
12. Chapter 12

Sorry for the delay on this chapter, life happened this week! Hope you enjoy, I made it a little long but couldn't resist on some quality Upstead domestic moments. As for this weeks episode... I would kind of be here for Hailey going dark/downward spiral circa Jay season 5 and having him take care of her for once! Hope you enjoy this update, and thank you as always for all the kind reviews and messages! -K

Chapter 12

Once she was sure that Jay was asleep again, Hailey went out into the kitchen to have a bite to eat. She sat on his couch alone, aimlessly scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to take her mind off the events of this week. Before long, she caught her eyelids drooping again, and she wondered what she was going to do for sleep herself. Hailey could barely keep her eyes open, she was tired after this excruciatingly long week. Jay's apartment was only a one bedroom, and they didn't really discuss sleeping arrangements. She really should stay on the couch, but the state Jay was in, he might wake up and need her in the middle of the night. It's not like she hasn't slept with him in his bed before. Him being injured was justification enough to stay with him. She snuck into his room, giving him a once over and deciding he was okay before moving towards the empty side of his bed.

She gently crawled under the covers with him, he stirred slightly, but never came to. She was out as soon as her head hit the pillow next to Jay.

Their peaceful sleep was short lived. Jay woke up about an hour after Hailey had crawled in with him. She felt him move suddenly, startling her.

"You okay?" She whispered in the darkness, expecting him to tell her he was fine.

"No…", he said quietly, sounding defeated.

That set off alarm bells in her head, so she sat up quickly, turning his bedside lamp on. She squinted, letting her eyes adjust. Jay looked pale, there was no questioning that.

"What's wrong?" She asked, doing a quick mental check of his injuries.

"I just don't feel good. Everything hurts, I can't get comfortable to sleep."

She winced, feeling sorry for him. He needed sleep, but it was understandable why he couldn't get himself in a comfortable position. Jay was always a side sleeper, so the sling was really cramping his style.

"I'm sorry Jay. But Will said you have to sleep propped up like this. At least until your stitches are a little more healed", Hailey replied.

"I know. But I hate it."

"Is there anything I can do to help you? You can't have any more painkillers for a few hours" Hailey asked. Jay looked at her somewhat embarrassed.

"I usually sleep with my shirt off", he smirked a little watching Hailey's eyes widen.

"You should have said something", she laughed as she rolled out of bed and went over to Jay's side.

She pulled the blanket off his chest and helped him lean forward, unclipping his sling from behind his back.

She gently removed his sling and set it on his night table. The freedom of moving his arm a bit gave him some relief, although he did it through gritted teeth. His arm was stiff.

"You good?" She asked before continuing.

"I'm good", he nodded.

"Okay, good arm first", she started pulling his right arm out of his shirt before he could object.

She paused when she heard him groan as she pulled his shirt over his head and off his injured shoulder.

"I know, I'm sorry. All done", she watched him let out a deep breath at that seemingly simple task. He eased back onto his pillows, holding his left arm to his body, enjoying being sling free for a minute.

It was Hailey's turn to stop and stare at the bandage covering his shoulder. Covering the soon to be scar that nearly cost him his life. She ran her fingers over his collarbone before she could stop herself. The contact with his bare skin made her shiver.

"It's okay Hailey", Jay said as he watched her mind go back to that basement.

She quickly shook herself out of her funk and put her focus back to Jay. She was trying not to stare at his sculpted chest, and his abs and the fact that she was going to be sharing a bed tonight with a half naked Jay Halstead. Get a hold of yourself, he's hurt, she thought.

"Let's get your sling back on", Hailey told him, eliciting another groan from Jay.

"Alright fine, it was nice having it off though", Jay said.

"Nice try, you're not going to win this one. Will is going to kill me if anything happens to you tonight", Hailey grinned.

She placed his sling back on his injured shoulder, putting some facecloths under the straps so they wouldn't irritate his skin.

"Thanks Hailey", Jay said as she sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Need anything else while I'm up?" She inquired.

"No I'm good", he said with hesitation in his voice.

"What is it Jay?" Hailey prodded, she could tell he wanted to say something else.

