
Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives

It is a unique literary collection that addresses sensitive themes related to childhood, such as abuse, mistreatment, and other dangers children face in their environment. Through captivating and powerful stories, this compilation seeks to raise awareness and provide tools to prevent tragedies and promote a safe environment for the little ones. With endearing characters and realistic situations, each story invites reflection and poses ethical questions, reminding us of the importance of protecting and caring for our children. "Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives" is an invitation to awareness and action, aimed at parents, educators, and all those concerned about the well-being of children in our society.

Gabriela_Guapi · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


CHAPTER 1: A Fresh Start.

Excitement filled the air as we loaded our belongings onto the moving truck. Anna and I had taken a significant step forward in our lives, thanks to my recent promotion at work. Now, we had the opportunity to provide our beloved Juliet, our 12-year-old daughter, with a better life in a thriving neighborhood.

Juliet has always been a special child, with her infectious joy, kindness, and a passion for art that never ceases to amaze me. She is a talented painter, and we are always eager to see her new creations. No matter how busy we are, Anna and I always find time to be her biggest supporters and nurture her artistic journey.

The new house we had acquired far exceeded our expectations. It was spacious, elegant, and impeccably decorated. The garden was a true paradise, and I imagined Juliet playing and laughing under the warm afternoon sun. It was a place where we could create beautiful family memories.

The community we now resided in was extraordinary as well. Friendly and welcoming neighbors came to our door to greet us and offer their assistance whenever needed. It seemed like the perfect place for Juliet to grow up surrounded by positive and friendly people.

I was eager to see Juliet explore her new surroundings. We had enrolled our little one in a new school, full of opportunities and an inspiring atmosphere. I was confident she would find friends with similar interests and open herself up to an even broader world of artistic possibilities. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the move, I paused for a moment and gazed at my family. Anna, with her radiant smile and unwavering support, and Juliet, brimming with enthusiasm and energy, ready to embrace this new adventure. My heart filled with gratitude and determination to provide them with a fulfilling and happy life in our new home.

This was only the beginning of our story in the prosperous neighborhood. I was certain that together, we would create unforgettable memories and face any challenges that came our way. Happiness and love permeated the air, and I was excited to see what the future held for us in our new home.