
MHA: Judgement

"I was the one chosen to purge this world of evil..." Born with a quirk so powerful that people started calling him many things such as Judgement, Punisher, God and/or Satan All might may have been the Symbol of Peace...But Law was the Angel of God himself in the eyes of others...

GodKingSolo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Slave to Servant

(Slave Auction)

In an unknown area, there were tons of people lined up in rows of seats whilst they all wore masks. There also happened to be a stage Infront of all these seats in which were a dozen people all on their knees with bags over their heads and chained together.

Two more people with masks stood on the stage with all black suits on. They grabbed one of the chained up people and unchained them while also removing the cloth.

Unlike the others, The boys hands were completely sealed which could only mean that he had a powerful emitter type quirk.

When he was revealed, Many in the crowd were in awe of his appearance. He had a dark purple raven colored hair with extremely beautiful Red Jade eyes colored eyes. His body was so well built that everyone at first glance thought the boy was adult

And not only that but he plenty of scars from whips all over his torso, arms, backs and more showing how defiant he was.

"This is Number 11. Although slaves aren't usually used for battle, It's powerful ability to see all your memories with a touch makes it a deadly interrogation force.

It is extremely well disciplined although it took time to tame it and the starting bid is 500,000!" The suited masked man auctioned.

Instantly plenty of people starting bidding until only two people were left to bid in a heated battle for the boy.





Everyone looked at the man in awe as he decided to bid considerably more higher than last time. Being able to afford that much is by no means a Joke, whoever this figure was clearly had plans for this child if they willed to bid so much.

The boy who was being sold didn't feel any type of way about his current situation. Before he became a slave, he lives happily with his parents until he was six...They discovered that he was a quirkless child and in disappointment was going to drive him to the orphanage.

Instead, some mysterious people stopped them in their tracks and forced the whole family out the vehicle. They captured all of them and sent them to different areas, inevitably splitting their family up.

Those who had no quirk weren't useful to the organization that had kidnapped them, so if you were quirkless you would be killed.

This is when he awakened his power...


"Welcome to your new home...whatever life you lived before this is no longer important. You are now simply a tool to the Kurayami and today we will start by doing a process of elimination..." the man explained to the new slaves while walking back and forth.

He pulled out a special looking touch screen device which could detect and 97% accurately describe a users quirk.

"With this device I can see whether you are useful or useless..." He said which sent shivers down the spine of many.

Our mc was at the end of the line so he would be last to get tested, but he heard what the others said and that what he meant by being useful is by having Quirk...he knew he didn't have one so as the man came closer and closer his way, he cried more and more trying to continually wipe the years falling on his face

'I-(sniff)-Just-(sniff sniff)- wish I had-(sniff)-a Quirk' he thought to himself crying in his head. As he wiped his eyes, he didn't notice the dim glowing light on come from the palm of his left hand.

The man finally made it to him and he only shook his head at the crying brat while putting the monitor to his forehead. "So you can read minds huh..."

(Flashback End)

He was escorted off the stage by three heavily armored and armed men. They took him past his 'New Owner' and shoved him in the back of a limo.

"Good Good" The masked man said watching his purchase being escorted. "With this new slave I won't have to worry about my daughter nearly half as much...Oh Momo" The man said to himself aloud while thinking of his precious daughter.

He went into the Limo with the boy and took his mask off showing a huge scar on the left side of their first. His scar was huge but the sinister smile he had was bigger.

"Look boy, You may feel that because you are now my property, You will still continue to live a life of no free will...but I assure you as long you be a good Servant to my daughter you will have amenities such as weekly pay, free expensive living and more...You can even go under the act as my new adopted son!" He said grinning

"Ok sir, I will protect and serve with my life!" He said with enthusiasm. He had been a slave since he was six so of course after eight years of being a slave, you learn how to kiss ass and make someone feel higher than they are.

"Very good, I see you're whipped into shape already...but I still have my eyes on you...I'll name you Law just because I can see the look in your eyes...You want justice so bad...Now your name is Law, How ironic!" The man said chuckling.

"Oh look..We're home already" The man said looking at the mega mansion house that he owned. Even Law's face showed a small look of being surprised.

'This house is actually nice....as expected of rich corrupt people.' he thought to himself wanting to let out a breathe a disdain. When he was escorted, masked man did not leave out the car but instead rolled his window down to talk to Law.

"As I said, serving my daughter comes with good benefits so enjoy this small taste of freedom I'm allowing you to have boy...If you trouble my daughter even once...You will be the last of your bloodline" the man said threatening before driving off.