Jay paused and swallowed before gathering the courage to say what he had to say next. He thought back to earlier tonight in his hospital room, Hailey almost confessing to him what he so badly wanted to confess to her. When she pulled back, he understood. But he wanted her to know how much he appreciated her being here for him. If she couldn't put it into words, he would.

"Hailey", he said softly as she tilted her head at him, one of her many small quirks.

She was trying to read his facial expression but she was confused.

Jay reached out and gently took a few of her fingers into his own, pausing to see her reaction. He expected her to pull away, but she didn't, so he continued.

"You know how important you are to me right?" He blurted out, carefully watching her face, seeing a slight hint of blush appear.

She didn't verbally say anything, but she turned her head towards him, looking down at their intertwined fingers and nodded, biting at her lip. He wasn't fully convinced she did know just how important she really was to him.

"About earlier…before leaving the hospital. I just wanted to tell you…to tell you that I don't know what I would do without you Hails, really."

She gave him a soft smile this time, her dimples poking out like they were when he first woke up from surgery.

"I know Jay. Me too", she whispered quietly, their eyes connecting with one another, speaking a language only they understood. That was all the confirmation he needed.

Somehow, they had just managed to have that conversation without actually saying those three impending words. Three words that held so much meaning, so much hype, when in reality they had already found ten different ways to say I love you on a regular basis. They didn't need to say that to each other to validate their feelings, not yet anyways. For now, they both knew. They were on the same page as always, and Jay felt content with that.

Hailey lingered there, playing with his fingers that were under hers for a few minutes before checking the time and breaking apart.

"Jay it's 3 in the morning. You need to sleep."

He sighed. "I'm so tired and sore Hailey. I know you're going to say I told you so but I think I overdid it today."

She smirked at him. "I know you did. You really should have stayed another night in the hospital, but the stubbornness runs deep with you."

"Please don't tell Will", he pleaded with her.

"I'm offended, you think I would rat my own partner out?" Hailey pretended to be hurt.

"No", Jay rolled his eyes and laughed. "But I also know my brother and he's going to ask you how I slept."

"Well, we can just tell him that you were up here and there but after some TLC from your partner you had a good night's rest."

Jay's head perked up at that. "What kind of TLC?" He asked curiously.

Hailey chuckled and stood up, leaving his room for a while. By the time she came back, Jay was still as she left him, this time closing his eyes trying to force himself to sleep. His one eye popped open when he heard her come back into his room.

In her hands she had a mug full of tea, an ice pack and a hot water bottle. He looked at her suspiciously as she set the mug down next to his bed.

"For your shoulder", she gently set the hot water bottle behind his back, hoping that the heat would ease some of his sore muscles.

"And for your head", the ice pack went back behind his neck, numbing the growing tension he was feeling inside of his skull.

"And the tea?" He asked cheekily.

"Oh the tea is for me", Hailey replied, watching Jay's confused face before bursting out laughing.

"I'm just kidding. It's chamomile, it will help you sleep", she gestured that she was going to help him with it, to which he obliged.

After she helped him take a few small sips, he leaned back into the hot and cold across his body, pausing to reflect on how lucky he actually got. Things could have turned out much differently, been much worse. He could be lying in a hospital bed or morgue, but instead he was lying in his own bed with his partner and best friend taking care of him well into the night.

"Better?" Hailey asked after he had made it through his tea.

"A little bit", Jay stifled a yawn. Hailey got up off the edge of his bed and went back to her side. Once he felt her crawl back under the blankets with him, he turned his head to the right, trying to catch her eye. He saw what he normally did with her. Loyalty, calmness, compassion- but most of all right now, exhaustion.

"You can go to sleep Hailey, I know you're tired."

"I'm going to stay awake as long as you are", she replied while yawning. She leaned her head back on his headboard, tilting her body so that she was facing his.

"Maybe I should have stayed one more night", Jay quietly admitted with a laugh.

"Wow, Jay Halstead. Never thought I would see the day you admitted Will was right."

"I just couldn't stay there another night", he replied more seriously.

She heard the change of tone in his voice, and rolled over so that she was completely facing him now.

"Why do you hate hospitals so much?" She finally asked, innocently.

He took a deep breath and gave her a half smile before continuing.

