
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 5

In the dangerous alley ways of the streets of mosutafu there could be seen a man running almost losing his foot steps he was wearing a fancy suit but red spots can be seen staining his suit. He was looking around at every direction frenetically and his breathing seem to be fast paced. He was running from someone one



Something quickly move trough the shadows of the wall moving like a shark on water. As soon as he saw movement on the shadows he quickly started to run as fast as he can. He didn't want to look back at what it was chasing him, he didn't even want to stop, he felt danger deep inside his guts.

But unfortunately he didn't notice he had run into a wall. Making him fall to his. It was a dead end. Now the individual move his head fast to look back, now his face was in shear terror, and desperation he was now trying to spot the black spot he saw moments ago before running like a animal being hunted. He was praying on his head that the thing that was chasing him would leave him alone.


In a blur something came from the shadows of the wall hitting him on the chest putting him down on the ground. A dark shadow foot with four claws was on top is chest pinning him to the ground. The figure was wearing a red short, accompany with a grey hoodie the sleeves were torn at the forearm showing of the shadow skin.

"Now we have business to talk" said the figure, his head cover by the hoodie only his horns were visible.

"L-look man I don't know w-what are you t-talking about"

"AAAAARGH!!" The man scream as the claws on the foot started to dig on his chest

"don't play innocent with me fucker, now tell me we're are they? We're are the yakuza's?!" The claws dig deeper making him squirm in pain and letting out a whimper of pain

"Alright I'll tell you!" The man scream in desperation

"I-I'll tell you b-but please LET ME GO!" The claws were lifted and so was the pressure on his chest which it was follow by him being pull up by his business suit lifted up in the air to eye level of his aggressor


" They-They have problems, something about control about their turf and something about the current big boss dealing with some type of drug distribution that has to do with quirks" the man's body was shaking with fear.

"Hmm drug distribution and turfs eh? tell me more!" the hooded figure demanded.

"I-I-It has has to do with enhancing quirks t-temporarily or s-something like that, that beak mask fucker offer it, but the boss didn't take it to lightly"

"Keep going"

"But something was off about that guy he is planning something behind the boss's back, it has something to do about a little kid and it's weird quirk or some bullshit like that! I don't know I am new here!"

The hooded figure loosen his grip a bit not to the point that the newly yakuza member could escape.

(Loosing power over turfs, drug enhancing quirks, and to top it off on the cherry ice cream a little kid with some weird quirk? Something is going on. There's a hidden plan these street rats have.)

He dropped the yakuza member to the ground. "Be lucky I don't rip out your spine like the rest of your friends back at your hide out. Now leave! Before I change my mind"

"T-thank you thank you!" The Yakuza look up to him as he started to get up quickly and started to stumble thanks to his legs being weak by the immanence feared he had at that moment.

As he look the young yakuza leave without looking back. He began to heard the sirens not so far getting closer. "Shit" he muttered, in quick motion he climb the wall next to his right. Now being on top of the building he had climb he see clearly now that a unit of cops had arrived at the sight of the building he had pay a "friendly" visit.


{Cop 1 }

As he got out the car his revolver was out of the holster ready for anything follow by his other companion and the other units at the run down building that seem to be a former restaurant, with the windows block, in front of him was the main door

Ok ladies at the count of 3 we break through and be ready.




The door was kick down by him. He was expecting to find the yakuza's body with gun shots or a use of a quirk attack made by a contract mercenary to the yakuza's like always when there were attacks involving . But what he had found was a inhumane scene. Five Bodies were hanging of the ceiling, not by a rope but their intestines for the rest of the other yakuza's body were mutilated. Arms, legs all extremities were either pull, or rip apart worst off all was the viscera's hanging On the outside of the bodies. It was a macabre sight

"Oh Dear god!" he exclaimed "Ugh!"

He was not ready to see the macabre sight in front of him and all the ones who follow behind him were not so lucky on the sight they were seeing.

{Cop 2}

"God what the hell is this?!"


He averted his gaze from the scene while he pass his companions going outside of the building.

{Cop 3}

"I can't-" he turn to the side spilling out the contents of his stomach coming out from his mouth


"We need to inform this"

"This shit isn't normal!"

