
MHA: Spider Man

The Story is from a friend, he decided he wasn't going to write it anymore and let me continue.

Admiraln12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs


"OK then!" Yu called, sitting down on the stool, which was taken behind the invisible wall. Sei's brow arched at her arrival.

Across from her, Peter shifted on the bed. The poor boy was looking at the ground before he got up, unmoved. Going by the look in his eyes, his mind wasn't thinking about her or anything else. Just the restless anxiety of wanting an answer. He bit his bottom lip a little when he finally noticed her. The act made the heroine smile a little when recognized.


"So…?" Yu poked.

Gotta get the kid to talk. That's always the best way to help someone. A little talk went a long way. After all, All Might was laughing and talking nonstop for a reason. Saying how everything will be fine with just his presence.

Peter's cheeks flushed and he looked away.

"Sorry for…flying your ass earlier."

Yu blinked once, twice. So she couldn't stop. She threw her hand over her mouth, laughing and stifling it. Is that what he's ashamed of? The act caused Peter's eyes to go up as he raised his hands in surrender.

"I swear I didn't mean it like that, I was aiming for Shamu!"

He thought the villain was a whale!

Yu couldn't take it. She burst out laughing, her head on her arms as she pounded the table with a clenched fist, her muffled laugh ringing through the room. This Parker was a riot!

"Oh...oh...Oh boy," Yu panted as she rubbed her eyes, "I needed a good laugh."

"Uhh, you're welcome?" Peter offered.

"Actually I am," said Yu, "You and Shinji really made things easy for me today. I'm Mt. Lady, by the way."

Peter's eyebrow rose a little, "Your superhero name is Mt. Lady... and who is Shinji?" Yu then snapped his fingers.

"Oh right, Kamui Woods."

The brow just went up and Yu mentally slapped himself. This kid was American, of course he didn't know any of the local heroes.

"Do you remember the lumber guy you were trying to tie up, pfft." She smiled. "Shamu?" She tried to be serious but failed. Peter's eyes flew open.

"Oh, the wooden arm guy!"

"Yes, that guy." Yu smiled, "He was really annoyed that I had my eye on the prize."

"You mean...defeat Shamu?"

The blonde nodded, "Yes. Here in Japan, a professional hero's salary depends on how many villains we catch, how much we help everyone with our quirks, rescue others, or use those quirks for general jobs, and much more, depending on your certification! "

Peter nodded, absorbing the information like a sponge. "And your, your quirk, is... increasing the size of your dough? Like, Gulliver? Or like in that movie 'Honey, I shrunk the kids?' he guessed. "I mean, given your hero name, it makes sense."

"I... have never heard of a Gulliver or that movie unless it's some American B-movie, but you're correct. My Quirk is Gigantification" clarified Yu, "I can go from my height to sixty-three meters tall .amazing, right?" The blonde smiled, eyes closed as the rookie hero preened.

Peter shrugged, "It's not the first time I've seen this."

Yu's smile fell from his face, eyebrows arched in confusion. "Same?" Seriously?

"Yeah, and the giant guy I fought once, not Shamu, but another guy, he could get smaller too, like the size of an ant."

Oh, this is so unfair! Someone can change their size at will! Yu snorted, crossing his arms. "Well, not all of us can have a power pack." She blinked and glared at him, making Peter flinch a little. "Speaking of which, what's your quirk? Is it spitting web from your wrists? Like, converting your bloodstream to web?"

Peter blinked and then shook his head. "No, my ah, web-shooters are just a part of my costume."

Part of the costume? "Huh, who made them?"

Peter scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I made."

"You did!" Yu exclaimed.

"In my garage originally," he added. "With some help they were improved, of course! By Mr...Stark." He said, looking a little dejected, but the superhero didn't care. Peter did these things? According to the report, these webs were strong enough to catch a falling power line.

What are these things made of? How he made the intricacies of a projectile shooter out of a material strong enough to hold power lines and keep the pliers from cutting them! They needed blowtorches for silk.

This kid is getting weird by the minute.