"Probably because I woke up in one in Germany scared and alone after getting hurt in Afghanistan. I was like that for two weeks. Just a bad experience", he calmly stated.

His bluntness surprised her. She paused for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. The idea of Jay lying alone, hurt and scared in a hospital in a foreign country made her sad.

She wiggled a little closer to him. "Well, you aren't going to be alone this time", she said softly, reassuring him that she wasn't going anywhere.

He looked up at her and tentatively set his head down on her shoulder. He felt her shoulders relax and her heart beating steadily against his cheek.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked her.

"Not at all. Are you comfortable now?"

"I am actually", Jay said, nestling his cheek against her soft sweater.

"Good. Get some sleep okay", she whispered, accepting that she was going to be sleeping sitting up like him tonight.

She waited a few minutes but could tell he wasn't asleep yet.

"You're stewing about something", she heard him say. She cursed him for knowing her thoughts and mannerisms so well. She didn't reply for a minute, and she felt his good hand reach under the blankets and touch her thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She felt her eyes fill with tears again unexpectedly, just so grateful that they were here, able to still do this.

"You scared me Jay", she said quietly, allowing her vulnerable side to show.

"I know, I'm sorry Hailey", he whispered back, rubbing circles on her thigh with his thumb. They did that silently for a while until she felt his hand slide off her leg and she heard a small snore coming from beside her, signalling that he was finally asleep. She smiled softly and allowed herself to doze off once she knew her partner was resting.

They slept through the rest of the night without any incidents, although Jay's internal clock woke him up early once again, though not as early as usual. He felt guilty nudging Hailey awake but he really needed some painkillers. It was about 8:30 by the time they were both awake, Hailey bringing back medicine for him to take. She made a coffee for herself and sat in bed with Jay while he was experiencing his buzz again, laughing at all the goofiness. Her phone started ringing about half an hour later. Trudy and Kim wanted to come pop in for a visit, to which Jay happily agreed.

"Can you help me get dressed? I don't want to give them a free show", Jay asked as Hailey laughed.

"Of course", she grabbed a new shirt from his drawer and helped him sit up in bed again.

"Bad arm first this time", she warned him, getting a new shirt on proved to be a little trickier than getting one off, but they managed. Both of them finding their groove.

Once Jay's sling was back on, Hailey helped him out of bed and walked with him out to the living room. They took it slow, as he did admit he wasn't feeling very well to her. She propped him up on the couch with some pillows and he gave her a thumbs up for her help.

Hailey had been busy, Jay realized as he looked around, finding his apartment cleaner than it has been in a while. There was homemade soup on the stove, his dishes were gone, and he could hear that she put a load of laundry in for him. Any other person he worked with doing this for him would be weird, but with Hailey it just felt like their normal routine.

Trudy and Kim arrived not long after, beaming from ear to ear seeing Jay alert on the couch.

"Hey Halstead", Platt greeted him with a rare hug. Kim followed suit, placing a hand on his right shoulder.

"Good to see you Jay, how are you feeling?" Kim asked.

Jay hesitated, giving Hailey a side eye glance, but ultimately coming clean.

"Not feeling that great to be honest, but Hailey's been taking good care of me."

Both women were surprised to hear him admit that as well, looking at Hailey who mouthed, rough night, from afar. They nodded in understanding, before sitting down to visit with Jay. Hailey continued on with what she was doing.

Kim and Trudy glanced at her then at each other and raised their eyebrows. Hailey doing Jay's laundry would definitely be something they would discuss with each other on the car ride home. It was sweet, and so domestic of them.

Jay was chatty and in good spirits, laughing with his colleagues about waking up in the hospital.

"I was expecting Hailey's pretty face to be the first thing I saw when I woke up. You can imagine the scare I had when I saw Ruzek's ugly mug instead."

Hailey's pretty face. Platt's lips curled up into a smile, Kim's heart flip flopped. They glanced at one another. Everyone heard it but no one acknowledged it, as Hailey felt a slight blush in her cheeks. He was on painkillers still, he's groggy and out of it, she told herself.

Everyone went about their business, Hailey giving Jay some time to catch up with Kim and Trudy. She was sure he was going stir crazy at this point, so any sort of outside human contact was a plus.

