
MHA: Logan

A 20 something year old shut-in dies while watching Logan. What cruel destiny does fate have in store for him? TLDR; Man dies then wakes up with powers of wolverine. =•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•= **WARNING THIS FANFIC HAS ALREADY BEEN DROPPED CHAPTERS** As I stated before, after working on this fanfic for a while I realized that the powers of wolverine are fairly boring in the world of MHA, as such this FanFic has been scrapped. (I felt it was a waste for all my work to go to waste so I decided to upload this anyway) Enjoy 5 chapters/week while I work on my other Fic! ————————————————— I do not own any of the MHA/Marvel franchise characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All MHA/Marvel characters and original storyline belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Martin Goodman/Stan lee respectively. I do not own the cover artwork used on this FanFic either.

TheBaldWizard · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Cadet Training || 1.6k

He was not alone.

He sensed another presence in the room, a faint heartbeat. He reacted instantly, extending his Metal claws and spinning around to face the intruder.

He leaped at the stranger with a snarl, aiming for the throat, but stopped himself at the last moment. His claws hovered just a centimeter away from the man's skin.

"At ease, cadet," the man said calmly.

Logan felt a surge of shock and confusion as he looked at the man's face.

Was that Nick Motherf*cking Fury? The one-eyed always paranoid agent who ran S.H.I.E.L.D?

What the hell was he doing in MHA?

Fury was sitting on Logan's bed as if he owned the place, holding an M9 pistol in his hand. He gave Logan a piercing look, scanning his features and stance.

"Nice reflexes," he said with a hint of impression.

"But you need to work on your stealth awareness.

You didn't even notice me until I reached 15 bpm." He got up from the bed and slapped Logan on the back.

"Walk with me, Logan," he ordered.

"We need to talk."

>>> The Next Day <<<

Logan could be seen enjoying his dinner in the cafeteria. His plate piled with a bizarre combination of every food item he could find. Chicken, beef, hot-dogs, rice, french fries, mushroom stew, pancakes, sushi, ice cream, salad, cheese, and chocolate cake.

He had even grabbed a fish head from the seafood section and stuck it on top of the mountain of food in front of him.

"It doesn't taste that bad, you know," he said to multiple cadets who were sitting in front of him with more than normal plates.

"Besides, a single dish at a time would taste plain and boring. This way, I get to experience everything at once."

The cadets could only shake their heads in disbelief as they watched him devour the meal as if it were a heavenly feast. They wondered how he could stomach such a weird and disgusting mix of food without getting sick.

Sighing as he stood up from his seat, Logan grabbed a cup of Milk-Orange-apple-Coffee-Soda, a concoction he had invented himself and claimed to be the best drink ever. He ignored the disgusted faces of his friends as he left the cafeteria, fizzy liquid in hand.

His mind wandered as he recounted the proposition Nick Fury had approached him with.

It sounded simple enough, but Logan knew it was anything but that.

He had never been to Japan before, and he didn't speak a word of Japanese.

And then there was the question of why. Why did Fury want him to go to UA? What was his ulterior motive? Logan knew that THE Nick Fury never did anything without a reason, and he didn't trust him one bit.

Was he trying to get rid of him, or use him for some secret mission? Was he testing him, or grooming him for something bigger? Logan had no clue, and Fury wasn't telling.

Fury had made it clear that this was not the only way he could go to Japan. He could find another sponsor or another agency to send him there, hell he didnt need to go to japan at all if he didnt want to.

"We'll take care of everything. Housing, food, money. You name it, we'll provide it." Nick's words echoed in Logan's ear.

He had a vague idea of what MHA was about. He had watched a few episodes of the anime, but he didn't pay much attention to the details.

He knew that the main class, with the green-haired kid who could break his bones his would face a lot of trouble from villains.

They would attack them at least twice, once before some big tournament and once after they finished their Midterms exams. Or was it after their finals?

The bottom line was, if he chose to go to UA, and he happened to be in the same class as the main characters, not only would he have to learn Japanese in six months, but he would also have to fight off a bunch of villains who wanted to kill him and his classmates.

So what?

A fifty-fifty chance of having a goodtime?

Logan's mouth curled into a grin.

He had no interest in staying at this crappy academy for the rest of his time here.

He had already transferred to MHA, he might as well make the most of it, see what the hype was all about.

Besides. Nick's conditions were easy enough to accomplish as-is.

