

A regular man, once destined for greatness, reincarnated as a basic cactus. Watch him try not to go insane

CozmicCatto · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Day 0

"Ah! What the hell?! Where am I?! What happened?!"

The panicked man would try to look around, rising from his slumber, confused and scared

However, as far as he can see, is only desert. Sand, sand, and more sand

"Ah! This must be a dream! There's no way right? Right? There's absolutely no effing way I'm a STUPID cactus!"

The cactus in question, would be a small cactus, maybe about a foot in height, obviously being a cactus can't move

"Bro bro bro bro bro, nonononono, NO! Why did I have to effing fall off that bridge?! I was trying to save that dumbass kid! Stupid rain! Stupid kids! Ugh!"

Feeling frustrated, the cactus would sit there, seemingly peacfully. The world will never know the amount of anguish and anger the cactus is currently feeling

The chapters will get longer as time goes on. I might even have to do time skips. How else am I also not supposed to die of complete boredom writing this. But I have a plan! Hell be so cool! But its gonna take a few chapters....

Also i'd like to mention this novel isn't really my priority, i'm writing it as extra whenever i get bored. So dont expect scheduled chapters!

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts