
Millionaire’s genius wife

Wish Young is a 24 year old, diligent university graduate who seems to live a normal life. But deep within, she only wanted revenge from her dreadful father, a successful businessman with a large manufacturing company, Oh! and the one who left her mother and sister to marry her current stepmother. "Monster." was what she called him. one day, her father, also the monster, invited her for a proposal to marry the heir of the top company. Her father wanted to join hands with the most successful company. Wish was ready to give up her normal life to get revenge from her dreadful father. She wanted her father to regret his whole life to ever introducing her to this fancy world. The day she met the heir who she was going to marry, also her fiance, William Brent, things started to go off course from her original plan. The heir was a troublesome guy who was going to be her first obstacle before she started her master plan to get the revenge. . . " Welcome, Wish Lennon." a deep and low voice echoed from her back. She abruptly turned around, startled to see a tall figure standing by the window. He had his hands inside the pocket with a glass of whiskey on the other. He studied her feature from her face to legs. It was William Brent. She was wearing a hot-red fitted dress stopping above her knees and a high slit showing her soft thighs. The dress wasnt over exposing on the chest just showing her sharp collarbone. But what instantly caught his eyes were her red plump lips. It was luscious. Wish fiddled with her fingers avoiding eye contact with him. Brent was enjoying the scene in front and smirked. " Lets have fun tonight." . . Cover art credit: @secondary ring

ameeliz_ · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs


The next day, Wish woke up feeling a massive headache. She was getting used to mornings with drunkovers by now and it had only been for 2 days. Right after she shifted in the bed, William stood across her, hands folded. This scene looked quite familiar. Well, because something like this took place after that party as well. But this time, she couldnt blame it to anyone as it was her choice to drink. Now, about William. If he was standing like that something might have took place. " Good...morning?" she said nervously.

William's stern face broke into a soft look, " Morning. you should take a shower first."

" Ahh right!" she said removing the blanket and noticed she was wearing a shirt over her half-naked body. Oh wait...she didnt remember whose shirt it was.

" Thats mine." he chimed before she asked. If her memories werent wrong, she was with Caleb enjoying drinks and wanting to dance. After that everything was hazy and unclear. In the shower, her head was full of thoughts about yesterday. The dive, William disappearing and the dance floor. A scene of her and william inside this room kept coming up but she was unsure about what it was. That was making her frustrated. Suddenly, she also remembered how William and Caleb almost got in a big fight. " What the hell was going on?"

Meanwhile, William was confused if he should mention about the kiss or not. The thought of Wish flustering made him excited, " Would be fun to see her reaction."

After her shower, they headed to the kitchen counter and saw few foods were prepared already. It must have been Micheal's house maid. Nobody was up, almost half of the party were asleep on the floor. The two started eating the food and William suddenly smirked, " Yesterday, i got to see the new side of you."

This made Wish choke on her food, " Wh-what did i...do?" her eyes showed terror. She thought nothing could have taken place. Was she wrong?

Seeing William's smirk made her lose her appetite. " In the room, after i dragged you from the living room..."

So the scene that kept coming in her mind, did take place. " .....you....umm." Why was he blushing suddenly? A memory popped in her head but it was so unclear and it was...of her kissing. " No...." she whispered to herself. " it cant be...."

" You..." William continued ignoring her mumbles, "...kissed me all of a sudden."

Wish stood up so quickly, the chair fell down making some of the people startle. She then headed to a toilet and locked, screaming her lungs out. " I thought nothing worse could have ever taken place, than i do this??" she was so ashamed of herself at the moment, she hoped to disappear.

William laughed to himself, enjoying the reactions by her. He could also hear faint screaming of her in the toilet. This was something he had expected yet it was amusing. After few minutes, she came back with a straight face. She really could gain her composure quickly.

Wish whispered to herself, " Im not backing down." leaving the toilet, she took place beside him again, " Have you seen the pictures?"

This made William halt. " pictures??" She smirked to herself. Looked like William hadnt checked his gallery as she had expected. " Why dont you check your gallery?"

He quickly pulled out his phone, opening the gallery. Once he saw the only pictures on his phone, he stared at with horror. He had never clicked a photo from his phone. Also wasnt this the time, he had visited her house. The way he was tightly hugging her with a smile?? " Th-that isnt me...." he denied because he would never....

" Yes, it is you. You grabbed me and hugged me by force and i took the chance clicking some pictures." at least she got back at him but that didnt mean her embarrassment had gone. He lost his grip on the phone and it fell down on the floor.

He tried collecting his composure, not wanting to back down, " Well.....its still less shocking than a kiss..." he mumbled.

" What!!" she banged her hands on the desk, annoyed.

Just then, they heard footsteps coming down. It was Caleb and Julie. Both of them stood up.

" We will....be leaving now." Caleb said avoiding eye contact. Wish went near to them, " Alright, lets meet soon..." she noticed the band-aid on the corner of his lips. Caleb quickly looked the other way. " Yeah, sure...then bye."

Julie kept looking on the floor, and walked away with him. The atmosphere had turned tensed and silent once they walked away. Things wouldnt be going well with them for sometime.


Caleb had left Julie infront of her house. The ride was pretty silent and gloomy. Both of them had a rough night. But she was still thankful for having Caleb by her side. If it werent for him, she would be all alone and lost. Even William didnt care or look out for her. And Wish....she was really getting on her nerves.

Was William really changing for this girl? And they had met only few weeks before. William rarely took care of others and seeing him act like this with a complete stranger made her more furious. She just looked like a normal, average girl to her. She did hear some things about her little sister,Melissa and they werent good things. Maybe both the sisters had bad reputations.

" You are going to pay for this." she thought inside her head.

" Big sis!" a boy called her name, making her turn around. She broke into a smile, spotting her little cousin brother Jake and waved.

They hugged lightly after reaching near. He was a lean boy with not a very tall figure and spiky hair. Looking at him, you could tell he was a troublemaker. " I came here because you told me you would give me a reward."

Julie raised her hands, doing the sign language: ' Of course, but you will have to do something.'

Jake raised his brows, excited for the request. He was always up for trouble and mess. That was the reason, the Wilsons abandoned him and now he was just a troublemaker boy roaming around with his gangs. " What is it you want me to do, sis?"

She turned serious, letting him know it wasnt some child's play: ' First, dont tell anyone that you met with me. got it?'

Jake nodded with a small smirk, excited to be getting a serious task after a long time. " I wont dare open my mouth to anybody. You can trust me, sis."
