
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs


The first sensation that greeted me as I drifted back to consciousness was pain. It was a dull, throbbing ache that seemed to have taken up residence in every fiber of my being. My body felt like it had been put through a meat grinder, then run over by a truck for good measure. Each breath sent a sharp spike of agony lancing through my chest, and even the simple act of cracking my eyelids open felt like a monumental feat of strength.

Slowly, I managed to pry my eyes open, immediately regretting it as harsh fluorescent light stabbed into my retinas. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog that clung to my mind like cobwebs. Gradually, the blurry shapes and colors around me began to coalesce into recognizable forms - the sterile white walls, the gleaming metal surfaces, the unmistakable trappings of a hospital room.

As I lay there, trying to gather my scattered thoughts, a faint, tinny sound caught my attention. It took me a moment to place it as the voice of a television anchor, the volume turned down low, as if to avoid disturbing the room's occupants. I strained my ears, trying to make out the words through the haze of exhaustion and discomfort.

"...breaking news from the U.A. hero academy," the anchor's voice crackled, fading in and out like a badly tuned radio. "...attack on the Unforeseen Simulation Joint...class 1-A..."

In an instant, memories of the USJ came flooding back - the swirling mists, the leering villains, the monstrous form of the Nomu. My heart began to race as I struggled to focus on the anchor's words.

"...All Might arrived on the scene...defeated a large villain with a mutant quirk..." the voice continued, growing marginally clearer as my concentration sharpened. "...U.A. staff apprehended 87 villains...student in critical condition..."

My breath caught in my throat, a sudden chill washing over me. A student in critical condition? Who? Images of my classmates flashed through my mind - Kyoka, Momo, Kacchan... were they okay?

"...identity of the student unknown...U.A. has chosen not to comment..."

The anchor's voice faded into the background as I struggled to sit up, my body screaming in protest with every movement. I had to find out what had happened, had to make sure my friends were safe. But even as I tried to push myself upright, a wave of dizziness and nausea crashed over me, sending me slumping back against the pillows.

The sudden movement must have alerted someone, because I heard a sharp intake of breath, followed by the rustle of shifting fabric. "Izuku?" a familiar voice called out softly, thick with worry and fragile hope. "Are you awake?"

Painfully, I turned my head to the side, and there was my mother. She was sitting in a chair beside the bed, her eyes red and puffy, as if she'd been crying for hours on end. Her green hair, so much like my own, was disheveled and unkempt, and her clothes were wrinkled, like she'd been sitting in that chair for days.

"Mom," I croaked, my voice dry and raspy, my throat feeling like I'd swallowed a fistful of sand. "Where... where am I?"

Mom leaned forward, her hand reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from my forehead. Her touch was feather-light, as if she was afraid I might shatter at the slightest pressure.

"You're in Recovery Girl's office, Izuku," she said softly, her voice wavering slightly. "They brought you here after the attack on the USJ."

I blinked, my sluggish brain struggling to process this information. Recovery Girl's office... that meant I was still at U.A., still within the walls of the school that had become like a second home to me.

"How long..." I started, but my voice cracked, the words sticking in my throat. I swallowed, tried again. "How long have I been out?"

Mom's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her lower lip trembling slightly. "Three days," she whispered, as if saying it out loud made it more real, more terrifying. "Recovery Girl said your body needed time to heal on its own before she could use her quirk. You had so many injuries, Izuku. We didn't... we didn't know when you were going to wake up."

Her voice broke on the last word, a single tear escaping to trail down her cheek. I felt a pang in my chest that had nothing to do with my physical injuries. Seeing my mother like this, so worried, so frightened... it was almost worse than the pain wracking my body.

I wanted to reach out to her, to comfort her somehow, but my arms felt like lead weights at my sides. All I could do was offer a weak, reassuring smile, trying to convey with my eyes what I couldn't say with words.

"I'm okay, Mom," I managed, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm going to be okay."

She nodded, sniffling slightly as she wiped at her eyes. "I know, baby. I know. You're so strong, so brave. I just... I hate seeing you hurt like this."

I understood. If our positions were reversed, if it was her lying in this bed, broken and battered... I didn't even want to imagine the fear, the helplessness I would feel. Or what I would do to the person that did it.

"The others," I said suddenly. "My classmates. Are they...?"

"They're fine," Mom assured me quickly, sensing the direction of my thoughts. "A few minor injuries, but nothing serious. You... you were the worst off, Izuku."

I closed my eyes, relief mixing with guilt in my chest. I was glad my friends were okay, but the fact that I had worried them, worried my mother... it didn't sit well with me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice cracking. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Mom. I didn't mean to..."

"Shh," she soothed, her hand finding mine and squeezing gently. "You have nothing to apologize for, Izuku. Nothing at all. You did what you had to do. You were a hero out there."