One of the cops yell out loud. They began to turn back around heading tour their car to call for the experts.

"My friendly visit here is done" he turn around started to walk, in slow paced it started getting faster and faster. Breaking into a run follow by jumping from top of the building to other building

After a few hours of him running and jumping from building to a apartment roof he stop. For some reason he had abruptly stop Someone was following him

"Whoever you are I recommend you to come out were your hiding, you don't want you entrails to be decorations for show for some people to see or do you?". What seem to be purple smoke shape humanoid started slowly to come out from behind the water tower behind him.

"Well it seems you have good senses at detecting and hiding from you won't help" Spoke the humanoid figure. He turn to face the purple human shape smoke that seem to be wearing some kind of bar tender's clothes. Instead of having a head it seem to be replaced by the purple smoke only his yellow eyes could be visible.

"Let me guess are you promoting a new special drink, judging by the bartender outfit you have on you" a claw index finger was pointed at the humanoid smoke outfit .

"Heh it seems that you have a sense of humor.As expected from "The Shadow Monster " aren't I right?".

At this sentence he tense up

"The name is kurogiri, Nevertheless I indeed have come to offer a deal, but it does not involve alcohol beverages." He open his arms in a professional matter as if he was in a business meeting

"I came to offer a deal, to join our group. To be a part of something greater, to join in a greater cause, to change the world on the view of these so call heroes that are nothing than scum and make a better place for all of us to live no one will be superior to others everyone will be equal".

He was speechless from what he had heard coming from the humanoid shape . To be a part of a group, to be a part of something greater, and to change the world of the so call heroes.

A noble goal to partake in, To change the world to make it better, To eliminate those who call themselves heroes that are just scum, and for everyone to be equal. It sound good, everyone will never be superior to others everyone will be the


"Think about it. A world were everyone can do anything without restriction of these so call laws made up from this imperfect society of heroes. what do you say Shadow Monster will you join for a great cause?"

He look at the ground letting those words sink in his mind. Now it was up to him to decide to join a group that want to change the world for good to get rid of these scum who call themselves heroes.

"I think is good, to change society and it's corrupt rules".

"Hmm it seems that it you have accep-" before kurogiri could finish speaking. He was cut short by him

"Corrupt rules that will still apply to the world you are trying to make with the rest of your so call "The group of villains", but it will be more fuck than the average prostitute in the corner" at these words it seem that kurogiri was left speechless by shadow monster

"Tell me, when you meant "us" did you meant those who are born quirkless and the ones who are outcast by the people who don't understand them and are call monsters? Or did you mean "lets create a world with false promises were it's rule by someone fucker who thinks he is higher than those who are above him and murder, rape, cannibalism, human trafficking and every macabre thought's that the human mind can possibly imagine".

The deal that was put on the table in front of him was so sweet and tempting to anyone to dive in with out thinking it twice. To good to be truth, we'll guess


shit doesn't go that way

In reality no one will ever come to you offering you such a good thing without something in exchange and god may have mercy on his soul if the deal is made

who knows? It could be the devil himself.

"Tch it looks like you know everything about us shadow monster, But even if you said no you would have no choice"

Under his feet what seem to be a circle of purple smoke. He jump doing a backflip backwards distancing himself from that ominous smoke thing underneath him, the place he was standing before, a circle of purple darkness was ready to swallow him whole and take him somewhere off. He had expected something like that to happen Thanks to his instinct that were screaming danger when he had lay ayes on that thing

"You are quite agile, far better than what they say but that won't hel—" his face was greeted by a fist, it took him for surprise making his body fall back but, it was followed quickly by a left claw palm strike. Dropping him to the ground proportion by the weight that follow trough the strike pining kurogiri to the rooftop floor

"Sorry did I interrupted your infamous evil speech that you're supposed to say" he press his left hand harder on kurogiri head or what's seem to be his head.

