So he smiled and answered it.

"Hey Hails", he said softly.

"Hey", she replied back, sounding nervous.

That got the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. "What's wrong?"

Hailey's voice cracked a bit, as if she was crying.

"Jay, New York is going on lockdown tonight, they're cancelling flights."

"Wait what?!" Jay asked bewildered, he immediately turned on the TV. He had just been sitting in his living room in the dark because his head hurt.

He read the headlines, shocked at what was happening, and so fast. How he missed all this by lying down for a few hours.

NBA, NHL suspend their seasons indefinitely

All international flights and borders to be closed

Shelter in place to take effect immediately

New York City- the new epicentre of the virus

"Oh wow Hailey, this is bad", Jay took a deep breath.

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to get home Jay", she said tearfully as they sat their on the phone, in different cities, suddenly unsure what their immediate future would hold.

Am I mean leaving it here? I have another chapter pretty much ready to go so I will have it posted sooner than later. I do apologize for my inconsistency this summer. I'm sure like many (probably all) of you, life has been a little strange lately and just trying to do my best to get through it and take some time for some self-care and for those around me! Hope everyone is well in your corners of the Earth. Stay healthy and safe! – K