A few minutes later Hailey finally found her phone in Jay's room, she had been looking for it all morning. She had a few missed calls and texts, most of them from Will. Just as she was walking out to the living room to return his messages, Will called again. Jay saw her screen light up with his brother's name.

"I better answer this, we don't want Will sending a search party", Hailey chuckled.

"Hi Will, sorry my phone was in the bedroom", Kim and Trudy glanced at each other and Jay flashed them a cheeky grin, daring them to ask.

"He's okay, bit of a rough night", Hailey sat on the armrest of the couch next to Jay.

"Mhmm. He's been taking his meds, and had something to eat earlier. He's feeling alright", Hailey made eye contact with Jay, who gave her a thumbs up, confirming her statements.

"No, no fever" she replied as she reached up to touch Jay's forehead. He flinched at her cold hands. She automatically put a hand on his back to apologize. All of these little behaviours were not going unnoticed by their company. Kim and Trudy were eating this up. They were expecting this sure, but not for Hailey to be so open about it in front of them. They went from private, stoic partners to full blown married couple within a few days. Kim couldn't wait to tell Kevin and Adam about this.

"Okay sounds good Will, see you later", Hailey hung up the phone.

"Your brother is dead tired after his night shift, and has to go back in later, but said he would come hang out with you tomorrow night after he sleeps. Relieve me of my duties", Hailey chuckled.

Jay pretended to pout, but understood that she had to go home at some point. She had already done enough for him these last few days.

"Will is a terrible cook, even grilled cheese- messes it up. I might not survive if you leave me", Jay laughed.

"I made minestrone last night, and I'll make more food today so you have it here, okay?" Hailey told him. Kim was dying on this inside, this was too much. There were so many things she had to add to her Hailey and Jay list. Jay admitting that he might not survive without Hailey, be cool Kim, be cool, she thought.

"That sounds good. Thanks Hails", Jay told her before turning his attention back to Kim and Platt. They were filling him in on all the district gossip when he just fell asleep mid-conversation. The three women had to stifle their laughter.

"Guess we were boring him", Trudy whispered as Kim gently covered him with a blanket.

"Is he okay Hailey, really?" Kim asked nervously. Sure Hailey was obviously the closest to Hailey, but the rest of the team had been really worried about him these last few days.

Hailey smiled back, "Yeah, he's okay. Still in a lot of pain, but Will said that'll get better. He's being Jay and pushing through. He's exhausted though, he needs rest. We barely slept last night."

"And you're staying here?" Platt prodded, choosing not to ask about the sleeping arrangements.

"I am", Hailey confirmed, her eyes daring the two women to ask more.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that", Platt responded, knowing now was not the time to inquire about the status of their relationship. Kim too, who was she to judge.

"If you need help, let us know. I can make some meals for you guys", Kim offered.

"Thanks Kim", Hailey smiled. The two excusing themselves not long after.

Kim and Platt had barely made it out the door when they turned to each other and grinned.

"That was something", Platt said, stating the obvious.

"I have so many questions", Kim replied.

They hopped in Trudy's vehicle, Kim felt her phone vibrate and saw that it was a phone call from Adam.

"Hey", Kim answered and put him on speaker.

"Hi darlin, how's Jay?" Adam knew she was planning on visiting him this morning.

"Trudy and I just left. Jay's sore today, pretty tired too. But he'll be okay. Hailey has it under control", she replied.

"Hey Sarge", Adam acknowledged Platt. "That's good to hear he's on the mend. How were him and Hailey?" Adam asked suspiciously.

"She was doing his laundry Adam, his LAUN-DRY", Kim emphasized. She couldn't help herself, and could not get over the two of them playing house with such ease. She loved them both separately, but loved them even more together. Platt chuckled in the background.

"Actually?! You never even did my laundry, and we were engaged. TO BE MARRIED!" Adam replied enthusiastically at this development in their relationship.

"I know. It was almost too much romantic tension for me to handle in there. You should have seen how she was taking care of him Adam, it was so sweet", Kim added.

"Sarge what was your read on this situation?" Adam asked curiously, knowing that Platt doesn't normally insert herself into these sorts of conversations about colleagues.

