
MHA: Sandman

A boy reincarnated into the MHA universe with the quirk to control sand. A journey of a hero, who obsess over the world's attention. All secrets shall be hidden beneath the Sand. Note: No harem MC will not be Logia like Crocodile (One Piece) My first novel, so quality is not guaranteed. Disclaimer: Neither the original stories (My Hero Academia) nor the cover belongs to me. This piece of work is a fanfiction and is not meant for commercial purposes of any form.

Hitomi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

I slowly trudge along the wall of this hidden alley, my leg hurting like hell. Well, at least that's the only injury this time. Though I'm hungry and tired and mad and dissatisfied and injured and sleepy. Really, to think that "perfect coverup" that I wished for is to be some sort of lab rat for this shady organization before exploding everything once I got 12yo?

Even the heroes that try to save all the test subjects die in the explosion. Never seen them in the anime before though, so probably some random heroes A, B, and C. Actually, those researchers wanted to create perfect soldiers, but with superpowers, aka quirk. So, I "coincidentally" succeed their test, then trained further in martial arts which are "coincidentally" the same as what I've learned in my past life, becoming one out of three successful super soldiers.

And when I hit 12yo, some heroes found out about the lab and try to save all the test subjects, yet some random stuff happens which cause an explosion. And "coincidentally" not a single one of those researchers survived because they "coincidentally" are in a meeting room at the time of the explosion, all of them. The heroes and the other two test subject died too, though.

As a result, I, subject #21, am the sole survivor of the explosion with excellent martial arts skill and quirk capabilities. By the way, some of those who survived are killed by me because they seem like a pain? I think I killed a few researchers, one hero, and two test subjects? Might be a few more, though. I just kill whatever moved because they seem like they can disturb my future peace. Not to mention that their existence might cause a major deviation from the canon, which kinda sucks for me.

As for my injury, well, actually this pain is nothing much to me. But if I got too far away from the explosion site, then who will save me and listen to the "truth" of the situation right? So here I am, walking like a slug while letting my mind wanders. I can already hear the police siren though, so I need to act just a little bit longer.

I mean, I can't have them see this grin of mine now, can I?


(Random Chief Inspector POV)

After hearing the explosion, all officers within the area are made to go to the explosion site and evacuate all civilians within the area.

When I arrived, there are two police cars in front of me blocking the road with two of the officers standing by on the driver seat while another two are standing outside. Considering that I immediately come here right after the explosion, they must be much closer at that moment.

"Report," I asked.

"Sir, the explosion happened in the illegal lab that we get briefed on before. Three pro-Heroes have stormed the premise, and they have yet to come out. We are currently standing by to check the premise, though we have yet to do so due to the risk of collapse."

This is not good. If the three heroes have yet to come out even now, they might be incapacitated.

"Wait here and secure the perimeter, I will check further in," was the command that I gave them before heading deeper on foot.

The air reeks of chemicals. Seems like I really can't head inside just yet. And when I walk around the ruined building, I see a trail of blood.

Survivor; hopefully, a soul worthy of protection. I really don't want to meet a living criminal right now. Especially if the said criminal is involved in this.

As I follow the trail, it ended at a pair of leg. And when I look up...

I forgot to breathe.

A teenager, with a face akin to a magnum opus of a master artisan. His expression is the incarnation of innocence. His skin is fair, like the first snowfall that has yet to be sullied. Those red eyes with the shade of ruby, looking right at me. Combined with his cold expression, it creates an image of a doll, carefully crafted by the loving hand of a master. He donned a pure white hospital robe, though there's a glaring patch of red on the leg.

"Hey," I try calling out to him. His response is to back away from me, before slowly addressing me.

"I'm sorry, but please show me your badge first, mister" his monotone voice rang out.

"Relax kid, here," as I said that, I show him my police badge. Seeing a legitimate badge, I notice he calms down, even if it's only slightly.

"Come," I gestured with my hand. Once he is close enough, I put my hand under his arm and slowly support him to the other officers. From afar, I can see a few heroes and ambulances have arrived, probably when I went around the building.

