

“Not again", I cried I drove out of the office but I couldn’t think of a place to go nor anyone to call. My life has always been filled with scars. I stopped on the bridge, stared at the water and it looked peaceful tonight. I couldn’t think of anything but i felt envious of the calm sea. So I tried climbing to the other side of the bridge, when I heard a faint voice screaming. At this point, I was no longer conscious of my environment. Someone grabbed my arms and shouted “what in the world do you think you’re about to do". I turned trying to get free from the grip but a beautiful and peaceful face was what I saw. My reason to live again. My Ray of hope. He brought me down and had me sit down. I was still crying trying to process my life and where to start of again. “Miss, are you hurt?”, he asked “What do you think you were about to do?, he yelled looking furiously angry. “can I have your phone maybe I can call a friend, any family?" he asked. At this point I realised I had nothing on me, no phone, no purse, no money. I drove out of the office highly frustrated and without thinking straight. “I have nothing, no family, no one” I replied with tears still in my eyes. My words sounding depressing than the last. He walked me to my car asked his driver to take his car home. He used his suit to cover my body because of the cold and had me enter the car and drove me to his house. This is the first time in my life, someone showed me love and cared for me. “Who is this stranger?” I asked myself. Throughout my life the people I’ve always grown to trust, become attached to and depended on abandoned me at one stage or another. Was I thinking this would be different because I've spent 15 years with them? I have always been left to fend for myself but this time I will not sit still but will fight for what’s mine because I struggled and worked for everything this family own and achieved in their company. I am the rightful successor, I proved my worth and they know it. It can’t just be taken away.

Daoist_Lawson · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


It wasn't easy blending with my new home. There were times I wanted to run off. Many older children struggled to get adopted since many adoptees preferred children from 2-8years of age. It was like a struggle for power. I wasn't thinking of being adopted, I wanted to run off.

An old lady walked into our orphanage with a beautiful woman. Whenever a guest comes in, the older children goes to spy who the individual is so they can work out mischievous plans to get them adopted. "They seem very wealthy, notice the car, the secretary, their clothes, bags and shoes", Yeon Ju said. The way they were received by our orphanage mother indicates they weren't new guest but were familiar with each other.

I was called in to my surprise. I do not want to be adopted, I want to live freely but how do I run away from here?. When I arrived at the office, the old lady said I was perfect and she wanted me, it was already decided on. The younger lady smiled at me and asked me to come closer which I hesitated. I burst into tears and ran outside, crying.

She came to the corridor, sat close to me and started talking about how I looked like her daughter whom she lost, she said my reaction was definitely how her daughter would react if she was here. She made a lot of jokes, making me laugh loudly. Wiped my tears off my face asking for my name. I told her "Choi Ae Ra". She asked if I'll be her daughter and bear "Kim Mi So". I thought to myself she's very caring, loving and polite, there could be more. Why not agree and leave this dumb place? This could be the family you ever wanted. Hence, I agreed. The adoption papers were all processed and I left with the KIM'S family.

"Wow" I exclaimed with joy. This is the most beautiful house I've ever seen. Its more beautiful compared Mr Ahn's home. The car door was opened for us, mother came down first, held mine and helped me down. She smiled at me, every step we took. When we finally entered the house, she asked me if I like what I see. I nodded staring at the entire house. "It is very lovely", I replied her smiling.

"come see your room", she said. Stretched out her hands which I held and we both climbed up. The room was beautifully decorated with my name on it. Its a very big room. Everything I needed from clothes to accessories were perfectly placed. It had my favourite colour, sky blue which is also my mother's favourite colour. I walked round the room, touching everything. I was pleased.

"Do you like it?" Mrs Kim asked. "Yes I do, Mrs Kim" I replied her. She knelt down in front of me, "Call me Mom or Mother, you're my daughter now", she said. "Umma?", I said after some few inward hesitation. She smiled and hugged me. "This will be your Nanny, Yoo Se Mi. She'll always be in charge of your care and whenever you need anything especially when I'm not around", she said to me. Kissed my forehead and took her leave.

"Let's get ready for dinner, Your dad is coming home from his business trip today, your grandfather and grandmother will be visiting for dinner. We still have a long day ahead", the Nanny told me.

It was really a long day ahead for a 13 year old girl. I had to learn the basic etiquette from greeting to eating to speaking to posture, everything I had to perfect in just five hours. "Who in this world will subject a 13year old child to that? I wondered. I was about to cry but realised I have to be strong. This isn't my real home and I am yet to adapt to the environment. I need to be of good behaviour so I don't end up being abandoned again.

It took time, I couldn't perfectly master all etiquette but I did try. The Nanny advised I do my best and always remember to smile.

(Everyone was busy preparing one thing or the other. If I was a guest, I would think we'll be having a lot of other guests. It was just a table for five but the preparation felt like a table for twenty)

Mother came to my room to check up on me. She was so happy when she saw how beautiful I looked and was dressed. What surprised her most was the way I composed myself. She wasn't expecting perfect. She laughed saying she is proud of me. Her own daughter who grew up in this mansion couldn't perfect any etiquette hence it was a problem but she's proud I made her proud, she added and I was happy I pleased her.

We both walked down the stairs to meet the other members of the family. "my beautiful princess", grandmother said in tears. "She looks so much like Kim Ji A", she added hugging me tightly. "Kim Ji A?", At that moment, my eyes met a portrait on the wall. It was that of their child, it had the name Kim Ji A written underneath. I looked so much like her. She is very beautiful i said inwardly. My grandfather didn't smile at me. Even when I greeted him he just stared and did nothing. Dad knelt down hugged me, saying "Welcome home Mi So".

Dinner was fun. We played games, talked about a lot of things but they always mentioned Ji A instead of Mi So. I could sense the ache in their voice, they really miss their child.

The Nanny arrived to take me to my room. She said it was past my bed time. I had to greeted the elders before leaving. Grandfather called me, knelt in front of me and said "always remember I will never acknowledge you until you make yourself useful by proving you're worth bearing the family's name. We're a reputable family in Korea known by all, do not attempt to do anything stupid anywhere you are. Remember where you came from, the gutter, and if you do not behave I could send you back there anytime without hesitating. You are not yet a part of my family until I see your worth and I am satisfied with it". He said patting my head. Everyone would think he was bonding with me because that's what it did look like.

This life of mine will definitely be an interesting one.