"I'm not saying a word. But if I did have any thoughts on the matter, I would say that if Randall ever looked at me the way those two look at each other…", Platt raised her eyebrows and gave Kim a provocative stare.

That was all it took for Kim and Adam to lose their minds with excitement.

"You want in on our pool Sarge?" Kim asked, implying the inevitable of when Hailey and Jay would finally get together.

"Please. I've been in one with patrol for years. Not going to lose my seniority in that one now", Platt scoffed.

"Okay Sarge I see you", Adam laughed over the speaker, Kim and Platt joining in as well.

Jay napped on the couch for a few hours surprisingly, finally caving and listening to his body that was screaming at him to sleep. He woke up groggy later that afternoon, feeling a pair of feet resting on his legs. He looked over to see Hailey fast asleep on the other end of the couch with him, her hair spilling out of her messy bun.

He left her be, he knew she was tired too. She had been up with him most of the night. He slowly reached for the TV remote and turned on some sports highlights.

Hailey woke up about an hour later, surprised to see Jay sitting there watching TV like normal.

"Hey you alright? You should have woken me up!" She said when she looked at the time.

"I'm fine Hailey, you need sleep too", he told her.

She yawned and stretched out as she sat up from his couch.

"It was nice seeing Kim and Platt today I bet", Hailey said.

"Ya it was, made me feel a bit more normal you know? Plus, fun fact, Kim is totally pregnant."

"Wait what? How can you be so sure?" Hailey rubbed her eyes, and thought she heard him wrong in her half asleep brain.

"Hailey I've been riding with her for weeks now, trust me. Kim is pregnant. I think it might be Ruzek's", Jay stated so simply, causing her to laugh.

"If you say so. Might be those painkillers talking Jay." The two laughed it off before Hailey got up to heat some soup for dinner. She never got around to grocery shopping today, that could be a tomorrow adventure.

As promised, she ended up spoon feeding Jay some soup, who was in much better spirits than this morning, but still tired and sore. It was just easier for her to do it. And if he was being honest with himself, he didn't mind her help. Once dinner was finished, Jay was begging her to let him walk around more, but Hailey felt uneasy.

"Will said I could move around more today", Jay reminded her.

"Ya but you also didn't sleep well last night, and are still getting your strength back", Hailey replied.

"Okay well, can we do a few laps of the hallway outside? Please Hailey, I'm going stir crazy", Jay begged.

She understood that for sure. Jay was not the sit around and do nothing type of guy, so he most definitely was going stir crazy. She decided for her own mental health that she would let him do it just so he would stop annoying her.

"Fine, but I'm walking with you", she compromised.

Just then, Jay remembered something and it caused a little sparkle in his eyes. "I'll even hold your hand if it makes you feel better", he told her.

Hailey grinned and rolled her eyes, he must have been able to hear them after all when he was lying in his hospital bed. "Alright fine, let's go then."

She slid his running shoes on and gave him a hand off the couch. Jay could hardly get to the door fast enough.

"Whoa, easy there track star", Hailey followed behind him, opening his front door and letting him walk through.

Jay inhaled deeply, pretending he was outdoors, which Hailey got a kick out of. She held her left arm out once they were in his hallway, gesturing him to take it. Jay let out his own smirk, not wasting any opportunity to hold her hand. They went at their own pace walking up and down his hallway, giving Jay time to stretch his legs. They had been at it about fifteen minutes when Hailey noticed him slow down, so she suggested they go back inside. He agreed right away, which is how she knew he was ready for a rest.

Not surprisingly, he went straight to his bedroom, Hailey following behind him with some ice and more pain medicine.

"Thanks", he replied, and gestured for her to sit down with him.

"Movie?" He asked, an unspoken invitation to fall asleep in there together again was hidden in the question.

"Sure", Hailey got under the covers with him and put something on the TV. They barely made it through the opening credits before both falling asleep.

The second night was much better than the first. Jay had only been up once after accidentally rolling over on his shoulder. He yelped silently, checked for blood, which he thankfully didn't see, and went back to bed. He was happy he didn't wake Hailey up either. She looked as pretty sleeping as she did awake, Jay still couldn't believe she was doing this for him.