"Take him for first aid, then bring him to the hospital," I said, before passing him over to the ambulance's staff. Once he is carried far enough, I look around for any pro-Hero nearby. Midnight from Saitama district is there, getting statements from those who were nearby during the incident. I meet with her and ask her to escort the boy inside the ambulance.

"A suspect?" she asked me. Once she sees me nod, she replied with another nod before boarding the ambulance.

While I don't want to suspect someone who's clearly a victim, that boy is the only lead that we have right now. Not to mention that to survive such an explosion, a quirk is a must. That boy is probably a quirk user, which is why I requested a Hero to follow them. Again, I pray, that the boy is innocent.

This will be a long night.


"Hey boy, can you speak? Your injury is not that severe."

I glanced at her. Sky blue eyes, long eyelashes, spiky dark-purple hair, that pretty face, and that deadly curve. 18+ Only Hero: Midnight is a rather fitting name. While there's a part of me that tempts to stare at those beautiful views, I've got a role to play.

You see, with my power right now, I've no problem living in this world. To make my life here more fun, I've decided to adopt a persona, or my "character", in this story. A roleplay, that will last for as long as I live.

"Hey, miss Hero."

I want to be the gentlest person there is. Then, with my tragic childhood as an excuse,

"I almost mistook you for an angel, you know?"

I will teach some villains despair like never before. In secret, for sure. I won't repeat my past mistake you see?

"My name is subject 21."

So surely this time, I will get the cheers that I so desperately wished for.

"A pleasure to meet you."

Envisioning the future, I suppress the rising urge to grin.

And I flashed her my gentlest smile I can muster.


(Midnight POV)

"A pleasure to meet you," the boy said, before he gives me a gentle smile.

Usually, such an innocent smile would arouse me. But my instinct as a hero says that there's something hidden beneath that smile, which sobers me a little. This boy… might not be as innocent as he appeared. Not to mention that the name's weird as well.

"Well boy, tell me what happened inside there."

I noticed his eyes widen, before dimming immediately. Sorry boy, I know it's not really appropriate to interrogate a victim like this, but you are also a suspect at the same time.

"Um, about that, I'm the criminal, miss," he paused, glanced at me, before continuing, "I've killed the heroes that stormed inside, along with some other people. I'm willing to accept my punishment."

Huh? Perplexed, I told him to explain from the beginning.

"The lab was used to experiment on quirk users, to create a perfect soldier. As you can guess from my name, I'm one of the test subjects," again he paused, with his eyes trembling, he took a deep breath, "and I've been ordered to kill the intruders, which I did. And they ordered me to k-kill the other test subjects that've been released from their cells, which I did… And once the researchers let their guard down, I killed them too."

As he nearing the end of his sentence, his face of indifference slowly cracked, becoming more and more humane. Until all I see is a boy, desperately holding back his tears. He looked at me, tears just waiting to fall, and he asked, in a small voice,

"Miss hero, I'm a villain now, aren't I?"

A question, yet what I hear is a confirmation of a slightly broken boy. Not knowing how to answer, I hug him tight. I can feel his body freezes up for a moment before he hugs me back, accompanied by all of his pent-up emotions. His tears that he desperately holding now falls freely on my shoulder. I listened to his cry and his repeated apologies, like a record play on loop.

A boy so beautiful, yet ruined by some crazy bastards. I want to tell him that it is fine, that it is not his fault. That all those who made him like this deserved death.

But I can't say anything. He is still a suspect, his story yet to be proven. As a hero, I can't show him support until there's enough proof. So, all I did is hug him tighter. At least I can lend him my shoulder, is what I thought. And I closed my eyes.

But I did not notice how his facial expression changes once he confirmed that I've closed my eyes. How his pursed lips slowly grow wider, insane grin sported on his face. And his eyes that narrow in joy, maniacal glint lights up deep within. How his trembling changed from those of distress to those of excitement.

Ignorance is bliss, isn't?

Urm, sorry guys. Seems like the story is not really moving, ahaha. My bad. I'm still learning how to pace my story, but building some background story is kinda fun to me so I got distracted.

Anyway, feel free to share your suggestion or whatever. While I might not use all of them, I really appreciate them.

Hitomicreators' thoughts