
MHA: The Mightless

Izuku, quirkless and unloved in this world, with help from villains whom sympathize with him, sets out on a quest to take revenge on the very world who shunned him and save all who are suffering due to the discrimination of the quirkless. Like him.... **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:- 'The Mysterious Banana' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12873025/0

Toji_Fushigoro · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

Chapter 13


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"What was that?! A villain attack?!" Yelled Endeavor.

Suddenly, a staff ran into the room with a hint of panic.

"Mister Nezu! There's a group of villains downstairs who's attacking the building!" Cried the staff.

"WHAT?!" Yelled everyone in the room.

Downstairs, several staff managers were found beaten and unconscious as groups of men flood the building and started to open drawers, searching for hero documents.

At the center of it all, lies a man in a pimp outfit. A pure white tuxedo contrasting his black skin and Afro as his Disco like outfit was lined in gold.

"Alright boys! The just a few more of those documents and we will be rich!" Cheered the man.

Suddenly, several men were sent flying as the pro heroes entered the scene.

"It's the pro heroes!" Yelled some of the grunts.

"Don't worry! We prepared for this!" Said the villain group leader.

Midnight sent several men flying with the crack of her whip. A few of them pointed guns at him, but fell victim to her quirk: somnambulism.

Just then, she felt her gas getting sucked away. She turned around to see that had activated the AC, and that her gas was escaping through the vent.

Before she could compose herself, one of the gunner got up and shot her in the abdomen.

"Hah! That Mightless kid wasn't kidding! She really is vulnerable without her gas!" Said the grunt.

Thirteen, seeing that Midnight was in trouble, activated her Black Hole, sucking several grunts towards him/her.

But one some of the nearby bystanders were getting sucked in as well, so she was forced to deactivate her quirk.

Just then, one of the grunts used The momentum gained from getting sucked towards her by the black hole to to tackle him down and lodge a knife into his shoulder.

Suddenly, almost all of the grunts were taken out in one strong air blast. Amongst the rubble, a lone, muscle bound man walked amongst the debris.

"Never fear..."

"Crap! Why is he here?!" Asked the leader.

"We were having a meeting when you attacked, bad luck buddy," said Present Mic, standing over what's left of his men.

"For I Am Here!" Said All Might!

The Villain leader, seeing that he was outnumbered, ran for the exit but was stopped by Aizawa, who tied him up with his weapon.

"Damn... if only I had timed this attack better! We would have had enough documents! We would have been able to get your weakness!" Said the leader,

"So I guess you're the one providing information to other villains?" Asked All Might, "No common thug would be able to injure two of the top pro heroes after all."

The leader laughed.

"No no no buddy, you got it all wrong. I was in fact his client. You see, we were planning to do a trade. I would trade the personal info of Five top ranked pro heroes for your weakness, All Might!" Explained the leader.

All Might's pupils dilated.


"Yeah, I too was shocked that you even had any weaknesses, but that's what he told me. And in exchange of completing the mission, he was gonna give it to us. We even paid a huge amount of money to get info of several pro heroes to prepare ourselves. We planned for everything. If only you didn't have this meeting." Explained the leader in frustration.

All Might clutched his fist, and picked up the man by the neck.

"WHO?! WHO IS THIS PROVIDER!?" All Might yelled at him.

"Calm down All Might!" Said Endeavor from behind.

All Might realized his mistake, and dropped the villain.

"S-sorry, I lost composure there." Said All Might, walking away, "Just, give me second."

As the news reporters arrived for live interviews, All Might was long gone. He reverted back to his normal form and slipped away unnoticed.

He couldn't believe someone knew his secret. But who?

As the situation settled, All Might left and went home. However, unbeknownst to him, he was being watched.

"Oh All Might... I can't wait to see your face once you find your answer." Said the scout.

"Oi Izuku! Eyes on the prize," said a familiar voice as Endeavor walked up to him.

"You got the documents?" Asked Izuku,

"Yup!" Said Endeavor, who's body melted down, revealing that of Toga's.

"Great. One step closer to defeating these heroes."

And so, our duo manages to once again slip under the heroe's radar. As the name of Mightless remains a mystery to the world.


The wet, splattering sounds of one's footprint echoes through the dark, heavy rainstorm as a man, covered in cut wounds stumble as he tried to run away from something.

Leaving the lit areas in a rush of panic, a plastic card dropped out of his pants, revealing his name.

[Name: Kuroko Watashi]

[Nickname: Parrot Purple]

and below all of this personal information, lay a certain special text written in all caps and in the bold font.


A Kuroko, panting and out of breath reached an overpass, he though he was safe, so he leaned against the wall, pressing his flesh wound against the cold hard cement.

He covered up his face, and, after holding it back to the point of biting off a chunk of his own tongue, let out a muffled scream.

He tried to remember, what happened? Just minutes ago, him and his three other pro hero partners, Peacock Pink, Crow Blue and Phoenix Red, known as the Justice Birds, famous for stopping villains in an almost perfectly synchronized fashion, were sent in to deal with a bank robbery.

Everything was going fine, until all light in the area suddenly cut out, and then, out of the corner of his eyes, as if it was just a dream, a man, no, a Grim Reaper, clad in black and gray, with a frown that mirrors the smile of All Might himself, sent three men to their grave.

His knife, dripping with blood, as the noise of everyone panicking blotted out his screams of terror, as soon, under all of the chaos, the Grim Reaper started moving again, looking at him with a glare radiating with hate, and rushing in with his combat knife.

Everything up to that point was a blur, and he was unsure what happened next. Suddenly, he heard noise to his left.

His body shook in fear he turned around, meeting face to face with the man who claimed the lives of his comrades.

He shook in fear and anger. His body told him to run, but all he could think of was avenging his fallen friends.

Pointing at him, Kuroko yelled with ferocity.


The supposed Grim Reaper simply laughed, and, as his breathing stopped, he suddenly started approaching Kuroko at a impressively high speed, the same speed he took out all of his other pro heroes with.

Shaken with fear, Kuroko ran back, before realizing that he was trapped in a dead end. Turning around, he raised both of his arms and braced for impact.


The police arrived soon after, discovering the mangled body of the last of the Justice Birds.

"That's the sixth hero dead with week!" Mumbled one of the police officers.

"Who do you think did this?" Asked another one of the officers, examining the body.

The corpse had several lacerations and slash wounds, most of them where on the tendon, joints and waist, the perfect way to slow someone down, but it was a deep cut wound at the man's throat that finished him off.

"Report back to the commissioner, it seems as though the Grim Reaper has struck again." Said the police chief.

The name Grim Reaper was given to the mysterious serial killer that they have yet to catch or even identify.

He just knows that the killer likes to toy with his victims, killing them slowly.

Some eye witnesses claim that they saw the Grim Reaper, and that he also has a partner of sorts that joins in on almost all of his missions.

After sending no less that 25 pro heroes, new and veteran, to their grave, the Grim Reaper, although never seen, has been officially added to the villain's index.


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