The two of them spent the next morning in a now familiar routine. Waking up, coffee in bed, Hailey would help Jay get dressed and then they would make their way to the kitchen for breakfast. Hailey made them omelettes and plopped herself on the couch to watch sports highlights with Jay.

She left him for a bit around lunch to get some groceries and start on meals for him for the week. Stuff he could easily reheat and eat by himself, as she was going to have to go back to work at some point. They had a nice long weekend together, but duty called.

They were on the couch together in the middle of laughing about old patrol stories from early on in their careers when they heard Will come into the apartment. He looked a little rough himself.

"Hey Will", Jay greeted his brother.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Will asked, both of them replying that they were good. Hailey got off the couch to give them some privacy and make Will something to eat.

"Will, you're in luck, I have just about anything you could want for dinner. Take your pick- lasagne, chilli, minestrone, chicken casserole…"

"Oh, thanks Hailey. Um chilli sounds good", Will said excitedly, not expecting her to feed him dinner.

"You got it", Hailey said fixing him a bowl with some fresh bread on the side.

"Wow this is good Hailey", Will inhaled it, not remembering the last time he actually had a full meal coming from somewhere other than hospital vending machines.

"Thanks. Nothing fancy. You're okay Will? You look tired", Hailey eyed him suspiciously.

"Rough week", he told her honestly, Jay was watching him carefully from the corner of his eye too.

"Well, I'm glad you're off for a few days now. It will give you some time to recharge too."

"For sure, I hope Jay hasn't been too difficult for you", Will replied.

"Hey, I'm right here guys", Jay said sarcastically.

"Not at all, he's been the perfect patient", Hailey laughed.

Will caught the two of them staring at each other, their eyes burning holes into each other's souls.

"I'm going to head out. Call me if you need anything okay Jay?" Hailey offered before saying goodbye to the Halstead brothers.

"So, I know I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, but I have a feeling Hailey didn't have to", Will suggested after his brother's partner had left for the night.

Jay shook his head, rolling his eyes but laughing at his brother's attempt at being smooth.

"Is this something that's happened before?" Will asked cheekily. Jay smirked.

"Have we slept in the same bed before, yes. But no. It hasn't happened, if that's what you're implying." Jay said equally as cheeky.

"Do you want it to happen?" Will poked further. Jay blushed, something so rare it caught Will off guard even. Will had him right where he wanted him.

Jay smiled. "Ya I do want that actually."

His answer surprised Will, who shook his head and laughed.

"The two of you love each other. That much is very clear."

"I don't know how to tell her, I'm not sure it's the right time", Jay admitted quietly.

"It's never going to be the right time. But Hailey loves you so much. She didn't leave your side for more than a few hours this whole week. She took care of you in every way."

"I know she did. She always does. I feel so guilty Will, I let her down. This must have been so hard on her."

Will chuckled. Leave it to Jay to be thinking of Hailey's well-being after he just had a near death experience.

"She was a wreck that night. Completely unhinged. I've never seen her like that before. I think if people didn't suspect you two before, they absolutely do now."

"The thought of that used to make me nervous. But now, after everything that's happened. It doesn't at all", Jay finally voiced out loud what he was actually feeling.

Will couldn't believe what he was hearing out of his private, close to the vest, brother's mouth.

"You guys are going to have plenty of time to figure it out", Will replied.

Jay just smiled, having already revealed too much.

Later that night, Hailey was getting ready for bed herself after fielding a million questions from Vanessa who was completely floored that Hailey slept in bed with a shirtless Jay for two nights in a row. And was even more surprised to learn that this was not the first time they've done that. She sent Jay a text before crawling into her own bed. Trying to think of a way to tell him she missed him, without saying it.

Hope you're feeling better, I'll come by tomorrow. Get a good sleep!

He replied almost instantly, having his partner on his mind before bed too. He wanted to tell her that he missed her and that he wanted her in bed beside him but instead it came out as…

Thanks Hailey, I'll call you tomorrow.

He paused before hitting send on another message, but decided to be bold and go through with it.

P.S. It's kind of lonely in my bed without you.

Hailey's cheeks burned from afar, she could practically hear his voice saying that to her, and shuddered in anticipation and delight.

The best was yet to come.