"In your garage originally before some Stark guy tweaked them huh... Cool. So that's your stunts? Is that it?"

"I really do not know."

Now it was Yu's turn to raise an eyebrow? Her mask didn't help, but Peter got the message.

"I mean, I'm so much stronger and more flexible and there's… there's this feeling I get when something's about to hit me and it helps me to react. That's it."

"Hmm." Yu hummed, puffing out his cheeks and frowning in thought.

That was an interesting set of powers. What kind of combination led to what he had? Attribute quirks, perhaps? Yu grumbled, she knew she should have paid more attention in the Quirk Apps class.

"So, uh..." Peter said pulling Yu out of her thoughts.

"So..?" she prodded with a tilt of her head.

"Your uh... English is very good."

Yu nodded and his smile grew to split his face in two. English was one of the subjects she excelled at at UA, thanks in part to the American grandfather she spoke to when attending the prestigious academy. "Thank you! Japanese may be my native language, but English has made me quite fluent! Do you know any other languages?" she asked.

"I know a little spanish."

"Have you ever wanted to go to Spain?"

"Uh no, I didn't leave the states until..." He trailed off, his shoulders slumped as he looked away, thinking of something else, and Yu frowned in spite of herself. Boy, he was doing so well too and now she just had to call him back in a bad mood… whatever he was in a bad mood for. None of that! What kind of hero would she be if she couldn't help but smile like a poor hormone-ridden teenager!

"Can you get down?" She asked, looking at Kimihito. The mime nodded, using his gestures to lower the invisible wall. When she gestured to knock, feeling nothing, she walked around the table and stopped in front of the teenager.

"Hey," she said as gently as she could, getting up and putting her hand on Peter's shoulder, "Don't let this get to you. You'll get a notice and be on your way when your parents arrive and -"

Peter let out a laugh so devoid of humor it made Yu's heart ache. He didn't meet her eyes, looking down at the floor. "Yes, why should I. I just broke the law." He growled, half angry at being slighted and half sad about something else. And Mt. Lady felt nostalgic looking at Peter… because it was like looking at herself once.

"Yes, you did." Yu admitted. "But who doesn't! People speed over the limit in their cars every day. Who cares if you broke the law? Everyone once in their life broke this peculiar law. I know I did. Kamui Woods, my colleague made one time. We all do."

"Wouldn't the police mind?" Peter offered.

"Pssht," Yu waved, "Don't worry about them, just think of all the people you helped me save." Peter looked up and Yu smiled at him, giving him the best thumbs up. "You went there to help. That makes you a hero in my book."

The boy was silent, but gave a small smile of thanks. "Thanks." He muttered, taking a deep breath.

"Just wait a little longer, you'll be swinging around town saving everyone in no time. You'll probably be sent back home to America, but I know you'll be a great hero someday!" Yu said with praise.

Before Peter could answer, he was interrupted when a voice in Japanese called from the hallway.

"Mt. Lady-san!"

Yu and Peter looked at the hallway where the shy intern ran towards them.

"Peculiar unregistered user is wreaking havoc downtown. Death Jaw is on the scene, but there's a hostage!"

"Where?" Yu asked in Japanese.

"In the center, in front of the station."

"I will be there," Mt. Lady nodded, leaving the cell.

"Wait what's going on?" He asked.

Peter started to get up, but Yu caught a finger. Sei noticed the movement and moved his hands quickly, lifting the invisible wall.

"You stay here." She switched back to speaking in English. "Hostage situation with a villain. I have to deal with it."

"Leave me-!"

"I said you had to wait," Yu interrupted in a more serious tone, "You don't have your license and you're still waiting for a call. Just let the professionals handle things for now."

Peter fell back onto the bed and Yu felt like he knew what it was like to kick a puppy. "I'll see you before you leave." she promised. "I'll be back. I promise."

With that, she fired, dodging the cops on her way out of the station.


Peter watched her leave and sat up in bed, breathing hard as he gripped their intertwined hands tightly. Sei stood at attention at the cell entrance as usual.

