
MHA: Swordsman System

Kenta is your average anime fan, he then dies an abnormal death and is transmigrated into the My Hero Academia universe. He soon realizes he is Quirkless but then obtains the swordsman system. With it, he will grow much stronger and become the #1 hero. But not without spending quality time with some beautiful girls!

TyrantIsMe · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2: Training Day

I woke up before the sun had fully risen.

I ran on the dirt path alongside my home, about 5 minutes in and I was already sweating profusely. My chest felt heavy and my breathing was rapid.

I decided to switch to a light jog instead and focus on controlling my breathing. This helped me keep running a bit longer and stay focused.

At the 10-minute mark, I just couldn't run any longer and was completely out of breath.

"Hah~ hah~ shit..this body is so damn weak.."

I took a quick water break and got back to it.

Some people would instantly start training their body or even sword skills but the first thing I needed was stamina.

And now the first day of my running had come to an end.

Stepping up to my front door, I opened it and greeted my parents.

My father and mother look at me worried, before smiling.

"You must be working hard son." My father said.


"Well don't overdo it, it's good to take a breather every once in a while!"

"I know, thanks for reminding me!"

As I walked to my room I removed the sweaty jacket from my body. 

I sat on my bed, just relaxing my body a bit.

'I should take a shower.'


After taking a shower dinner was ready.

I walked into the dining room while drying my hair with a towel.

"What for dinner?"

My mother looked at me, "The usual." she said.

I sat beside my father and near my mother at the table. I thanked them for the food and began to eat slowly but surely.

After finishing my meal, I made sure to wash out my dishes and wished everyone a good night's rest.

In my room, I flopped down on my bed and the system notification popped up before me.

[Host has run approximately 12 km for a long duration of time. Accumulating rewards...]

[Rewards loaded!]

[+3 points in stamina and agility!]

I quickly opened up my system panel.


[Name: Kenta]

[Age: 14]

[Quirk: - ]


(SP: 0)

<<Swordsmanship: 1 100>>

<<Physical: 15 100>>

<<Strength: 4>>

<<Stamina: 3->6>>

<<Vitality: 5>>

<<Agility: 3->6>>

[Skills: N/A]


I recently found out what everything on the system panel meant.

Firstly, physical is basically the condition my body is in, so if it was at 100 I would have maybe a near-perfect body. And if it keeps going up my body may become that of a superhuman.

And my swordsmanship could be upgraded with skill points or just training in that category for a long period of time.

And for everything else, well it's obvious. Strength is strength, agility is my body's flexibility, speed, etc. Vitality is like my defense or life force I suppose, and stamina is self-explanatory.

I went to sleep and dozed off quickly.

And after waking up I got right back to it, I put on my jacket and got to running.

As for right now, this was going to be the thing I focused on until I got my agility and stamina up to at least 15 or 20.

Because then could I focus on the other stuff and not get tired and quit so easily. 


It's the 3rd day of running and my agility and stamina have increased, but due to me running a bit less the other day I only gained 2 points in stamina and 1 in agility.

I stop running and decide to take a break. Nearby Is a convenience store, I walk inside, and a young man with dog ears greets me, I am a bit weirded out but have to remind myself that the world is different.

Walking around the store I grab a simple and cheap energy drink, I walk up to register.

"Could you ring this up for me?"


The man rings up the drink and I am in distress by the price.

"479.52¥?! that's a rip-off!"

I paid for the energy drink and walk out of the store not even waving or saying goodbye to the cashier.

'Stupid store, that's all my pocket money gone!'

I cracked open the cold can and gulped it down with eagerness. I felt recharged a bit and was ready to start back running.

I walk over to a sidewalk trashcan to throw away the can.

Now long after, I started my run back. I slowly started off with a light jog before picking up the pace. I don't really have a clear goal or finish line on how long or how far I want to run, I just run until I can't anymore.

I feel as if I gave myself a finish line to reach, it would make me not even want to bother to do it because I already know where I have to go, and how long I have to do it.

As I picked up my speed from the light jog I was now running a bit faster, the wind flew by my face with great speed. And my hair followed with it, even blowing in my face a bit.

in the wake of ending my run, I felt my legs getting heavier and my body growing very sluggish. My breathing had become much more hasty.

I walked home to save that extra energy.

And as I was near home the system notification sounded.

[Host has run for approximately 21 km, loading rewards.]

[Rewards loaded!]

[+5 Stamina, +3 Agility.]


<<Stamina: 6->11>>

<<Agility: 6->9>> 


"Whew~ I'm getting pretty close to 20. In just a few days my goal may be reached."

At home, I said hello to my parents as usual.

And immediately headed to my room.

My parents noticed the quick greeting and felt kind of sad.

"Kenta's becoming a bit distant, isn't he?.."

My father replies to my mother, "Well, Nariko he's a 14-year-old. He's also training for the U.A. entrance exam just give him time.."

"Hmm..well should we all have movie night?~"

"Sure! Let's do it after eating dinner!"


As always, I was informed of the food being done. I walked out of my room with a fresh pair of clothes after I took a shower. 

"Kenta, me and your dad were thinking of having a family movie night! what do you think?"

It had been a while since I watched a movie with anyone, and I rarely even watched a movie with my family. So of course, I agreed.

"Sure! What movie are we watching."

They both smiled and looked at each other, "Whatever you want!" my mother told me.

We also sat down at the table, I thanked them and we began to eat.

And finally, after a nice meal, and practically licking the plate clean we're ready to sit down and watch a movie.

After picking a good movie we all sat together on the couch and enjoyed the rest of the night.

I was extremely happy, it had been so long since I had fun with others. Especially people who loved me this much.

I smiled brightly while thinking about it.

'This isn't so bad.'