
MHA: The true king

A young boy transmigrated into a supernatural world of quirks. Finding out he got transmigrated into the time when the quirks first started appearing. What will he do once he learns that he is also ill and that he cannot leave his bed or even venture outside without risking injury? I do not own the cover. I also don't own the Anime series mha.

Fyhc · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Testing my powers

It was true that he was truly a demon progenitor.

"There is no way it can't be. Am I truly the demon progenitor?" Akuma said, fully knowing he was, that everything pointed to him being a demon progenitor—the way he obtained his powers, the powers themselves, and even his weaknesses. While he was thinking this, he heard footsteps coming closer to him. Had he woken his parents up because of his sudden scream?

Akuma instantly started to fake sleep, hoping his parents didn't know that he was awake at the moment. The door opened slightly, with his father peeking through to make sure that he was asleep. When he noticed Akuma was asleep, he closed the door and went back to his bedroom with his wife.

'That was close, Akuma,' he thought to himself, wiping a tinge of sweat that was on his face. He didn't want to get caught being awake already.

Akuma went to the edge of his bed, stood up again, and looked at himself through a mirror on the left side of his room. He had long black hair since he hadn't gone to the barber for a long time. And he had violet eyes, but his irises were cat-like, something unnatural for the time being. He also had very pale skin because of his demon heritage aswell as him never going outside because of his illness.

Akuma touched his face; he looked a lot different than before, slightly healthier but still not healthy enough. His eye color also hadn't changed; in his previous world, it was almost impossible to have violet eyes, but in this world, it was normal to be out of the norm.

"I really did change a little," Akuma muttered to himself.

But Akuma wanted to test out the rest of his powers, but that had to wait until tomorrow night, when he could fully test out his powers without being scared of accidentally cutting the curtains. So he returned to his bed and started dozing off. He was woken up by his mother coming close to his room.

"Honey, wake up dinner is ready," His mother said with a cheerful voice while opening his door. But she was surprised to see her son already awake. He normally only woke up after three tries, but now he woke up even before she called him.

"Oh mom! I woke up a few minutes ago because of the noises you made," He said, trying to lie, not wanting to talk about his powers, and with a sleepy tone.

His mother raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of his explanation. She had noticed a few strange occurrences around the house lately and couldn't help but wonder if her son was hiding something from her. But right after that, she acted like nothing happened and returned to her cheerful tone. "Well, as long as you wake up, I'll bring you breakfast in a few, my little sugar pie," she said, squeezing Akuma's cheek. After that, she started to leave, but Akuma spoke before she could.

"Wait! Mom, I'm not really hungry right now, maybe I can just skip breakfast and go straight to lunch in a few hours," Akuma said, not wanting to fake eating his food when he knows he can't eat normal food anymore.

"Alright, but tell me when you're hungry, alright? I don't want my little sugar pie to be hungry the whole time while being sick." She said she was patting his head a little and leaving him.

"Umu, that's good; at least I won't have to explain why I'm not hungry." He nodded his head. He stood up again, walked towards his closet, and started looking at what was inside. There were a lot of books and some other non-important items that he didn't need. He picked up one of the books and went back to bed.

The book's title was The Blood Bender. He picked up this precise book because he had learned yesterday he had a blood-related ability and seeing other people use the powers in a certain way would help him get a better idea of his powers, but this was only because he can't use his powers without notifying anyone. After a few hours of reading books, Akuma had come to a small conclusion. The power to control blood was super strong if used right, but the only thing limiting him now is his lack of time and not knowing the limits of his power.

After a few hours, his mother gave him his lunch, which he threw away. He tried to force himself to eat, but it hadn't worked, so he gave up and just threw away the food. After a few more hours, his mom gave him dinner, which he also threw away.

"It's finally time," Akuma thought, looking through his window and not seeing the sun anymore. But first he had to disguise himself, so he took a black hoodie that he had in his closet and opened his window, feeling the soft breeze.

"I can never truly get enough of this breeze after not experiencing it for such a long time," He said, jumping out of the window and onto the grass outside.

Next, he started walking until he saw an abandoned warehouse. And started going in.

"HYAAah," He said, doing a cool pose and trying to use his powers.

"I don't think that worked; maybe this will work." He said he did the iconic Spider-Man hand sign, but of course it didn't work.

'Maybe I should just start with powers I know, He thought to himself, his sweat dropping at what he just did. So he did just that. He knew that Muzan could control his body in different ways, so he tried that first. He closed his eyes and imagined himself as a younger version of himself. He looked deep into himself and just started changing first, his face became that of a younger version after that, his torso and his arms became younger versions and lastly, his legs. He then opened his eyes, feeling different and way smaller.

"It really worked; I actually did it," He said, screaming and jumping up and down with excitement. After that, he started to work on his next power of blood control. He thought of what he did last time when he controlled all the blood of those gangsters into a ball, but he didn't have the blood of anyone else with him currently, so he had to use his own. And he did just that he started concentrating like he did before on his blood, and he slashed his arm forward, doing absolutely nothing.

"Well, that was more anti-climactic than I thought," Akuma said to himself. After that, he started to concentrate again. He first tried to move the blood out of his body, but it didn't seem to work. He didn't have enough control yet.

'Maybe this will work.' Akuma thought of making his nails sharper with the same method he used on his body. After that, he cut his thumb a little and tried to control that blood, and it worked slightly; he could control it but not compress it like he did before. He could learn it later, so he didn't worry about that. Next, he started to try and explore more of his powers.

He moved toward the end of the warehouse to test his speed. "Let's see how fast I can make it to the other side," He said with excitement. He started running to the other side, but when he almost made it to the end, something hit him. He didn't know how to control his speed yet, so he hit the wall head first.

"Aww, why do I keep trying to hurt myself? As a reminder, let's never do that again." He said that, rubbing his head. Next, he tried to test his strength. He started walking to a pile of junk and seemingly easily lifted it up. After that, he tried to crush the junk, which partially worked, but while he crushed the junk, it was still big, which he didn't want.

"It seems my strength will need further testing, I don't know how heavy all of this is, but I need to find a limit to how strong I am so others don't exploit it in a few centuries." He said to himself, laughing at his horrible joke about his immortality.

'Well, the scariest part is regeneration and my pain endurance. I really don't want to hurt myself, but I just have to stay calm and know that I can regenerate. I literally regenerated my hand that was erased by the sun itself. He reassured himself that it would work out.

Let's start small at first, he thought, making his nail sharp again and cutting a small wound in his hand. After seeing it almost instantly regenerate, he started to do more and cut his hand off.

"AAAAAh!" He screamed, expecting the pain, but it never came.

"Wait, it didn't hurt? That's super useful. I'd rather not imagine myself with super regeneration but not feeling the pain; that would be horrible" He says to himself, shuddering at the thought of it.

'Well, that's all I'm going to test for today. I don't really have the willpower to chop anything off more than that,' he thought, looking at his fully regenerated hand.