I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, a wave of emotion threatening to overwhelm me. But before I could respond, the door to the office opened, and a familiar figure stepped inside.

Recovery Girl, her face lined with concern, hurried over to the bedside, her cane tapping against the floor with each step. "Midoriya, how are you feeling?"

I managed a weak smile, my body still aching with every movement. "I've been better," I admitted, my voice rasping in my throat. "But I'm alive. Thanks to you."

Recovery Girl shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Don't thank me, young man," she said, "Thank your own stubbornness. I've never seen a student fight so hard to survive."

She reached out, and kissed me on the forehead. I felt a warmth suffuse my body, the pain and exhaustion slowly ebbing away as her power worked its magic.

"There," she said, stepping back and giving me a critical once-over. "That should help with the worst of it. But you'll still need plenty of rest and recovery time. Your body has been through quite an ordeal."

I nodded, my eyelids already growing heavy as the fatigue began to take hold once more. "Thank you," I murmured, my words slurring slightly as I fought to stay awake. "For everything."

Recovery Girl patted my hand, her touch gentle and reassuring. "Get some sleep, Midoriya," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "We'll be here when you wake up."

[Tomura Shigaraki's POV]

The news anchor's voice grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. They were going on and on about the USJ attack again, praising the heroes for their quick thinking and the capture of so many villains. But there was no mention of the League, no recognition of the true forces behind the assault.

Snarling, I snatched up the remote, my fingers tightening around the flimsy plastic. There was a satisfying crunch as the device crumbled under my grip, bits of circuitry and casing raining down onto the floor.

"They're still not even talking about us," I spat, glaring at the television screen like it had personally offended me. "It's like we don't even exist."

Kurogiri, ever the attentive servant, activated his quirk. Tendrils of dark mist swirled out from his body, engulfing the remains of the remote and teleporting them away to the trash can in the corner.

"Calm yourself, Tomura Shigaraki," he said, his voice a soothing monotone. "It was merely a setback, a temporary delay in our plans."

I scoffed, my fingers twitching with the urge to disintegrate something else. But before I could give in to the impulse, Kurogiri warped my two-finger gloves onto the table in front of me, along with a tall glass of my favorite cocktail, the Tokyo Slipper.

Sighing, I reached out and grabbed the gloves, carefully sliding them onto my hands using my left thumb and index finger. The familiar weight of the fabric was a small comfort, a layer of protection against my own destructive impulses.

I took a sip of the cocktail, the sweet and sour flavors bursting on my tongue. But even the drink couldn't wash away the bitter taste of defeat that lingered in my mouth.

My thoughts drifted back to the USJ, to the chaos and the carnage of that failed mission. That green-haired kid, the one who had managed to go toe-to-toe with Nomu... there was something about him that set my teeth on edge. A spark of defiance, a refusal to bow down and accept his place as just another pawn in the game.

And then there was All Might. The Symbol of Peace, the hero who had single-handedly defeated the Nomu by overloading its shock absorption quirk. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that even our greatest creation, designed specifically to kill him, was no match for his power.

I shifted in my seat, trying to find a position that didn't aggravate my wounded leg. The pain was a constant throb, a reminder of my own vulnerability. It was a weakness I couldn't afford to show, not in front of my subordinates, my enemies, or my master.

"Kurogiri," I said, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the bar. "When did the doctor say he was going to conference in?"

The misty bartender paused in his cleaning, his glowing yellow eyes fixing on me with a look of careful consideration.

"In approximately three minutes."

I nodded, taking another sip of my drink.

"Warp in my laptop," I ordered, my fingers drumming an impatient rhythm on the sofa. "I want to be ready when he calls."

Kurogiri inclined his head, the black mist of his body swirling as he complied with my request. A heartbeat later, my laptop appeared on the bar in front of me, the sleek black casing gleaming dully in the dim light.

The USJ had been a failure, a humiliating defeat that had left us reeling. But it was also an opportunity, a chance to learn from our mistakes and come back stronger than ever.

We would rise from the ashes of this setback, like a phoenix reborn. We would show the world the true power of the League of Villains, and we would watch as society crumbled beneath our feet.

It was only a matter of time. And when that day came, I would be ready. Ready to take my rightful place as the ruler of this new world, the king of the ashes and the dust.

I had been beaten, but I was not broken. I had been knocked down, but I was not out. I was Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the League of Villains.

And I would have my revenge. On All Might, on that green-haired brat, on the entire hero society that had cast me aside like so much trash.

They thought they had won. They thought they had defeated me.

But they had no idea what was coming. No idea of the storm that was about to break over their heads.

I took another sip of my drink, savoring the burn of the alcohol as it slid down my throat.

Let them have their moment of triumph. Let them bask in their false sense of security.