"Oooh I am so tempted to spread your brain matter all over the roof and leave your body to root" more pressure increased around kurogiri's head who in anticipation narrow his eyes thanks to the pain proportion by the iron grip that he was held down by the claw hands of shadow monster

"But now I'll let you go, but I want you to send a message to your fucking boss, I do not care who the fuck he things he is to send one of his lackeys to do his bidding and not do it himself, but if he ever gets in my WAY"

he applied more strength on his left hand, at the same time the humanoid shape smoke let out a groan of pain

"I will Hunt him down like all the other fuckers I hunted and he is no different than all the other's just cause he's a leader of those idiots who call themselves villains. I will hunt villains as I will hunt down heroes, so you tell him he's not so safe from the rest".

He let go of his head as he began to walk to the edge of the apartment building, not looking back tours kurogiri. In one move he jumped down of the roof landing on the pavement feet first, not suffering any damage what so ever thanks to the shadows underneath his feet were he landed.

'The day still early, I need to get something to eat. I haven't eaten anything in the morning. Wonder if that guy naito as his shop open'

he was now heading to naito as he was his food source for years since he was but a child. It has been years of him living out in the poorest place in the neighborhood. The only place we're no body search, proportion by the arrogance by heroes and authorities. Letting criminals out back at the streets like if they were scolding 5 years old

Turning The left corner of the street, far straight away from him, he saw Naitos shop of ramen but

It seem there were people there running away, as if they were trying to escape from something. 'Don't tell me did naito tried to create a new dish? and end it up exploding He He that geezer always cr-'

Someone was thrown out of the shop like if they were nothing than more than ball. The man was old and had chafa coat that was cover by Specs of blood recently fresh.

"Oh no"

"Naito!" He began to run to were naito was. Naito lay on the ground bloodied cover in bumps cover on his body, one of his eyes was bruised badly.

"Naito!, Naito!" putting two fingers to the geezer neck he felt a pulse.

"What the hell happen here geezer?" He pick naito up resting his arm on his shoulders as he carried him away from the place but before he could take another step


He turn his head to the side while still holding Naito. Standing on the near the hole of building was a hulking muscular figure, his head resemble that of a bear mixed with a gorilla who was now focused on him.

"Leave him on the ground. I have business to talk with him and you can keep your life at the end of the day hehe"

'Geezer what have you gotten yourself into now?'

He turn his head forward, walking slowly a few steps forward .

"Hey! what do you think your doing?" He pay no attention to the assailant behind him not caring if he could attack him at any given moment.

"Lay here for now old man , you seem like beaten housewife jeez" a small chuckle escape from the old man as he was lay on the side walk.

"Why you damn runt *cough* *cough* jeje it seems that I've fuck up again uh?" Naito spoke with difficulty

"Indeed you have as always, trying to act tough when some 'dick for brains' idiot tries messing around with your shop" Naito chuckled at his remark "now rest there old man".

"Careful *cough* Ra- *cough* Raguel"

Raguel's back was now facing Naito's. The hulking beast was a couple feet in front of him. "Move away kid or you'll be a stain of red mass on the ground"

Raguel stand there in silence eyeing what was in front on him

. . . .

. . .

. .


"Tell me, do you want to be hunted" he ask the hulking idiot in front of him who's face was the product of his quirk mutation.

"Ja Ja ja ja ja" he started laughing while looking at Raguel "Ja Ja Ja Ja YOU HUNTING ME? JA JA JA"

Raguel took a deep breath puffing his chest, opening his hands spreading his arms open and arcing his back to the back. That was follow by his head to move up and for him to raise his voice on the incoming words


As soon has he said his words he had quickly disappeared in a flash. The hulking beast move his head to look around for him, then he felt a sharp pain on his abdomen as he look down a fist was connected deep making his abdomen to cave in.

He quickly was about to empty is stomach, proportion by the fist deep in his abdomen, before he could move a left claw palm strike the bottom of his chin making his teeth close and cutting it's tongue. In the process he swallowed his own vomit mixed in with blood

he took few step backwards before he felt down to his knees and started gasping for air. Raguel in a swift motion bring his left leg up the air and it was none other than a axe kick directed to the head.

The body of the hulking beast went limp and fell to the ground hard enough laying on its stomach now. Where there should be a head there was nothing more than a mess of brain matter mixed with skull shards, hair, and eye fluid.

Raguel move is left foot of the red mess he had made.