>>> 3 Months Later <<<

Logan dodged a massive metal fist that swung at his head, barely escaping a crushing blow.

He retreated from the metallic menace that towered over him, mocking his efforts.

"You call that a punch? You're tickling me, kid!" General Steele sneered.

Logan felt a surge of frustration and excitement. He needed to hit harder, faster, smarter. The only problem was he was completely forbidden from using his claws.

With a roar, Logan charged at Steele, smashing his fist into his metal face.

Steele barely blinked, grabbing Logan's wrist and swinging his other arm for a counterattack.


Logan dropped to the ground, avoiding a fatal blow. He sprang back up, snapping his head back. He used Steele's grip on his wrist to propel himself forward, and slammed his skull into the general's nose.

Steele was about to deliver the final blow, but Logan reacted quicker. He rolled away from the metal fist that shattered the ground.

He sensed his wound closing up, his forehead becoming whole again.

He sprang to his feet, seizing the opportunity. Steele had left himself open, and Logan would make him pay for it.


Logan felt his legs rip as he dashed towards Steele in a blink of an eye.


He ignored the itch in his knuckles, the urge to unsheathe his claws. He pulled back his right arm, gathering all his strength.


Steele had barely recovered, raising his arms to shield his face from Logan's attack.

"Eat this you metallic f#ck!"


The ground shook as Logan's fist smashed into Steele's chest, his knuckles bending under the steel frame.

But he didn't care.

Logan's fist smashed into Steele's face with a thunderous impact, sending him flying backwards like a missile.

He crashed through several trees, splintering them into pieces. He finally landed several hundred meters away, creating a huge crater in the ground that shook the earth.

Logan watched as Steele climbed out of the crater, his metal body shifting and morphing back into his human form.

He was covered in dirt and blood, but he didn't seem to be in pain. He looked at Logan with a mixture of shock and admiration.

"That was one hell of a punch, cadet."

"I had my doubts about letting you start training on your own this early, but i think its become clear my training has only been slowing you down."

Logan grinned as he walked towards General Steele.

"You seem happy, cadet." Steele said while taking off his vest and throwing it onto the ground with such force that it created another crater. He then removed his boots, gloves, and belt, tossing them aside as well, little craters forming as each of them touched the ground.

He looked much lighter and faster without the extra weight.

Steele turned his head and cracked his neck on both sides, then stretched his arms and legs.

"It's time I get a little serious." He said with a smirk.

Logan scanned the General's body and felt a surge .

'Is everything he's wearing weighted? How strong is he really?'

"Ready yourself, boy. It's time for round two. Let's see how well your healing can cope with this."

He said as he clenched his fists and assumed a fighting stance.

With a loud bang, General Steele launched himself at Logan, punching straight into the ground.

Logan couldn't react at all. The general was just too fast.

"We will train until you can make me bleed."

What followed can only be described as a one-sided massacre.

Every time Logan tried to do anything, the general would just counter it perfectly, as if reading his moves before he even made them. Craters in the shape of Logan's body littered the training field.

Logan's healing factor became slower and slower.

Slower than he had ever felt it before.

'I have to finish this soon.'

Logan gritted his teeth and glared at General Steele.

"Given up, cadet? Where's the tenacious spirit I saw before?" Steele taunted.

Logan crouched down, his form like that of an Olympic runner. If he couldn't outsmart him, then brute force was the only way to go. He propelled himself towards Steele's direction.

Steele laughed madly at this display. "You never know when to give up, do you."

As Logan threw his punches, they were only met with blocks, dodges, and counters. Every blow on Logan's body created a new wound.

His healing factor could barely keep up hits could be seen exchanged faster than ever before. With a loud bang, their fists collided and slid each of them back 10 meters.

"Let's stop here." Steele commented as his body came to a stop.

"But I didn't even make you bl-"

Logan stopped mid-sentence as he looked at Steele's body. A few gashes and wounds on his chest, arms, and legs. Blood was dripping from his metal skin, staining the ground.

He then looked down at his own arms and winced. His claws were out, sharp and gleaming. He didn't even realize he had deployed them during the fight.

But General was not mad, far from it.

He had a huge smile on his face, showing his teeth like a predator. His eyes sparkled with excitement and malice.

This was bad.

Very bad.

"I'm going to make the next three months of your life hell." He said in a low voice that sent shivers down Logan's spine.

This was worse than bad.

This was a nightmare.