
MHA: The Monarch

20-year-old MC named Alex dies and gets reincarnated by THE god as his OC and with 4 other wishes in the MHA world. What chaos will unfold?

09GreekFreak · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Meeting God(Edited)

As I look at the old man sitting in front of me I can´t help but think-

(Alex)Soooo your god?


(Alex)THE god.



As I began looking around the place, all I can find is an empty white void and the chairs and desk we´re sitting on. As I continue looking around, God´s voice knocks me out of my thoughts.

(God)So can you remember how you got here?

(Alex)What do you me-

As I began to say this I start to recall recent memories, of me leaving my house after once again being yelled at by my parents for being worthless, of walking down the street, of me helping a homeless man clean up his ¨home¨, all the way to me being stabbed to death by this same homeless man, all because he wanted my money. ´Last time I ever help some rando on the street.´ I thought indignantly.

(God)You seem awfully calm.

(Alex)More annoyed than anything. The first time I decide to help someone out of goodwill it gets me killed. I´m not going to hell for not being religious, am I?

I thought raising an eyebrow worryingly.

(God)OH noooo no no no, haha. Hell is reserved for rapists, pedophiles, serial killers, etc. Being religious or not doesn´t matter for the criteria of heaven. Heaven actually only optional, reincarnation and transmigration are what we usually use.

My ears perk up at the mention of the famous cliche.

(God)Did you believe in anything?

(Alex)Aren´t you omniscient or something?

I said while placing my chin on my palm.

(God)Yes and no. Being omniscient while having conversations is boring since I'm able to know all things happening throughout the multiverse. Here though I don´t know everything, I only know what I already knew.

(Alex)Huh. Well to answer your question no. I didn´t believe in any religion; well until now, that is. Although this isn´t really close to any religion sooo.

I say as I shrug

(Alex)However, I did believe in the possibility of a higher being, like someone capable of creating things out of nowhere. Just didn´t really believe in any kind of god.

(God)I see. Tell me why didn´t you live life to the fullest. I´ve seen your life from the moment you were born, but all you did was exist.

(Alex)Hmmm. Well, to start I´m a firm believer that humans are inherently evil but gradually become better as they get older or they become worse. Most of the world is full of bad people. Some do bad things because they were forced to or felt they had to and some just liked doing it. I hate those kinds of people, they remind me of my drug-addicted parents selfish, entitled, and never think about how their actions could affect people, and the sad thing is that no manner of good or so-called peace will fix that. War, famine, pollution, the earth dying. All these things are caused by humans themselves whether it be for a good reason such as causing a rebellion to get out from under someone's tyranny or simply out of greed. I saw no reason in trying to do anything meaningful for the world when all it would do was be temporary, especially when I didn´t even have the power to change much, and accompanied by the fact I thought death was the end. So all I did was try to live a comfortable life. And that brings us to now.

(God)Quite depressing isn´t it?

(Alex)True, but at least it´s true.

(God)Hm. Well Going by procedure do you wish to go to heaven or reinca-

(Alex)Transmigration! Uh sorry.

I said while scratching my cheek sheepishly.

(God)Hahaha.... hah.....that´s fine. It´s a reasonable reaction. Let me guess no baby?

(Alex)No baby.

I said while putting my arms into an X shape.

(God)Anyways, with reincarnation, the procedure is what world, what person or self, and what timeline, along with 5 wishes.

(Alex)My Hero Academia, it may sound childish with my views on the world, but if I had the power to help some people, call it childish heroism if you will, I would. However, make no mistake I don´t believe in Batman´s or Superman´s stupid no-killing policy. If someone´s done enough bad things like r*pe and senseless murder. They deserve death. But, if they didn´t have much of a choice depending on why they didn´t have a choice I think it would be best to help them, and no I don´t like Izuku or All Might.

(God)May I ask why?

(Alex)Simple really, All might is a hypocrite, he says anyone can be a hero, but then tells a quirkless KID that he can´t and then proceeds to offer the same kid his quirk still believing that he can´t be a hero without it, even though he once dreamed the same, it´s stupid. Then we have Izuku. Good kid, smart, amazing heart. However, extremely naive, insecure, and a hypocrite himself. He wanted to be the first quirkless hero, but he accepted OFA, thereby dropping that dream. Not only that, he never even tried to learn to fight or learn anything that would have helped him become a hero. Another thing is he blindly believes that all heroes are good and all villains are evil.

(God)Hmm, I see, Ok, so do you want to reincarnate as someone else or stay yourself.

As I was about to say stay as myself, I began to think and when I finished I couldn´t help but grin evilly.

(Alex)My OC.

(God)I´ll need your memories for that.

I nod my head.

(God)Ok, let´s s-....fuck.

I began to chuckle. Reason? This.

My OC -

[Monarch -

Age - 16 years old

Race - Lycan/Darkness, evil, death, and life primordial. (Werewolf form is like Van Helsing's from the Van Helsing movie but with black scleras and purple glowing irises with vertical slits as the pupil and no the MC will not be human nor will any of these wishes be quirks)

A/N: Due to being a primordial of death MC will have access and full control over the underworld of MHA and be able to talk to any dead souls for brief amounts of time and no he will not be able to bring back the dead, well, not in the conventional sense. Also, the underworld is just an empty plane of shadow(Like one for all) mainly because MHA didn´t have one. The ¨underworld¨ is only really a gateway to heaven and hell and it allows the MC to pull dead souls from them for communication.