Because soon, very soon... they would learn the true meaning of fear. They would learn what it meant to face the wrath of Tomura Shigaraki.

And by the time they did... it would be far too late.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

I stirred from my slumber, my eyes fluttering open as consciousness slowly returned. Though still sore, I felt significantly better than before.

Swallowing hard, I pushed myself up into a sitting position, wincing as my sore muscles protested the movement. "Mom?" I called out, my voice hoarse and raspy from disuse.

A sudden silence fell, followed by the sound of footsteps hurrying towards my bed. My curtain was pulled back, revealing the face of my mother.

But before she could say a word, a blur of purple and black shot past her, and I found myself engulfed in a tight hug, a familiar voice ringing in my ears.

"You had us scared there!" Kyoka exclaimed, her arms wrapped around me like a vice.

I let out a surprised yelp, my body stiffening at the sudden contact. But before I could respond, another voice cut through the air, stern and reproachful.

"Young lady, be careful!" Recovery Girl admonished, her cane tapping against the floor as she approached. "You'll harm the poor boy, jumping on him like that."

Kyoka pulled back, "Sorry, Recovery Girl. I got a little carried away."

As she stepped aside, I caught sight of Momo standing behind her, a strange expression on her face. For a moment, she looked almost sad, her eyes clouded with an emotion I couldn't quite place. But then she blinked, and the look was gone, replaced by a warm smile.

"How are you feeling, Midoriya?"

I managed a small smile in return, trying to ignore the way my heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice. "Better," I said, "Still a little sore, but better than before."

My gaze drifted past Momo and Kyoka, landing on my mother. She was standing behind the girls, a knowing look in her eyes as she watched the exchange. When our gazes met, she raised an eyebrow, a silent question passing between us.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and I quickly looked away, trying to focus on the conversation at hand. "What are you two doing here?" I asked, turning back to Momo and Kyoka.

Kyoka grinned, plopping down on the edge of my bed. "We came to see you, of course. Had to make sure our favorite hero was on the mend."

Momo nodded, "We were so worried about you, Midoriya. When we saw you lying there, after the battle..."

She trailed off, and I felt a pang in my chest, a sudden urge to reach out and comfort her. But before I could act on it, Recovery Girl stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tension.

"Alright, alright, that's enough excitement for one day," she said, shooing Kyoka and Momo towards the door. "This young man needs his rest if he's going to make a full recovery."

The girls protested, but Recovery Girl was firm. With a final wave and a promise to come back soon, they reluctantly left the room, leaving me alone with my mother and the elderly hero.

As the door clicked shut behind them, I let out a long breath, suddenly feeling exhausted. My mother moved to my side, taking my hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze.

But as I looked up at her, I was surprised to see a mischievous glint in her eyes, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"So, when should I expect grandbabies?"

I laughed. "It depends on when you want to become a grandmother."

Recovery Girl cleared her throat, drawing our attention. "Now that you're awake," she said, her voice gentle but firm, "we need to discuss your recovery, young man."

I nodded, bracing myself for the news. "How bad was it?"

Recovery Girl sighed, consulting the chart in her hands. "You suffered multiple fractures, severe contusions, and some internal bleeding," she said matter-of-factly. "Not to mention the strain you put on your body by using your quirk so extensively."

I winced, the list of injuries bringing back flashes of pain and fear from the battle. Recovery Girl must have seen the look on my face, because her expression softened.

"But," she continued, "thanks to you coming to me, and your own remarkable resilience, you're well on your way to a full recovery."

I blinked, surprised. "Really?"

"Really. You'll need to take it easy for a while, let your body heal naturally. But with rest and proper care, you should be back on your feet in no time. Just in time for the festival."

Just as I opened my mouth to respond, a knock on the door was heard. Recovery Girl grumbled under her breath, muttering about no more visitors as she made her way to the entrance. However, as she opened the door, her demeanor shifted, "What are you doing out of bed?"

A familiar voice responded, one that I would recognize anywhere. "Is young Midoriya awake?"

Recovery Girl sighed, "Yes, his mother is with him as well."

My eyes widened as All Might entered the room, his imposing figure filling the doorway. He bowed deeply to my mother and me, his voice filled with sincerity as he spoke. "I want to thank you for your bravery during the USJ attack, young Midoriya, and apologize for not being there sooner."

I shook my head, a lump forming in my throat at his words. "You don't need to apologize, All Might. You saved us all in the end. We're the ones who should be thanking you."

My mother nodded in agreement, "We don't blame you at all, All Might. You're the reason my son is alive right now."

All Might straightened, his smile a mix of appreciation and something else I couldn't quite place. "I'm sorry for the trouble, but could I talk to young Midoriya alone for a moment? It'll only take about 15 minutes."

My mother nodded, turning to me with a soft smile. "Is there anything you'd like for dinner, Izuku?"

