
MHA: The Monarch

20-year-old MC named Alex dies and gets reincarnated by THE god as his OC and with 4 other wishes in the MHA world. What chaos will unfold?

09GreekFreak · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Fighting The Eight (Basically Five) Bullets

"...Let's dance."


After I spoke, all of the Eight Bullets, minus the 3 that were chained, began to charge me.

Tabe, Rappa, and Katsukame were heading straight for me.

Sakaki was staying behind and, if needed, preparing to activate his quirk, <Sloshed>.

Same with Tengai and his quirk, <Barrier>.

Tabe was the first to make it to me and began to try and grab a hold of me and bite me through the ripped hole in his scarecrow-like mask.

'He is both the most annoying and the weakest of the bunch.' I thought annoyedly while dodging every one of his attempts to try to grab and bite me by merely sidestepping slightly.

'This is sad. He's basically nothing more than a slightly cognitive, rabid beast.' I thought while finally stopping him by grabbing his head.

After grabbing his head I began to look him in the eyes as he thrashed, punched, kicked, and tried anything he could to get out of my hold. While looking in his eyes all I saw was madness.

"Sayonara, Soramitsu Tabe." I said before crushing his head in my hands.

After dropping his lifeless body onto the ground I heard a sound behind me.

"You bastard!" Yelled Katsukame as he gripped his hand on my shoulder with his hand and began to drain me of my stamina as well as grow bigger in size.

I sighed exasperatedly before grabbing his arm, by which he was holding my shoulder and used-

'<Life Drain.>' I thought.

Once I activated this skill he stopped growing and began to lose his grip on my shoulder as well as sluggishly stumble around.

Once Katsukame let go of me in came Rappa, as he threw a punch at me, which I was about to dodge. Then suddenly I began to feel sluggish and stumbled forward. Which resulted in me getting hit by Rappa's punch.

After being hit I only took a step back due to losing my sense of balance. 'After all, that punch barely did anything.' I thought.

'It doesn't seem like <Sloshed> gives any signs of activating, meaning there isn't any real way to dodge it and Katsukame will soon be back in the fight.'

I once again sigh exasperatedly.

"Tell me something Rappa." I ask.

He seems surprised that I knew his name, but answers nonetheless.

"What?" He asks in a deep voice.

"Is your quirk a passive one or do you activate it?" I ask curiously.

"Passive, but why does that matter." He asks warily.

"No real reason really, just curious. However-" I said while shrugging before disappearing and reappearing behind him.

Once he turned around he saw me with a still-beating, bloody heart in my hand. Only then did he begin to feel a pain in his chest. So, he looked down and that's when he realized....it was his heart.

"Now that you've satisfied my curiosity I no longer need you." I said while dropping his heart as another body, once again, drops lifelessly to the ground.

Once I turn around I see the surprised face of Tengai seeing as how he couldn't even put up a barrier before I killed him.

Sakaki seemed annoyed by how little amount of time his quirk lasted on me.

I feel <Danger Sense> activate, warning me of an incoming surprise attack from behind, after I dodge said attack, I see Katsukame staring in at me in rage for killing Rappa.

"I will kill y-" He was about to yell before he turned to dust.

All the others seemed surprised, terrified, as well as confused by what just happened. Once they turned to look behind his ashes they saw me standing there inspecting my hand.

'It seems my <Disintigration> is far more effective than Shigiraki's <Decay>.' I thought while not being all that surprised.

I turned so that I was facing the last two members of the Eight Bullets, at least the ones that I would be killing.

"Now I must be on my way so I'll have to get rid of you." I said uncaringly.


Before they could react I tapped my foot on the ground where a brief flash of black sparks formed. After that two concrete, thin, sharp spikes sprouted from underneath them stabbing them through the chest and back.

'And then there were three.' I thought while turning to the last three, who, clearly, were terrified.

'I won't kill those who were basically forced into this situation. Setsuno's depressed, Hojo is traumatized, and Nemoto has trust issues. However, they will be going to jail for being a part of this damned organization that was willing to experiment on a child.' I thought angrily.

'They'll also be good for spreading my name in this world.'

Before going after those three I grabbed the souls of the dead Eight Bullets and the souls of the 22 henchmen I killed, storing them in my shadow for later. Then I turned back to the three.

"Now. Where. Is. Eri."