
Chapter Six

The wait was awkward since nobody spoke, But it wasn't long before the others arrived and like that Canon started...

Bakugo threw a ball, the kids got excited, Aizawa threatened us with expulsion, and finally, he glared at me like I just killed his cat.

So far, everything was on track, now I just needed to barge in and mess everything up.

I took my place at the start of the fifty-meter dash and positioned my legs on the device that was used in professional races, Bakugo taking his place next to me.

The robot fired a blank shot the same one that would be noting down our times and as soon as the sound reached my ears, green lightning crackled around my body, thirty percent of One For All bursting into existence in the form of cackeling lightning as I dashed forward.

Skidding to a stop as I passed the required threshold, I looked back at Bakugo, who still hasn't fully gotten up.

[0.245 seconds.]

My time was recorded and I looked over at our teacher, who had his eyebrows raised, looking at the device in his hand. Huffing out an amused breath, I waited for Bakugo to stop lagging so I could go back to the group.


Endurance running...

"Alright, Midoriya, stop running so we can get on with the test."

I looked at Aizawa, then at my classmates who stopped running and shrugged.


Grip tests...

"Uh... Sensei?"

I questioned, walking up to him, gaining his attention.

"What is it?"

At his raised eyebrow, I lifted the device in my hand, which was broken.

"... I'll just note down the maximum amount."


Long jumps.

I looked toward the distance, where I jumped from... Man, thirty percent was no joke... But still, damn.


Sideways jumps...

Meh, I did alright, considering I couldn't pass a certain like that was too close for me to effectively use One for All...

However, I call bullshit on that little child with purple balls for hair. Did he even know what friction is?


I gripped the ball in my hand for a moment, tightening my grip, and testing its durability. Hmmm.

I unzipped my jacket, this would not withstand 50 percent since it was made from normal materials. I managed to address the problem when I tore one of my shirts the first time I reached thirty-five percent.

"What are you doing, Midoriya?"

I sent a glance at my teacher for a moment, before extending my top half of the uniform toward him.

"This uniform won't withstand if I use any more power than I already have, I want to go plus ultra at least once without worrying about collateral."

The hobo-looking man hummed for a moment, before nodding and taking the clothing from my hand.

One For All buzzed around my body, the intensity of lighting considerably higher than before as I calculated the best course for the ball to travel.

Taking a stance that would allow my body to aid me in throwing the ball further, I intensified One For All around my arm to fifty percent and swung with all my might.

The ball left my hand, which pulsed with pain, and shot up in the air at Mach 2, or something close to that.

The wind picked up around me, and I closed my eyes to prevent the dust from getting into my eyes.

Sweeping my hand to the side, I got rid of the dust with another gist of wind and looked over at Aizawa who was looking at the thrown ball with a deadpan.

The device in his hand pinged a while later and he looked down at it, blinked, and turned it around.

1.6 Kilometers.

Not bad.

My right hand twitched, and I hissed slightly. I looked down at it, flexed, and relaxed it a few times, getting rid of the pain completely before walking over to my teacher and taking the jacket back.

"Were you holding back the whole time?"

I looked back at the black-haired man while zipping up my jacket.

"No, I was using the maximum amount of power I could use safely, even that little stunt hurt my arm like hell."

The older man hummed in thought and I turned back to the audience, ignoring the shaking Bakugo, who seemed to be having a hard time containing himself.

"Simply Amazing! You seemed to have made leaps and bounds in mastering your quirk! It must have taken a lot of time and dedication! I commend your efforts!"

I blinked at him for a moment before nodding, and muttering a thank you. Seriously, did he have to yell all the time?

"Woah! That was so cool! It was like the entrance exam when you punched the Zero pointer!"

I looked to my left, blinking at the shorter girl that had shoulder-length hair, a round face, and big eyes.

This was the girl that I saved from the Zero pointer, right?

"The infinity girl?"

The girl pouted.

"My name is Ochako Uraraka, not infinity girl!"

... I didn't ask, but okay.

I stared at her for a moment and looked back at Aizawa that was pressing a few buttons on his device and threw the ball to the next student.


I watched the holographic screen that was projected in front of us, looking at the top of the list.

I came in first, with Momo Yayorozu following soon after, then Shoto Todoroki, and finally Katsuki Bakugo.

The top four and Yayorozu was only there because of the sheer versatility of her quirk.

I glanced toward the school building, spotting a piece of blonde hair that stuck out from the corner and deadpanned. That man was too bulky to hide effectively.
