

“Not again", I cried I drove out of the office but I couldn’t think of a place to go nor anyone to call. My life has always been filled with scars. I stopped on the bridge, stared at the water and it looked peaceful tonight. I couldn’t think of anything but i felt envious of the calm sea. So I tried climbing to the other side of the bridge, when I heard a faint voice screaming. At this point, I was no longer conscious of my environment. Someone grabbed my arms and shouted “what in the world do you think you’re about to do". I turned trying to get free from the grip but a beautiful and peaceful face was what I saw. My reason to live again. My Ray of hope. He brought me down and had me sit down. I was still crying trying to process my life and where to start of again. “Miss, are you hurt?”, he asked “What do you think you were about to do?, he yelled looking furiously angry. “can I have your phone maybe I can call a friend, any family?" he asked. At this point I realised I had nothing on me, no phone, no purse, no money. I drove out of the office highly frustrated and without thinking straight. “I have nothing, no family, no one” I replied with tears still in my eyes. My words sounding depressing than the last. He walked me to my car asked his driver to take his car home. He used his suit to cover my body because of the cold and had me enter the car and drove me to his house. This is the first time in my life, someone showed me love and cared for me. “Who is this stranger?” I asked myself. Throughout my life the people I’ve always grown to trust, become attached to and depended on abandoned me at one stage or another. Was I thinking this would be different because I've spent 15 years with them? I have always been left to fend for myself but this time I will not sit still but will fight for what’s mine because I struggled and worked for everything this family own and achieved in their company. I am the rightful successor, I proved my worth and they know it. It can’t just be taken away.

Daoist_Lawson · Urban
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Sweetheart, let's go to the park. Yeah!!!, I jumped around dancing excitedly. Mum where's Bunny B? I asked my mother. Sweetheart we can't look for that right now, let's go, she replied me. I burst into tears and wailed. My tears are always a frustration to my mother. Okay, let's look for it before leaving for the park.

My mother, Choi Da Hye is the best gift I've ever received in my life. I never had a father but my mother was my everything, a beautiful woman with the most beautiful smile that could melt your heart and clean your tears. She ensured I lacked nothing and nothing I did not lack. Ae Ra, here's your Bunny B, my mother called out with joy. Let's go to the park, we'll be late.

(At the Park)

Ae Ra, play here I'll be back. Umma, please don't leave me, I pleaded with tears. Ae Ra, I'll be back. Just don't go anywhere but play here with the other children till I am back. I need to meet a client and discuss some matters for his work. I won't be long, mother said smiling at me. Be a good girl and go no where. Do not follow anyone I'll be back, she added.

I nodded while holding tight Mr Bunny B. My mother kissed my forehead and left. I didn't know anyone so I just sat down until a boy walked towards me and asked me to join them play. He had a sister, both seem same age as me. I did follow them play till it was evening. My mother didn't come back. I was so hungry but had to bear. When the other children's parents came for them, there was still no sight of my mother.

"What's your name?" Ahn Ga yeong's mother asked me. "Choi Ae ra", I replied her. "Where's your mother?" she asked. "She said she was going to meet a client and return to me but she's yet to return", I replied her. "Okay, let's go home together, when she comes back I'll tell the security man to call my number, its late Ae ra and everyone's going home", she said. "aniyo, Umma said I should wait here and go no where", I replied her.

"Ma'am, you need return to the office for the files before its too late" Mrs Ahn's driver told her. "That's true but I can't leave her here, its not safe, you return to the office and bring the files home. Call Mr Park to come pick us", she replied him. "Ae ra, let's wait for your mother, if she doesn't return by 8, you'll have to leave with us. Trust me you'll be safe with me rather than being here. The security man will call us when she returns." She said to me. "Okay, Ajumma", I replied her.

We did wait till 8pm and my mother did not return. I burst into tears. Mrs Ahn took me to their home. It was a lovely mansion so beautiful compared to the home mum and I lived in. Everyone received me well and treated me with care. I slept in the same room with Ahn Bo hyun, Ahn Ga yeong's twin sister. I stayed with them for three days, still no reply. Days gradually became weeks and weeks, months. Mrs Ahn didn't drop a report at the police station close to the park but she did tell them, if any mother comes looking for her child, she should be contacted. The security man at the park confirmed no parents came looking for their child.

Mr Ahn was no longer comfortable with me staying in their house because he feared rumours might circulate out of it for he was persuading the boards of directors to make him the CHAIRMAN of his father's company. No relatives to call and no relative did I know. It was just my mother. The interesting part was her record wasn't on the system. That raised the question, "Who really was my mother?". Mrs Ahn decided to go to my house, maybe mother will be there, unfortunately when we got there, the house was quiet. The neighbours said no one had come around since the day we went to the park. They know no relative of hers and have never seen anyone come visit nor inquire about her. Her clients never once came home since she always met them away from home. We thoroughly checked the house, nothing was moved. It was exactly the way we left it before leaving for the park.

The next morning, Mrs Ahn told me to follow her out. I eagerly did thinking it was for the usual outing but to my surprise we ended up at an orphanage. I cried and begged her not to leave me at an unfamiliar place, she wiped my tears and told me she had no choice. Was I being abandoned for a second time? A weak and vulnerable 10year old girl I was without no one to defend me nor take me in. "Where is my mother?". Even with my screaming and wailing, I was abandoned.

Creation is hard, please cheer me up! Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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