Racial Skills -

Alpha´s Command - Can command any animal or animal-like creature weaker than himself.

Ultimate Skills -

Gate of Gehenna - A pocket dimension that holds immeasurable amounts of riches and treasures while mainly holding all ancient weapons that have ever existed, past, present, and future. (Basically, Gilgamesh's power but purple portals instead of gold and it has all the same weapons as Gilgamesh´s; the difference being that all the weapons are cursed making them only wieldable by me)

Black Heart(My own version) - A generator of mana that replaces my original heart and generates enough mana to power a continent.

Order(Rarely will be used unless being used as a show of dominance) - An ability that allows me to control reality and the laws of the universe itself, as long as I say the command phrase, Order, and then some form of a command, the command will be executed.

Unique Skills -

Limit Breaker - The ability to have all forms of physical limits removed allowing for limitless strength enhancement.

Transmutation - An ability that´s a mix of magic and science that allows me to change any physical form of mass to another form of mass as long as it follows the rule of equivalent exchange.

Life Drain - Can absorb the vitality of target. (Vitality allows healing of the body and energizes someone)

Ultimate Regeneration - Can regenerate from any injury, be it fatal or non-fatal. (His heart is indestructible due to black heart, so it can´t be destroyed)

Fear/Nightmare Inducement/Manipulation - The ability to show someone their worst fears while also being able to change what they see.

Muspelheim - Black and purplish flames from Muspelheim that are far hotter than any flame.

Black Lightning - Lightning summoned from the storms of purgatory

Niflheim - The result of the combination of the ice and darkness of purgatory, therefore creating ice with shadows imbued inside that´s as cold as absolute 0 and burns bout the same as purgatory flames, also cannot be melted.

Accelerated Growth - Increase the speed of strength and power enhancement.

Shadow Manipulation/Creation - Can control shadows and create beings out of them. (Named shadows that have a cleansed soul put into them will become permanent summons and will start to develop their own personalities)

Soul Manipulation - This allows me to take the souls of those who have died and imbue them in other things and allows the user to cleanse or destroy the souls of those who have died, thereby purifying it, or in the case of destroying, rendering its existence gone, only works on souls who haven´t passed on yet

Shadow Domain - An area where all created shadows have their strength increase slightly over time and all enemies' strength decrease slightly over time.

Shadow Exchange - The ability to travel through natural shadows or created shadow soldiers, also allows me to see through shadow soldiers.

Rulers Authority - Utilising my own mana as a form of telekinesis, and using it as a form of offense and defense.

Memory/Sin Viewing - The ability to view the memories of the target and the sins that the target has committed

Penance Stare - Forces target to experience all the unnecessary pain they´ve caused others.

Disintegration - the ability to disintegrate anything I touch.

Perfect Concealment - The ability to conceal all forms of his presence from others such as smell, sight, hearing, aura, and intent.

Skills -

Temperature immunity - Immune to any form of heat or cold.

Bloodlust - The manifestation of my killing intent.

Weapon Mastery - Mastery over all weapons.

Danger Sense - The ability to sense incoming danger.

Empathy - The ability to sense emotions.]

(God)This is bullshit, this isn´t even a wish. Haha, well whatever you got me on this one. Granted.


´With this alone, I would be pretty much unstoppable. Now let´s see what else we can do.´


(Alex)Ah right. Hmmm. I want to be transmigrated as a 14-year-old orphan on the same day of the sludge villain attack. Name Erebus.

(God)Very well, as for your 5 wishes?

(Alex)Right. For my first wish, I want Sebas Tian from Overlord and Sebastian from Black Butler as my eternal companions and servants.


(Alex)For my second wish I want the 10 Commandments from 7 deadly sins, without the curse that makes them affect me and I would like them to be active abilities not passive.


(Alex)For my third I want an overseer system, I will be the Admin. The overseer system will allow me access to basically a system panel. But, this system is basically only going to be a portable supercomputer that will allow me to hack into electronics. Also, the system will have an AI that´s named Alfred, the same personality as Alfred from Batman as well.

(God)Hmmm creative. Next.

(Alex)I want to have a background. I don't want people to think I just suddenly poofed into existence.


(Alex)For my last I want my own personal Akashic records that will have information about everyone´s identities and abilities. Such as quirks and skills. No need for all the stuff they´ve ever done, only abilities, appearance, relations, and names. Both aliases and real.

(God)Interesting. Anyway, the procedure is done and I wish you a merry journey.

(Alex)Thank you for this opportunity.

I said while bowing.

(God)No problem. Now, off you go.

Said God as he transported me to wherever.

-------------------------God´s POV----------------------------

´I don´t know whether to be happy for him and his allies or terrified for his enemies.´

I think as I shudder involuntarily.

¨Oh well, not my problem.¨