
MHA: The Monarch

20-year-old MC named Alex dies and gets reincarnated by THE god as his OC and with 4 other wishes in the MHA world. What chaos will unfold?

09GreekFreak · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Meeting My Servants

After I finished petting my newly formed pet/guard basilisk I planned to explore my authorities a little more.

´However.´ I thought inwardly.

¨Sebas Tian.¨ I called out. After I finished saying his name a magic circle of sorts appeared on the ground with the symbol of the guild that created Sebas, Ainz Ooal Gown. As the circle began to vanish their prostrating himself before me on one knee was Sebas Tian.

¨My lord.¨ He said.

¨Sebas, tell me do you feel anything about the fact that I basically took you away from your creators selfishly?¨ I asked.

After I said this, he began to stand up before saying.

¨My lord, technically speaking I´m not the original Sebas Tian, created by the Supreme Beings of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown, I was instead created by the being that sent you here. However, I do have his memories and I am stronger than him due to your mana and authorities slightly influencing me. But, fear not my lord for I´m eternally loyal to you for I was created to serve you and you alone unless commanded otherwise.¨ He explained.

´Interesting, so he´s basically a clone with the exact same memories, emotions, abilities, plus some more apparently, and ideals. Glad I don´t have to worry about the loyalty issue and it´ll probably be the same for Sebastian.´ I thought.

¨Sebas, I have a mission for you.¨ I said authoritatively.

¨My lord, I am ready to serve.¨ He said while doing a little bow with his hand on his chest.

´<Akashic Record: Giran>.´ I thought.

¨Find the man named Kagero Okuta, A.K.A Giran. He´s a middle-aged man, moderate height, slight build, pink eyes, grey hair, and an informant and dealer from the underworld and is extremely valuable. His quirk is muddiness, while it may not sound like much it allows him to give someone amnesia by touching their head making the past 5 minutes to them vague, so be careful. Try and make him intrigued enough to have a meeting with me.¨ I said while looking to the side.

[Akashic Record -

Name: Kagero Okuta/Alias: Giran

Appearance: Middle-aged man, moderate height, slight build, pink eyes, grey hair

Sex: Male

Skills: Business, chemical knowledge, weaponry knowledge

Quirk: Emitter Type, Contact Required - Muddiness - Allows him to give someone amnesia by touching their head making the past 5 minutes to them vague

Personality: Eccentric, self-confident, indifferent, unsympaythetic]

¨And if he refuses my lord?¨ Sebas asks curiously.

¨He´s a criminal who has inadvertently caused pain to others without care, if he doesn´t want to meet, take him forcefully.¨

¨Very well, my lord.¨ Sebas says then vanished.

´He is fast, but I can still keep up with him easily.´ I mused.

¨Sebastian Michaelis.¨

Just like last time, a magic circle appears on the ground but this time the symbol on it is a pentagram with the demon language engraved on it. What was left when the circle vanished was, just like last time, a man on his knee prostrated before me, the demon Sebastian Michaelis.

¨Master.¨ He said strangely sincerely, not at all scheme-like.

´Maybe there was a little more changed with this new Sebastian, after all the original was a demon who was constantly waiting for Ciel´s soul and became pretty upset when Ciel became a demon, thereby somehow making his soul off-limits and forcing Sebastian and himself to be contracted to each other.´

¨Sebastian, what do you think of me as a master, how strong are you compared to your original, and do you wish to eat my soul?¨ I asked cautiously.

Sebastian stood up and began to say.

¨Master, while I am not the original Michaelis I do indeed have his emotions, personality, and abilities, plus more. I´m sure you´ve learned from the Dragonoid already, however my personality is a little tamer compared to the original, who was very sadistic. As for how I think of you, you are a strong and worthy to serve individual and unlike the contracts demons make where we become servants to the summoner until their goal is completed, in which afterward we gain their soul, our ´contract´ if you wish to call it that bounds myself and the Dragonoid to you as your eternal servants, making our souls immortal, honestly I should be thanking you. As for comparing my strength to the original Sebastian. The original Sebastian was one of the strongest demons of that world, but as I have been empowered by your authorities and mana due to our connection I would be around the strength of ten original me´s.

¨And my soul.¨ I ask noticing he didn´t answer.

¨Ah yes, I couldn´t devour it even if I wanted to. One, demons from my world can only devour human souls and at that the human would have to be dead or give his soul willingly and you are not human. Two, even if I were to devour your soul it would probably kill me, devour mine, and then return to you. After all, devouring a primordial´s soul is a suicide mission.¨

¨I see, tell me Sebastian how much do you know about me and this world?¨

¨I´m disappointed to say Master that I know nothing of this world and the only things I know of you are that you are a new primordial with tremendous power and that you became this via the same being that created me and the Dragonoid.¨ He said sounding...sad?

´It´s safe to assume that´s all Sebas would know as well.´ I thought.

¨It´ś fine Sebastian, anyway I have a mission for you.¨ I say trying to change the subject, sulky Sebastian is really strange.

After I said this he perked up.

¨I live to serve master.¨ He says sounding happy and excited.

¨I want you to go through the underworld and take control over all the gangs. Big and small, and if they resist, you may kill them and take their souls.¨

¨Master, if you don´t mind me asking how will you be sure of loyalty.¨

´He makes a good point, what could I do t-´

¨Sebastian if I were to force my mana into a person's soul would I be able to basically force them to serve me, also could I use the same method to form a contract of sorts, like a demon´s contract?¨ I ask.

¨It is an interesting theory my lord and if it worked it would be perfect.¨ He says impressed and excitedly.

¨Well we´ll have a chance to test it soon.¨ I said hopefully while falling into thought.

Before I could continue in thought any longer Sebastian´s voice broke me out.

¨If that is all then I´ll be on my way master.¨

¨Huh? Oh right, very well then Sebastian, good luck.¨

¨I do not require luck master, after all, I am simply one hell of a butler.¨ He said with a smirk as he vanished.

´He actually said it.´ I thought surprised.