He move to the side of the body and kneel down he brought his right hand up claws were now enlarge, he brought his hand down , In quick move his claw fingers were now deep in the deceased body

The headless body started to jerk violently, as that happened orange veins started to pop out from his shadow color from his hand all the way to his arm pulsing a bright color like flashing lights. Raguel pull his hand out quick and the body cease to move, now the veins on his hand to his arm that had the orange color, started to slowly disappear in Raguel's shadow skin as if it was sinking in the darkness.

As he raise his head he had noticed that there were civilians around watching in, some were shock, some were in awe, but the rest was afraid and disgusted from the brutal scene he had done. 'Shit I got to get out of here before they call the police or the heroes' in one fast move he was out of the view of the civilians and started to crawl up the building like a spider. Those who saw started to yell and some to comment

"Where did he go?!"

"So fast"

" We're is he"

"The monster just disappeared!"

"It's the "SHADOW DEMON" he's been in all the news!!" Exclaim one of the civilians

"No! t's the "SHADOW MONSTER" call out someone ext to him

It was the comment of the people that keep going on rambling about and some were now looking in all directions trying to search for him. While for one of them contacted the professionals.

"Fuck they all saw it, I have to Fuck off this place now or the professionals might get here" he quickly run across the roof in all fours leaving in a fast and quick speed to the point were he was a dark blur. The crowd of astonish people he left behind were either recording or helping out the pass out Naito who probably now was being attended by the civilians or someone of the medical assistance that was there after Raguel disappeared.

"To much bullshit I done for today. Let's take a break for now. I already stain my hand enough in guts, and blood."

He now was reaching a Forrest outside near the city of mosutafu. Jumping of the building roof like an animal arms stretch, he reach one of the trees and started to jump one to another until he reach a tree branch. That had a strange shape on the tree that was cover by leafs. It was none other than a build tree house well hidden by the immense vegetation the trees provided.

Raguel now enter his tree house. The inside of his resting place in the corner was a bed made by rags he collected and sew together. Making it comfortable for him to at least lay down and rest. Near it, there was a tube made of plastic that reach to the ceiling and lead tours the shell of a turtle he had to steal from some where.

Lastly on the foot of the bed there was a Tv, small enough for any movie or news to be play and For his entertainment he had a old console connected to the front. The only way that tv work was thanks to the cables connected to three car batteries he had to sabotage and adapted to the tv so it doesn't explode.

God knows how many times he had electrocuted himself to make that damn Tv to work.

Now he was tired, the only thing he wanted was to lay on the bed and let the day go by. He took his hoodie carefully not to make any hole thanks to his two front facing white grey horns.

Over the years his horns grew large and change in color from grey to a white grey. His face was now still cover in his shadow skin and his hair was still lay back spike soft it stay the same shadow color but a bit more clear. His orange eyes were now tired thanks to the patrol he did from the early morning to the morning sunrise.

He throw his hoodie to the corner near the door, the only thing on him it was his red shorts. He took of the bloody wrapping's of his hands and feet. Laying them down near the head of his bed. He lay on his own bed. With his hands laying on top of his chest staring at the wood cover ceiling.

A small growl was heard were his abdomen is, he closed his eyes tightly

'Damn it! not now, Fuck! I should have have gotten some food from naito before I patrol, even steal from a market anything from raw meat or vegetables to eat, or look for something in the trash near the restaurants so I could eat. Aaaaahrg!! there is nothing I could do now, maybe later when it gets dark I could search for something to eat'

it was still almost morning out side but he needed a rest before he could do something.

So he relax his body to leet the drowsiness to seep in for later to fall a sleep soundly in his sew ragged bed


Back to mosutafu in a building that seem to be a closed down bar yelling could be only heard


A young man with a pale light blue hair was furiously screaming at the odd purple humanoid figure while scratching his neck


Kurogiri was behind the bar counter cleaning the glasses of beer with a mop has he received a scolding from him.


