
Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives

It is a unique literary collection that addresses sensitive themes related to childhood, such as abuse, mistreatment, and other dangers children face in their environment. Through captivating and powerful stories, this compilation seeks to raise awareness and provide tools to prevent tragedies and promote a safe environment for the little ones. With endearing characters and realistic situations, each story invites reflection and poses ethical questions, reminding us of the importance of protecting and caring for our children. "Micro-novels, Short Stories, and Preventive Narratives" is an invitation to awareness and action, aimed at parents, educators, and all those concerned about the well-being of children in our society.

Gabriela_Guapi · Fantasy
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15 Chs


CHAPTER 2: Disturbing Signs.

At first, everything was beautiful and comfortable, but then Robert appeared. Initially, when he introduced himself, there was nothing that made me suspicious of him. However, over time, small signs began to emerge, and my intuition started to awaken. Despite my busy work schedule, I began to notice certain unsettling attitudes towards Julieta, our beloved 12-year-old daughter.

Robert would approach Julieta with "harmless" invitations, like offering her a drink or suggesting they play a sport together. At first, this seemed like simple kindness, but something in his gaze and tone of voice made me uncomfortable. His words and gestures were subtly inappropriate.

I didn't want to immediately alarm Anna, my wife. I casually mentioned the interactions with Robert, hoping she would share my concerns. However, she dismissed the strange but seemingly harmless behavior. She reassured me that Julieta was a smart girl who would ask for help if anything went wrong. Although I trusted our daughter's insightfulness, I couldn't ignore my protective instinct.

As the days went by, Robert's invitations became more frequent and persistent. He started to look for any excuse to interact with Julieta, always finding an activity they could participate in together. His words became more persuasive, attempting to convince our daughter to spend time alone with him.

Each time I witnessed these interactions, my heart raced, and a chill ran down my spine. What did Robert truly want with these "innocent" invitations? Why did he seek Julieta's company so eagerly? These questions began to haunt me, and a shadow of concern settled in my mind.

I began discreetly investigating our neighbor, searching for any information that could shed light on his intentions. I immersed myself in silent research, observing his movements, talking to other neighbors, and gathering any details that could help me understand his behavior. I was not willing to stand idly by while my daughter was at risk.

My already hectic work schedule became even more challenging as I tried to balance my professional responsibilities with my concerns as a father. However, Julieta was my priority, and I would do everything in my power to protect her from any threat, even if it meant confronting my neighbor and my own doubts.