
Chapter 2: Hospital

I can't even remember how long I sat there on in the middle of the street, literally holding my dead sister in my arms. It felt like an eternity. A police car finally arrived, somewhere between 5 and 6 AM. An ambulance arrived about 30 minutes later. The stretcher was surprising comfy. I just sat there in silence. I didn't answer any questions. I mean, my sister who had been apart of my life for 15 years, literally just died in my arms. I had an excuse to not answer. I remember just lying in the hospital bed, the quietest I've ever been. I just stared at the ceiling. I didn't cry. After about a day or so my parents and brother and sister were allowed to visit me. I didn't care though. Somehow, they made it worse. I'd rather be alone. The whole time they cried but, I didn't. I couldn't cry around them. I didn't even look at them, just stared at the ceiling and didn't talk to them at all. I felt like I was dead. I bet they felt that way too. They tried to talk to me, well, everyone except for Charlie. He was just like me, didn't move, didn't speak, didn't cry, just stared straight ahead. He didn't even eat anything, none of us did. We weren't hungry. It was weird, hearing my dad cry. I've seen him cry, but not that hard before. Ava joined the club. She didn't do anything. They were still sad though, I could see it in their eyes.

After 3 days in the hospital, I was getting better. This day though, was the day it hit me. I call it, the crying day. It was the first time I actually cried. I was crying so bad that it hurt my stomach. It was the day, I actually realized that she was gone. The day I realized that I would never see her again, for a long time.