"Chicken katsu curry."

She chuckled, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before standing up. "I'll be back with that, then." With a final nod to All Might and Recovery Girl, she left the room, the door closing softly behind her.

As soon as we were alone, Recovery Girl turned to All Might, her brow furrowed. "Is this about that?" she asked, her tone cryptic.

All Might nodded, his expression growing serious. Recovery Girl sighed, shaking her head. "I'll be back. I have to make sure Aizawa is resting."

She hobbled out of the room, leaving me alone with the Number One Hero.

All Might pulled up a chair, his large frame dwarfing the small seat as he settled in beside me. For a moment, he simply looked at me, his blue eyes searching my face as if trying to read my thoughts.

"Young Midoriya," he began, his voice low and serious. "What you did at the USJ was nothing short of heroic. You put your life on the line to save your classmates and teachers, and that's a quality that can't be taught."

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. "I just did what I thought was right," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

All Might nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "And that's exactly why I'm here. You see, young Midoriya, I've been searching for a successor, someone to become the next Symbol of Peace."

My eyes widened, my heart skipping a beat in my chest. "So, you've been looking for someone to take up your mantle?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and awe.

All Might nodded, his expression growing more serious. "That, and my quirk as well. It's called One For All, a power that's been passed down from generation to generation, growing stronger with each new wielder."

I stared at All Might, my mind reeling from his words. The Number One Hero, the Symbol of Peace, was offering me his quirk? His legacy? It was almost too much to comprehend.

"One For All," I repeated, the name feeling strange and heavy on my tongue. "A quirk that's been passed down, growing stronger with each user..."

All Might nodded, his blue eyes boring into mine with an intensity that made me want to squirm. "Exactly. And I believe you, young Midoriya, have the potential to be its next wielder."

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. It was an incredible offer, a chance to wield a power beyond anything I had ever imagined. But even as the thrill of possibility raced through my veins, a flicker of doubt crept in.

My mind flashed back to the USJ, to the moment when the Gate of Vision had opened. The clarity, the power that had surged through me... it had been unlike anything I had ever experienced. And it had come from the Tandava, from the quirk I had worked so hard to master.

Could I really take on another quirk? Could I handle the responsibility of wielding both the Tandava and One For All?

And then there was the Sports Festival, looming on the horizon like a beacon of opportunity. It was a chance to prove myself, to show the world what I was capable of. But if I took on a new quirk now, if I tried to learn to wield One For All in such a short time...

Would it help me? Or would it hinder me, leaving me stumbling and unsure in the face of the challenges ahead?

I looked up at All Might, my brow furrowed with thought. "I... I'm honored, All Might. Truly. But... I don't know if I can accept. Not yet, at least."

All Might's eyebrows rose, surprise flickering across his face. "Oh? And why is that, young Midoriya?"

I took a deep breath, trying to organize my racing thoughts. "The Sports Festival is coming up," I said slowly. "And I've been training so hard, pushing myself to be ready for that chance to prove myself."

I met his gaze. "If I take on a new quirk now, if I try to learn to use One For All in such a short time... I'm afraid it might hurt my chances. I might not be able to give my all, to show what I'm truly capable of with the power I've already worked so hard to develop."

All Might was silent for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then, slowly, a smile spread across his face - not his usual brilliant grin, but something softer, more understanding.

"I see," he said, his voice warm with approval. "You're thinking ahead, considering the consequences of your actions. That's a sign of a true hero, young Midoriya."

He leaned back in his chair, his massive frame making the furniture creak. "Very well. I respect your decision. The offer remains open - when you feel ready, when you've had your chance to show the world what you can do with the Tandava... come find me."

I nodded, relief and gratitude washing over me in equal measure. "Thank you, All Might. I will. I promise."

He stood, his tall form casting a long shadow across the room. "I have high hopes for you, young Midoriya. I believe you have the potential to be not just a great hero, but a symbol of hope for the world."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of excitement and trepidation. It was a heavy burden, a great responsibility. But it was one I was determined to shoulder, to prove myself worthy of.

"I won't let you down." I said, my voice steady with conviction. "I'll keep training, keep pushing myself. And when the time is right... I'll be ready to learn what you have to teach me."

All Might nodded, his smile widening. "I know you will, young Midoriya. I have faith in you."

With those parting words, he turned and strode from the room, his cape billowing behind him.

I lay back against my pillows, my mind whirling with thoughts of the future. The Sports Festival, the Gate of Vision, the offer of One For All... it was all so much to process, so much to consider.

But one thing was certain. No matter what challenges lay ahead, no matter what obstacles I might face... I would meet them head-on.

Because that was my dream. That was my destiny.

And with the support of my friends, my family, and the greatest hero the world had ever known...

I knew I could make it a reality.