Kurogiri was calmly and quietly cleaning the glasses of bear one by one at a time. After cleaning the glasses of bear he set them down in order and look at the boy in front of him

"Well That "nobody" was not what we expected it to be as it was different than what master had talk about. The "nobody" proof to be one tough nut to crack, and a dangerous one to deal with as it almost help you get rid of me by splattering my brains out and it is highly dangerous to deal with"


"No I am not implying he is. But he could be a threat if we let him run around and don't deal with him"

"Je je je what makes you think he is a threat to us and master. If he decides to even attack us he would be nothing more than a squished bug underneath my feet before he could reach to master" a maniac smile was on the you boys face. " But now we have important matters to attend to, we have to get going with the plan " Destroy The Symbol Of Peace" Project NOMU. That's the only important thing now, I will prove to master I am a his worthy successor to be call the next symbol of terror" his smile grew wider in anticipation.


Shigaraki began to laugh like a maniac as he thought of the idea of bringing the hero's society down to the ground.


Back to Raguel he was waking up from his sleep, he got up from his bed approaching the turtle she'll fill with rain water. He took the shell and pour water over his face to refresh himself. He drink some water that was left front the turtle shell to pacify his hungry stomach.

As he he poke his head out of the door of his home he noticed that darkness had take over the day "All right time to get something to fill my stomach" he quickly put his hoodie over him and wrap his claw hands and feet with wrappings. In a quick motion he jump of the door frame into a tree. quickly moving and jumping from tree to tree reaching the city buildings roof.

As he jump tours another roof of the buildings he stop and look down from the top of the building to the smaller and medium size ones. He was now looking which food establishment seem to be having more customer for him to sleep him to maybe steal some change or confused the employees of the restaurant. He climb down fast and quickly to a small restaurant that seem to have a lot of customers, so blending in wouldn't be so hard.

He had successfully slip in into a buffet of some sorts. 'Well looks like the big guys outside near the entrance don't seem to be smart enough to check for a odd shape traveling in the shadows underneath them' he pick a plate to serve himself and started to walk to the plenty of different trays of food hat lay there in the decorated tables.

Small drip of saliva come from his mouth as he took in the delicious aroma of the food. In a fast speed with out noticing Raguel pick up a wooden decoration spoon near the decorated table and started serving himself, amounts of food Anything his nose pick up a good smell and anything that look delicious. He sat on a table far away left corner near a window eating a mountain size plate of food.

*Hmrff* Ah *Hmrff* *Hmrff*

He chow down on the food enjoying every mix flavor of the different food he had accumulated on his plate. The only way he could eat the food was with his hands shoving food in his mouth. nobody teach him how to eat and certainly nobody teach him manners on the table. So he ate happily the way he did enjoying the food.

After 30 minutes of finishing his mountain size food he. He know was holding the plate licking the left overs that were stuck on the plate, his glowing orange color tongue was tracing every corner of the plate leaving saliva. With a small thud the plate was on the Table cover in saliva and was follow by a burp. People were giving him the eyes. Cleaning his mouth with his palm. 'The food is to good, I might as well not pay for it...… in fact I don't even need to pay when I can do this'

He grabbed the curtain next to him and throw it over himself covering him and the chair. Those who were around him look puzzled to what he had done, but when they approach the chair he was sitting, they were even more puzzled since there was nobody sitting there anymore.

Like a mage, Raguel appear outside the buffet near a lamppost with his arms wide stretch open has if he was a mage in a stage


it was all he said as He began to walk calmly and happily that his stomach was now full and satisfied. As long as there was a shadow on any surface he could move trough it like a fish on water, jumping from shadow to shadow.

There were more to his ability's connected to the shadows

The Time he shoved his claw hand on the dead muscular body he had killed. He only did it to absorbed the shadow, every kill he had done in his patrols he had absorbed their shadows. Leaving behind empty pale eyes for those who look for evidence of him. The more shadows he absorbed or consumed the stronger he got.

After all the many years the times he had pass on the streets of this dangerous city. He had encountered dead bodies littered on the alleyways away from the blind eyes of the heroes. As a small rascal a He had discovered what his quirk did and how it adapted his body into dangerous circumstances.

He called it his ability "Monstrous Shadow" and now he has to patrol again if he wanted to complete his mission he had promised as a kid.

he jump into the near shadows, moving inside them quickly and efficiently. Now, his hunt for those who ruled the underworld of this city began. He will leave a memory of what a true monster of the underworld is.