


"........." ".......!!"

"No!" I must be dreaming. I have to wake up.

Please someone! Please wake me up from this nightmare!

I need to wake up!!

This dream feel so real. Tears streaming down on my face feel really warm. Am I not dreaming?? Is it real? I can't be real. You can't go. You can't die just like this.

Not after all the terrible things you've done to me. You can't just cowardly left me alone.

My chest feel tight like someone is squeezing my heart.

My head hurt too. I can't clearly see anything.

I need to lay down for a while.

No I can't lay down. I must go to him. I have to see him. He is always making joke about him dying and being in hospital, just to see me worry. Yeah. Silly me! Here I am, falling for his tricks again. I will just get myself together and go to him. He even got his mother involved in his joke. I won't go easy on him this time.

And i won't let go of your hand ever again no matter what.