Upon driving off, the restraints on his hands and neck were unlocked instantly giving Law and extremely powerful surge. The shock of this surge was so powerful that he fell unconscious the moment they came off and he hit the grown.

The guards were mad at this because now they had to drag him in the house only making their job and life harder for a short moment.

(In Laws Head)

'Chosen One...Those whose path was chosen before they even had a chance in life sometimes forget that they were the ones who wrote the script...'

"Who are you what are you talking about, where am I?"

'Chosen One...We are inside your mind right now. Because your power was suppressed for so long, instead of normally growing stronger as you age, Your power multiplied.

You were only given one gift to your left hand...but after a while your power evolved and you gained another power to your right hand...A power that could have helped you a long time ago'

"A gift...? I don't think reading minds is much of a gift" He said trying to understand how he can even be addressed as Chosen.

'Poor Child let me enlighten you. The gift in your left hand, You can create abilities but they are random. You can give yourself or others a random power with your left.

That is how you saved yourself on that fated that child...You gave yourself such a lame power haha. But interestingly, Your right hand developed the opposite type of power. With your right hand you can Erase powers permanently or Nullify incoming Quirk based attacks.

You are the definition of yin and yang with the power you hold. Because your great power has been unsealed, I advice you take advantage of such a wonderful place and hone your abilities.

This is the first and last moment we'll ever have, I'm glad that fate willed for you to live...Bye!'


(Back to Reality)

Law instantly woke up sweating bullets. He was in a bed with his shirt off and tons of fans around him. He saw a girl also sitting next to him, she seemed to be his age as well (14)

"Hi are you okay? The guards brought you in and you looked awful, here's some water" the kind girl offered much to Law surprise.

"T-thanks, My name is Law nice to meet you?" He said with his hand extended. She reached back shaking it and saying "No problem bro, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu and I'm glad your ok" she said with a cheeky smile.

Meanwhile Law took this chance to peep in on her life and he saw many terrible things. 'How can she even smile with all the things she's been through. Having abusive parents who only see you as a profit...forced to train your power consistently even when you have other aspirations in life...'

Law felt conflicted. He couldn't help but blame his kind heart, This girl was being forced to live someone else dream because their heart was too sinister to ever be a hero, Law knew his heart was gold but life dragged him through the mud over and over.

He never really thought about being a Hero...but he looked at his palm and thought about what happened in his mind.

Momo stared at him confused but asked again if he was ok. Law just looked at her with a smile and simply said...

"You don't have to be fake anymore...What makes you hide your pain" he asked curiously.

Momo looked at him with shock, even if she thinks he doesnt know what he's talking about, what he said was too sudden.

"W-what are you talking about?" She said still shocked but wanting to see where this goes.

"Your father bought me from a slave auction...I find it hard to believe that such a unhinged person could properly raise their children" He said with his smile dropping as he layed out the truth.

Momo eyes became wide and she almost wanted to cry. She never thought her father would do something as low as buying slaves, he even told her beforehand that he was going to adopt a new child so she wouldn't always have to be bored. She hugged Law and continued to cry for him.

"I know my father isn't the best person there is and I know being sorry can't change what we went through...But that doesn't change the fact that in my eyes you're now my brother. I'm nothing like him I promise...

I can't believe he would do such a thing Law...I always overlooked when he would beat me because it started after my mother died, he'd always get drunk and hit me but apologize right after and 'convince' me to be a Hero so I can be better than him...

I never thought he would be such a monster...Now he took you away from your family and trying to force us onto you..." She said as millions of thoughts ran through her head.

"And there are more kids out there like me Momo...Even the Pro Heroes can't do anything...Unless I do something now more will continue to suffer...of course I can be glad that I'm free but I can't ditch those who I called my friends...those who could make me smile during tough times...those who are dead" Law said clenching the bed sheets angrily.

He looked at Momo softly, He knew that she would be his greatest asset against that Man and that it would take no time to get on her good side.

"Can I have some time to think for a moment?" He asked her politely and she shook her head and left his room closing the door.

He walked to the window, standing at a height of 5'10. He put his right hand on his chest and focused his mind on taking his Quirk away. In no time a dim white light flashed and he could see a purple soul like thing exit his body.

He could also clearly feel his quirk was gone as even the headache drawback pain from reading minds was gone entirely.

(Cue the epic hero music)

Once this happen, Law clenched his fist and looked into the sunset horizon.

'As long as I'm alive...I get to decide who uses their quirk or not...' He said as his eyes started glowing just from the sheer will he emitted.

Hello New Readers and Potential Fans!

I've made tons of fanfic across different accounts but never finished them and was too scared to confront my audience lol

Hopefully with this book I can stay consistent...

GodKingSolocreators' thoughts