And to think that someone was being held hostage… someone was in trouble.

He looked at Sei who had his hands behind his back. "Hey uhh...Mr Mime?" he asked, waving his hand. The Mime noticed him, eyes focused. "So uhhh…do you have a phone?"

The mime arched an eyebrow. "I'm not running away! You've got the wall cutting this table in half, right? So I can just like it," Peter sat down on the stool, pulling it over the table and sitting down. He hit the invisible wall. "I just want to get a lead on the hostage situation. Transmit the news? Or can you...at least understand what I'm saying?"

The mime shook his head. Peter sighed, biting his bottom lip and getting up and going back to bed. He lay back, looking up at the ceiling and inhaling and exhaling. "Damn it." He muttered under his breath.

There was someone in trouble, and he's stuck in this stupid cell. And he cannot act. He could escape...but Mr. Fukuda and Mt. Lady were so nice and talked to him about the laws… He had already broken a law today, even if it was out of ignorance. And he got some old man to read his mind or something...

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to force himself to take a nap. This whole spectacle must be some kind of dream... And the contacts must be arriving soon...

One of the officers came back with some pizza, which was a welcome relief. Peter managed to eat… the entire pie due to skipping breakfast and the physiology of his body requiring high amounts of calories before returning to his bunk. The grumpy officer who was with the mime left without saying anything. Or even replying to him, just saying "Heru isu Pizza".

More than an hour passed before Peter heard footsteps in the detention area, making him open his eyes. He must have fallen into a nap. He sat up, watching Fukuda Botan enter with a briefcase.

"Any word?" he asked, getting to his feet.

"Apologies for the delay Mr. Parker." Botan said as she sat in the chair across from Peter as the boy did the same. "We've dealt with the hostage situation and the villain is being detained." With that word, Peter saw that older policeman who had given him the pizza walk behind him down the hall and...

What's up with the slime-filled gallon of milk?

"Anyway." He said, picking up a notepad and pen. "I was hoping we could start our interview."

"What's the word. In my contacts. The embassy?" asked Peter. "Did you put Tony Stark or May Parker on the line?" he asked in rapid fire, eyes wide and hopeful, desperate to hang on to anything.

Mr. Fukuda frowned, digging into his folder as he looked at Kimihito and nodded. The mime made a few gestures and looked like he was lifting something. The chief of police slid some papers across the table to Peter.

"When I got back from the situation, I called the Embassy to double check. Triple check." he spoke, his tone grim as Peter scanned the results, seeing the United States insignia and locating the word Embassy within the insignia.

May Parker Residence: Queens, New York. Married to Benjamin Parker.

No results found in Japan or the United States.

Edward 'Ned' Leeds. Residence: Queens, New York. Son of Leonard and Belle Leeds.

No results found in Japan or the United States.

Michelle 'MJ' Jones. Residence: Queens, New York. Daughter of Brock and Mary Jones.

No results found in Japan or the United States.

Anthony 'Tony' Stark. Residence: Malibu, California and Manhattan, New York. Founder of Stark Industries and the Avengers. Superhero: Iron Man.

No results found in Japan or the United States.


Do not.

Do not.

Just no. Do not.

No no no.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

"No, no." Peter muttered, clutching the paper, glancing back to see if it was a joke. "This this…"

"Mr. Parker, I-"

"No, no!" He roared, grabbing the chair he was sitting on and slamming it against the wall hard and causing it to punch through the wall. "Screw this!" He dropped his arms onto the bed with a scream, snapping them in two and cracking the floor, as he let out a sob. He heard the click of weapons and felt a tingle down his spine and turned.

He saw the Mimic, wide-eyed and nervous, weapon raised while Botan stood still, eyes sad and sympathetic. The boss didn't even move.

"I died... I fucking died... I fucking died... it was real, oh god..." Peter sobbed, coughing and letting out gasps as he started to cry. He reached down, grabbing the sheets and stifling a huge roar.

Everyone... Mr. Stark. Aunt May. Ned. MJ. Even that asshole Flash Thompson, Happy, The Guardians, Doctor Strange.

"I'm dead... I died there... everyone..." He said, feeling a lump in his throat as he continued to cry. He heard a foreign murmur, footsteps and felt a hand on his shoulder. Peter turned, ready to strike...

And he saw the warm eyes of Mr. Fukuda, kneeling beside him.

"I… I'm sorry about everything, Mr. Parker. I really am."

Peter was quiet, breathing deeply. "What… I… I don't know… Uhh…" He stuttered over and over, the pit in his stomach still there. "Why?!!..." He hugged Mr. Fukuda, strong.

"艦長!" He said a voice, said the old pizzeria clerk, poking his head through the door. Peter didn't care, feeling Fukuda's hands on his shoulder.

"Mr. Parker." Botan said softly as Peter looked up, his eyes red with tears as the older Japanese boy placed his hand on his head. "We...need to do our interview. So...we need to go from there."

"But how?" Peter squealed, chin moving up and down as he closed his eyes, sobbing a little.

"I don't know... I've never felt like this but... protocol is protocol, Mr. Par..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Peter." Peter bit his lip, closed his eyes and nodded.

"Ok… well…" Peter… felt lost. To drift. He didn't know what the hell he was going to do. Botan turned to the chair and walked to the other end and sat down. Peter spotted the bench that the old man, Araki was his name, he didn't remember, used it and took it and placed it at his end of the table. "Sorry about...well...the chair and the bed..." He whispered softly, eyes glued to the steel table.

"It's okay. Most inmates tend to do damage anyway. We have spares" Botan assured. "Now, I just want to know about you and correlate what Hyu-sensei gave us… then we can proceed from there."

"Where do I go?" asked Peter. The redhead ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath.

"We'll… cross that bridge when we get there. Is that the saying?" he asked, Peter nodded. "Okay then..." He heard a pen being clicked. "Do you want to start from the beginning?"


"All right." He reached into the briefcase, grabbed a smartphone or some recording device, and pressed something. "This interview is confidential and covers all matters relating to the police department or the law. The suspect in question is American, so this interview will be conducted in English." He paused, turning to Peter. "Let's get started, Peter."


"What is your name."

"Peter parker."

"How old are you."


"Where is your place of birth and residence." Botan scribbled in pen.

"Queens, New York City."

"You have parents?" Peter wanted not to answer, but… he had to get through this. He was feeling numb.

"I used to."

"What happened to them?"

"They died in a plane crash when I was very young, just three years old."

"I see, that's sad. Who are your guardians then, in that case." Peter bit his lip.

"Aunt May Parker."

"Do you have an uncle?" Peter took a deep breath. He remembered Uncle Ben's joy when celebrating his birthday, taking him for a bike ride, teaching him how to make gadgets in the garage...

And how he died... and was buried.

"Yes... Uncle Ben... He passed away... two years ago."

"I see. I'm sorry."

"Me too." Peter muttered.

"What are you doing in Japan?" Botan asked, and Peter looked at him, silent. "Mr. Parker. I'll ask again. What are you-"

"I don't know, I... I was dead... or I think I was."

"You died?" Botan asked rhetorically. "How?"

"Yeah... It's a long story." Peter whispered, heart still aching from the revelation. Botan remained silent and nodded.

"It's okay. Tell me. As wild as it is." Peter raised his head.

"If... If I told you that... I came from a world without... quirks and there were only a few, very few, people with superpowers... with wizards and big, powerful aliens and rocks formed from the Big Bang that can do crazy things... all caused by some giant purple alien muscle guy... would you believe me?" Peter was ready for the incredulous look again.

But Botan was serious, shaking his head as his eyes flickered to his briefcase for a minute and then back to Peter.

"Yes. Now, tell me from the beginning. How did you come to Japan?"

The brown haired boy took a deep breath, biting his lip. "I'll start...from the beginning. How I became Spider-Man then...that should give you a clearer picture." Peter heard light footsteps in the hallway, but he paid no attention.

"Tell me everything."

And so he told him.